VDRL Test - Price, Purpose, Procedure, Results, & More

This test identifies antibodies your body may produce in response to the bacteria causing syphilis.

Also known as:  Venereal Disease Research Laboratory Test, Syphilis Screening Test, Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) Test, Toluidine Red Unheated Serum Test

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VDRL (1)

  • VDRL(Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test )


Helps you know your test better

Q. What Is VDRL Test?

A. VDRL RPR Test is a simple blood test used to detect the presence of antibodies produced by the body in response to syphilis-causing bacteria. The test is necessary if your body shows signs of syphilis. It is also used in routine prenatal care.

Q. What If VDRL Test Is Positive?

A. A positive VDRL Test indicates that you may have syphilis. If your reports are positive, your doctor may call for further testing to confirm the status and initiate the treatment at the earliest

Q. What Is The VDRL Test Price?

A. VDRL Test Cost varies from city to city depending on various factors and is available with Redcliffe Labs at Rs 229. We also provide a home sample collection for your convenience.

Q. What Happens During The Test?

It is like any other blood test and requires a sample of your blood for testing. During the examination, your healthcare provider draws blood from your vein to test it further. It is painless, yet it can cause minor bruising or slight discomfort at the punctured site, which soon goes away.

Table of Content

Introduction to VDRL Test

The venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) test is prominently designed to determine whether you have syphilis (a sexually transmitted infection) STI) or not. Syphilis is the result of Treponema pallidum, which infects by penetrating the mouth lining or genital area.

Ideally, the VDRL Blood Test doesn’t examine and monitor the bacteria that causes syphilis; it looks for the antibodies developed by your body in response to antigens produced by those cells damaged by the bacteria. Though antibodies are not just another element of your body but a type of protein produced by your immune system to defend against bacteria or toxic invaders, By comprehending the critical state of your health, your doctor might prescribe a VDRL blood test from the reliable diagnostic center, Redcliffe Labs, to detect antibodies, whether you have syphilis or not.

To undergo the VDRL lab test, you do not necessarily have to wait for the symptoms of syphilis to appear; the test checks for the antibodies produced due to syphilis infection. So, it is plausible that the VDRL-RPR test can be performed whether you have any symptoms or not to determine your health status to plan an effective treatment.

Test Details in Brief:

Also Known As Venereal Disease Reactive Test, Venereal disease research laboratory test, Venereal Disease Serum Test
Purpose Screen for syphilis
Preparation No special preparations required
Fasting No Fasting Required
Get Reports Within Same Day
VDRL Test Price Rs 229

VDRL Test Details

Why do you need to undergo a VDRL test? 

In normal conditions, your doctor will recommend a VDRL blood test if you have any minor chance of getting affected with syphilis. Though early symptoms can alert you to go for a VDRL lab test that includes-

  • Swelling in the lymph nodes near the sore
  • One small, painless sore
  • A skin rash that doesn’t itch.

Symptoms that may call for VDRL test

However, in other cases, your healthcare provider might also screen for syphilis as part of a routine checkup if you are pregnant. It is regarded as a standard test for pregnant women and does not indicate that you have syphilis. The VDRL blood test is also prescribed when you are infected with other sexual infections such as gonorrhea, HIV, or prior syphilis or when you are engaged in higher sexual activity. Though for some patients, a VDRL blood test might bring confusion on how it is going to be performed, which procedure it follows, and whether it carries any risk, to clear your doubts, read on to know the test procedure and its details but first understand the stages of syphilis from normal to severe.

What is the Purpose of the VDRL Test?

The VDRL test identifies bacteria causing syphilis. Treponema pallidum is the name of the bacteria that causes syphilis. On seeing symptoms of sexually transmitted illness, you should take the VDRL test. These symptoms include 

  • Burning or painful urination
  • Weight loss 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Night sweats 
  • Headache or muscle aches
  • Swollen lymph nodes 
  • Bumps, warts, itching, sores, or pain around the genitals, mouth, or rectum. 

A doctor may conduct a syphilis test even if you don’t have any symptoms. The syphilis test price can vary depending on the facility and region. The test is also popularly known as rapid plasma reagin or RPR test. 

What is the VDRL test Used For?

The VDRL test detects antibodies that your body produces in response to the syphilis bacteria. A test result can be either positive or negative. A positive VDRL test means your blood has syphilis, while a negative test means no antibodies to syphilis. 

Redcliffe Labs is an omnichannel PAN India diagnostic lab that offers over 3600 diagnostic tests at an affordable price. You can book the VDRL test from our website or mobile app and use the home sample collection. 

Symptoms That May call for the VDRL Test

Before knowing the symptoms, let’s understand the VDRL test. It is a blood test that detects antibodies produced by the body in response to the syphilis-causing bacteria Treponema pallidum.

Syphilis bacteria spreads from minor to latent, where the symptoms differ in each stage. Let’s examine the symptoms of each stage of the disease. 

Primary Stage 

This is an initial stage. A slight infection starts to appear in your body. In the initial stage, take the treatment. It might assist in early treatment and prevention in the secondary stage. 

Secondary Stage 

At the secondary stage, symptoms such as skin rashes and lesions will appear in the mouth, anus, and vagina. You may develop fever, muscle aches, hair loss, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes. 

Latent Stage 

You may have an illness, but no symptoms appear during this stage. 

Tertiary Stage 

Symptoms appear in the eyes, heart, joints, brain, bones, and blood vessels. However, signs may differ based on the organ affected by syphilis. 

Neurosyphilis and Ocular Syphilis 

Ocular affects the eyes while neurosyphilis affects the nervous system and brain. Some common symptoms of both are headaches, paralysis, change in behavior, dementia, and difficulty in coordinating. 

Some other symptoms of syphilis include: 

  • Tiredness 
  • Headaches 
  • Patchy hair loss 
  • Fever sore throat or swollen glands 
  • Weight loss 
  • Muscle aches 
  • Swelling in the lymph nodes 
  • Small, painless sore, especially on the cervix, throat, or mouth

When Should You Seek Medical Consultation for the VDRL Test? 

If you see symptoms, take the VDRL test. Otherwise, there are several reasons you should seek a medical consultation. These include: 

  • During pregnancy 
  • People who have HIV 
  • Males who have sex with male 
  • Symptoms of syphilis 
  • Recent treatment for syphilis 
  • Might have exposure to treponema pallidum 
  • For a treatment for STI
  • Engage in sexual activities without contraceptives
  • Appearance of chancre 
  • Appearance of sores or rashes

Why Would A Doctor Recommend Taking The VDRL Test?

The test detects bacteria causing syphilis. Your doctor may recommend the test if they see signs or symptoms affiliated with it. However, there are certainly other reasons, these include: 

  • A non-itchy skin rash
  • Swelling in lymph nodes 
  • A small & painless sore
  • In case you have no symptoms of the disease. 
  • If treated for STI 
  • If you’ve been infected with HIV
  • Engaged in high-risk sexual activity. 
  • Already undergone treatment for syphilis. 
  • As a part of a follow-up test. 

What is a VDRL test in pregnancy? 

A doctor may recommend a VDRL test in pregnancy to screen for syphilis by measuring antibodies produced in response to the bacteria that cause syphilis. They can add a VDRL test as a part of routine parental care, ideally at the first prenatal visit, during the third trimester, and at delivery. 

What are the benefits of the VDRL test?

The VDRL test (Venereal Disease Research Laboratory Test) helps in screening for syphilis, neurosyphilis, or another STI. A healthcare provider may suggest a VDRL test if he finds symptoms suggestive of sexually transmitted illness (STI). 

Common symptoms related to needing a VDRL test include body rashes, mild fever, weight loss, swollen glands, headaches, and hair loss.

6 advantages of taking the VDRL test are: 

The advantages of a VDRL test are as follows: 

  1. Helps in the early detection of syphilis: The test helps in the early detection of syphilis. It is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. Early diagnosis of the disease can prevent serious health complications. 
  2. Measures the body’s immune response: The VDRL test is a simple, non-treponemal test that doesn’t detect the actual syphilis bacteria. However, it measures the body’s immune system's response to infection. 
  3. Monitors Treatment Progression: The VDRL test is also performed to monitor the treatment of syphilis by checking for a decline in antibodies. A reduced VDRL titer indicates successful treatment. 
  4. Prevents Congenital Syphilis: A VDRL test is usually recommended for an expecting mom. This is to prevent transmission to the fetus. Early detection can help prevent the disease and complications in newborns. 
  5. Cost-effective: The VDRL test is a commonly used screening tool for syphilis and is inexpensive. 
  6. Detects latent infections: The VDRL test can also detect latent infections. 

What does the VDRL test measure?

The VDRL test (Venereal Disease Research Laboratory Test) measures the presence of antibodies formed in response to damage caused by the syphilis bacterium. 

The test detects non-specific antibodies that can also be produced in response to other conditions, such as infections, pregnancy, or autoimmune disorders. 

A positive VDRL test suggests possible infection with syphilis, but additional tests, such as the FTA-ABS test (Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody Absorption) test, may be required for confirmation. 

Who should take the VDRL test?

The VDRL test detects antibodies in response to the infection. Individuals who should take the VDRL test include: 

  • Patients with symptoms of syphilis, such as sores on the genitals, mouth, or anus. They may have a fever or rash on their palms or soles, swollen lymph nodes, or fatigue. 
  • Individuals who have had unprotected sex: Sexually active individuals, people having a history of STIs, or people diagnosed with syphilis should take the test. 
  • Pregnant Ladies: A syphilis screening test is a routine test for pregnant women to prevent complications such as congenital syphilis. 
  • Individuals with more than 1 STI: A healthcare test is crucial for people who have been diagnosed with other STIs. 
  • Individuals who have been exposed to someone with syphilis: Syphilis is a disease that can pass from one person to another during sexual contact or coming into contact with someone with syphilis. Hence, the need for the test arises for early detection and better outcomes. 
  • Individuals with weakened immunity: As part of comprehensive care, people with weakened immunity should get tested for a VDRL test. 
  • Individuals with a high-risk population, such as men who have sex with men (MSM), should go for regular screening. This helps prevent complications of untreated syphilis, which can affect multiple organs.

The stages of syphilis from primary to latent are

Primary syphilis - At the primary stage of syphilis, you might notice single sore or multiple sores( A location where syphilis entered your body). Generally, these sores occur in or around the penis, vagina, anus, rectum, and lips or mouth in the initial stage. 

These sores are usually firm, round, and painless. As the sores are painless, it gets tricky to notice them. Generally, the sores last for 3 to 6 weeks. However, it is advised to undergo a VDRL lab test; an early treatment will help prevent the infection from spreading to the second stage.

Secondary syphilis: During the secondary stage, you may have skin rashes or sores in your mouth, anus, or vagina. This stage generally starts with a rash on one or more areas of your body. The rash appears when your primary sore is healing or several weeks have passed after the sore has healed. The rashes can be on the palms of your hands or the bottom of your feet and appear rough, red, or reddish-brown. Second-stage syphilis symptoms include fever, sore throat, headaches, weight loss, muscle aches, and fatigue. If not identified by the VDRL blood test at the right time, the secondary syphilis stage can convert into the latent one and possibly the tertiary stage.

Latent syphilis: This is the stage where syphilis worsens, as there are visible signs or symptoms, and people do not take any action against it, making syphilis live in their bodies for years. So the right thing to do for your health is to get tested by a VDRL-RPT test and start treatment as soon as possible.

If you tested positive, it is your first preference to begin taking preventive actions by changing your lifestyle to combat the after-effects of syphilis infection.

Preventive measures that help combat syphilis infection

Syphilis is curable, but only with the help of treatment; it does not go away on its own. However, by making specific changes, you can get help and prevent it from worsening.

These changes can only help to a certain extent. To fight syphilis infection, you must undergo a VDRL lab test as soon as possible. But before making your decision, you must know the test details of the VDRL blood test.

Procedure of VDRL blood test:

In most situations, your healthcare provider will perform VDRL tests by taking blood samples.

The blood will be drawn when your doctor inserts a hollow needle into a vein in the elbow or on the back of the hand. The blood will flow into an airtight collection tube attached to the other end of the needle. To make it easy to locate veins, your healthcare provider may tie a rubber band above the injection site before inserting the needle so the veins can be easily located and the testing can be performed effortlessly. 

After the testing, the VDRL test results help your healthcare provider plan your treatment following your health condition. 

Procedure of the VDRL test

Risks Associated With The VDRL Test 

VDRL test is a simple blood test conducted to test infection spread by bacteria. Drawing blood may have slight side effects. During or after the VDRL blood test, you may experience: 

  • Pain or soreness at the injection site 
  • Bruising or bleeding after the procedure 
  • Dizziness or weakness 
  • Fainting 
  • Hematoma 

What do the normal VDRL test results indicate?

The normal VDRL test means the test results are negative. It suggests the absence of antibodies to syphilis in your blood sample. 

You may test positive in the secondary and latent stages of syphilis. However, the test results may be false-negative during the early and late-stage syphilis. In this condition, a healthcare provider may order additional tests to make the syphilis diagnosis. 

A positive VDRL test means you have syphilis. However, your doctor may recommend further testing to specify the infection. The infection is less sensitive during the earlier and latent stage, which can cause false-positive test results. 

Some conditions that can cause false-positive VDRL test results include: 

  • Lyme Disease 
  • Certain types of pneumonia 
  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 
  • Malaria 
  • Tuberculosis 

Disclaimer: Normal value ranges may differ depending on the laboratory reference ranges. Talk to your healthcare provider to understand what your VDRL test results mean. 

What are the risk factors for the VDRL test? 

Several risk factors can contribute to testing positive for syphilis via the VDRL test, including: 

  • Engaging in unprotected sexual activity: If someone participates in unprotected sexual activity, which means no use of condoms, it can significantly increase the risk of contracting syphilis. 
  • Having multiple sexual partners can lead to syphilis or other sexually transmitted infections. Involving more partners, especially if their sexual status is unknown, can raise the risk of exposure to syphilis. 
  • Have had sexually transmitted infections: If a person has a previous history of STIs, such as gonorrhea or chlamydia, it makes him suspected of contracting syphilis. 
  • If a partner is infected with syphilis: If your sexual partner has been diagnosed with syphilis or any other sexually transmitted infection, there is a high chance of transmission if protection is not used. 
  • Men who have sex with men (MSM) are at a higher risk for syphilis infection. Hence, the testing is important. 
  • Illicit Drug Use: Engaging in drug use, needles, or razors results in the spread of syphilis. 
  • People with HIV infection are at a higher risk of developing syphilis infection. This is because people with syphilis infection have the highest viral load for HIV. 
  • Pregnant women with untreated syphilis can pass the infection to their unborn child. Hence, the testing is important. However, a VDRL test is often included in the prenatal screening. 

No matter the reason, if your healthcare provider has suggested a VDRL test, with early detection and treatment of syphilis, you can prevent complications.

VDRL Test Price @ Redcliffe Labs

The VDRL test price at Redcliffe Labs is INR 229. If your doctor has recommended the test, then you must choose us as your reliable and trusted diagnostic partner. Our labs are NABL-accredited and ISO-certified, so you do not need to worry about the accuracy of test reports. All our professional staff, including doctors and phlebotomists, are experienced and skilled to provide you with the best and world-class services, keeping affordability in mind. With us, you will get the test prices competitive without compromising the service quality. Free home sample collection and 45-minute express slots are also available to make your testing experience the fastest and smooth. Book your VDRL test today and get great discounts and offers on every test.

 VDRL test Price

VDRL Test Price in Different Cities

City Name Discounted Price
Delhi ₹229
Mumbai ₹229
Bangalore ₹170
Noida ₹229
Pune ₹229
Lucknow ₹229
Ahmedabad ₹229
Hyderabad ₹229
Chennai ₹229
Gurgaon ₹229
Jaipur ₹229
Faridabad ₹229
Indore ₹229
Patna ₹229

Note: We also offer VDRL test PAN India. Please call the number 8988988787 to check the availability of services in your area.

VDRL TEST RESULT - Redcliffe Labs

The results of the VDRL screening are reported as either non-reactive (negative) or reactive (positive). The positive test results indicate the presence of antibodies that determine current or past infection with syphilis. In contrast, a negative test result confirms that there are no syphilis antibodies present in the blood sample.

Result  Reference Range  Interpretation 
Reactive  Titers of more than 1:8 Indicates the presence of IgG, and IgM antibodies against non-treponemal antigens 
Non-Reactive  Not Reported  Indicates the absence of IgG and IgM antibodies against non-treponemal antigens

Though a VDRL-RPR test gives you accurate information about the status of the syphilis infection, in certain conditions, the VFRL-RPR test can also produce false-positive results. The main reason for a false positive result is the presence of another disease that produces antibodies similar to the ones produced during syphilis infection, and they are 

  • HIV 
  • Malaria 
  • Lupus 
  • Lyme disease 
  • Certain types of pneumonia, especially those associated with a compromised immune system.
  • Tuberculosis

If your VDRL blood test results turn out to be negative, your doctor might suggest you wait a few weeks and return for another test if you are at higher risk for syphilis.

If your result is negative, your doctor may ask you to wait a few weeks and then return for another test if you’re at a higher risk for syphilis. This is because of the RPR test’s potential for a false negative.

Due to the risk of false-positive results, your healthcare provider will confirm the syphilis infection with a second test before starting your treatment, so the risks associated with your health can be kept at bay.

Syphilis is treatable, but it is vital to consult with your doctor as soon as you believe you might have been exposed to the syphilis infection. If left untreated, it can spread through your body and cause other significant complications in your organs. Thus, make sure to get tested by a diagnostic lab that uses advanced methods and modern technology and follows NABL and ISO guidelines to bring out 100% accurate test results, such as Redcliffe Labs.

At Redcliffe Labs, the phlebotomists are precisely trained to provide a painless experience. They collect the sample from your doorstep at your desired time slot to make diagnostics accessible and convenient.

Furthermore, to maintain the highest level of hygiene and avoid contamination, the samples in Redcliffe Labs are transferred in temperature-controlled bags from home to modern labs. This time, take a step for your health and book a VDRL blood test with India’s trusted Redcliffe Labs today!

VDRL Test Sample Report

VDRL Test Sample Report

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the VDRL test?
The VDRL-RPR Test is a simple blood test performed to detect the presence of antibodies produced by the body in response to syphilis-causing bacteria. The test is necessary if your body shows signs of syphilis. It is also used in routine prenatal care.
    Why is the VDRL test done?
    The VDRL blood test is recommended to determine whether you are infected by syphilis and to monitor the effectiveness of the ongoing syphilis treatment.
      How long does the VDRL test take place?
      The test can take up to 3 to 5 days.
        Can VDRL test detect herpes?
        The herpes simplex infection is detected based on a smear with giant cells, clinical examination, or positive serology for HSV-2/HSV-1 or based on all these together. At the same time, The VDRL blood test is non-treponemal and fails to detect the presence of herpes.
          How much does VDRL test cost?
          With Redcliffe Labs, the VDRL test price is only Rs. 229, so anyone can avail of the diagnostic services without affecting their budget.
            How is the VDRL test conducted?
            A small blood sample is usually taken from a vein in the arm. The sample is then tested for the presence of antibodies associated with syphilis.
              Is fasting required before a VDRL test?
              No, fasting is not necessary for the VDRL test. It can be done at any time, and there are no specific dietary restrictions.
                What does a positive result mean?
                A positive result indicates the presence of antibodies associated with syphilis. However, it doesn't confirm an active infection and may require further testing for confirmation.
                  Can a VDRL test give a false-positive result?
                  Yes, certain conditions such as autoimmune diseases, pregnancy, or other infections may lead to false-positive results. Confirmatory tests are often needed.
                    How often should one get a VDRL test?
                    The frequency of testing depends on individual risk factors. It is recommended for individuals with a higher risk of syphilis, such as those with multiple sexual partners or a history of sexually transmitted infections.
                      Are there any risks or side effects associated with the VDRL test?
                      The VDRL test is a routine blood test with minimal risks. Some individuals may experience minor discomfort or bruising at the site where the blood is drawn.
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                        Frequently Asked Questions

                        What is the VDRL test?
                        The VDRL-RPR Test is a simple blood test performed to detect the presence of antibodies produced by the body in response to syphilis-causing bacteria. The test is necessary if your body shows signs of syphilis. It is also used in routine prenatal care.
                          Why is the VDRL test done?
                          The VDRL blood test is recommended to determine whether you are infected by syphilis and to monitor the effectiveness of the ongoing syphilis treatment.
                            How long does the VDRL test take place?
                            The test can take up to 3 to 5 days.
                              Can VDRL test detect herpes?
                              The herpes simplex infection is detected based on a smear with giant cells, clinical examination, or positive serology for HSV-2/HSV-1 or based on all these together. At the same time, The VDRL blood test is non-treponemal and fails to detect the presence of herpes.
                                How much does VDRL test cost?
                                With Redcliffe Labs, the VDRL test price is only Rs. 229, so anyone can avail of the diagnostic services without affecting their budget.
                                  How is the VDRL test conducted?
                                  A small blood sample is usually taken from a vein in the arm. The sample is then tested for the presence of antibodies associated with syphilis.
                                    Is fasting required before a VDRL test?
                                    No, fasting is not necessary for the VDRL test. It can be done at any time, and there are no specific dietary restrictions.
                                      What does a positive result mean?
                                      A positive result indicates the presence of antibodies associated with syphilis. However, it doesn't confirm an active infection and may require further testing for confirmation.
                                        Can a VDRL test give a false-positive result?
                                        Yes, certain conditions such as autoimmune diseases, pregnancy, or other infections may lead to false-positive results. Confirmatory tests are often needed.
                                          How often should one get a VDRL test?
                                          The frequency of testing depends on individual risk factors. It is recommended for individuals with a higher risk of syphilis, such as those with multiple sexual partners or a history of sexually transmitted infections.
                                            Are there any risks or side effects associated with the VDRL test?
                                            The VDRL test is a routine blood test with minimal risks. Some individuals may experience minor discomfort or bruising at the site where the blood is drawn.