PCOS Profile Test - Price, Purpose, Preparation, Range 2024


Includes 35 Parameters

78% off for a limited period

Home Sample Collection in 2 hours*
Fasting8-10 hours
Get reports in12 hrs
Home Sample Collection in 2 hours*

Additional Instructions

For best results get a Prolactin test done at least 4 hours after waking up.

What is it for ?

It evaluates all hormones, checks reproductive health, and helps diagnose PCOS.

Sample Type


package Instructions

  • Age Group: 21-45 Years
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NABL Certified Labs

Included Tests

Package includes following parameters

Follicle Simulating Hormone (FSH) (1)

  • FSH / Follicle Stimulating Hormone

Glucose Fasting (BSF) (1)

  • Blood Glucose Fasting

Haemogram (CBC + ESR) (27)

  • Absolute Basophils Count, Blood
  • Absolute Eosinophil Count, Blood
  • Absolute Lymphocyte Count, Blood
  • Absolute Monocyte Count, Blood
  • Absolute Neutrophil Count, Blood
  • Basophils
  • Eosinophils
  • ESR Automated
  • Hemoglobin Hb
  • Lymphocytes
  • MCH
  • MCHC
  • MCV
  • Monocytes
  • MPV Mean Platelet Volume
  • Neutrophils
  • PCT
  • PCV Haematocrit
  • PDW Platelet Distribution Width
  • Platelet Count Thrombocyte count
  • P - LCC
  • P - LCR
  • RBC Count
  • RDW-CV
  • RDW (Red Cell Distribution Width)
  • WBC-Total Counts Leucocytes

HbA1C (Glycosylated Haemoglobin) (2)

  • Average blood glucose
  • Glycated Hemoglobin

Luteinizing Hormone (LH) (1)

  • LH / Luteinizing Hormone

Prolactin (PRL) (1)

  • Prolactin( Pituitary gland)

Testosterone Total (1)

  • Testosterone Total

TSH 3rd Generation (1)

  • TSH

Test Criteria

Helps you know your test better

Who all are eligible for PCOS test?

  • If any adult female is experiencing an irregular menstrual cycle, cysts in ovarian ultrasound, weight gain, pelvic pain, skin darkening, acne, or facial hair, this test may be ordered.
  • If any woman is facing a fertility issue since this illness affects women at their reproductive age,
  • Females with a family history of PCOS.

Why take pcos test ?

  • This test evaluates the LH and FSH ratio to determine the presence of ovarian cysts.
  • It detects the abnormal increase in reproductive hormones since it is a hormonal, reproductive, and metabolic disease

What are the benefits of pcos test?

  • This test helps doctors identify heart disease and diabetes because these two illnesses are common in women with PCOS.
  • Doctors will be able to give you the best possible treatments to overcome infertility, irregular periods, and other such issues to balance the hormonal level.
  • The test is very helpful in detecting the enlarged ovaries and ovarian cysts that may lead to obesity, infertility, and diabetes, and dominant male characteristics in females.
  • The test prevents the future risk of heart disease and other serious complications.


Helps you know your test better

Q. How can I book my test?

A. If you are planning to book diagnostic tests with Redcliffe Labs, then it is quite a simple and smooth process. All you have to do is just call us and our well trained and patient-friendly representatives will book an appointment for you. Also, you can book the test online by visiting our website and as soon as we get your query within no time we will make sure to book the appointment for you.

Q. In how much time will I get my test report?

A. Redcliffe Labs knows how important the timing is when it comes to health checkups. We make sure that reports are sent to you as soon as possible so that you can begin with the right treatment and medications on time. You will get your reports within 24 hours.

Q. Where can I see or get my test results?

A. You can receive your test results at your given email address or on your phone number and also on WhatsApp. Redcliffe Labs makes sure to send precise and timely reports following the highest standards to maintain quality.

Q. Is home sample collection available for PCOS Test?

A. Yes, home sample collection is available for the diagnostic tests as per your needs. Once the test is booked as per your diagnostic requirements, our expert phlebotomist will reach your given address to collect the sample.

Table of Content

Introduction to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Panel Test

PCOS, or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, is a hormonal imbalance affecting several aspects of women's health. It causes hormonal imbalance, which leads to irregular periods or lack of ovulation, excess male hormones (androgens), and multiple small cysts on the ovaries. To assess imbalances, the PCOS panel test measures the various hormones, like testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and insulin. If you are experiencing symptoms like irregular or absent periods, excessive hair growth, acne, difficulty in losing weight, or insulin resistance, then you might experience hormonal imbalance due to PCOS. It is essential to consult your doctor and take PCOS diagnosis tests to confirm or rule out PCOS, identify specific hormonal imbalances, and guide treatment decisions. The test helps to manage menstrual problems and fertility issues and reduces the risk of further complications like diabetes and heart disease. 

You can choose Redcliffe Labs as your trusted diagnostic partner to get PCOS panel tests. Book your appointment with the Redcliffe Labs app in just one minute, and the phlebotomist will come to your home to collect the sample. So, what are you waiting for? Book your PCOS profile test today for early diagnoses and proper management. 

Test details in brief

Also Known As Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Panel - Essential, 
Purpose It evaluates all hormones, checks reproductive health, and helps diagnose PCOS.
Preparation Do not take any over-the-counter medicine without confirming with your Doctor.
Fasting 8-10 hours Fasting Required
Get Reports Within 15 hours
Cost INR 1099

PCOS Test Details

Purpose of the PCOS test

The PCOS profile test measures the hormone levels in the blood. Here is what the purpose of the PCOS Lab test- 

  • Diagnosis- PCOS diagnosis can be complex, as some symptoms might overlap with other conditions. The test measures the hormone levels and provides a definitive diagnosis.
  • Differentiate PCOS from other conditions- Irregular periods, excessive hair growth, and acne might be the cause of thyroid and other health issues. The test helps to distinguish PCOS from these conditions. 
  • Measuring hormone levels- The test assesses hormone levels, including testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and insulin.
  • Managing health risks and complications-  PCOS can increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, endometrial cancer, and other health complications. The test helps identify the risk of issues in the early stages and allows us to take proactive measures.
  • Monitoring conditions-  Over time, PCOS management requires adjustment in treatment and medications. On the basis of your PCOS profile test report, your doctor can track your PCOS status and advise you on the right treatment options.

Preparation for the PCOS test

The PCOS blood test requires no preparation. Be relaxed and follow the instructions carefully provided by your lab expert. Here are simple instructions you must follow before taking the PCOS test.

  • Fasting- The PCOS test requires 8-10 hours of fasting before the test. 
  • Medications- Inform your doctor about medicines or supplements that might affect your hormonal levels and test results. 
  • Hydration- Drink enough water and hydrate yourself to ensure a smooth blood draw.

The procedure of the PCOS test

The procedure of the PCOS blood test is simple. The phlebotomist will collect the blood sample from the vein of the arm. The healthcare provider will tie a tourniquet or band on the arm to make visible the veins. After that, he will clean the arm area with an alcohol-based antiseptic solution. Using a sterile needle, the phlebotomist will draw the blood. You might feel slight sting and pain when the needle enters your skin. The process will only take a few minutes. After the blood drawing process, the reports will be provided within 15 hours. 

What do the PCOS blood test reports indicate?

The PCOS panel test helps to measure the hormone levels in the blood. Here is what the PCOS test reports indicate-

  • FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone)- The high FSH levels may indicate difficulty with ovulation, which may be the reason for PCOS. 
  • LH (Luteinizing Hormone)-  The LH levels are often higher than FSH in PCOS, which causes hormonal imbalance and irregular ovulation.
  • Prolactin (PRL)- High prolactin levels can affect ovulation and require further investigation.
  • Testosterone- Increased testosterone levels are a common symptom of PCOS that shows the symptoms of hirsutism. 
  • Glucose BSF- Measures your blood sugar level after fasting, which is important for assessing insulin resistance and pre-diabetes/diabetes risk in PCOS. 
  • HbA1c- This parameter measures the average blood sugar control over the past 2-3 months, helping identify long-term glycemic management issues.
  • Haemogram- This test provides information on various blood cell types like red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets, giving an overall picture of your blood health.
  • TSH 3rd generation- Assesses thyroid function, as thyroid disorders can show the same symptoms as PCOS.

Potential Outcomes- 

  • Normal Ranges- If all the parameters are within normal ranges, you don't have PCOS.
  • Abnormal Ranges- One or more abnormal values might indicate PCOS or other conditions. 

Suppose the PCOS profile test reports are abnormal. In that case, your doctor may advise you to analyze the specific abnormalities in your test results, considering them alongside your symptoms and medical history. If the test reports PCOS, your doctor recommends lifestyle changes and medications. 

Who should take the PCOS test?

Only some people need the PCOS test, if you are experiencing the symptoms of PCOS, then consult your doctor. Your doctor will ask you about the symptoms, and based on that, your doctor may recommend the PCOS panel test. Here is who should take the PCOS blood test-

  • Women experiencing irregular periods.
  • Women with excessive hair growth (hirsutism)
  • Women facing persistent and severe acne on the face, chest, and back
  • Women with difficulty losing weight or unexplained weight gain
  • Women who have a family history of PCOS are at higher risk of higher risk.
  • Women with fertility concerns may face irregular ovulation or lack of ovulation due to PCOS, which can make it difficult to conceive naturally. 
  • Women with symptoms like oily skin, skin tags, mood swings, or sleep apnea
  • Women with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes must take a PCOD profile test to identify early signs and guide preventive measures. 

Your doctor may consider symptoms, medical history, and family history to determine if the PCOD profile test suits you. The PCOS diagnosis test is normally not recommended for young girls who haven't yet started their periods. Early diagnosis and treatment of PCOS can help prevent long-term complications like diabetes, heart disease, and endometrial cancer.

Common Signs of PCOS

PCOS affects a woman's hormone balance and causes various symptoms. Here are some of the most common signs of PCOS- 

  • Irregular periods
  • Menstrual Cramps
  • Excessive hair growth (Hirsutism)
  • Acne
  • Weight gain
  • Oily skin
  • Mood swings and Depression
  • Difficulty in getting pregnant
  • Sleeping difficulty

The severity and symptoms might differ from person to person. Those mentioned above are common symptoms; if you experience these signs, consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and management. 

PCOS Test price at Redcliffe Labs

The price of a PCOS test at Redcliffe Labs is INR 1099. You can book your appointment online just one minute from the Redcliffe Labs app. Our test prices are highly competitive as compared to other laboratories. All our labs used advanced technology and ensured the provision of accurate test reports. We also offer home sample collection services, so you don't need to visit a lab. You will receive your test results within 24 hours with our fastest services. Don’t wait for symptoms to become more severe. Book your PCOS panel test now!

PCOS Test Price

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Empower Yourself: The Essential PCOS Test You Need

Getting pregnant with PCOS can be challenging. The test helps identify ovulation issues and get the proper early-stage treatment. PCOS isn't just about periods; it's about long-term health. The test helps monitor cholesterol, blood sugar, and other markers, allowing you and your doctor to manage PCOS holistically. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) throws your hormones off balance, affecting menstrual cycles, fertility, and long-term health. The PCOS panel test is useful for detecting hormonal imbalances and causes. 

Are you going through an irregular period cycle, hair growth, acne, or weight gain? The PCOS panel test measures key hormone levels (LH, FSH, testosterone) and assesses ovaries for cysts. Get the PCOS test from nearby Redcliffe Labs for early diagnosis and proper treatment. The test can help to identify other complications as well, like pre-diabetes, insulin resistance, and other PCOS-related risks, allowing proactive measures to prevent complications.

Frequently Asked Questions

What tests are in a PCOS panel?
The PCOS panel test covers various parameters, including FSH, Glucose BSF, Haemogram, HbA1c, prolactin, testosterone total, TSH 3rd generation, and Luteinizing Hormone (LH).
    What is the best screening test for PCOS?
    The PCOS profile test covers 35 parameters and is best for the PCOS blood test.
      How is PCOS confirmed?
      PCOS is confirmed based on your test results. If the hormone levels are higher or lower than abnormal ranges, it confirms the PCOS test.
        What tests are done to diagnose PCOS?
        PCOS diagnosis involves a medical history review, physical examination, and blood tests. Blood tests measure hormone levels. The PCOS panel test covers parameters including FSH, LH, prolactin, Glucose fasting BSF, TSH 3rd generation, Testosterone total, HbA1c, and Haemogram.
          What are the biggest signs of PCOS?
          The major signs of PCOS include irregular menstrual cycles. High levels of androgens may lead to symptoms like acne, hirsutism, and male-pattern baldness. Weight gain and insulin resistance may accompany these symptoms.
            What happens if PCOS is high?
            If PCOS is high, it may lead to various health complications, including infertility, irregular menstrual cycles, type 2 diabetes, and endometrial cancer. Some women might face anxiety and cardiovascular issues.
              What is the PCOS panel test price?
              The PCOS test price is INR 1099 at Redcliffe Labs. Book your test with us to get affordable prices and discounts.
                Which hormone is high in PCOS?
                The high levels of testosterone hormone indicate PCOS condition. This hormonal imbalance may cause irregular menstrual cycles, acne, hirsutism (excessive hair growth), and other complications.
                  What are female PCOS symptoms?
                  PCOS symptoms include irregular menstrual cycles, absent periods, elevated androgen levels leading to acne and hirsutism, ovulatory dysfunction, weight gain, and insulin resistance. These symptoms can impact fertility, cause metabolic issues, and affect emotional well-being.
                    Is PCOD and PCOS the same?
                    PCOD is Polycystic Ovarian Disease, while PCOS is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. These are terms often used interchangeably, but PCOS is the more commonly used. PCOS encompasses a broader range of symptoms, including hormonal imbalances and metabolic issues, while PCOD primarily refers to the presence of ovarian cysts. Both conditions have similarities but aren't the same.
                      What is the root cause of PCOS?
                      The root cause of PCOS is hormonal imbalance. The imbalance in testosterone levels can prevent your ovaries from releasing eggs, which causes irregular menstrual cycles and the development of PCOS condition.
                        Can PCOS get pregnant?
                        Yes, women can get pregnant with PCOS with appropriate medical treatment and by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Consult your doctor, and by assessing your condition, your healthcare provider may recommend fertility treatments, such as ovulation induction or in vitro fertilization (IVF).
                          Can PCOD be cured permanently?
                          No, there is no permanent cure for PCOD; it can be controlled and managed with a healthy lifestyle and medical treatments.

                            78% off for a limited period

                            Frequently Asked Questions

                            What tests are in a PCOS panel?
                            The PCOS panel test covers various parameters, including FSH, Glucose BSF, Haemogram, HbA1c, prolactin, testosterone total, TSH 3rd generation, and Luteinizing Hormone (LH).
                              What is the best screening test for PCOS?
                              The PCOS profile test covers 35 parameters and is best for the PCOS blood test.
                                How is PCOS confirmed?
                                PCOS is confirmed based on your test results. If the hormone levels are higher or lower than abnormal ranges, it confirms the PCOS test.
                                  What tests are done to diagnose PCOS?
                                  PCOS diagnosis involves a medical history review, physical examination, and blood tests. Blood tests measure hormone levels. The PCOS panel test covers parameters including FSH, LH, prolactin, Glucose fasting BSF, TSH 3rd generation, Testosterone total, HbA1c, and Haemogram.
                                    What are the biggest signs of PCOS?
                                    The major signs of PCOS include irregular menstrual cycles. High levels of androgens may lead to symptoms like acne, hirsutism, and male-pattern baldness. Weight gain and insulin resistance may accompany these symptoms.
                                      What happens if PCOS is high?
                                      If PCOS is high, it may lead to various health complications, including infertility, irregular menstrual cycles, type 2 diabetes, and endometrial cancer. Some women might face anxiety and cardiovascular issues.
                                        What is the PCOS panel test price?
                                        The PCOS test price is INR 1099 at Redcliffe Labs. Book your test with us to get affordable prices and discounts.
                                          Which hormone is high in PCOS?
                                          The high levels of testosterone hormone indicate PCOS condition. This hormonal imbalance may cause irregular menstrual cycles, acne, hirsutism (excessive hair growth), and other complications.
                                            What are female PCOS symptoms?
                                            PCOS symptoms include irregular menstrual cycles, absent periods, elevated androgen levels leading to acne and hirsutism, ovulatory dysfunction, weight gain, and insulin resistance. These symptoms can impact fertility, cause metabolic issues, and affect emotional well-being.
                                              Is PCOD and PCOS the same?
                                              PCOD is Polycystic Ovarian Disease, while PCOS is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. These are terms often used interchangeably, but PCOS is the more commonly used. PCOS encompasses a broader range of symptoms, including hormonal imbalances and metabolic issues, while PCOD primarily refers to the presence of ovarian cysts. Both conditions have similarities but aren't the same.
                                                What is the root cause of PCOS?
                                                The root cause of PCOS is hormonal imbalance. The imbalance in testosterone levels can prevent your ovaries from releasing eggs, which causes irregular menstrual cycles and the development of PCOS condition.
                                                  Can PCOS get pregnant?
                                                  Yes, women can get pregnant with PCOS with appropriate medical treatment and by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Consult your doctor, and by assessing your condition, your healthcare provider may recommend fertility treatments, such as ovulation induction or in vitro fertilization (IVF).
                                                    Can PCOD be cured permanently?
                                                    No, there is no permanent cure for PCOD; it can be controlled and managed with a healthy lifestyle and medical treatments.