Quadruple Marker Test - Price, Purpose, Need, Results, & More

Quadruple test is used for Prenatal Screening of Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21), Edward’s Syndrome (Trisomy 18) and Open Neural Tube Defects. The approximate detection rate with this test is 75-80 % with a false positive rate of 5%.

Also known as:  Quad Marker, Quad screen, 2nd Trimester Screening, Maternal Screening

Includes4 Parameters
Reports in (T&C)4 days
Sample Required


FastingNot Required

  You will Save 2201 on this Test

Additional Instructions

1. Submit the ultrasound report (Anomaly Scan or Level 2 Ultrasound) during sample collection, preferably between 14 to 22 weeks of gestation.

2.Provide maternal details: DOB, weight, LMP/Ultrasound Date, diabetes, smoking, sample date, fetuses (single/twin), conception type (natural/IVF), and Trisomy 21 history.

3. Keep all information ready before sample collection.

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Package includes following parameters

Alphafeto Protein (1)

  • Alphafeto Protein

Beta HCG (Total) (1)

  • Beta HCG (Total)

Inhibin A (1)

  • Inhibin A

uE3, Unconjucated Estriol (1)

  • uE3, Unconjucated Estriol


Helps you know your test better

Q. What Is A Quadruple Marker Test?

A. It is like another blood test that provides helpful information about pregnancy and predicts the possibility of you carrying a baby with Down syndrome and other chromosomal deficiencies.

Q. Is This Quad Marker Screen Safe?

A. Yes!!! Since it is a non-invasive test, the complications or risks associated with a Quad Marker Test are almost negligible and cause no harm to the baby and expected mother.

Q. What If The Quadruple Marker Test Results Are Abnormal?

A. If Quadruple Marker Test Results are not normal, it only indicates the chances of having a problem and does not confirm it. If the results are not as expected, your doctor may call for further screening to verify the problem.

Q. Is Quad Marker Test Mandatory?

It is not mandatory. However, it is highly advisable in several conditions, especially if you have a history of birth defects, are 35 or above, or are on specific medications that can harm the baby. You can discuss it with your healthcare provider to have better clarification.

Table of Content

Introduction to Quadruple Marker Test

The quadruple marker test is a prenatal screening and a blood test performed during the second trimester of pregnancy, commonly between the 15th and 22nd weeks. The test quad test measures the levels of four specific substances in pregnant women's blood, including AFP, hCG, estriol, and inhibin A. These biomarkers help assess the chances of certain genetic conditions and fetal abnormalities.

The test is primarily used to evaluate the risk of chromosomal conditions such as Down syndrome (Trisomy 21) and Edwards syndrome (Trisomy 18). It also helps detect neural tube defects, such as spina bifida, in the fetus.

The quadruple marker test provides valuable insights into the fetus's health and helps detect abnormalities early. It is recommended for women with high-risk pregnancies, such as those over the age of 35, with a family history of genetic disorders, or those who had abnormal results in earlier screenings.

If your doctor has recommended the quadruple test, you can get it done from Redcliffe Labs. You can book your appointment online, and the phlebotomist will come to your place to collect your sample. You will get your reports within the given timeframe without any delay. So, what are you looking for? Book your quadruple screening today!

Test Details:

Also Known As Quad Marker, Quad screen, 2nd Trimester Screening, Maternal Screening
Purpose Determine if there are any chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus
Preparation Refrain from drinking alcohol or smoking before the test
Fasting No Fasting Required
Get Reports Within 4 Days
Cost INR 3199

Quadruple Marker Test Details

What is the Quadruple Test?

The Quadruple marker test or the Quad test is a simple blood test that your health provider suggests during the second trimester of your pregnancy. During this phase of your pregnancy, you are required to visit your doctor multiple times every few weeks; they help in observing the fetus and if there are any defects or abnormalities in the fetus. The quad marker test is recommended to identify the possibility of the unborn child having any chromosomal abnormality.

Discussing the quadruple test's benefits, limitations, and potential implications with a healthcare provider before deciding whether to undergo screening is important. Maternal age, medical history, and personal preferences may influence decision-making.

What is the Purpose of the Quadruple Marker Test? 

The Quadruple screening test is performed between the 15 and 22 weeks of pregnancy during the second trimester. The quadruple test helps to detect the following disorders.

  • Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) is a genetic condition caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21. It is associated with intellectual disabilities, characteristic facial features, and other health issues, such as heart defects.
  • Trisomy 18 (Edwards Syndrome)- A chromosomal disorder caused by an extra chromosome 18. It may lead to severe development delay, organ malformations, and a high risk of infant mortality.
  • Spina Bifida (Neural Tube Defect)- A condition where the neural tube that develops into the spinal cord and brain does not close completely during early pregnancy. It may cause physical and neurological challenges, including paralysis and mobility issues.
  • Abdominal Wall Defects include conditions like gastroschisis and omphalocele, where the baby's abdominal organs develop outside the body. It can lead to multiple health complications which may require medical attention.

The quadruple test provides valuable insights without posing risks to the mother or fetus and makes it important for prenatal care, especially for high-risk pregnancies.

Reasons Your Doctor Can Suggest The Quadruple Marker Test

The quadruple test involves four hormones, which are important during a woman’s pregnancy. A doctor might recommend the test to check out any fetal genetic abnormalities. However, the positive situation is rare, say, 1 in 1000. 

In case your doctor suspects signs or risks of medical conditions like 

  • Down’s syndrome 
  • Trisomy 18 
  • Edward’s syndrome 
  • Neural tube defects. 

These conditions can affect a fetus’s growth and development, while timely detection can prevent its risk. Redcliffe Labs offers the quadruple marker test price of INR 3299. We understand that pregnancy is a crucial period, so we offer a home sample collection. With the shortest turnaround time (TAT) of 4 days, we offer 100% accurate reports. 

Why Do You Need The Quadruple Marker Test? 

The quadruple marker test in pregnancy is a crucial test that looks at overall health. A doctor can perform the quadruple test during pregnancy's 15th to 20th week. The test is not mandatory for every woman. However, your doctor might suggest taking the test. Some women must take the quad marker test. 

  1. If you have a history or family history of congenital disabilities. 
  2. If you are 35 years or older, 
  3. If you have taken certain medications or drugs which might be harmful. 
  4. If you have diabetes 
  5. If you use insulin 
  6. If you have a viral fever or infection 
  7. If you have a medical history of a genetic disorder 
  8. If you have been exposed to high radiation. 

What does the Quadruple Test Check?

The Quadruple Test checks for the levels of four substances in the mother's blood:

Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP): 

Elevated levels of AFP may indicate an increased risk of neural tube defects such as spina bifida or anencephaly.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG):

Abnormal levels of hCG may suggest a higher risk of chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome or Edwards syndrome.

Unconjugated estriol (uE3):

Low levels of uE3 can be associated with an increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities.

Inhibin A: 

Elevated levels of inhibin A may indicate an increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities.

These are the pregnancy hormones tested when the quad marker test is performed. They help detect any chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.

Understanding the Quadruple Marker Test Result:

The quadruple test provides valuable information about the risk of certain chromosomal abnormalities and neural tube defects in the developing fetus. Results are typically reported as the likelihood or odds of the fetus having a specific condition, such as Down syndrome or a neural tube defect. For example, a result might indicate a risk of "1 in 250" or "1 in 1,000."

Interpreting these results requires understanding several factors. Firstly, it's essential to recognize that the quadruple test is a screening test, not a diagnostic test. This means it can identify high-risk pregnancies for certain conditions but cannot provide a definitive diagnosis. A positive result does not mean the fetus has a chromosomal abnormality or neural tube defect; it indicates an increased likelihood that further diagnostic testing may be warranted.

Factors that can affect the Quadruple Marker Test Result 

The quadruple test measures birth defects. Certain factors might create hindrances in the test reports. These factors include your: 

  1. Age 
  2. Medical history 
  3. Family history 
  4. Baby’s gestational age
  5. Your weight 

How to Prepare for the Quad Marker Test?

There is no special set of rules that are to be followed before taking the Quad Marker blood test. However, these are some basic guidelines to be followed:

  • You are not required to fast before taking the double marker test, but if your health requires it, talk to your physician about any special dietary requirements.
  • You are pregnant so you might be on any medication or supplement. It is important to inform your doctor about that as well. You do not need to panic in such situations; they will also tell you about the solution if they think there is an issue. 
  • It is a blood test, so avoiding any workouts or yoga before taking the test is always recommended.
  • It is advised not to smoke or drink alcohol before taking the test because it may alter the test results.

If you follow these basic guidelines before taking the test and keep your physician in the loop, you are ready.

The procedure of the Quadruple Marker Test:

This Quadruple test is like any other blood test. The sample collection takes 5-10 minutes, so the procedure is the same.

  • The phlebotomist, on arrival, ties a band around your arm.
  • They tell you to make a fist so the veins are properly visible.
  • They disinfect the area from which the blood is to be drawn.
  • Then, a thin, sterile needle is inserted into the vein to draw blood, and after the needle is removed, a bandage is put on the punctured area.
  • After drawing the blood, they put it in a vial, seal it, and label it.
  • This vial is then taken to the laboratory to be tested.

Remember that the punctured area may have a stinging sensation for two days. If the pain lasts longer than two days or is significantly severe, you should consult a doctor.

Is There Any Difference Between Quadruple Marker Test and NIPT? 

NIPT or non-invasive prenatal testing and the quadruple marker test both are screening tests. Both tests need pregnant women’s blood to detect any genetic or chromosomal abnormality. 

The NIPT test looks at any abnormality in the fetus’s DNA through your blood, while the quad marker test checks for the amount of certain proteins and hormones in your blood. 

Doctors can suggest the NIPT test during the 10th week, while the quadruple marker test between the 15th to 20th week. 

None of the screening tests has any risk. Also, these test measures the risks rather than diagnosing medical conditions. 

Next Step After Receiving the Quadruple Marker Test Results 

  • Hand over your test reports to your doctor. They will look at it and understand your fetus’s health. 
  • Go for genetic counseling to understand your fetus’s health fully. 
  • Your doctor might recommend: 

1. Test for congenital disabilities 

2. Ultrasound

3. Prenatal cell-free DNA screening

  • They might suggest an amniocentesis test—the amniocentesis test checks for the AFP levels in the amniotic fluid surrounding your baby.

Causes of Abnormal Levels of AFP Levels 

The cause of low or high AFP levels can be because of certain reasons. These include: 

  1. Turner syndrome 
  2. Spina bifida 
  3. Down syndrome 
  4. Edwards syndrome 
  5. Anencephaly (absence of brain and skull) 
  6. Duodenal atresia (defect in the baby’s intestines)
  7. Miscarriage 

What does the Quadruple Marker Test detect?

The quadruple marker test is a second-trimester prenatal screening test that helps to assess the chances of certain genetic and structural abnormalities in a fetus. It measures four substances in the mother’s blood. 

The test evaluates four key markers in the maternal blood:

  • Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP)- A protein produced by the fetus that helps detect neural tube defects like spina bifida.
  • Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)- A hormone produced by the placenta, used to assess chromosomal abnormalities.
  • Estriol- An estrogen hormone produced by the fetus and placenta, indicating fetal health.
  • Inhibin-A- A hormone linked to chromosomal abnormalities like Down syndrome.

The test helps to detect the disorders like- 

  • Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21)
  • Trisomy 18 (Edwards Syndrome)
  • Neural Tube Defects
  • AbdominAlpha-fetoprotein

The expected amount of these substances normally found in the mother's blood changes weekly during pregnancy, so it is important to inform your doctor how far along you are in your pregnancy. High AFP levels may also indicate that a baby has an open neural tube defect. 

High AFP levels also indicates that a baby is older than was thought or a woman is expecting twins. Lower AFP levels could indicate that a woman is at higher risk of having a baby with Down Syndrome. 

However, if the hCG and inhibin-A are higher than normal it means that a woman has a high risk of having a baby with Down Syndrome. Lower estriol levels may also indicate that a woman is at high risk of having a baby with Down Syndrome. 

How to avoid any Birth Defects?

If you don’t want your child to face any chromosomal abnormalities, then it is important to take all the preventive measures from the beginning of the pregnancy. Your doctor may give you advice, depending on your health condition. However, here are a few generic tips that would be beneficial for anyone pregnant:

  • Eat a Balanced Diet: It is important to have an adequate amount of all the vitamins and minerals that help in the fetus's overall development. Your baby depends on your food choice, so you must provide the fetus with all the necessary nutrients and avoid processed food as much as possible.
  • Quit smoking or drinking: It has been seen that these habits can be responsible for the development of many different genetic conditions. The more people have started adapting to Western culture, the more genetic abnormalities have been increasing.
  • Plan your pregnancy well: If you are suffering from any chronic condition like diabetes, you need to plan your pregnancy well because the high levels of glucose or any other condition may impact the fetus badly and can cause abnormalities.

Suppose you do not want to face any congenital disabilities in your child. In that case, these are a few tips you can follow but always remember that doctors are the only ones who can give you accurate advice on how to take care of your pregnancy, depending on your health condition. Pregnancy is different for everybody, and you need individualistic care, so follow your doctor’s instructions.

Quadruple Marker Test Price @ Redcliffe Labs!

Your health provider may suggest you get the Quadruple Marker test around the 15th week of the pregnancy. Whether you want to get the blood test done or not is your choice. However, it is always recommended that you get tested, as it helps determine if the fetus is growing healthy or if there are any complications that you need to be prepared for.

If you want a place to complete your quad marker test, you can opt for Redcliffe Labs. You can book the blood test from the website or download the app to get tested from home. The quadruple test cost at Redcliffe Labs starts from INR 3199; however, this price may differ for different labs. More than 50,000 healthcare providers trust us to give accurate results in a stipulated timeframe.

Quadruple Marker Test Price

Quadruple Marker Test Cost in Different Cities

City Name Discounted Price
Delhi ₹3299
Noida ₹3299
Mumbai ₹3199
Bangalore ₹2999
Kolkata ₹3299
Pune ₹3299
Lucknow ₹3600
Ahmedabad ₹3199
Hyderabad ₹3299
Chennai ₹3199
Gurgaon ₹3299
Jaipur ₹3600
Faridabad ₹3299
Indore ₹3600
Patna ₹3600

Note: We also offer Quadruple Marker Test PAN India. Please call the number 8988988787 to check the availability of our services in your area.

Book Your Quadruple Marker Test With Redcliffe Labs Today!

The quadruple marker test is a vital prenatal screening used to assess the risk of genetic and structural abnormalities in a fetus. It is performed during the second trimester and measures four key biomarkers in the mother's blood: AFP, hCG, estriol, and inhibin-A. These markers identify conditions such as Edwards syndrome, Down syndrome, abdominal wall defects, and neural tube defects.

The quad screen test is generally safe and helps to determine various genetic disorders. Abnormal results may require further diagnostic tests, such as amniocentesis or detailed ultrasounds, to definitively diagnose a condition.

If your doctor has recommended the quadruple marker test, take it to ensure appropriate medical care during pregnancy and after birth. You can book your Quad screen test with Redcliffe Labs to ensure you get 100% correct results with on-time test reports. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Quadruple Marker Test?
A quadruple marker test, also called a quad screen or quad test, is a blood test that measures the levels of four hormones in a pregnant woman's blood to determine the risk of certain genetic disorders in the fetus.
    Is home sample collection available for the Quadruple Marker Test?
    Yes, home sample collection for the Quadruple marker test is available at Redcliffe Labs.
      How long will the Quadruple Marker Test reports take?
      Quadruple test reports may take 4-5 days. You will get the test reports in 4 days at Redcliffe Labs with 100% report correctness.
        Why is the quadruple marker test done during pregnancy?
        The Quadruple marker test is done to detect the risk of certain congenital disabilities in a developing fetus. The test detects Down syndrome, neural tube defects, Edwards syndrome, and Patau syndrome.
          When should the quadruple marker test be performed?
          The Quadruple market test is performed between the 15 to 22 weeks of pregnancy.
            How is the quadruple marker test different from other prenatal screening tests?
            The quadruple marker is a type of prenatal screening performed during the second trimester of pregnancy, between 15 and 22 weeks. It measures fetoprotein (AFP), estriol, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and Inhibin A.
              What conditions can the quadruple marker test detect?
              The quadruple marker test helps to detect the risk of a baby having certain congenital disabilities, including Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Spina bifida, and Anencephaly.
                What is the test price of the Quadruple test?
                The quadruple marker test price at Redcliffe Labs is INR 3199. Book your appointment today!
                  Is fasting required for the quadruple marker test?
                  No, fasting is required before the quadruple marker test.
                    How is the quadruple marker test performed?
                    The quadruple marker test is a simple blood test. The phlebotomist will take the blood sample from the vein of your arm.
                      Are there any risks associated with the quadruple marker test?
                      Well, no such health risks are associated with the mother or fetus. Like other blood tests, the test is generally safe.
                        What do the results of the quadruple marker test indicate?
                        The quad screen test measures the levels of four substances in the mother's blood, and abnormal levels can indicate a risk of genetic disorders. High AFP, hCG, estriol, and inhibin A indicate a risk of Down Syndrome and other genetic disorders.
                          What happens if the quadruple marker test shows abnormal results?
                          An abnormal quadruple marker test result means that you have an increased risk of having a baby with certain congenital disabilities, including Down syndrome, Edward's syndrome, or neural tube defects. However, your doctor may recommend additional tests to confirm your condition, such as an amniocentesis and an ultrasound.
                            Who should consider taking the quadruple marker test?
                            The quadruple test is recommended for all pregnant women, but it is your decision whether to have it. However, if you have risk factors, like age older than 35 and a family history of defective birth, then you should go for the test.
                              What factors can affect the results of the quadruple marker test?
                              The test is most accurate between 16 and 18 weeks of pregnancy. Factors like alcohol and smoking, certain medications, mothers' age, weight, diabetes status, history of congenital disabilities, etc.
                                40% Off
                                ₹2969 With vip  VIP
                                Home Sample Collection in 2 hours*

                                  You will Save ₹2201 on this Test

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                                Given amount is subject to change based on number of patient you select, Applicable on minimum cart amount ₹800

                                Frequently Asked Questions

                                What is the Quadruple Marker Test?
                                A quadruple marker test, also called a quad screen or quad test, is a blood test that measures the levels of four hormones in a pregnant woman's blood to determine the risk of certain genetic disorders in the fetus.
                                  Is home sample collection available for the Quadruple Marker Test?
                                  Yes, home sample collection for the Quadruple marker test is available at Redcliffe Labs.
                                    How long will the Quadruple Marker Test reports take?
                                    Quadruple test reports may take 4-5 days. You will get the test reports in 4 days at Redcliffe Labs with 100% report correctness.
                                      Why is the quadruple marker test done during pregnancy?
                                      The Quadruple marker test is done to detect the risk of certain congenital disabilities in a developing fetus. The test detects Down syndrome, neural tube defects, Edwards syndrome, and Patau syndrome.
                                        When should the quadruple marker test be performed?
                                        The Quadruple market test is performed between the 15 to 22 weeks of pregnancy.
                                          How is the quadruple marker test different from other prenatal screening tests?
                                          The quadruple marker is a type of prenatal screening performed during the second trimester of pregnancy, between 15 and 22 weeks. It measures fetoprotein (AFP), estriol, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and Inhibin A.
                                            What conditions can the quadruple marker test detect?
                                            The quadruple marker test helps to detect the risk of a baby having certain congenital disabilities, including Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Spina bifida, and Anencephaly.
                                              What is the test price of the Quadruple test?
                                              The quadruple marker test price at Redcliffe Labs is INR 3199. Book your appointment today!
                                                Is fasting required for the quadruple marker test?
                                                No, fasting is required before the quadruple marker test.
                                                  How is the quadruple marker test performed?
                                                  The quadruple marker test is a simple blood test. The phlebotomist will take the blood sample from the vein of your arm.
                                                    Are there any risks associated with the quadruple marker test?
                                                    Well, no such health risks are associated with the mother or fetus. Like other blood tests, the test is generally safe.
                                                      What do the results of the quadruple marker test indicate?
                                                      The quad screen test measures the levels of four substances in the mother's blood, and abnormal levels can indicate a risk of genetic disorders. High AFP, hCG, estriol, and inhibin A indicate a risk of Down Syndrome and other genetic disorders.
                                                        What happens if the quadruple marker test shows abnormal results?
                                                        An abnormal quadruple marker test result means that you have an increased risk of having a baby with certain congenital disabilities, including Down syndrome, Edward's syndrome, or neural tube defects. However, your doctor may recommend additional tests to confirm your condition, such as an amniocentesis and an ultrasound.
                                                          Who should consider taking the quadruple marker test?
                                                          The quadruple test is recommended for all pregnant women, but it is your decision whether to have it. However, if you have risk factors, like age older than 35 and a family history of defective birth, then you should go for the test.
                                                            What factors can affect the results of the quadruple marker test?
                                                            The test is most accurate between 16 and 18 weeks of pregnancy. Factors like alcohol and smoking, certain medications, mothers' age, weight, diabetes status, history of congenital disabilities, etc.