Chikungunya Test - Price, Procedure, Symptoms, & More


Includes 1 Parameter

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Home Sample Collection in 2 hours*

What is it for ?

Detects antibodies to diagnose recent Chikungunya virus infection, aiding in early detection.

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  • Age Group: 5+ Years
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Package includes following parameters

Chikungunya IgM Antibody (1)

  • Chikungunya IgM Antibody

Test Criteria

Helps you know your test better

Who should take the Chikungunya blood test?

  • A chikungunya blood test should be considered in patients with acute onset of fever and polyarthralgia and in travellers who recently returned from areas with known virus transmission.

Why take the Chikungunya diagnosis test?

  • You should undergo a chikungunya diagnosis test to confirm the diagnosis and to differentiate it from other similar diseases so that effective treatment can be planned at the earliest possible time.

What are the benefits of a chikungunya blood test?

  • Early detection
  • Accurate diagnosis
  • Monitoring diseases trend
  • Preventing complications

Table of Content

Introduction to Chikungunya IgM Antibody Test

Have you ever thought that even a tiny creature, like a mosquito, can cause health concerns? Yes, you read that right. Chikungunya, it is! Chikungunya Fever is not just another viral infection but a mosquito-borne disease that can take a toll on your health, lead to several complications, and, thanks to its day-by-day rising cases, it has become a global health concern. Although it rarely causes serious problems or death, delaying the Chikungunya Test can lead to several complications that can even turn your routine activities upside down. Thus, if you have symptoms indicating Chikungunya Fever, your doctor may suggest you get tested at the earliest. If your doctor has recommended the Chikungunya IgM Test, Redcliffe Labs, is the right place for accurate diagnosis at an affordable cost.

What is Chikungunya Test?

Chikungunya Test is a blood test that helps detect IgM antibodies specific to the Chikungunya virus in the blood sample. Chikungunya is a mosquito-borne disease that spreads through mosquito bites, primarily the Aedes species; it is the same species responsible for causing dengue and the Zika virus. The body produces IgM antibodies in response to active or recent Chikungunya infection. The test helps confirm the presence of a virus, aiding in accurate diagnosis & appropriate management. So, if your doctor has suspected you being infected with the disease and suggested you get screened, do not delay and book your early Chikungunya diagnosis with Healthy India Ki Trusted Lab, Redcliffe Labs, today.

Chikungunya Test Details In Brief:

Also Known As Serum Chikungunya, Chikungunya Test
Purpose Helps diagnose Chikungunya infection.
Preparation Do not take any over-the-counter medicine without confirming with your doctor
Fasting No Fasting Required
Get Reports Within 4 Days
Cost INR 1000

Chikungunya Test Details

What is the Chikungunya Test Used For?

The Chikungunya Test helps one detect symptoms or the presence of the Chikungunya virus. It uses a serological method to detect the presence of chikungunya antibodies in the blood. If you experience frequent fever or fever after a mosquito bite, joint pain, or severe fatigue, seek medical consultation and get yourself tested. These signs are a signal of chikungunya or Zika. Early detection can prevent serious health consequences.

Symptoms That May Call For Chikungunya Test:

Usually, the symptoms indicating Chikungunya infection appear 3-7 days after being infected by a mosquito bite. Some of the common signs that may experience on the onset of the disease that may need prompt testing include the following:

  • High Fever: Sudden onset of fever, sometimes as high as 104 °F, is a common sign of Chikungunya infection.
  • Joint Pain: Chikungunya, the word itself means, to walk bent". The fever causes intense pain & affects multiple joints, such as wrists, ankles, knees & fingers. Individuals complaining of such symptoms accompanied by other factors may be asked to get tested at the earliest.
  • Muscle Pain: Some people often experience intense muscle pain accompanied by tenderness & swelling, and getting tested in time is critical to ensure an accurate diagnosis.
  • Unusual Rashes: In many cases of Chikungunya infection, a rash may develop on the trunk of the body and spread to limbs.
  • Headache: Persistent headache is another common sign that the fever is abnormal and could be serious.
  • Fatigue: Profound fatigue, lethargy & weakness that may last for several weeks or even months indicates the presence of Chikungunya infection.
  • Nausea & Vomiting: Some individuals with Chikungunya may also experience gastrointestinal symptoms, and getting timely tested is the key to confirming the cause and acting in time for some relief.
  • Swollen Lymph Nodes: In some cases, individuals may experience swelling of lymph nodes, particularly in the neck & groin region, may be observed.

Symptoms That May Call For Chikungunya Test

These Chikungunya Symptoms can also be seen in other health conditions. If you are experiencing them and have potential exposure to the virus, it is advisable to consult a healthcare practitioner and follow their testing guidelines. They may observe your symptoms, health, and other risk factors to determine the need for Chikungunya IgM Blood Test.

Other Reasons You May Need A Chikungunya Test:

If you have no visible symptoms, your doctor might advise a Chikungunya IgM Antibody Test to individuals in the following cases:

  • Recent Travel: If you have recently traveled to a region where Chikungunya is endemic or where outbreaks have occurred, it is advisable to get tested to confirm or rule out the risk and prevent the severity of the condition.
  • Differential Diagnosis: The symptoms of Chikungunya are similar to other fevers, like Dengue and Zika virus, and therefore, a test is advised to differentiate between the conditions & provide an accurate diagnosis.
  • Preoperative Screening: In some cases, Chikungunya Testing may be advised before certain medical procedures or surgeries to ensure the safety of the patient & healthcare providers.

Whether you need the test or not is decided by your healthcare provider, depending on the symptoms, risks, and other factors. Therefore, following all your healthcare provider's guidelines is essential to determine if the testing is required.

Tips To Prevent Chikungunya Infection:

Prevention is better than cure, and we couldn't agree with the statement anymore. Keeping yourself safe against mosquito bites is one of the most effective ways to avoid Chikungunya infection. It is essential to follow proactive measures to keep yourself & your loved ones safe. Here are a few preventive measures that you should follow to prevent mosquito bites and Chikungunya infection.

  • Eliminate Mosquitoes Breeding Site: Chikungunya mosquitoes breed on site where there is stagnant water, like in flower pots, buckets, discarded tires, birdbaths, uncovered water containers, sewage, etc. Therefore, regularly inspecting & cleaning such sites & surrounding is essential to prevent mosquitoes from laying their eggs.
  • Use Mosquito Repellent: It is advisable to use mosquito repellents on the exposed skin. If you have sensitive skin or any known allergy to such creams, discussing this with your healthcare provider to prevent infection or other skin-related issues is always good.
  • Wear Protective Clothing: Chikungunya virus is most common in monsoon or mosquito season. Therefore, wearing full sleeves or protective clothes is advisable to minimize your risk of mosquito bites.
  • Install Windows & Door Screens: Ensure your spaces are well-ventilated yet fully screened to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home.
  • Use Bed Nets: If you live in an area with high mosquito prevalence, consider using bed nets to minimize your risk of mosquito bites.
  • Avoid Outdoor Activities: Chikungunya infection spreads via mosquito bites, which are more active in the daytime. Therefore, limit your outdoor activities and keep you & your children home, especially in areas where such cases are at peak.
  • Stay Informed: Apart from this, staying updated about outbreaks & transmission in your region and following guidelines & recommendations provided by local authorities is advisable to keep yourself safe.

Preventing a mosquito bite is the key to keeping yourself and the community safe. Also, if you have symptoms indicating Chikungunya infection, possible exposure to the virus, or other risk factors, and your doctor has suggested a test, getting tested in time is critical to prevent the disease from taking a severe shape.

Preparations Required For A Chikungunya Test:

While it is a simple blood test and requires no special preparations, everyone must follow some general guidelines. Such as:

  • It doesn't require fasting or dietary restrictions. It means you can get tested anytime, irrespective of your last meal.
  • Individuals on prescribed or non-prescribed medicines should always share the information with their healthcare provider and follow their instructions. Do not take or stop any medication without their advice.
  • Do not fear or stress; it can influence your hormones and test results.
  • Avoiding alcohol or smoking before any blood test is always advisable, as it can influence your test results and cause discrepancies.
  • If you have a known pregnancy or other medical condition, informing your doctor or phlebotomist is essential to avoid discrepancies in the test results.
  • Lastly, if you have any known allergies or fear of injections, you should speak with your healthcare provider or phlebotomist. Our phlebotomists are highly trained and soft-spoken and can answer your queries related to the simple blood test.

Do follow all the measures or instructions provided by your healthcare provider to avoid discrepancies in the test results.

Procedure Of A Chikungunya Test:

Steps involved in a Chikungunya Test include the following:

  • A phlebotomist may ask you to relax and sit comfortably.
  • They will then tie a band around the arm and ask you to make a fist to make the vein visible.
  • They will then clean the punctured site to avoid any possible infections.
  • After cleaning the site, a sterile syringe is used to withdraw blood samples from the vein.
  • Once the blood is collected appropriately, the sample will be transferred to the sterile vial.
  • Afterward, they will remove the band and apply a bandage over the punctured site to prevent bleeding (if any) and infection.

The test is simple and safe and has no possible risks associated. However, one may experience a little bruise, pain, or discomfort during blood withdrawal, and these symptoms will fade away within a few days. If the symptom persists or you experience anything unusual, it is advisable to seek immediate medical assistance.

Procedure Of A Chikungunya Test

Risks Associated With The Chikungunya Test 

The Chikungunya test helps doctors diagnose the presence of chikungunya antibodies in the blood. Your blood samples are enough to detect and diagnose the medical condition. The blood test has no or minor risks. You may experience them during or after the test. However, these signs last for a couple of minutes. These could be: 

  • Slight pain 
  • Excessive blood loss 
  • Skin infection 
  • Brushing 
  • Fatigue 
  • Weakness
  • Hematoma 

Understanding the Chikungunya Test Results 

The test reports involve two major antibodies, IgM and IgG. Every range shows a different sign. Here is a table showing the chikungunya IgG and IgM antibodies. 

Antibodies  Range Result Interpretation 
Chikungunya IgM antibodies  0.79 or less  No sign of Chikungunya IgM antibodies. 
Chikungunya IgM antibodies  0.80- 1.09  There is a slight possibility of Chikungunya IgM antibodies. 
Chikungunya IgM antibodies  1.10-greater  Take another test within 10-14 days. 
Chikungunya IgG antibodies  0.79 or less  No major signs of Chikungunya IgG antibodies, 
Chikungunya IgG antibodies  0.80- 1.09  Possible chances of the presence of IgG antibodies also repeat the test within 2 weeks. 
Chikungunya IgG antibodies  1.10-greater  Present or past, but your blood has signs of the Chikungunya virus. Take the treatment. 

*It is an estimate interpretation. A doctor can guide the best for the Chikungunya virus test*

Treatment for Chikungunya virus 

Along with doctor’s medication, you can also opt for home remedies. These remedies help in fast recovery. Here are the home remedies that can provide treatment for the Chikungunya virus. 

  1. Papaya Leaves: Papaya can help increase platelet count. A couple of spoons of papaya leaf juice can aid in curing the Chikungunya virus. 
  2. Turmeric: Turmeric is a well-known home remedy. Its antioxidant properties stimulate defence mechanisms against the Chikungunya virus, and it can also help relieve pain. 
  3. Castor Oils: Castor oil also contains properties that strengthen the muscles. Massage the joints with castor oil once or twice daily to reduce joint pain. 

What other Tests, along with the Chikungunya Test, can a doctor recommend to you?

The Chikungunya test is one major test that can help diagnose Zika or Chikungunya. Get the test from Redcliffe Labs for just INR 1000. Along with this, your doctor may suggest the following tests: 

  1. Malaria Test 
  2. Rheumatologic Test 
  3. Liver Function Test 
  4. CBC Blood Test 
  5. PCR Test 
  6. Dengue Fever Test 

Redcliffe Labs offers all the tests. We have 3600+ affordable and available tests across India. We also offer a home sample collection service, making it convenient for you.

Chikungunya Test Price At Redcliffe Labs:

Worried about the Chikungunya Test Price? Well, no more. Intended to make a reliable diagnostic experience accessible to every individual, we provide Chikungunya Test from the comfort of your home at a convenient cost. You can even book express slots to collect your sample within 45 minutes. With us, Chikungunya Test Price is just Rs 1000. So, think no more, and book your test to get screened timely.

Chikungunya Test Price

Chikungunya Test Price in Different Cities

City Name Discounted Price
Delhi ₹1000
Mumbai ₹1000
Bangalore ₹1000
Noida ₹1000
Pune ₹1000
Lucknow ₹1000
Ahmedabad ₹1000
Hyderabad ₹1000
Chennai ₹1000
Gurgaon ₹1000
Jaipur ₹1000
Faridabad ₹1000
Indore ₹1000
Patna ₹1000

Other Chikungunya Tests/Packages That You Can Book with Redcliffe Labs

Tests/Packages Names Offer Price
Chikungunya IgM, Rapid Card Test ₹1000
Chikungunya Panel ₹999
Fever Package- Comprehensive ₹2499
Chikungunya DNA Detection By PCR ₹4000
Monsoon Fever Package- Comprehensive ₹1999

Take The Chikungunya Test For Accurate Diagnosis & Appropriate Management

If left undiagnosed or unaddressed for longer, any disease can have complications, and Chikungunya is no different. Therefore, if you have symptoms, risk factors, or your doctor has advised you, get it done at the earliest to avoid complications and manage the condition better. Being a trusted diagnostic partner, Redcliffe Labs is always here to help you get tested comfortably from home. We also provide express slots to get your sample collected within 45 minutes. So, why wait & take the risk? Book a Chikungunya Blood Test to get control over the condition.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the common blood tests for Chikungunya?
Depending on your symptoms, risks, and other factors, your doctor may suggest different Chikungunya Blood Tests, including Chikungunya IgM, Rapid, Chikungunya IgM Antibody Test, Chikungunya DNA Detection By PCR, etc.
    How to test for Chikungunya?
    Chikungunya infection can be directly found in the blood during the first week of the illness using a Chikungunya Blood Test. The test looks for specific antibodies in the blood indicating the presence of the virus and detects the immune response to the infection.
      What does a negative Chikungunya test result mean?
      If a Chikungunya Diagnosis Test result is negative, an individual doesn't have an active infection in the blood or has not yet developed detectable levels of antibodies. Depending on your condition, doctors may suggest additional tests or re-testing to confirm the cause of your symptoms.
        Does Chikungunya require hospitalization?
        In most cases, no. Chikungunya doesn't require hospitalization. It is because most people only experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover with treatment. However, in severe cases, due to delay in diagnosis or other reasons, when you experience severe complications, you may require hospitalization.
          What is the price of the Chikungunya Test?
          Chikungunya Test Price with Redcliffe Labs is just Rs 1000 only. You can book the test online in 1 minute and get tested comfortably at your convenience.
            What not to eat in Chikungunya?
            There is no specific list of food that one needs to avoid while being infected with Chikungunya. However, following a balanced diet with plenty of seasonal fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and adequate fluids to maintain hydration is always advisable. If you have other known conditions, it is advisable to follow dietary guidelines as suggested by your healthcare provider.
              Is Chikungunya Virus serious?
              Although it is not life-threatening, Chikungunya can cause significant illness & discomfort. Therefore, getting tested in time and treating is critical to avoid complications.
                What organs are affected by Chikungunya?
                The Chikungunya infection primarily affects the joints, causing severe pain & inflammation. And apart from this, it can also affect Heart & Nervous System, and occasionally the Liver & Kidney. The severity & type of organ infected varies from person to person.
                  Is the platelet count gets low in Chikungunya?
                  The platelet count drops in Chikungunya but is less common than in Dengue. It decreases only in the acute phase and will return to normal as the illness resolves. You must consult a healthcare provider and get diagnosed in time (if suggested) to ensure appropriate care & management of the condition.
                    Is any proven treatment for Chikungunya available?
                    Currently, there is no possible treatment for Chikungunya Infection, and no vaccine is available yet. However, depending on your symptoms, a doctor may suggest treatment and other preventive measures to help you recover faster. Getting tested in time and taking medicines as prescribed is essential for faster recovery and avoiding possible complications.

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                      Frequently Asked Questions

                      What are the common blood tests for Chikungunya?
                      Depending on your symptoms, risks, and other factors, your doctor may suggest different Chikungunya Blood Tests, including Chikungunya IgM, Rapid, Chikungunya IgM Antibody Test, Chikungunya DNA Detection By PCR, etc.
                        How to test for Chikungunya?
                        Chikungunya infection can be directly found in the blood during the first week of the illness using a Chikungunya Blood Test. The test looks for specific antibodies in the blood indicating the presence of the virus and detects the immune response to the infection.
                          What does a negative Chikungunya test result mean?
                          If a Chikungunya Diagnosis Test result is negative, an individual doesn't have an active infection in the blood or has not yet developed detectable levels of antibodies. Depending on your condition, doctors may suggest additional tests or re-testing to confirm the cause of your symptoms.
                            Does Chikungunya require hospitalization?
                            In most cases, no. Chikungunya doesn't require hospitalization. It is because most people only experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover with treatment. However, in severe cases, due to delay in diagnosis or other reasons, when you experience severe complications, you may require hospitalization.
                              What is the price of the Chikungunya Test?
                              Chikungunya Test Price with Redcliffe Labs is just Rs 1000 only. You can book the test online in 1 minute and get tested comfortably at your convenience.
                                What not to eat in Chikungunya?
                                There is no specific list of food that one needs to avoid while being infected with Chikungunya. However, following a balanced diet with plenty of seasonal fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and adequate fluids to maintain hydration is always advisable. If you have other known conditions, it is advisable to follow dietary guidelines as suggested by your healthcare provider.
                                  Is Chikungunya Virus serious?
                                  Although it is not life-threatening, Chikungunya can cause significant illness & discomfort. Therefore, getting tested in time and treating is critical to avoid complications.
                                    What organs are affected by Chikungunya?
                                    The Chikungunya infection primarily affects the joints, causing severe pain & inflammation. And apart from this, it can also affect Heart & Nervous System, and occasionally the Liver & Kidney. The severity & type of organ infected varies from person to person.
                                      Is the platelet count gets low in Chikungunya?
                                      The platelet count drops in Chikungunya but is less common than in Dengue. It decreases only in the acute phase and will return to normal as the illness resolves. You must consult a healthcare provider and get diagnosed in time (if suggested) to ensure appropriate care & management of the condition.
                                        Is any proven treatment for Chikungunya available?
                                        Currently, there is no possible treatment for Chikungunya Infection, and no vaccine is available yet. However, depending on your symptoms, a doctor may suggest treatment and other preventive measures to help you recover faster. Getting tested in time and taking medicines as prescribed is essential for faster recovery and avoiding possible complications.