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CBC Test - Price, Normal Range, Preparation, & Process 2025

This test measures blood components to diagnose various disorders.

Also known as:  CBC, Blood Count, RBC Indices, Cell Indices, CBP (Complete Blood Picture)

Includes26 Parameters
Reports in (T&C)10 hrs
Sample Required


FastingNot Required

  You will Save 151 on this Test

Additional Instructions

Inform your healthcare provider about any medications or supplements, stay hydrated for easier blood collection, and wear loose clothing for easy arm access.

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Package includes following parameters

Complete Blood Count (CBC) (26)

  • Absolute Basophils Count, Blood
  • Absolute Eosinophil Count, Blood
  • Absolute Lymphocyte Count, Blood
  • Absolute Monocyte Count, Blood
  • Absolute Neutrophil Count, Blood
  • Basophils
  • Eosinophils
  • Hemoglobin Hb
  • Lymphocytes
  • MCH
  • MCHC
  • MCV
  • Monocytes
  • MPV Mean Platelet Volume
  • Neutrophils
  • PCT
  • PCV Haematocrit
  • PDW Platelet Distribution Width
  • Platelet Count Thrombocyte count
  • P - LCC
  • P - LCR
  • RBC Count
  • RDW-CV
  • RDW (Red Cell Distribution Width)
  • WBC-Total Counts Leucocytes

Test Criteria

Helps you know your test better

Who all are eligible for CBC test ?

  • A complete blood count (CBC) is a blood test used to diagnose your general health and diagnose a variety of conditions, including anemia and leukemia. A complete blood count measures many aspects and characteristics of your blood, including red blood cells, which carry oxygen.
  • If you are sick and/or have signs and symptoms that may be related to a disease affecting your blood cells, a complete blood count may be requested. It can be prescribed if you are tired or weak, bruise or bleed easily, or if you have signs and symptoms of infection or inflammation.

Why take CBC test?

  • To help diagnose a health problem: If you are ill, your doctor may recommend CBC to help diagnose a serious health problem or condition or possible cause of the disease, and high or low blood cell counts.

What are the benefits of CBC test?

  • CBC helps your doctor control symptoms such as weakness, tiredness, or bruising.
  • The CBC can assess your general health and diagnose a wide variety of diseases and conditions such as infection, all types of anemia, and leukemia (blood-related disorders).


Helps you know your test better

Q. How can I book my test?

A. If you are planning to book diagnostic tests with Redcliffe Labs, then it is quite a simple and smooth process. All you have to do is just call us and our well trained and patient-friendly representatives will book an appointment for you. Also, you can book the test online by visiting our website and as soon as we get your query within no time we will make sure to book the appointment for you.

Q. In how much time will I get my test report?

A. Redcliffe Labs knows how important the timing is when it comes to health checkups. We make sure that reports are sent to you as soon as possible so that you can begin with the right treatment and medications on time. You will get your reports within 12 hours.

Q. Where can I see or get my test results?

A. You can receive your test results at your given email address or on your phone number and also on WhatsApp. Redcliffe Labs makes sure to send precise and timely reports following the highest standards to maintain quality.

Q. Is home sample collection available for CBC test?

A. Yes, home sample collection is available for the diagnostic tests as per your needs. Once the test is booked as per your diagnostic requirements, our expert phlebotomist will reach your given address to collect the sample.

Table of Content

Introduction To Complete Blood Count Test (CBC) Test

Suggested as part of a routine health checkup, Complete Blood Count Test significantly assesses the well-being of an individual, especially the one experiencing symptoms like Weakness, Fatigue, or Fever. Besides measuring the cells in the blood, CBC Test also analyzes the size and types of cells and detects if there is an infection. Moreover, your doctor uses this examination to evaluate the progress of any of your ongoing medical treatments. Test for Complete Blood Count help determines varied health conditions, like anemia, infection, and leukemia. Redcliffe Labs is the diagnostic centre you can consider for Complete Blood Count Test.

Being a part of your overall medical examination, a CBC Lab Test checks the general well-being of an individual and looks for health conditions. It confirms why you are showing specific symptoms, checks where your health stands, and monitors whether the treatment is working fine for your health or not. It reveals unusual ups and downs in cell counts, pointing to certain medical conditions that need to be detected early. It is vital to avoid complications and take the correct course of action in time.

We have a state-of-the-art laboratory and a team of researchers and other professionals to ensure safe sample precision and generate reports as per the NABL & ISO guidelines. Moreover, we make reports accessible within a minimum time frame so that appropriate decisions for the treatment can be made in time. CBC Test Price with us is affordable so everyone can get its benefits.

Diseases Complete Blood Count (CBC) Test can detect

CBC Test Details:

Also Known As CBC Test, Blood Count Test, RBC Indices, CBP Test, Complete Blood Picture
Purpose The CBC test assesses blood components to diagnose conditions like anemia, infections, and bleeding disorders, and to monitor overall health.
Preparation No Preparation Required
Fasting No Fasting Required
Get Reports Within Same Day
Cost INR 299

CBC Test Details

You May Need A CBC Test If You Have Symptoms Like:

  • Easy bruising & bleeding
  • Lethargy & Weakness
  • Fever & Nausea
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Joint Pain
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Blood pressure problems
  • Unusual pain in the joints

Your symptoms might be different from the other person's. Hence, confirming the cause with an appropriate test is crucial to know your health status and improving wellness.

CBC Normal Range:




Red blood cell count (RBC Count)

4.7 - 6.1 million cells per microliter (cells/mcL)

4.2 - 5.4 million cells/mcL

Hemoglobin (Hb)

13.2 - 16.6 grams per deciliter

11.6 -15 grams per deciliter


38.3 - 48.6 percent

35.5 - 44.9 percent

Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)

27.5 - 33.2 picograms (pg) per cell

MCH may be lower than men's because women lose blood when they have a period.

White blood cell count (WBC Count)

5,000 - 10,000 per μl of blood

4,500 - 11,000 per μl

Platelet count

140,000 - 450,000 platelets per microliter (μl)

Varies slightly during the menstrual cycle and can fall near the end of pregnancy

CBC blood test results can be high or low depending on your condition and multiple factors. Your healthcare professional may look into the range and suggest if you may need additional tests. This range will help doctors to take appropriate actions to avoid complications.

Complete Blood Count Test Interpretation:

A complete blood count test is not a definitive test, and if there are abnormalities in the test results, it might point to some problems.

RBC, Hemoglobin & Hematocrit: The results of these three components are related to each other as they each measure red blood cells' features.

Low RBC, Hemoglobin & Hematocrit is usually indicative of:

  • Anemia

High RBC, Hemoglobin & Hematocrit could be because of:

  • Dehydration
  • Certain Kidney Diseases
  • Smoking
  • Heart or Lungs Diseases
  • Smoking
  • Polycythemia Vera

Low WBC, also called leukopenia, maybe because of:

  • Alcohol abuse
  • Liver damage
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Bone marrow failure
  • Enlarged spleen
  • Certain medicines
  • Infections caused by viruses

High WBC, also called leukocytosis, can be because of:

  • Tissue damage
  • Leukemia
  • Infections
  • Diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis
  • Emotional or physical stress

Causes of low platelet count:

  • Blood disorder
  • Some medications or therapy
  • Pregnancy

Causes of high platelet count:

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Iron deficiency
  • Bone marrow dysfunction
  • Certain types of cancers

Your doctor may check your test results to confirm what it indicates and what can be done to improve the condition.

Being a part of your routine health checkup, CBC Test reveals the usual increase or decrease in cell counts, confirms abnormalities, and points to a condition that may need additional testing or immediate treatment.

Purpose of Complete Blood Count (CBC) Test:

Purpose of Complete Blood Count (CBC) Test

The main purpose of the Complete blood count test is to:

  • Check for infections: Abnormal levels of white blood cells can indicate an ongoing infection in the body.
  • Diagnose blood disorders: The CBC test can detect various blood disorders, such as anemia, leukemia, and lymphoma.
  • Monitor ongoing treatments: For people undergoing treatment for blood disorders or cancer, the CBC test can help monitor the effectiveness of the treatment.
  • Evaluate overall health: The CBC test can provide valuable information about a person's overall health status, including the risk of certain diseases such as heart disease and stroke.

Process Of CBC Test:

During the test:

  • A phlebotomist cleanses your arm in the area where the needle will be inserted, which is often inside, below, or on top of the hand.
  • They then tie a band around your upper arm to make the vein more visible.
  • They will use a syringe to draw the blood from the vein, which may pinch a little or cause slight pain.
  • The phlebotomist will then transfer the collected blood sample to the vial to send it to the lab for processing.
  • And finally, they will remove the band and put a bandage over the punctured site.

Process Of CBC Test

Preparations Required For The CBC Test:

Here are a few things that you should keep in mind before a CBC Test:

  • If the blood sample is being tested for Complete Blood Count, you can eat or drink normally and don't need fasting.
  • However, if your blood sample is also being tested for other purposes, your doctor may ask you to fast for a specific time. And this you need to confirm with your healthcare professional and follow their instructions on it.
  • In addition, if you are on a particular medication, taking some supplements, or following a special diet, discussing it with your healthcare professional before the test is essential to avoid discrepancies in the results.
  • Other than that, if you have doubts, fear of needles, or any allergy, keep your healthcare professional well-informed so they can guide you better.
  • Follow all their instructions as suggested to ensure the sample is precisely processed and reports are accurate.

Any carelessness in the preparations or during the test can lead to discrepancies in the results. Hence, have a one-to-one discussion with your expert before the test.


Complete Blood Count Test Measures The Following:

  • White Blood Cells (WBC): You can think of WBCs as your immunity cells, as they defend the body against certain infections, viruses, bacteria, and other foreign invaders that are a constant threat to your fitness. It measures how many white blood cells are in your blood. Low WBCs indicate high risks for illnesses and health problems that can develop into something serious if left untreated. A weak immune system, certain infections, cancers of the blood, and some other such issues can affect their levels, and testing them in time help doctors suggest treatment accordingly.
  • Red Blood Cells (RBC): Responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body, Red Blood Cells are crucial for your health. Low RBCs are indicative of conditions like anemia. The test results help confirm the reasons you are experiencing the symptoms, like constant fatigue, breathing difficulty, dizziness, and other symptoms. If left untreated, anemia can cause major problems. And being part of the Complete Blood Count Test aid analyzes the ups & downs in RBC to provide treatment.
  • Hematocrit: Being a crucial part of a Full Blood Count Test, Hematocrit Test measures the proportion of RBCs, diagnoses illnesses, and monitors how your body responds to a particular treatment. Low Hematocrit is indicative that your body lacks RBCs & might be making too much of WBCs, caused by certain cancers & bone marrow diseases. On the contrary, if the levels are higher, it again indicates that your body is producing too many RBCs due to lung cancer, heart failure, other medical conditions, or your blood plasma levels.
  • Hemoglobin (Hb): Responsible for carrying oxygen and carbon dioxide through blood, the Hemoglobin (Hb) Test measures hemoglobin and blood glucose levels to confirm or rule the conditions like anemia or prediabetes.
  • Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV): Helpful for measuring the size of red blood cells, the Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) Test, used as a part of a complete blood count test, identifies the type of anemia. High MCV indicates low vitamin B12 or folate levels. And on the contrary, low MCV indicates anemia.
  • Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH): Being a part of a CBC Blood Test, the Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH) Test diagnose and distinguish types of anemia. On one hand, low levels indicate anemia & thalassemia, & on the contrary, high levels indicate lung or kidney disease.
  • Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC): Besides checking whether Red Blood Cells are functioning normally and carrying the correct amount of hemoglobin, the MCHC test also assesses for anemia and other blood disorders.
  • Platelet Count: Besides measuring the number of platelets in the blood, the test checks for platelet functions and platelet disease and monitors the conditions of the patients taking blood thinners. Moreover, it is recommended for patients with a family history of bleeding disorders, especially before performing any surgeries.

Health Conditions Of Not Seeking Complete Blood Count Test:

Measuring complete blood count, monitoring health, diagnosing blood diseases or infections, and checking for changes in underlying blood disorders in time allows you to sidestep complications. Avoiding periodic Complete Blood Count Tests for longer periods can increase your risks for:

  • Abnormal CBC could be a sign of anemia. It is a medical condition in which your body lacks an appropriate amount of red blood cells or hemoglobin. 'sIt caused due to blood loss, decreased or faulty RBC production, bone marrow disorders, iron-deficiency anemia, vitamin-deficiency anemia, and sickle cell anemia. Assessing the condition at an initial stage contributes to the overall quality of life.
  • Heart Disease: Abnormal levels of red blood cells, hemoglobin, or hematocrit could indicate a heart disorder. And the early identification of the problem has a significant role in saving a life and minimizing your chances of complications. Your doctor may therefore suggest a CBC Test indicates your risks and is especially suggested to those exhibiting symptoms of heart problems.
  • Autoimmune Disorder: If your CBC test results show low WBC, it indicates an autoimmune disorder, which should be detected early to prevent organ damage. Since no cure is available for most autoimmune diseases, early detection is the only way to ease the symptoms and manage the condition.
  • Certain Cancer: Some blood cancers can be detected through the CBC test, such as leukemia, Lymphoma, etc. And any delay in the diagnosis can only increase the problem.

Your Blood Count Matters! Measure It With Redcliffe Labs!

Understanding the significance of a Complete Blood Count Test is essential to identify the root cause of the symptoms you are currently experiencing and monitor your condition. Therefore, measuring the number should be done early to subside complications. You can book a Complete Blood Count Test with Redcliffe Labs at the most affordable rates to evaluate overall health, diagnose medical conditions, and monitor medical treatment. Being the most trusted & affordable diagnostics platform for Bharat, we are empowering health & impacting lives. So, you can schedule your test with us from the comfort of your home at a reasonable CBC Blood Test Price.

Different Complete Blood Count Tests Offered At Redcliffe Labs

Tests/Packages Name Price in INR
CBC Test Only ₹299
Haemogram (CBC+ESR) ₹399
Vital Screening Package ₹599
Fever Package- Essential ₹799
Smart Full Body Checkup ₹799
D dimer with CBC ₹899
Diabetes Profile- Comprehensive ₹1099
Advance Plus Full Body Checkup ₹2199
Super Advance Full Body Checkup Male ₹2999

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Complete Blood Count Test used for?
Being a common blood test, a Complete Blood Count Test is part of a routine health checkup that significantly addresses a variety of health disorders, such as anemia, immune system disorders, infections & certain blood cancers. Moreover, it helps find any changes in the existing blood disorders to monitor how much the disease progresses and whether the treatment is working or needs changes.
    Can a CBC test detect cancer?
    A CBC Test looks for each type of blood cell that can help detect some blood cancers. However, it can only indicate the presence of cancer, and your doctor may suggest further tests to confirm the condition.
      How often you should go for a CBC Test?
      Being a part of a routine checkup, a CBC Test is recommended by doctors once a year to examine your overall condition, diagnose the problem (if any) and suggest treatment before things become complicated.
        Is CBC a definitive test?
        No, it is not a definitive test and usually doesn’t answer all your diagnosis queries. Therefore, your doctor might suggest further tests based on your symptoms.
          What is Complete Blood Count (CBC) Test Price?
          CBC test price can vary according to different cities and Labs but you can book CBC test at an affordable rate of Rs. 299 with Redcliffe Labs.
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            Given amount is subject to change based on number of patient you select, Applicable on minimum cart amount ₹800

            Frequently Asked Questions

            What is a Complete Blood Count Test used for?
            Being a common blood test, a Complete Blood Count Test is part of a routine health checkup that significantly addresses a variety of health disorders, such as anemia, immune system disorders, infections & certain blood cancers. Moreover, it helps find any changes in the existing blood disorders to monitor how much the disease progresses and whether the treatment is working or needs changes.
              Can a CBC test detect cancer?
              A CBC Test looks for each type of blood cell that can help detect some blood cancers. However, it can only indicate the presence of cancer, and your doctor may suggest further tests to confirm the condition.
                How often you should go for a CBC Test?
                Being a part of a routine checkup, a CBC Test is recommended by doctors once a year to examine your overall condition, diagnose the problem (if any) and suggest treatment before things become complicated.
                  Is CBC a definitive test?
                  No, it is not a definitive test and usually doesn’t answer all your diagnosis queries. Therefore, your doctor might suggest further tests based on your symptoms.
                    What is Complete Blood Count (CBC) Test Price?
                    CBC test price can vary according to different cities and Labs but you can book CBC test at an affordable rate of Rs. 299 with Redcliffe Labs.