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Antenatal Profile Test - Price, Purpose, Uses, Procedure, Results

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This diagnoses or monitors diseases affecting fetal growth & find troubles in the growing fetus.

Also known as:  Anc Profile Test

Includes60 Parameters
Reports in (T&C)15 hours
Sample Required

Urine, Blood

FastingNot Required

  You will Save 1000 on this Package

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Included Tests

Package includes following parameters

Blood Group ABO & Rh Typing (2)

  • Blood Group
  • RH Factor

Glucose Random (BSR) (1)

  • BSR (Blood Sugar Random)

Haemogram (CBC + ESR) (27)

  • Absolute Basophils Count, Blood
  • Absolute Eosinophil Count, Blood
  • Absolute Lymphocyte Count, Blood
  • Absolute Monocyte Count, Blood
  • Absolute Neutrophil Count, Blood
  • Basophils
  • Eosinophils
  • ESR Automated
  • Hemoglobin Hb
  • Lymphocytes
  • MCH
  • MCHC
  • MCV
  • Monocytes
  • MPV Mean Platelet Volume
  • Neutrophils
  • PCT
  • PCV Haematocrit
  • PDW Platelet Distribution Width
  • Platelet Count Thrombocyte count
  • P - LCC
  • P - LCR
  • RBC Count
  • RDW-CV
  • RDW (Red Cell Distribution Width)
  • WBC-Total Counts Leucocytes

HbA1C (Glycosylated Haemoglobin) (2)

  • Average blood glucose
  • Glycated Hemoglobin

TSH 3rd Generation (1)

  • TSH

Urine Routine & Microscopic Examination (23)

  • Albumin
  • Amorphous Deposits
  • Bacteria
  • Bilirubin
  • Blood
  • Cast
  • Colour
  • Crystals
  • Deposit
  • Epithelial cells
  • Leucocyte Esterase
  • Nitrate
  • pH Urine
  • Protozoa
  • Pus cells (Leukocytes)
  • Red blood cells
  • Specific gravity
  • Sugar
  • Transparency
  • Urine ketones
  • Urobilinogen
  • Volume
  • Yeast Cells

VDRL (1)

  • VDRL(Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test )

Viral Markers, Rapid Card (3)

  • Hbsag (Hepatitis B Surface Antigen )
  • HCV (Hepatitis C virus )
  • HIV Antibody, Rapid Card ( human immunodeficiency viruses)

Test Criteria

Helps you know your test better

Who are eligible for Antenatal Care Profile (ANC)?

  • It screens for HIV, Syphilis, and other chronic illnesses in pregnant women, which can be dangerous for the baby and mother-to-be. Therefore, women at risk of developing problems during pregnancy, delivery, or birth defects should get their antenatal screening done as instructed by their healthcare professional.

Why take Antenatal Care Profile (ANC)?

  • Have existing diabetes or hypertension
  • If your pregnancy shows intrauterine growth restriction
  • Multiple pregnancies and bleeding during pregnancy
  • If you have too much or too little amniotic fluid
  • Already have a baby with congenital abnormalities

What are the benefits of the Antenatal Care Profile (ANC)?

  • Monitor the health status of a mom-to-be and baby
  • It helps prevent complications and promote the health of the both
  • Minimize your risks for maternal and child mortality
  • The test can make your pregnancy safer while assessing the overall health and growth of you and your little one. So, book it in 1 minute today.


Helps you know your test better

Q. What Is The Purpose Of Antenatal Testing?

A. Antenatal Screening helps the doctor evaluate the well-being of the fetus and mother to take the treatment in time and avoid all possible complications.

Q. What Are The Tests Included In Antenatal Care Package?

A. It has 60 tests in total. Antenatal Profile Test lists include VDRL (Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test ), Blood Group, TSH, BSR (Blood Sugar Random), HBsAg (Hepatitis B Surface Antigen ), HCV (Hepatitis C virus ), HIV Antibody, Rapid Card, Urine Routine & Microscopy, HbA1c(Glycated hemoglobin), and Complete Hemogram Test, among more.

Q. When Is Antenatal Scan Done?

A. It starts from around 6-8 weeks or even when you think you might be pregnant, as it confirms pregnancy and makes it easier for doctors to watch fetus development and possible complications (if any).

Q. Where To Get This Test Done?

A. Redcliffe Labs is the one stop you can reach for this testing and other diagnostic scans. Our Antenatal Profile Test Price is pocket-friendly. You can book the test directly via the website or mobile app. If you have doubts, you can speak with our experts. We’d be happy to help.

Table of Content

Introduction to Antenatal Profile Test

An antenatal care (ANC) profile is a diagnostic tool that helps doctors assess the overall health of a pregnant woman. The test involves both urine and blood samples to analyze the health status of an expecting mom and the developing fetus. . 

An ANC profile test results are crucial in revealing past or existing health conditions of pregnant women and may require immediate treatment. Regretfully, if left untreated, the existing problem can pose a threat to expecting moms and their babies. 

What is an antenatal care (ANC) profile test?

The antenatal profile comprehensive test is essential for pregnant ladies and is thus suggested in the first trimester of pregnancy. The healthcare professional considers the pre-existing health conditions of expecting females and also looks for health concerns in the early stages of pregnancy. The health conditions that are identified during the ANC profile test are anemia, diabetes, hepatitis, HIV, and more.

Pregnancy is a special phase in a woman’s life. She does not want to leave any stone unturned to make it exciting yet memorable. Antenatal care (ANC) is basic care provided to a pregnant woman, ensuring a safe and healthy nine months.

Early and accurate diagnosis of a medical condition that may affect pregnancy is important, ensuring prompt treatment for the safety of expecting mothers and their developing fetuses. 

Additionally, an ANC test helps detect potential risks and concerns, ensuring both mothers and babies can receive the much-needed care for a healthy pregnancy. 

A combination of blood and urine tests helps identify possible dangers and, thus, provides support to pregnant moms at an early stage. 

If suggested, you need not delay. Book an antenatal profile test from Healthy India Ki Trusted Labs- Redcliffe Labs. It is a leading diagnostic center that provides full body checkups at home, urine and blood tests online with sample collection service in more than 220 cities in India. Get the most accurate antenatal profile test reports within 15 hours. It is prepared by the experts after thoroughly analyzing your blood and urine samples. . 

So, why wait? Book an ANC profile test now! 

Test Details:

Also known as ANC profile test, parental testing. Antenatal comprehensive profile test, antenatal care (ANC) profile test 
Purpose This diagnoses or monitors diseases affecting fetal growth & find troubles in the growing fetus.
Preparation Do not drink or smoke before the test
Fasting No fasting is required
Get reports within 15 hours 
Actual cost INR 2499
Cost offered INR 1499
Sample type  blood, urine 
Home sample collection  Available 

What other tests are included in the ANC profile test?

The antenatal (ANC) profile test is a combination of blood and urine testing. Several other tests are also carried out in the antenatal profile test to assess any lifestyle disease, nutritional deficiency, or transmissible infection. 

Tests included in the ANC profile test are: 

  • A complete blood count (CBC) test is a common blood test that reveals details about red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets. The test evaluates overall health and detects infections, such as anemia, and blood disorders. 
  • Routine urine examination: Basically, it is a diagnostic test that helps assess the chemical, physical, and microscopic characteristics of urine. 
  • Blood grouping and Rh factor test: It helps diagnose Rh incompatibility. 
  • Glucose (sugar) test: The test includes fasting blood sugar, random blood glucose that can be performed anytime, and a PP blood glucose test, which is performed after 2 hours of eating a meal. 
  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) test: The test measures the TSH level in the blood to evaluate thyroid function. 
  • Hepatitis B surface antigen test (HbsAg): The test helps check whether the hepatitis B virus (HBV) in the blood. 
  • HIV 1 and HIV 2 tests: These are two types of viruses that are responsible for causing human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Additionally, these viruses are present in the blood. 
  • Hemoglobin electrophoresis (HPLC): This test helps identify and separate different types of hemoglobin in the blood. 
  • Syphilis test-rapid plasma reagin or VDRL test: The test helps screen for syphilis. It is a disease that occurs due to sexual transmission caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. 
  • Test for rubella infection: It is a viral infection caused by the rubella virus. Rubella is also known as German measles, and the tests associated with detecting rubella infection are: 
  • Rubella IgM Antibody Test
  • Rubella IgG Antibody Test
  • Rubella Serology

What does the test measure?

An antenatal profile test measures the maternal conditions during pregnancy that may affect fetal development. The test aims at detecting and addressing potential health risks. This is to reduce complications and keep the health of a pregnant mom and her child protected. 

The ANC profile test includes blood tests, such as CBC, blood group, hemoglobin, and Rh factor. Besides, other tests include VDRL, HIV, and HBsAg. This is to assess the overall health of a mom and developing fetus, including identifying infections that can be transmitted from a mom to her unborn baby. 

Nevertheless, the blood sugar test, TSH, and the urine examination test help screen for other health-related issues that need to be immediately taken care of. 

What is the purpose of the ANC profile test?

There are several purposes of the antenatal care profile test, including: 

  • Checks the health of the expectant mom and unborn child: The first and foremost purpose of the ANC profile test is to check on the health of a pregnant mom and her child. It identifies potential risks or dangers associated with the pregnancy. Additionally, it tracks the pregnancy’s development. 
  • Locates potential dangers: The test emphasizes the health of expecting moms and developing fetus. The test reveals anomalies and tells if additional testing is needed for an accurate diagnosis. . 
  • Detects high-risk pregnancy: The test helps women know if their pregnancy is high-risk. A high-risk pregnancy is likely to experience pregnancy-related difficulties, especially due to advanced maternal age, miscarriages, even previous miscarriages, or a family history of genetic diseases. 
  • Monitors fetal development: The antenatal profile test also detects difficulties related to pregnancy and monitors fetal development. It allows for timely intervention, management, and treatment. 
  • Tracks overall health and well-being: Nevertheless, the test helps track the overall health and well-being of the mothers-to-be and babies.

No matter the reason, if your healthcare provider has suggested an antenatal care (ANC) test, do not delay. Get tested immediately to prevent illnesses, detect health issues early, and experience a healthy pregnancy. 

What is the procedure for the ANC profile test?

The procedure of the antenatal profile test is simple and less time-consuming. It includes a blood and urine sample collection for diagnosis accuracy. 

Blood Test: The phlebotomist will insert a needle into your vein to draw a blood sample. But before drawing the blood, he will clean the needle spot with an antiseptic solution to prevent infection. 

Additionally, after drawing the blood, the expert will transfer the blood into a vial or test tube for further analysis, in the laboratory using various parameters. 

Urine Test:  You may be provided with a container to collect a urine sample. 

How can you prepare for the ANC profile test?

No fasting is needed before the ANC profile test. It clearly means that you need not abstain yourself from consuming any food or drinks, including water. 

It is crucial to inform your doctor about prescription medications or supplements you are taking, as these substances can interfere with the test results. 

What are the uses of the ANC profile test?

An antenatal care test is used for several reasons, including: 

  • It helps assess the health and well-being of a pregnant woman and her unborn baby, including potential risks, complications, and development of the pregnancy. 
  • The test aids in monitoring fetal development and identifying potential concerns. 
  • The antenatal profile comprehensive test identifies possible risks and guides whether further testing is needed. 
  • The test also helps identify the blood group of an expecting mom, evaluate the risk of Rh factor incompatibility, and blood disorders. 
  • Last but not least, the test clears the doctor’s confusion if you are at a high risk of infectious disorders, thyroid problems, or diabetes mellitus. 

What are the benefits of an ANC profile test?

The ANC profile test helps assess various aspects of a pregnant woman’s health. Some of its benefits include: 

  • It helps assess the health of pregnant moms and their babies. 
  • It helps identify the early-stage complications in the pregnancy. 
  • The test aids in treating existing health problems that could negatively affect the baby. 
  • The test addresses health issues detected in the developing fetus. 
  • Nevertheless, the test helps reduce the risk of death of a mom and a child during pregnancy. 

ANC profile test results: 

The normal range of the ANC profile values may vary depending on the specific laboratory where your blood and urine samples are analyzed. Below is a normal range for some of the tests often a part of the antenatal care test: 

S. No.  Name of the Test Normal Range
1.  Hemogram 11-15 gm/dL 
2.  White blood cells 4 - 10 × 10^9/ L
3. TSH  0.4 - 5 mlU/L
4. Glucose levels Before meal: <94 mg/dL One hour after meal: < 140 mg/dL
Two hours after meal: < 110 mg/dl

5. CBC 3.9 million - 5.1 million cells per mcL
6. CD4 (for HIV) 495 - 1600 cells/mm^3

Test Result Interpretation:

The interpretation of the antenatal profile test is as follows: 

  • CBC: It reveals your hemoglobin level. Low hemoglobin is a sign of anemia. 
  • Blood group and Rh factor: The Rh-negative mother and the Rh-positive father may indicate a hemolytic disease in the newborn. 
  • Blood sugar: High blood sugar may be a sign of gestational diabetes. 
  • Rapid plasma region (RRR), HIV1 and 2, and HBsAg:  If an RRR is positive, it may mean syphilis. A positive HIV 1 and HIV 2 indicate infection, and a positive HBsAg implies that an expecting mom is suffering from hepatitis B. 
  • Urine R/M: It helps find infections in the urinary tract. 
  • Hemoglobin electrophoresis: This checks the abnormalities in hemoglobin. 

Book ANC Profile Test At Affordable ANC Profile Test Price! 

Book your appointment with the Redcliffe Labs for the antenatal care test. The antenatal profile test price with Redcliffe Labs is INR 1499 only. Once booked, you will get professional services, including urine sample collection and painless home blood drawing procedures, along with lab analysis, and the most accurate ANC profile test reports, typically within deadlines. So, why wait? Book an antenatal profile test now! 

ANC Test Price

Antenatal Profile Test Price in Different Cities

City Name Discounted Price
Delhi ₹1499
Noida ₹1499
Mumbai ₹1499
Bangalore ₹1499
Kolkata ₹1499
Pune ₹1499
Lucknow ₹1499
Ahmedabad ₹1499
Hyderabad ₹1499
Chennai ₹1499
Gurgaon ₹1499
Jaipur ₹1499
Faridabad ₹1499
Indore ₹1499
Patna ₹1499

Note: We also offer Antenatal Profile Test PAN India. Please call the number 8988988787 to check the availability of our services in your area.


The antenatal profile test is a diagnostic tool that monitors the health and well-being of a pregnant woman. It also tracks the growth of a developing fetus. A healthcare professional typically suggests the test during the first trimester of pregnancy, enabling early detection of any abnormalities.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an antenatal profile test?
An antenatal profile test is recommended for expecting moms during the first trimester. The test helps the healthcare professional in assessing the overall health and well-being of a mom-to-be, and her child.
    Why is an antenatal profile test important during pregnancy?
    An antenatal profile test is important during pregnancy to evaluate and promote the health of a pregnant lady and her fetus.
      Which tests are included in the antenatal profile?
      The tests that are a part of the antenatal profile test include blood tests such as CBC and hemoglobin. It also checks for VDRL, HIV, HBsAg, blood sugar, TSH, and a few more.
        When should an antenatal profile test be done?
        An antenatal profile test should be done in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is often a part of a series of medical checkups, screenings, and guidance sessions.
          Do I need to fast before the antenatal profile test?
          No, you do not need to fast before the antenatal profile test. Consult your doctor and inform them about medications and supplements you are taking to receive the most accurate test results.
            What conditions can the antenatal profile test detect?
            The conditions the antenatal profile test detects include blood disorders, high-risk pregnancy, diabetes, Rh factor incompatibility, and thyroid disease disorders, among others.
              How is the antenatal profile test performed?
              The antenatal profile test is performed using blood and urine samples. These samples are sent to a laboratory for analysis and report generation.
                Is the antenatal profile test safe for the baby?
                Yes, the antenatal profile test is absolutely safe for the baby. It is not at all risky. In fact, the test presents a clear picture of the overall health of the mom-to-be and her unborn child.
                  How much does an antenatal profile test cost?
                  The cost of the ANC profile test varies from lab to lab. However, the antenatal profile test price at Redcliffe Labs is only INR 1499.
                    Do I need to repeat the antenatal profile test during pregnancy?
                    Consult your healthcare provider, as some tests may be repeated. However, most of the tests are usually performed at one time.

                      Frequently Asked Questions

                      What is an antenatal profile test?
                      An antenatal profile test is recommended for expecting moms during the first trimester. The test helps the healthcare professional in assessing the overall health and well-being of a mom-to-be, and her child.
                        Why is an antenatal profile test important during pregnancy?
                        An antenatal profile test is important during pregnancy to evaluate and promote the health of a pregnant lady and her fetus.
                          Which tests are included in the antenatal profile?
                          The tests that are a part of the antenatal profile test include blood tests such as CBC and hemoglobin. It also checks for VDRL, HIV, HBsAg, blood sugar, TSH, and a few more.
                            When should an antenatal profile test be done?
                            An antenatal profile test should be done in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is often a part of a series of medical checkups, screenings, and guidance sessions.
                              Do I need to fast before the antenatal profile test?
                              No, you do not need to fast before the antenatal profile test. Consult your doctor and inform them about medications and supplements you are taking to receive the most accurate test results.
                                What conditions can the antenatal profile test detect?
                                The conditions the antenatal profile test detects include blood disorders, high-risk pregnancy, diabetes, Rh factor incompatibility, and thyroid disease disorders, among others.
                                  How is the antenatal profile test performed?
                                  The antenatal profile test is performed using blood and urine samples. These samples are sent to a laboratory for analysis and report generation.
                                    Is the antenatal profile test safe for the baby?
                                    Yes, the antenatal profile test is absolutely safe for the baby. It is not at all risky. In fact, the test presents a clear picture of the overall health of the mom-to-be and her unborn child.
                                      How much does an antenatal profile test cost?
                                      The cost of the ANC profile test varies from lab to lab. However, the antenatal profile test price at Redcliffe Labs is only INR 1499.
                                        Do I need to repeat the antenatal profile test during pregnancy?
                                        Consult your healthcare provider, as some tests may be repeated. However, most of the tests are usually performed at one time.