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What are the Benefits of an Annual Health Check? - MyHealth


What are the Benefits of an Annual Health Check?


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Meenakshi
on Feb 3, 2024

Last Edit Made By Meenakshi
on Mar 17, 2024

Health Checkup

In today’s fast-paced world, as we rush through our daily routines, our health often takes a backseat. In our daily hustle-bustle, we forget about our health and the subtle signs our bodies give us. This is where Annual Health Checkups come into use. Amid the chaos of our lives, these routine health checkups remind us that we must take charge of our health and detect potential health issues before they escalate.

Annual Health Checkups – Your Annual Health Reminder

Annual health checks are vital in preventive healthcare, offering several advantages beyond disease detection. Let’s explore the benefits emphasizing the importance of preventive healthcare measures.

Benefits Of Annual Health Checkup:

  • Help With Early Detection Of The Disease: The primary objective of the Annual Full Body Checkup is to identify potential health issues early when they are more manageable and treatable. It helps indicate conditions like Hypertension, Diabetes, and certain cancers that sneak in silently and disrupt our lives drastically.
  • Reduce Stress: Knowing your health status gives peace of mind and significantly reduces stress and anxiety. In addition, if identified early, it allows individuals to take proactive measures, alleviating uncertainty-related stress.
  • Prevent Chronic Disease: Many preventable diseases, such as Diabetes, Heart Disease, High Cholesterol, or Hypertension, are often preventable or manageable through diet or lifestyle modifications. Preventive Health Checkups allow individuals to take charge of their health through preventive measures.
  • Improve Quality Of Life: Identifying and addressing issues early on contributes to a better quality of life, allowing timely intervention and management to prevent disease progression. Moreover, it encourages individuals to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives.
  • Save You Bucks: We must understand that treating advanced-stage diseases is more difficult and costly. Early detection through preventive health checkups allows for timely intervention and less expensive treatment options, reducing overall healthcare costs in the long run.

Routine health checkups are routine medical examinations and proactive investments in well-being. It lays the foundation for a healthier life. It is a step towards a future of well-being and longevity.

Who needs Annual Health Checkups?

If you think you are doing well and don’t need health checkups, here are reasons to reconsider your decision.

  • It is for everyone: Routine Full Body Health Checkups benefit individuals of all ages and backgrounds as a preventive measure to detect and address potential health issues before they escalate and take severe shape.
  • You have preexisting conditions: If you have an existing health concern, you need routine monitoring to adjust treatment plans and manage the condition better. These checkups help monitor the progress of the disease and check if the treatment is responding well.
  • You are a middle-aged or older individual: If you or anyone you know is approaching middle age and beyond, you must check yourself routinely to detect the problems early for timely intervention.
  • Establish Baseline Health: Besides offering a comprehensive health assessment, Annual Full Body Checkups help establish a baseline for tracking changes over time and improving health for good.
  • Empower Personal Well-Being: Also, prioritizing routine health checkups empowers one to take charge of one’s health and encourages a proactive and informed approach to a healthier lifestyle.
  • Family History: You may also need to consider annual health checkups if you have a family history of any chronic illness. Routine tests help you confirm or rule out the risks of you being affected by the same.

Whether you have symptoms or not are at risk, it is always advisable for one and all to get themselves tested routinely to keep track of their health and prevent potential complications. So, what’s included in the package? What types of tests does it cover? Scroll down to get the answer.

Lists Of Tests Covered In Annual Health Checkups:

  • Complete Blood Count (CBC) Test: It counts blood components and assesses overall health, providing valuable insights into conditions such as anemia, infection, and blood disorders. It detects and monitors various health problems, helping guide appropriate interventions and treatments.
  • Kidney Function Test (KFT): It is a group of blood and urine tests that evaluate how well kidneys are functioning and help detect & monitor kidney-related conditions.
  • Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR): The test measures ESR levels, which, if found in elevated levels, indicate the presence of infection, inflammation, or chronic conditions.
  • Glucose Fasting (BSF): It is often suggested to assess and diagnose diabetes and prediabetes. It evaluates how well the body regulates blood sugar levels and helps doctors develop appropriate treatment.
  • Thyroid Profile Total: The test evaluates overall thyroid functions and helps diagnose thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Moreover, it helps determine treatment and helps doctors restore thyroid function and maintain hormonal balance.
  • HbA1C Test: Suggested as a part of a routine full body checkup, the HbA1C Test provides an average of a person’s blood sugar levels over the past 2-3 months to help manage diabetes.
  • High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (Hs-CRP): It is suggested to measure low Hs-CRP, a marker of inflammation in the body. Moreover, the test helps assess the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Lipid Profile: It assesses cholesterol and triglyceride levels to identify the risk of heart disease and guide preventive measures.
  • Liver Function Test (LFT): It assesses liver health and, helps diagnose & monitor liver diseases, and provides insights into the function and potential damage.
  • Urine Routine & Microscopic Examination: It analyzes a urine sample to detect abnormalities and manage urinary system disorders.

These tests provide a comprehensive overview of an individual’s health to detect potential health problems and guide appropriate interventions or lifestyle adjustments. If you want to book an Annual Health Checkup, Redcliffe Labs has you covered. Our test includes 91 parameters to evaluate your health thoroughly at just Rs 1499.


Amidst deadlines, meetings, and the constant stuff of responsibilities, we often overlook our health, which comes with its consequences. The best way to win over the condition is to make routine health checkups a part of your routine. These checkups offer a chance to catch potential health issues early on, reminding us that our well-being deserves to win in the race for success. So, pay attention to it. Because if your health wins, you win.

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