Book Sickling Cell Test - Price, Purpose, Procedure [2024]


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Sickling Test

Also known as: Sickling Phenomenon Test

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  • Age Group: All Ages
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Who should take the Sickling Test?

  • Individuals with symptoms suggesting sickle cell anemia, such as anemia, pain crises, jaundice, or organ damage, should take the Sickling Test.

Why take the Sickling Test?

  • Your doctor may ask you to take the Sickling Test if you are planning a family or for preoperative purposes, screening, diagnosing, and monitoring health conditions in patients with suspected or known sickle cell disease.

What are the benefits of the Sickling Test?

  • It helps with early diagnosis and treatment of sickle cell anemia. It also identifies the disease's carriers, allows doctors to choose the correct course of treatment depending on your condition, and suggests preventive measures.

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Introduction to Sickle Cell Disease Mutation Screening Test

Sickle cell disease affects millions of people worldwide, yet people don't talk about it often enough. Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disorder that causes the production of abnormal Hemoglobin called S (Hb S or Hgb S). 

A sickle cell disease test is a genetic test that analyzes your DNA to determine if you carry genes for sickle cell disease. The test looks for specific mutations in the HbS gene responsible for producing red blood cells called hemoglobin. Signs of sickle cell disease are usually seen in early childhood. The disorder characterizes the symptoms of low red blood cells (anemia), repeated infections, and pain. Sometimes, the patient might require frequent hospitalization for more serious complications.

During pregnancy, the sickle cell blood test can be used on a fetus to determine if they have sickle cell disease. If sickle cell disease runs in your family, consider taking a sickle cell disease test. It can help reduce the risk of sickle cell disease and complications in your children. You can take sickle cell screening tests from Redcliffe Labs, where the professionals provide the best diagnostic services at affordable prices. 

Test details in brief

Also Known As Sickle Cell Disease Mutation Screening Test, sickle cell anemia test, SCD Test, Hemoglobin S, Hb S, Hgb S
Purpose Sickle Cell Disease Mutation Screening is genetic testing that determines whether someone has one or two gene copies that affect hemoglobin.
Preparation Do not take any over-the-counter medicine without confirming with your Doctor.
Fasting No Fasting Required
Get Reports Within 48 Hrs
Cost INR ₹275

Sickling Test Details

Purpose of the Sickle Cell Disease Test

The sickle test is ordered after birth to screen for sickle cell anemia in newborns. The primary purpose of a Sickle Cell Disease Test is mentioned below-

  • Diagnosis- Identify individuals with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) by detecting the presence of abnormal hemoglobin (hemoglobin S) produced by the sickle cell gene.
  • Carrier Screening—This test determines if someone carries a sickle cell gene but does not have the disease itself. It is important for couples planning to start a family to assess the risk of their children inheriting SCD.
  • Prenatal Diagnosis- During pregnancy, the sickle cell disease test can be used on a fetus to identify if they have SCD, allowing for early diagnosis and management.
  • Newborn screening- The sickle cell disease test in newborns helps to identify sickle cell disease and other hemoglobin disorders.
  • Differentiate SCD from Trait- Some tests can help distinguish between Sickle Cell Disease (with two abnormal genes) and Sickle Cell Trait (with only one abnormal gene).

Preparation for the Sickle Cell Disease Test

The sickle cell disease test is a blood test that requires a blood sample to assess the condition. The test requires no preparation; you just need to follow the below instructions-

  • No Fasting Necessary- You don't need to fast before the test; you can eat and drink as usual. 
  • Medications-  While most medications won't interfere with the test, it's always a good idea to inform your doctor about any medications you're taking beforehand. They can advise if anything specific needs to be adjusted. 
  • Recent Blood Transfusions-  If you have had a blood transfusion recently, mention this to your doctor. Recent transfusions can dilute the concentration of your red blood cells carrying the sickle cell trait, potentially leading to inaccurate sickle cell blood test results.
  • Consult your doctor- If you have any questions, consult your doctor. 

The procedure of the Sickle Cell Disease Test

The sickle cell test is a blood test to determine sickle cell anemia. The blood sample is taken from the vein of your arm; in young children, the blood is collected from the finger or heel. The sample is then sent to the laboratory for evaluation of sickle cell disease. Here is the complete step-by-step procedure of the sickle cell screening test-

  • The phlebotomist will tie a tourniquet on the arm area to make the vein more visible. 
  • After that, he will clean the arm with an antiseptic solution.
  • Next, using a sterile needle, he will draw the blood. You might feel a slight prick or pinch while collecting the sample.
  • Once enough blood is collected, the healthcare professional will remove the needle and apply a bandage over the puncture site.
  • The entire procedure is usually quick and takes only a few minutes.

Some might experience slight discomfort or dizziness during sample collection, but don't worry; this is completely normal. Furthermore, your doctor may recommend additional tests alongside the Sickle Cell Disease Test for a more comprehensive evaluation. Feel free to ask your doctor or the healthcare professional performing the test if you have any questions or concerns.

What do the Sickle Cell Disease Test reports indicate?

The sickle cell blood test looks for the HbS, hemoglobin in the blood that causes sickle cell-shaped red blood cells. The presence of HbS indicates sickle cell disease. Here is what the test reports indicate in detail-

  • Normal Results—Normal or negative results indicate the absence of HbS in the blood, which means the individual does not have sickle cell disease or the Sickle Cell Trait.
  • Positive results- A positive test indicates the presence of sickle cell disease. Your doctor may recommend additional tests to determine the type of SCD. 

Depending on the sickle cell screening test results, your doctor will recommend the next steps. This might include further testing, monitoring, or preventive measures. The doctor will develop a personalized management plan for individuals with Sickle Cell Disease to address their specific needs and manage potential complications. 

Who should take the Sickle Cell Disease Test?

The sickle cell disease SCD is an inherited disorder, so the biggest risk factor is having a family history of the disease. Here is who is at high risk of sickle cell disease-

  • Children with Parents who Carry the Trait- If both parents carry one abnormal sickle cell gene (trait), their children have a 25% chance of inheriting two abnormal genes and developing SCD.
  • People of Certain Ethnicities- SCD is most common among African Americans, Hispanic Americans from certain regions (Central and South America), and people from the Middle East, India, and Mediterranean countries.

What are the common symptoms of Sickle Cell disease?

SCD is a genetic RBC disorder. Sickle cells become hard and sticky and increase the risk of blood clotting. The RBC often dies early, which causes a continuous shortage of blood RBCs. It causes symptoms like-

  • Symptoms of SCD: Frequent infections. The spleen plays a vital role in fighting infections. SCD damages the spleen, increasing the risk of infections in babies. 
  • Swelling in hands and feet- Sickle cell disease blocks the blood circulation in the hands and feet and causes swelling.
  • Delayed growth and puberty—Red blood cells are responsible for providing oxygen and nutrients in the body. A lack of RBCs can slow children's growth and delay puberty in teenagers.
  • Pain Crises are severe episodes of pain that are one of the most common symptoms of sickle cell anemia. The pain develops when the blood is blocked in blood vessels due to sickled red blood cells. People with sickle cell anemia also suffer from chronic pain in bone, joint damage, ulcers, and other conditions.
  • Anemia—Usually, the RBC lives about 120 days, but in sickle cell conditions, the RBCs live only 10-20 days, which causes a shortage of RBCs in the blood. This causes a condition called anemia. Without enough red blood cells, the body cannot get enough oxygen, which causes fatigue, shortness of breath, and pale skin.
  • Jaundice is a yellowing of the skin and eyes caused by a buildup of bilirubin from broken-down red blood cells. 
  • Vision Problems- Tiny blood cells that supply blood to the eyes can become weak with sickle cell disease. This can damage the eyes and the power of the eyes to visual images called the retina and cause vision problems.

Sickle Cell Disease Test price at Redcliffe Labs

The sickle cell test price at Redcliffe Labs is INR 275. Book your test online with the Redcliffe Labs app or call our customer support. We are India's leading diagnostic services provider, ensuring that we offer the best diagnostic services right from your home. With us, you don't need to wait in long queues; your sample will be collected from your doorstep. Our labs are NABL-accredited and ISO-certified, so you do not need to worry about the quality of the report. We ensure that we provide you with test results on time and with 100% correctness. Choose us to get the best diagnostic experience. Book your sickle cell screening today!

Sickling cell Test Price

Sickle Cell Test Cost in Different Cities - Redcliffe Labs

City Name Discounted Price
Delhi ₹275
Ahmedabad ₹275
Mumbai ₹275
Bangalore ₹275
Noida ₹275
Pune ₹275
Lucknow ₹275
Hyderabad ₹275
Chennai ₹275
Gurgaon ₹275
Jaipur ₹275
Faridabad ₹275
Indore ₹275
Patna ₹275

Note: We also offer Sickle Cell Test PAN India. Please call the number 8988988787 to check the availability of services in your area.

Is Sickle Cell Disease in Your Family's History? Get Tested Today!

Sickle cell disease (SCD) can be a serious health concern, but early detection is key to managing it effectively. One sickle cell gene (trait) from one parent doesn't cause SCD. These people are carriers and typically don't experience any symptoms. If you have a family history of SCD or are concerned about your risk, consider genetic counseling and prenatal testing during pregnancy. Couples planning a family can undergo carrier screening to assess the risk of their children inheriting SCD. Knowing your family history and risk factors is crucial. Talk to your doctor about genetic counseling or testing options if you have concerns. Early detection and management can significantly improve the lives of people with SCD. However, if you have been diagnosed with SCD, early intervention allows healthcare professionals to develop a personalized management plan to address your specific needs and prevent complications.

Be sure to understand your risk. Take control of your health and schedule a Sickle Cell Disease Test. This simple step can have a profound impact on your future and the well-being of your loved ones.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a sickle cell test?
The sickle cell test identifies the abnormal hemoglobin in the blood that leads to sickle cell anemia.
    What is the price of a sickle cell disease test?
    The sickle cell disease test price at Redcliffe Labs is INR 275. Book your test today to assess the risk of sickle cell anemia.
      How is the sickle cell test performed?
      The sickle cell test requires a blood sample to be collected from the vein of the arm.
        Is there any special preparation required for the sickling test?
        No special preparation is required before the sickling test. Consult your doctor if you take any medications and recently have had a blood transfusion.
          Can a CBC detect sickle cell?
          CBC test detects the number of RBCs, WBCs, and platelets in the blood. Abnormal number of RBC can detect the anemia, b
            Can sickling be cured?
            A blood or bone marrow transplant is the only cure for Sickling disease, but it is not suggested to everyone.
              What are the four major symptoms of sickle cell anemia?
              Anemia, pain crisis, vision problems, yellowing of skin and eyes, headaches, and tiredness are some major symptoms of sickle cell anemia.
                Why is iron not good for sickle cell patients?
                Excess iron can cause organ damage to the liver, heart, and pancreas, leading to complications. Iron overload can worsen SCD symptoms like pain and fatigue.
                  Why is the sickling test done?
                  The sickle cell test detects the presence of HbS hemoglobin in the blood, which indicates sickle cell anemia.

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                    Frequently Asked Questions

                    What is a sickle cell test?
                    The sickle cell test identifies the abnormal hemoglobin in the blood that leads to sickle cell anemia.
                      What is the price of a sickle cell disease test?
                      The sickle cell disease test price at Redcliffe Labs is INR 275. Book your test today to assess the risk of sickle cell anemia.
                        How is the sickle cell test performed?
                        The sickle cell test requires a blood sample to be collected from the vein of the arm.
                          Is there any special preparation required for the sickling test?
                          No special preparation is required before the sickling test. Consult your doctor if you take any medications and recently have had a blood transfusion.
                            Can a CBC detect sickle cell?
                            CBC test detects the number of RBCs, WBCs, and platelets in the blood. Abnormal number of RBC can detect the anemia, b
                              Can sickling be cured?
                              A blood or bone marrow transplant is the only cure for Sickling disease, but it is not suggested to everyone.
                                What are the four major symptoms of sickle cell anemia?
                                Anemia, pain crisis, vision problems, yellowing of skin and eyes, headaches, and tiredness are some major symptoms of sickle cell anemia.
                                  Why is iron not good for sickle cell patients?
                                  Excess iron can cause organ damage to the liver, heart, and pancreas, leading to complications. Iron overload can worsen SCD symptoms like pain and fatigue.
                                    Why is the sickling test done?
                                    The sickle cell test detects the presence of HbS hemoglobin in the blood, which indicates sickle cell anemia.