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Right Side Chest Pain: Reasons, Prevention, & More


Right Side Chest Pain: Reasons, Prevention, & More


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Muskan Taneja
on Jul 8, 2024

Last Edit Made By Muskan Taneja
on Jul 22, 2024

Women having Right side chest pain

Have you ever experienced gastroesophageal reflux or muscle pain on the right side? Then, it may be a sign of chest pain. 

Chest pain is often associated with a heart attack; not always the signs and symptoms indicate the same—signs including sweating, tiredness, uneasiness, and palpitation radiate chest pain.

We often experience right-side chest pain. It can also be a sign of a heart attack or lung collapse. Certain reasons for right-side chest pain include infection, injury, acid reflux, or a lung problem. 

Not to worry; there are measures you can take to prevent it. Let’s begin by reviewing the required information regarding right-side chest pain. 

What Does Right Side Chest Pain Indicate?

Right-side chest pain may not be a sign of a heart attack. One of the common reasons for right-side chest pain is acute chest pain, which can later increase the chances of acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Around 15% of patients experience this. 

Some common symptoms are sweating, uneasiness, palpitation, blackouts, dizziness, fainting, breathlessness, and acidity. Injury to bones, tissues, and muscles and any other ache indicate pain in the right side of the chest. However, left-side chest pain indicates a heart attack. 

When to see a doctor?

Research indicates that right-side chest pain, if not cured, can lead to severe life-threatening situations. So, consult a doctor if you experience the following symptoms or signs: 

  • Unexpected severe chest pain 
  • Pressure in chest
  • Cold sweat
  • Weakness, dizziness, or nauseous
  • difficulty in breathing
  • Severe pain in the arms, jaw, stomach, or back. 

You should control these signs instantly without allowing them to develop into something serious or life-threatening. If you experience these signs, consult a doctor and seek proper medication. In addition to these symptoms, there are other reasons that can cause right-side chest pain. 

Also read, 


Reason For Right Side Chest Pain

As of now, we know that right-side chest pain has less chance of a heart attack. There are other reasons why you are experiencing chest pain on the right side. Here are the reasons for right-side chest pain. 

  1. Anxiety- Anxiety or stress can lead to panic attacks. It can lead to chest pain, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, and sweating. 
  2. Trauma- Trauma from any severe injury or accident that damaged internal organs. Internal organ damage can create trauma inside the body and can be life-threatening. 
  3. Muscle Strain- Individuals who exercise regularly are most likely to injure their muscles and experience muscle strain. 
  4. Inflammation- Injury to the chest, infection in the chest wound, or any physical strain from heavy lifting can cause inflammation. Inflammatory conditions include spondylarthritis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and costochondritis. 
  5. Rib Fracture- Rib fractures can be painful and serious. A break can lead to right-side chest pain and cause swelling, pain, and tenderness in that area. 
  6. Pneumonia is an infection caused by any viral, bacterial, or fungal infection. Its symptoms (fever, cough, rapid heart rate, chills) can cause pain in the right side of the chest. 
  7. Lung Cancer- Lung cancer is prone to chest pain. The symptoms such as cough, fatigue, weakness, spitting up blood, and shortness of breath lead to right-side chest pain. 
  8. Chest Tumors- Chest tumor builds lumps, swelling, and asymmetrical chest, creating a chest wall, which later causes chest pain. 
  9. Heartburn- Heartburn or acid reflux blocks the food pipe in the chest, causing pain, especially on the right side. 
  10. Gallbladder, liver, and pancreatic issues- They control our digestion and other essential functions, and disease in any of these can lead to right-side chest pain. 

Causes for right side chest pain

Symptoms of Right Side Chest Pain

Right-side chest pain is often associated with pain in the heart, but many other symptoms and signs indicate pain on the right side of the chest.

  • Vomiting or nausea 
  • Dizziness or weakness
  • Cold sweats
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Burning or tightness in the chest
  • Racing heartbeats
  • Long-lasting pain in the chest
  • Trouble swallowing 
  • Pain during deep breathing 
  • Heavy cough
  • The sour taste of food in the mouth. 
  • Fever 
  • Cough
  • Runny nose
  • Anxiety 
  • Hyperventilating 
  • Pain during exertion 
  • Abdominal pain. 

Symptoms of the right side chest pain

How Can You Prevent Right Side Chest Pain? 

Chest pain is not as severe as it seems. With proper care and prevention, right-side chest pain can be prevented. To prevent right-side chest pain, add the following things to your daily lifestyle. 

  • Take regular tests to know your BP, cholesterol, and diabetes levels. In this way, you can manage your health. 
  • Change your daily diet. Consult a nutritionist for a stabilized diet plan that includes every required nutrient, vitamin, and mineral. 
  • Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. 
  • Maintain peace through meditation or yoga. 
  • Limit the intake of harmful substances, including alcohol, excessive caffeine, and smoke. 
  • Take proper care of respiratory infections (if any). 
  • Take vaccine. Consult your doctor to know which vaccine you should opt for. 
  • Avoid heavy and spicy food, which can cause heartburn. 

These are some preventions you can opt for to treat right-side chest pain. If you are experiencing symptoms, take treatment under a healthcare professional's guidance. They might suggest that you take a test. At Redcliffe Labs, you can get yourself tested. From full-body tests to ECG tests, we offer everything you need. 

Take Immediate Testing For Chest Pain 

Chest pain, whether on the right side or the left side, can lead to severe problems. To prevent this, get yourself tested, as early detection can help. It also results in the betterment of your health. Consult your doctor to know about tests regarding chest pain. Some of the blood tests they can recommend are: 

  • Troponin I and Troponin T Test: Troponin (protein) is found in the heart muscle. A high level of troponin indicates a risk of heart attack. Troponin I and Troponin T are two tests that detect heart-related disease and determine the reason for chest pain. 
  • Mercury Test—The Mercury test helps identify the level of mercury. It is a blood test that presents the reason for chest pain, breathing difficulty, and excessive weight gain and loss. 
  • CPK Test- The CPK test helps measure creatine kinase, cause chest pain & identify a heart attack. 
  • ECG Test- Any infection or disease in the heart can lead to blockage and later cause chest pain. You can monitor the heart’s rhythm and electrical activity with an ECG test. 

Get Yourself Tested At Redcliffe Labs! 

You must now know chest pain, its triggers, and its symptoms. If you see the symptoms and signs in your body, get yourself tested. Right-side chest pain may lead to a heart attack, but by getting yourself tested, you can take major precautions. Consult your doctor and take the prescribed blood test for chest pain. With our timely and accurate reports, you can initiate treatment immediately. 

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