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CPK Test - Price, Normal Range, Purpose, Procedure, & More

It measures creatine kinase, finds the cause of chest pain & helps identify a heart attack.

Also known as:  Serum cpk Total

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Package includes following parameters

Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK) (1)

  • Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK)

Test Criteria

Helps you know your test better

Who all are eligible for a creatine phosphokinase (CPK) Test?

  • A CPK test is suitable for those with heart, brain, and skeletal complications, such as heart attack, inflamed muscles, and brain cancer.

Why take Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK) Test ?

  • This test is recommended to diagnose a heart attack, decide how badly a muscle is damaged, and estimate the causes of chest pain.

What are the benefits of the Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK) Test?

  • This test is helpful for your doctor to determine the parts of the body that have been damaged so that corrective measures can be taken at the right time to combat chronic health issues.


Helps you know your test better

How Do I prepare for the CPK test?

Though no special preparations are required for the test, it is still recommended that you stop taking certain medicines, drugs, and alcohol right before the test, as they might influence the results.

How Can I Lower my CPK levels naturally?

To reduce your CPK levels naturally, you need to lower your creatine levels by cutting down on fiber, salt, smoke, alcohol, and drugs and include foods such as oats, apples, carrots, broccoli, walnuts, and almonds.

What are the factors that can affect my test results?

Excessive exercise, recent surgery, vaccines, and cardiac catheterization can significantly affect your test results.

What is the CPK test price ?

To give every suffering patient an equal chance to get diagnosed at the right time, Redcliffe Labs offers the CPK test price at Rs. 249 only.

Table of Content

Introduction to Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK) Test

Creatine phosphokinase, also called Creatine Kinase, is an important enzyme in the skeletal muscle, brain, and heart, indicating varied medical conditions. Crucial for energy metabolism, Creatine phosphokinase (CPK) helps maintain the energy supply necessary for muscle contraction, heart function, and brain activity and serves as a diagnostic marker for muscle and heart-related conditions and injuries. It has a significant role in helping diagnose and monitor various medical conditions. A Creatine Phosphokinase Test measures the CPK levels to assess muscle damage or injury and analyze and monitor conditions affecting muscle health. Higher CPK levels are usually an indicator of injury or stress in muscles or the heart. However, it could also rise due to vigorous exercise or certain medications. Therefore, you should book a CPK Blood Test as suggested to determine the cause and take necessary action.

If the doctor has suggested the CK Blood test, also called the Creatine phosphokinase Test, Redcliffe Labs is your one-stop platform. As the best Omnichannel Pan India diagnostic service provider, we offer different diagnostic tests with doorstep sample collection convenience to ensure you get reliable services at reasonable rates. So, book the Creatinine Kinase test at home with us now.

Test Details In Brief:

Also Known As CPK, Serum Creatinine Kinase, CK Total, Creatinine Kinase
Purpose Assess muscle damage, including heart muscle damage, and diagnose related conditions.
Preparation Do not drink alcohol or smoke before the test
Fasting No Fasting Required
Get Reports Within Same Day
Cost INR 249

CPK Test Details

What Is the CPK Enzyme? 

Creatine phosphokinase is an enzyme—a protein that causes chemical changes in the body. It is found in the heart, brain, and skeletal muscles. It is critical in cell energy production, particularly during physical activity.

As the name suggests, the function of the CPK enzyme is to add phosphate groups to creatine, a chemical found in muscle cells. CPK helps convert creatine into phosphocreatine, which stores energy through high-energy phosphate bonds. This energy is readily available for muscle contractions and other cellular functions.

The creatinine kinase is found in skeletal and heart muscles, and a small amount is found in your brain. Based on where the enzyme is found inside the body, it is grouped into these types- 

  • CPK-1 (or CPK-BB): Mainly found in the lungs and brain 
  • CPK-2 (or CPK-MB): Mainly found in the heart
  • CPK-3 (or CPK-MM): Mainly found in the skeletal muscles

CPK levels in the blood are often measured to assess muscle or tissue damage, as the enzyme is released into the bloodstream when muscle cells are damaged. This is why doctors consider creatinine phosphokinase in your blood a sign of stress, heart injury, or muscle or brain tissue. 

Why take the CPK test?

Creatinine kinase levels usually reflect the condition of your skeletal muscles, heart, or brain. So, the doctors recommend the test when you notice any problems related to these organs.

  • Muscle pain
  • Muscle weakness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Dark urine
  • Tingling or numbness
  • Balance problems

Who Should Take a CPK Test?

  • Individuals with symptoms of muscle weakness, pain, or swelling.
  • People with chest pain or other signs of a heart attack.
  • Those on medications that may cause muscle damage.
  • People recover from physical trauma or intense exercise.

Symptoms That May Call For Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK) Test:

While the symptoms may not be the same for every individual, some of the common signs that most people with elevated CPK levels often complain of include the following:

  • Persistent Muscle Pain: Unexplained muscle pain, accompanied by weakness, tenderness, or cramping, is a significant reason to consider a CPK Test. If the levels exceed the normal range, it indicates muscle damage.
  • Dark-Coloured Urine: Your urine color can indicate a lot about your health. The dark color often suggests that your CPK levels are not balanced and may need evaluation. However, it could be due to other reasons as well. Hence, diagnosis is essential to confirm the cause and get the cure.
  • Muscle Weakness: Individuals complaining of sudden muscle weakness and difficulty performing activities, which were normal before, could indicate that they may need a CPK Test.
  • Injury Or Trauma: Any trauma, accident, or injury involving muscles can damage muscles. This may call for a Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK) Test to assess the extent of muscle injury and monitor recovery.
  • Heart-Related Symptoms: Individuals with heart-related symptoms, including shortness of breath, chest pain, and other signs, may need a CPK test to measure the CPK isoenzyme found in heart muscle.
  • Tingling Or Numbness: Your doctor may suggest a CPK Blood Test to individuals complaining of unexplained tingling or numbness in the legs or feet to confirm the cause.
  • Balance Problems: Lastly, individuals complaining of balancing problems may need to get tested to identify the problem early and help you take charge of the condition.

Symptoms That May Call For Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK) Test

Some people may also complain of symptoms like breathlessness or profuse sweating due to discomfort or muscle pain. Understanding that these symptoms elevate CPK levels and indicate other problems is essential. Hence, doctors may also suggest additional tests, depending on your condition, age, gender, medical history, Creatine Kinase Test results, and other factors, to confirm the cause and provide appropriate treatment in time. Redcliffe Labs is a reliable platform to book a CK test at home to get tested comfortably and conveniently.

What You Need to Avoid Before Getting a CPK Enzyme Test? 

You don't need to require any special preparation. You must consider a few things before going for the CPK test. Before taking the test, inform your doctor, as some medications might affect your CPK test results. For example- 

  • Cocaine
  • Statins
  • Alcohol
  • Fibrates
  • Steroids
  • Amphotericin B
  • Some anesthetics
  • Avoid Strenuous Physical Activity or Exercise—Intense workouts or heavy lifting must be avoided before the test, as they might cause muscle damage and lead to high CPK levels.
  • Alcohol Consumption- Avoid alcohol intake as it may lead to muscle stress and may artificially raise CPK levels.
  • Smoking- Smoking can temporarily impact muscle metabolism and affect test results. Avoid it for a few hours before the test.

Purpose Of Creatine Phosphokinase Blood Test:

  • Diagnose Heart Attack: While assessing the risk of a heart attack, the CPK Blood Test helps diagnose a heart attack, enabling doctors to initiate the treatment in time.
  • Evaluate Muscle Damage: Found in various muscles throughout the body, the Creatine Phosphokinase Blood Test helps assess muscle damage, check the extent of the damage, and diagnose conditions, such as muscle injuries or myopathies.
  • Monitor Muscular Disorders: Elevated CPK levels are usually common in individuals with muscular dystrophy, inflammatory myopathies, or other muscle disorders. Getting tested may help monitor the progress of the disease and treatment effectiveness.
  • Assess Heart Health: The test may help look for CPK-MB fraction, a form of CPK, whose presence in the blood helps assess heart attacks and monitor cardiac health.
  • Guide Treatment Decisions: The Creatine Phosphokinase Blood Test helps healthcare practitioners evaluate the damage and check the severity of the injury, aiding in determining the appropriate course of treatment.

From assessing muscle damage to helping diagnose heart attacks and guide treatment decisions, the Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK) Test serves many purposes. Book your Creatinine Kinase Blood Test with Redcliffe Labs to get tested comfortably from home.

Preparations Required For A Creatine Phosphokinase Test:

  • Most of the time, the test doesn't require special preparations or dietary restrictions. However, individuals following a specific diet containing ingredients that can influence their CPK levels may need to follow the instructions of a healthcare practitioner.
  • Moreover, it is always advisable to tell your doctor and phlebotomist about any prescribed or non-prescribed medicines, as it can otherwise influence the test results, leading to discrepancies.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for a few hours before the test as it can otherwise elevate the CPK levels, leading to discrepancies in the results.
  • You should avoid drinking or smoking for a specific period before the test to prevent discrepancies and ensure maximum accuracy in the test results.
  • If you have any known medical condition, pregnancy, allergies, or fears, like fear of injections, keep your doctor or phlebotomist informed and follow their instructions.

Remember, following your doctor's or phlebotomist's instructions can help the sample quality, leading to inaccuracies in the test results. So, feel free to ask for help if you have doubts.

Procedure Of A CPK Test:

  • It is a simple blood testing procedure that may only take 5-10 minutes to complete the procedure, and the general steps involved in it include the following:
  • A phlebotomist may first use an antiseptic to clean the site and tie an elastic band around your arm to create pressure and make the vein visibly found.
  • Once the vein is found, they'll insert a sterile needle to draw blood for testing.
  • The needle will be removed, causing a slight prick or pain, and the collected sample will then be transferred to a vial.
  • Lastly, the band will be removed, and a bandage will be applied to the punctured site to prevent infection or further bleeding.

The procedure is generally safe and has no side effects, but in a rare scenario, if you experience unusual symptoms, seek immediate medical assistance.

Procedure Of A CPK Test

What is the CPK Test Normal Range?

The CPK Test normal range is between 10 to 120 mcg/l, which can vary due to the test method, sample handling, and more factors. Discussing the Creatine Phosphokinase Normal Range or test results with your doctor for accurate interpretation and making informed health decisions is always advisable.

What do higher CPK levels indicate?

Elevated CPK levels are usually signs of health problems related to the brain, skeletal muscles, and brain. High CPK levels are usually seen in individuals who have:

Brain and lung issues (indicate abnormally high CPK-1 levels)

  • Seizure
  • Brain injury or stroke
  • Convulsions
  • Brain cancer 
  • Delirium tremens 
  • Lung tissue death (pulmonary infarction)
  • Electric shock

Heart issues (indicates abnormally high CPK-2 levels):

  • Heart attack
  • Electrical injuries
  • Open heart surgery
  • Heart injury (for example, after a road accident)
  • Heart muscle inflammation (myocarditis)

Muscle injury or muscle stress (indicates abnormally high CPK-3 levels):

  • Crash injuries
  • Drug-related muscle damage 
  • Dermatomyositis or polymyositis
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Myopathy

Other factors that could cause high CPK levels despite not directly affecting your muscles, heart, or brain include:

  • Addison’s disease
  • Autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus
  • Heavy exercise
  • Injections
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Kidney failure
  • Microbial infections
  • Cushing's syndrome
  • Celiac disease
  • Prolonged surgery

Do You Need a Treatment for High CPK Levels?

Having high CPK levels in your test results may indicate various conditions. It could be due to a vigorous exercise routine or injections you have had. If high CPK levels are caused by exercise or mild physical activity, they usually return to normal without medical intervention.

This could be due to an error in the test processing.

Your doctor would consider all factors, including your lifestyle, medical history, test reports, family history, etc., to determine if further tests are required.

Once all the tests are done, your doctor will interpret the results and determine the cause of your health problem. The treatment depends on the cause of elevated CPK levels; for example, if the cause is- 

  • Muscle Diseases or Injuries- Your doctor may recommend physical therapy and some medications.
  • Heart Damage (Myocardial Infarction)- Your doctor may recommend medications or procedures like angioplasty.
  • Autoimmune or Systemic Diseases- The doctor may recommend your specific therapies, including immunosuppressants or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Tips To Lower CPK Levels:

Lowering elevated Creatine Phosphokinase levels is crucial, and the following practices may help you do so:

  • Address The Underlying Cause: Identifying and treating the condition causing muscle damage or inflammation manages Creatine Phosphokinase levels.
  • Adjust Your Medication: If certain medications or side effects contribute to high CPK levels, your doctor may suggest potential adjustments, and you should follow them accordingly.
  • Make Necessary Lifestyle Changes: Individuals leading a sedentary lifestyle may need to break the chain of a poor lifestyle and embrace some changes. For a healthy & balanced lifestyle:
    • Stay hydrated to prevent muscle cramps.
    • Exercise daily, but don't overexert.
    • Quit smoking and limit the intake of alcohol.
    • Take adequate rest to prevent muscle overuse and damage.
  • Eat A Balanced Diet: Balanced eating is crucial to balance your health. Consider adequate protein and anti-inflammatory foods to support muscle repair and growth.
  • Get Tested: Lastly, timely testing is critical to evaluate changes in the CPK levels and take preventive measures and medicines on time.

The results may not be the same for every individual. Therefore, consulting a healthcare practitioner before adjusting your diet or routine is essential for optimal results.

CPK Test Price @ Redcliffe Labs!

If your healthcare advisor has suggested a CPK Test, we are the most reliable and reasonable lab around you. We are committed to ensuring that every individual has access to quality diagnostic services, so we keep the CPK Test Price at Redcliffe Labs to the minimum possible. We promise the most hassle-free diagnostic experience with the comfort of doorstep collection at a highly affordable cost. The CPK Test Price is just Rs 249 at Redcliffe Labs. So, what are you waiting for? Book now!

Other CPK Related Tests/Packages That You Can Book With Redcliffe Labs

Tests/Packages Price in INR
Creatine Kinase MB Test ₹400
CPK, Isoenzymes, Serum Test  ₹8600
Fitness Package Essential ₹1799
SMAC Profile ₹799
Master Full Body Checkup Package - Male ₹3999

CPK Test Sample Report - Redcliffe Labs

CPK Test Sample Report

Get Tested Early With Redcliffe Labs!

Measure your Creatine Kinase levels, understand your health, and take charge of it before it's too late. The test will help assess the muscle damage and diagnose heart attacks, ensuring timely action for better management. So, now understand your CPK levels better with the CPK Blood Test at Redcliffe Labs. In addition to all the benefits, we provide an express slot, ensuring that the sample gets picked within 45 minutes and the reports will be delivered to you within a stipulated time frame. The test can be scheduled online in just 1 minute, and the phlebotomist will be at your doorstep at your scheduled time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a CPK test?
CPK Test or Creatine Phosphokinase Test is a blood test that measures Creatine Phosphokinase enzyme levels to assess muscle and heart health and diagnose conditions like muscle diseases, heart attacks, or brain injuries. Besides this, the test helps check the effectiveness of the treatment, allowing adjustments (if required).
    What is the price of a CPK test?
    The price of a CPK test varies widely depending on factors like location, choice of lab, and more factors. With Redcliffe Labs, we promise their reliability and cost-effectiveness. CPK Test Price with Redcliffe Labs is just Rs 249. Book a test and experience the best diagnostic experience at affordable rates.
      What does a high CPK in a blood test mean?
      High CPK levels usually indicate muscle damage or injury, heart problems (especially if CPK-MB is elevated), brain injury, inflammation of muscles (myositis), and other medical conditions. However, the specific interpretation is based on this test result and other clinical evaluations.
        What is a CPK test used for?
        CPK tests diagnose and monitor various medical conditions related to muscle damage or heart health. While CPK levels are used to evaluate muscle damage or injury, it helps diagnose heart attacks and monitor certain medicine response.
          Why is a CPK test done?
          Your doctor may suggest a CPK Test for various reasons, including: Diagnosing heart attacks Assessing muscle damage or injury Monitoring the progress of muscle disease or myositis Evaluating neuromuscular disorders Monitoring the effects of certain medications Examining brain injuries or conditions If you've been asked for this test, delay no more and schedule your appointment with Redcliffe Labs today.
            Does a CPK test require fasting?
            Your doctor may suggest a CPK Test for various reasons, including:Diagnosing heart attacks, Assessing muscle damage or injury, Monitoring the progress of muscle disease or myositis, Evaluating neuromuscular disorders, Monitoring the effects of certain medications, Examining brain injuries or conditions. If you've been asked for this test, delay no more and schedule your appointment with Redcliffe Labs today.
              How to Prepare for the CPK Test?
              While the test doesn't require special preparations, certain medications or activities can influence CPK levels. Hence, following your healthcare practitioner's instructions is highly advisable to avoid discrepancies in the test results.
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                Frequently Asked Questions

                What is a CPK test?
                CPK Test or Creatine Phosphokinase Test is a blood test that measures Creatine Phosphokinase enzyme levels to assess muscle and heart health and diagnose conditions like muscle diseases, heart attacks, or brain injuries. Besides this, the test helps check the effectiveness of the treatment, allowing adjustments (if required).
                  What is the price of a CPK test?
                  The price of a CPK test varies widely depending on factors like location, choice of lab, and more factors. With Redcliffe Labs, we promise their reliability and cost-effectiveness. CPK Test Price with Redcliffe Labs is just Rs 249. Book a test and experience the best diagnostic experience at affordable rates.
                    What does a high CPK in a blood test mean?
                    High CPK levels usually indicate muscle damage or injury, heart problems (especially if CPK-MB is elevated), brain injury, inflammation of muscles (myositis), and other medical conditions. However, the specific interpretation is based on this test result and other clinical evaluations.
                      What is a CPK test used for?
                      CPK tests diagnose and monitor various medical conditions related to muscle damage or heart health. While CPK levels are used to evaluate muscle damage or injury, it helps diagnose heart attacks and monitor certain medicine response.
                        Why is a CPK test done?
                        Your doctor may suggest a CPK Test for various reasons, including: Diagnosing heart attacks Assessing muscle damage or injury Monitoring the progress of muscle disease or myositis Evaluating neuromuscular disorders Monitoring the effects of certain medications Examining brain injuries or conditions If you've been asked for this test, delay no more and schedule your appointment with Redcliffe Labs today.
                          Does a CPK test require fasting?
                          Your doctor may suggest a CPK Test for various reasons, including:Diagnosing heart attacks, Assessing muscle damage or injury, Monitoring the progress of muscle disease or myositis, Evaluating neuromuscular disorders, Monitoring the effects of certain medications, Examining brain injuries or conditions. If you've been asked for this test, delay no more and schedule your appointment with Redcliffe Labs today.
                            How to Prepare for the CPK Test?
                            While the test doesn't require special preparations, certain medications or activities can influence CPK levels. Hence, following your healthcare practitioner's instructions is highly advisable to avoid discrepancies in the test results.