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5 Effective Tips to Stay Healthy And Strong These Summers


5 Effective Tips to Stay Healthy And Strong These Summers


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Sohini Sengupta

Written By Kirti Saxena
on Apr 9, 2024

Last Edit Made By Kirti Saxena
on Apr 9, 2024

5 Effective Tips to Stay Healthy And Strong These Summers

5 Effective Tips to Stay Healthy And Strong These Summers

Summer is here! Are you ready to go outside and enjoy life?

Life is easier in the summer. You can spend more daylight outdoors and feel more energized and renewed. But the summer season also comes with challenges like dehydration, sunburn, infections, and other health issues. To stay healthy during this time, you require a proactive approach. 

This is the time of year when you can take care of yourself and adopt a healthy lifestyle and habits. Moreover, it is the perfect time of the year to go on vacations, eat better, live more actively, and focus on your health. Here’s how to get ready for this summer season. Learn some common summer health issues and effective tips to make your summers more enjoyable!


Try these Tips to Get yourself summer-ready.

The bodies' requirements and needs constantly change with the seasons. Here are some tips to keep yourself healthy and fit this summer season.

1. Food to Eat in Summer

Foods that can cool us down in the summer are those that have a high water content. Eating these foods can help keep our core body temperature down and make us feel more comfortable in the heat. The hot summer months can affect your body's functioning, including metabolism, digestion, and fluid balance. Therefore, it is important to understand your body's requirements and choose food that keeps you cool and has a high water content. 

Curd and yoghurt 

Love curd? Absolutely! Curd contains 78- 82% water and is bound with proteins. It is rich in probiotics and micronutrients that keep your gut healthy. Consuming curd in summer helps reduce inflammation, ease indigestion, and protect you from heat. Furthermore, many nutritionists advise consuming curd to treat insomnia as it contains calcium, tryptophan, vitamin B5, B12, magnesium, and folic acid. 

How to eat?

  • Add curd in smoothies to make your drinks more gut-healthy.
  • Curd rice is famous in coastal parts of India, so why not try the recipe this summer? 

Green Leafy Vegetables

The fresh green leafy vegetables contain 85.7% to 92.2% water content. These green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, and mustard greens are rich in vitamins and minerals like Vitamins A and C, iron, magnesium, and calcium. Here are some more benefits of consuming green leafy vegetables- 

  • Low in calories helps to maintain a healthy weight and also improves digestion. 
  • The chlorophyll in green leafy vegetables aids blood purity and energizes you. 
  • Boost immunity
  • It contains a lot of fiber
  • Helps to reduce inflammation
  • Antioxidants reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease

How to eat?

  • You can try green juices by adding one or two leafy vegetables.
  • Try some green soups by adding lots of vegetables and spices
  • Make palak, methi, cabbage, broccoli parathas, and rotis.


Cucumbers contain 96% water, are low in calories, and are a good source of vitamins and fiber. Eating cucumbers in the summer is a good idea to keep yourself cool. They aid in regulating body temperature and flushing out toxins.

How to eat?

  • Consume in salads and smoothies.


The fresh mint leaves contain 83.85% of water content. It contains menthol that helps with irritable bowel disease. Mint is effective in relieving digestive problems such as indigestion. Menthol contains cooling properties that aid in inflammation in the body. 

How to eat?

  • Add mint leaves in water and cucumber 
  • Add mint leaves to smoothies or salads.

Food to Avoid in Summer

To be honest, everyone likes junk food in summer or winter. But did you know eating heavy, fatty foods like spicy foods is not good in the summer? It might impact your health and make you uncomfortable and hot. These foods can also increase blood pressure and other complications. Read below to understand what you should avoid in summer-

  • Spicy Food
  • Alcohol
  • Coffee
  • Red Meat
  • Sugary Drinks
  • Dry Fruits and nuts 

2. Hydrate, Hydrate and Hydrate

Roughly 60% of body mass is water. Cells, muscles, tissues, the brain, and almost every organ require water to function properly. However, during extreme heat, the body loses water through perspiration. When you lose even 2% of water from sweating, you might frequently experience dehydration. It may cause headaches, fatigue, cramping, low blood pressure, and even unconsciousness.

So, how much water should you drink per day? You might have heard of the advice: eight glasses of water per day, or 64 ounces. 

High Water Content Fruits and Vegetables to include in your diet this summer!

  • Cucumber- 96% of water
  • Tomato- 94% of water
  • Celery- 95% of water
  • Yogurt- 88% of water
  • Watermelon- 92% water
  • Zucchini- 94% water
  • Strawberries- 92% water
  • Lettuce- 96% water
  • Peach- 89% of water
  • Broccoli- 92% of water 
  • Radishes- 95%
  • Kiwi- 90%
  • Orange -88%
  • Grapefruit -88%
  • Carrot -88%
  • Pineapple- 86%
  • Blueberries- 8%
  • Apple -84%
  • Grapes- 81%

3. Reduce Sun Exposure!

Protect yourself from sun exposure. Direct sunlight can damage skin, cause wrinkles, and change tone. Some people might notice skin allergies and sunburns from sun exposure in the summer.

Unprotected sun exposure from ultraviolet rays can cause skin cancer. According to the CDC, only 15 minutes of sun exposure can cause sunburn. Therefore, it is important to avoid going outside during summer peak hours. 

How to protect yourself?

  • Wear full-sleeved clothes.
  • Use sunscreen of at least SPF 30 on your skin during summer.
  • Wear UV protection sunglasses to protect your eyes from harmful rays.

4. Follow a Skin Care Routine!

Summer brings many infections, such as ringworm, athlete's foot, yeast infections, genital infections, and more. 

Therefore, taking care of your skin in summer is important to avoid skin infections and other issues.

How to take care of your skin?

  • Take a bath daily and keep your skin hydrated and moisturized. 
  • Wash your hands and feet regularly with antibacterial soap to avoid skin infections.
  • Apply sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 before going out. 
  • Apply aloe vera gel to the face and neck. It soothes the skin and repairs damaged cells caused by excessive sun exposure. 
  • Take care of your feet, scrub them for exfoliation, and apply sunscreen to protect tanning and moisturize well.

5. Exercise to boost your Health!

A beautiful sunny day is all you need to start your day with motivation. Get up early and go for a walk or to the Gym. Regular exercise is recommended to maintain a healthy weight, improve heart health, boost immunity and physical strength, and improve overall health.

How to stay active?

  • You can try outdoor activities like swimming, brisk walking, hiking, and cycling. 
  • Wake up early or go out late in the evening to avoid heat exposure.
  • Wear light-colored or lightweight clothing to feel comfortable.
  • Get yourself a water bottle or energy drink to keep yourself hydrated during workouts.

Common Health Problems in Summers

As the temperature rises, it brings lots of health issues with it. Below are some common issues everyone might face during summer- 

  • Heat stroke- Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are common in summer. You can beat heat stroke with adequate hydration and avoid going outside.
  • Dehydration—Another common issue in summer is dehydration. It can cause dizziness, low blood pressure, diarrhea, and fainting-like symptoms. To prevent dehydration, avoid drinking alcohol, coffee, tea, and sugary drinks. 
  • Food poisoning- Avoid eating unhygienic outside food from stalls, as it might contain bacteria, viruses, or toxins. It can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and cramps. Drink plenty of water and fluids even if you don't feel thirsty. 
  • Allergies- Allergies are more prevalent in summer and are often triggered by pollen, mold, and dust mites, which can be more prevalent in the summer. Avoid going outside during the day hours and use air purifiers indoors. 
  • Sunburn- Sunburn is caused by overexposure to UV rays from the sun. It can cause pain, redness, and blistering. Wear protective clothes such as a hat and sunglasses. 

Take Regular Health Checkups!

Scorching summers can make you prone to various infections and diseases. However, it is important to take regular health checkups during the summer. Tests to take during summer are-

You can also choose the Summer Special Comprehensive Package and Summer Special Essential Package to get healthy. 


Follow these simple tips to stay healthy and energized and enjoy the summer. Summer is a time for fun and adventure, but prioritizing your well-being allows you to experience it fully. Don't be afraid to adjust these suggestions to fit your lifestyle—find what works best for you! 

Staying hydrated, protecting yourself from the sun, eating a balanced diet, and staying active can help you conquer the heat and feel refreshed. If you are not feeling well and experiencing abnormal symptoms, consult your doctor and have regular health checkups. So, are you all set to welcome summer? Get out there, explore, and have a fantastic summer!

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