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Viral Fever Symptoms, Causes & Prevention


Viral Fever Symptoms, Causes & Prevention


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Ragiinii Sharma

Written By Meenakshi
on Jul 27, 2023

Last Edit Made By Meenakshi
on Sep 7, 2024

Viral Fever Symptoms

As the weather changes, Viral Fever finds its way into our lives. Whether it’s the common cold, flu, or cough, these pesky infections make us feel under the weather. Fighting them and staying fit is necessary, but it can only be possible if we know everything about them. Fear not! In this blog, we’ll shed light on Viral Fever, its symptoms, causes, and what you can do to protect yourself & your loved ones. So, what are you waiting for? Before viral Fever enters your life, let’s navigate through their world and arm ourselves with the right knowledge to stay healthy & resilient.

What is a Viral Fever?

Viral Fever is a term used to describe a medical condition caused by viral infections. Characterized by Fever, chills & other flu-like symptoms, Viral Fever poses significant health risks if not managed effectively. Viruses responsible for causing Viral Fever belongs to different families, including Influenza, Rhinovirus, Coronavirus, etc.

Different viruses affect our bodies differently, leading to various symptoms that affect our health. Since the cause can be other, so does their incubation period, and symptoms usually start to appear within a few days to a week after exposure. Being alert of those symptoms is the easiest way to identify those culprits hidden in your body early and fight them before they take a severe shape.

So, how do you find Viral Fever? What are the early symptoms of Viral Fever? Worry not! We’ve got the answer here!

Viral Fever Symptoms:

The symptoms vary depending on the type of virus responsible for causing the infection in the body, the individual’s immune response, age, gender, current health status, and other factors. However, some common Viral Fever Symptoms that most people may experience include the following:

  • High Fever: High body temperature or Fever is one of the primary signs of a Viral Fever, and if the temperature is not breaking in a day or other symptoms are worsening, you must get yourself tested.
  • Too Much Lethargy: Viral Infections weaken our body from the inside out, leading to excessive fatigue and weakness, making it difficult to carry out even the simplest daily activities.
  • Muscle Aches: Many viral infections may cause intense pain in the muscles & joints, leading to discomfort.
  • Sore Throat & Cough: Most viral infections cause respiratory illnesses, leading to soreness, itching, or pain in the throat, which sometimes is accompanied by a cough.
  • Runny Or Stuffy Nose: Cough & nasal congestion are typical symptoms mostly associated with Viral Fever.
  • Nausea & Vomiting: In some cases, one may experience gastrointestinal issues, like nausea & vomiting.

Remember, these symptoms could also indicate other illnesses, and to determine the actual cause, it is always advisable to seek medical assistance. Depending on your symptoms, medical history, and other factors, your healthcare provider may suggest Viral Fever Basic Screening or Fever Test to evaluate your condition better & suggest appropriate treatment.

How long does a Viral Fever last? - Viral Fever Duration:

In most cases, Viral Fever duration in adults or kids last 3-4 days and extend up to a week and sometimes even longer. It is essential to understand that Viral Fever Duration varies depending on the type of virus infection you are contracted with and individual factors. If your fever persists for longer and you may have other symptoms, it is advisable to go for a proper Fever Screening to confirm the cause and obtain the treatment in time.

Viral Fever is common, and everyone must have had it at some point. What causes it to get hold of our body and make us sick? Let’s take a look.

Common Causes Of Viral Fever:

  • Viral Fever results from viral infections, such as:
    • Influenza Virus: Causes seasonal flu.
    • Adenovirus: Responsible for respiratory & gastrointestinal infections.
    • Rhinovirus: The primary cause of the common cold.
    • Coronavirus: Strain of Coronavirus, like SARS-COV-2, is responsible for triggering Fever & respiratory symptoms.
    • Enterovirus: Often induces infections & mouth diseases.
    • Dengue Virus: Transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito, and is responsible for high Fever & bone pain & more.
    • Chikungunya Virus: Usually causes Joint pain, rashes & high Fever.

Apart from viral infections, some other Viral Fever Causes are:

  • Sharing food & drinks with an infected person.
  • Drinking & eating contaminated food & water.
  • Exchanging bodily fluids with an infected individual.
  • Low immunity in babies, children & older adults with a high risk of developing infections.
  • Close contact with an infected person may also cause Viral Fever.

The cause could be anything; the fact is that Viral Fever can take over your health, leading to complications, and getting tested in time is critical.

Viral Fever – Diagnosis:

Viral Fever cannot be identified alone by looking at the symptoms. As a result, doctors may suggest specific tests to determine the virus responsible for causing the infection. Such as:

  • Nasal Or Throat Swabs
  • Blood Tests
  • Viral Cultures
  • Rapid Diagnostic Tests

Getting tested as suggested by your healthcare provider is highly advisable to confirm the diagnosis and ensure appropriate Viral Fever treatment. Not all Viral Fevers are life-threatening; some can be easily managed following simple preventive measures. Scroll down to know more:

Tips To Manage Viral Fever:

  • Get Plenty Of Rest: If you are down with Viral Fever, giving your body adequate rest is essential to fight the viral infection and recover fast.
  • Stay Hydrated: Viral Fever usually causes dehydration and can lead to weakness in the body. Thus, drinking plenty of healthy fluids, such as water, herbal teas, or fresh juices, is advisable.
  • Go For Screening: Do not overlook any of your symptoms and go for timely screening to confirm the cause and ensure an accurate diagnosis. It will help you catch the illness and take preventive measures as required.
  • Follow Medical Advice: It is always advisable to complete the medicine course and follow all the other preventive measures as suggested by your healthcare provider to manage the symptoms & combat the illness.

These are some general guidelines and may work differently for every individual. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult your healthcare provider and follow their instructions, whether related to the test, medicine, diet, or routine modifications.

You caught the Fever, took the treatment, and recovered well! Is there any way to prevent it from acquiring in the first place or keeping ourselves safe in the future? There is no one way to avoid it completely, but some tips can reduce your risks of getting into its grip. Scroll down to unfold them.

Viral Fever – Prevention Tips:

If you want to prevent being the victim of Viral Fever, it is advisable to follow certain proactive measures to reduce your risk of viral infection. Some preventive tips that one may follow are:

  1. Practice Hygiene: Contaminated surfaces, water, or food are the major causes of Viral Fever, and following healthy hygiene practices is advisable to keep you safe and minimize your risk.

What to do:

  • Wash your hands often
  • Use sanitizer (if outside and there is no hand wash facility around)
  • Use clean water for drinking & food
  1. Prevent Exposure: Viral Fever vastly spreads through droplets of cough & sneeze of an infected individual or contact with bodily fluids.

What to do:

  • Avoid close contact with sick individuals
  • Keep your mouth and nose covered
  • Maintain healthy distance
  1. Consider Routine Health Screening: Routine health checkups can make it easy to identify potential illnesses developing within your body while it is at its onset stage with no symptoms.

What to do:

  • Take routine Full Body Checkups
  • Consult a doctor to understand health & take preventive measures accordingly
  1. Adopt A Healthy Lifestyle: Your lifestyle choices can also influence your health, weaken your immunity and increase your risk of catching viral infections or Fever.

What to do:

  • Eat a well-balanced diet
  • Indulge some physical activity in your routine
  • Quit smoking
  • Limit the alcohol consumption

Remember, these general preventive measures can help you maintain your well-being and minimize your risks of Viral Fever. But you can still get it; vigilance will help you manage it better before complications strike.

When to See a Doctor in Viral Fever?

You can manage viral fevers, as they are usually self-limiting. You can get enough rest and drink plenty of fluids. However, the doctors must be consulted in the following circumstances: 

  • Fever lasting more than 3-4 days: You should see your family doctor or general practitioner if you have a fever for more than 3-4 days. A prolonged fever of more than 103 F (40 C) and any of these symptoms, such as severe headache and rash, need immediate medical attention. 
  • Difficulty breathing or chest pain: Possible symptoms of difficulty breathing or chest pain in viral fever are due to respiratory infections or bronchitis. People who have asthma may experience worsened symptoms during a viral fever. Therefore, call your doctor immediately. Timely intervention can avoid further complications and ensure proper treatment. 
  • Persistent vomiting or diarrhea: Ongoing vomiting or diarrhea in a viral fever is a cause of concern. During persistent vomiting and diarrhea, your body loses essential fluids and electrolytes, leading to dehydration. It may lead to dry mouth, dark urine, dizziness, and extreme fatigue. Seeking help early can prevent complications. 

4 Viral Fever-Prevention Tips

Prevention is always better than cure. Here’s how you can protect yourself and your loved ones from viral fever:

  1. Strengthen your immune system: 

A viral fever can temporarily weaken or stress your immune system. You will be more vulnerable to secondary infections and slow down your recovery. 

By following these tips, you can strengthen your immune system, including: 

  • Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and antioxidants.
  • Get enough sleep and stay hydrated.
  • Regular physical activity also boosts immunity.
  1. Practice Respiratory Hygiene:

Maintaining good respiratory hygiene during a viral fever is important. It helps prevent the spread of infections. 

By practicing effective respiratory hygiene, you can reduce transmission of these viruses: 

  • When sneezing or coughing, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or elbow.
  • Dispose of tissues immediately and wash your hands afterward.
  • Wear a mask in public or crowded places. 
  • Do not touch your face, especially your eyes. 
  • Stay at least six feet away from others. 
  • Keep your surroundings clean. 
  1. Stay Vaccinated:

Vaccination is important in preventing viral infections that can cause viral fevers. Staying vaccinated is essential during viral fever breakouts, and it will also reduce the severity of illnesses. 

  • Get annual flu vaccinations and any other relevant vaccines recommended by your doctor.
  • Stay updated with booster shots to enhance immunity. 
  1. Use Mosquito Protection:

Mosquitoes can transmit several viruses that can lead to viral fevers, such as dengue, chikungunya, and Zika virus. Proper mosquito protection during a viral fever can help avoid contracting mosquito-borne diseases. Here is how you can effectively protect yourself from mosquitoes during viral fever. 

  • If you live in or travel to areas prone to mosquito-borne diseases, use mosquito repellents, sleep under mosquito nets, and wear long-sleeved clothing.
  • Eliminate breeding grounds around your home. 
  • Use mosquito coils or electric repellents indoors. 
  • Stay indoors during peak mosquito season. 

Viral Fever Types

Three main types of viral fevers are as follows: 

  1. Exanthematous Viral Fever: This type of viral fever is characterized by a rash or eruption of the skin. Some symptoms include: 
  • High body temperature
  • Skin rashes
  • Body ache
  1. Viral Gastroenteritis: This viral fever affects the intestines and may lead to inflammation. Viral gastroenteritis may cause severe diarrhea and stomach cramps. Key symptoms include:
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Watery diarrhea
  • Abdominal cramps
  1. Respiratory Viral Fever: This type of fever suggests your respiratory system. Infections like the common cold, flu, and COVID-19 fall under this category. Symptoms include: 
  • High temperature
  • Persistent coughing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Sore throat

Note: Identifying these types of viral fever for timely treatment and recovery is very important. Therefore, it is mandatory to stay well-informed about these conditions. Nevertheless, meeting your healthcare provider regularly to get timely updates on your health is always beneficial. 

What are the complications related to a viral fever?

It is crucial to understand the complications related to viral fever. This section will illuminate the potential complications that may arise if viral fever is not treated properly. 

  1. Kidney Failure: If your viral fever is not going away, it can affect your kidneys. This might lead to kidney failure, so promptly consult your doctor and start the appropriate treatment. 
  2. Dehydration: Maintaining dehydration levels during a viral fever is very important as it can cause excessive sweating and loss of appetite, leading to dehydration. 
  3. Seizures: High-grade viral fever may lead to seizures, especially in young and older adults. Liver Failure: Prevention and early diagnosis of a viral fever are keys to maintaining liver health. 
  4. Nervous System Malfunctions: Regretfully, viral fevers can affect the nervous system. Symptoms often seen are confusion or difficulty coordinating movements. 
  5. Respiratory Fever: The respiratory complications such as pneumonia or bronchitis can affect your lungs, causing breathing difficulties. 

If caught early on, viral fever complications can be treated and prevented. Consult your doctor, take supplements, and get enough rest to manage and treat viral fever. 

How does viral fever affect different age groups?

Understanding how viral fever affects children and adults can help recognize the symptoms early on and initiate timely treatment. 

Viral fever in children: Kids are more vulnerable to viral fevers owing to their developing immunity. Signs and symptoms can include: 

  • High body temperature
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Loss of appetite

It is crucial to consult a pediatrician, as he is the right person to guide you toward the appropriate viral fever treatment and care. 

Viral fever in adults: Adults suffer from the same viral symptoms as children and may also experience aches and a persistent cough. 

You can recover quickly from the viral fever symptoms with proper rest, hydration, and prescription medicines. 

4 Dietary Recommendations for Viral Fever

Eating easy-to-digest, light food is important to recover from a viral fever. Also, increase your intake of water to replenish lost fluids. Some important dietary recommendations include: 

  • Eat protein-rich foods: Pulses, eggs, lean meat, and milk can strengthen your immune system. 
  • Include vitamin C to increase white blood cells and combat infections. 
  • Whole grains and fiber: Whole wheat bread, oats, and brown rice contain essential nutrients for your immune system. Eat fruits and vegetables high in fiber to boost digestion and keep you full. 
  • Avoid processed foods: Do not eat processed foods while you recover from viral fever. Sweetened drinks, packaged cakes and biscuits, ice cream, sweets, and chocolates are low in nutrients and high in sugar, which can hinder your recovery process. 

Viral Fever Complications:

If we speak in general, Viral Fever is not serious or life-threatening, but if left undiagnosed or unaddressed, it can lead to some complications. If you are down with Fever, which is not breaking for 1-3 days, it is advisable to seek immediate medical assistance. Your healthcare provider may suggest a proper diagnosis or a diagnostic test, depending on your condition to evaluate your health better and provide appropriate treatment.


Viral Fever is a common illness that can catch anyone in general, and managing it requires a little attention and extra effort. Prevention is the key to reducing the spread and your risk of contracting the Fever. Be proactive and follow all the advice your healthcare provider provides. Redcliffe Labs is your diagnostic partner that you can consider to book Viral Marker Rapid Test. The test aims to identify virus-specific antibodies or viral contagions in the blood to check the presence of viral infection, even before the symptoms appear. So, be alert and take charge of your health today.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

1. Which is the best medicine for viral fever?

Paracetamol is usually recommended for viral fever. However, it is always a good idea to consult your doctor before taking any medication to treat viral fevers. 

2. Can I take an antibiotic for viral fever?

No. Antibiotics are not recommended for treating viral fever. They work better for treating bacterial infections. 

3. Can I take a bath in viral fever?

Yes. There is no harm in taking a bath with lukewarm water. It may help reduce your body temperature and provide relief. 

4. How can I increase the platelet count in viral fever?

You can eat vitamin A, B9, C, and K-rich foods. These may support platelet production. However, seeking medical assistance is a must for proper guidance and treatment. 

5. What are the levels of viral fever symptoms?

The levels of viral fever symptoms are as follows:

  • Low severity
  • Medium severity
  • High severity

6. Does viral fever increase at night?

Yes. It may be because of the natural drop in the cortisol levels in the blood. The fever becomes more acute during the night.

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