It evaluates your overall health while diagnosing your risks for developing certain diseases.
Urine, Blood
You will Save ₹4134 on this Package
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Tests Processed Everyday
Collection Centres
World Class In-house Labs
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Package includes following parameters
Complete Blood Count (CBC) (26)
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) (1)
Glucose Fasting (1)
HbA1C (Glycosylated Haemoglobin) (2)
Kidney Function Test (KFT) (12)
Lipid Profile (9)
Liver Function Test (LFT) (12)
Thyroid Profile Total (3)
Urine Routine & Microscopic Examination (23)
Helps you know your test better
Who all are eligible for fit India full body checkup?
Why take the fit India full body checkup in Mohali?
What are the benefits of a fit India full body checkup?
Helps you know your test better
Q. Who must take an online full body check-up?
Q. What are the key things to consider for a full-body test at home?
Q. Why book a full-body test package in Mohali from Redcliffe Labs?
Q. How frequently to take a full-body test at home?
In today’s fast-paced world we have forgotten to take care of our health. We don’t eat a balanced meal, sleep properly, and exercise. These are the factors that are giving rise to lifestyle-related disorders such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart diseases, fatty liver, and kidney failure. The illnesses are impacting the overall quality of our life. It happens as various underlying causes of the health risk remain undiagnosed.
A full-body test at home helps to identify the underlying cause of the disease. Diagnosis at the early stage will help to lead a stress-free and healthy life. The test package includes glucose fasting, urine analysis, HbA1c, thyroid test, KFT, LFT, lipid profile, and complete hemogram.
It is the need of your body to opt for this package. It supports doing a complete analysis of the body vitals. If you are healthy and are under 30 years of age, undergo a check-up every 2-3 years. In case of above 30, go for this health package once a year. Individuals with high-risk diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, kidney disorders, hepatic issues, and diabetes must opt for check-ups every six months. Moreover, you can consult a doctor online in case of any query.
Full body test price in Mohali is low when compared with others. Also, you get the advantage of a free home sample collection. The phlebotomist is working according to the Covid-19 guidelines. This check-up is curated keeping in mind your requirements.
There are various other packages on our website. The package is designed as per your specific needs. Fit India Full Body Check-up with Vitamin screening comprising 89 tests is another package of your interest. You just have to pay INR 1099! The test is required for preventive measures and to prevent yourself from serious health conditions. The test can be scheduled from the Redcliffe website and mobile application.
You will Save ₹4134 on this Package
Given amount is subject to change based on number of patient you select, Applicable on minimum cart amount ₹800