Test Details

HIV Test - Price, Normal Range, Preparation, Procedure - 2025

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This finds HIV infection to help you avoid transmission & start treatment to ease complications.

Also known as:  HIV Early Screen

Includes1 Parameter
Reports in (T&C)24 hrs
Sample Required


FastingNot Required

  You will Save 100 on this Test

Additional Instructions

  1. HIV Consent Form is to be filled and signed by the patient during sample collection.
  2. Copy of patient self attested Adhaar Card to be provided during sample collection.
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Package includes following parameters

HIV Early Screen (1)

  • HIV Early Screen

Test Criteria

Helps you know your test better

Who all are eligible for this test?

  • This antigen test, known as p24, is a useful test to diagnose recent or early-infected patients with HIV. It shows accurate values of infection if done between 11 days and 1 month after getting infected with the HIV virus. A HIV-1 and 2 antibody test is done afterward to confirm the presence of HIV and find out if the patient has HIV-1 or HIV-2. This is a follow-up test done for the confirmation and differentiation of HIV.
  • Individuals in the age group of 13 to 64 should get tested for HIV at least once a year as a routine health checkup.
  • Low birth infants.
  • Breastfeeding mothers.
  • Newborn infants during pregnancy or after delivery.
  • To see the progression of the disease in already HIV-infected people.

Why take HIV Early Detection Test ?

  • Early detection helps in monitoring, survival, and health improvement in the long term, reducing morbidity.
  • This is a combo test that works at a higher level (an advanced test) and shows more accuracy.

What are the benefits of this test?

  • The test is done in cases of high risk of exposure and disease surveillance.
  • This test is much better than the earlier diagnostic tests for HIV in terms of accuracy and early detection.


Helps you know your test better

Q. What Are The Early Symptoms Of HIV?

A. These are very similar to common flu or any other illness, which makes detecting the presence of HIV infection in your body difficult. These symptoms include Fever, Chest or Throat Infection, Sore Throat, Vomiting, Nausea, Headache, and Rashes. Since these are common, they can mostly get overlooked. The only way to know your HIV status is to get tested at the earliest.

Q. What Are The Later Symptoms Of HIV?

A. After the common symptoms go unnoticed, HIV does start to damage the body. The later symptoms include that your body takes a longer time to recover and stops responding to medication as effectively as it is supposed to. So, it becomes significant to go for a Rapid HIV Test to minimize damage and live a longer life.

Q. How Is HIV Transmitted?

A. HIV transmits from one human to another among anyone indulged in unprotected vaginal or anal sex with someone who has HIV or has relationships with multiple partners. Moreover, sharing needles or syringes puts one more at risk of getting infected with HIV. A baby can also get HIV through their mothers during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or childbirth. Lastly, anyone who has received blood/organ/ tissue of an HIV Infected patient can get infected.

Q. Will I Need To Do Anything Special To Be Prepared For The Test?

A. No special preparation is required for HIV Antibody Test or HIV Screening Test. However, you can speak with your healthcare provider before or after the test to understand everything related to testing, results, and treatment options.

Table of Content

Introduction to HIV Test

HIV tests detect the HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) in blood. The test involves analyzing the blood for specific markers such as antibodies, antigens, or viral genetic material. The HIV blood test is crucial in diagnosing HIV infection, assessing its development, and determining appropriate medical treatment. 

This virus can destroy cells in the immune system, which protect your body against diseases from germs, such as bacteria and viruses, and fungi. This virus spreads through blood contact and other body fluids from a person who has HIV infection. This commonly transfers during sex and sharing needles or injecting drugs.

HIV causes AIDS (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). AIDS is the most dangerous stage of HIV infection. Without proper treatment, it slowly destroys the immune system and causes AIDS. People who have HIV do not mean they have AIDS. With appropriate HIV medicines, you may never get AIDS. So, it is very crucial to detect HIV early so that you can start treatment and stay healthy. You can take an HIV blood test with Redcliffe Labs, the professionals who provide the best diagnostic services from home. HIV blood testing can help you spread the infection. The testing is important for pregnant women so it won't pass to your baby.

Test Details in Brief: -

Also Known As HIV Blood test or HIV antigen Test
Purpose This finds HIV infection to help you avoid transmission & start treatment to ease complications.
Preparation Do not take any over-the-counter medicine without confirming with your Doctor.
Fasting No Fasting Required
Get Reports Within Within 15 hours
Cost INR 900

HIV Test Details

Purpose of the HIV Blood Test

HIV can remain asymptomatic for years, making early detection crucial. The purpose of the HIV test is to detect the presence of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) so that treatment can be started timely. The HIV antibody test helps determine the infection stage and guides healthcare providers in customized treatment plans to manage the virus's impact on the immune system.

In addition, regular HIV testing helps track the progression of HIV and the effectiveness of treatment. Pregnant women must take HIV testing to prevent transmitting HIV to their babies through proper medical treatment.

Preparation for HIV Blood Test

There is no such preparation needed for an HIV blood test. Follow the few steps to ensure accurate and reliable results:

  • No Fasting: The HIV antibody test does not require fasting, so you can typically eat and drink as usual before the test. 
  • Medications: If you take any medications, inform your healthcare provider, as medicine might interfere with the test reports. 

The procedure of HIV Blood Test

During testing, your healthcare provider will take the blood sample through the vein of your arm. The process will take up to 5 minutes. You might feel discomfort when the needle is inserted into your arm. After drawing the blood sample, the healthcare provider will place a bandage on the puncture site. 

Procedure of HIV test

Types of HIV Testing

There are several types of HIV blood tests, each with its purpose and level of accuracy. Here are some of the common types:

  • HIV Antibody Test (ELISA/Western Blot): This is the most common type of HIV test. It detects antibodies produced by the immune system in response to HIV. The initial test is often an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). If the ELISA test is positive, a confirmatory test called a Western blot is usually performed to confirm the diagnosis.
  • HIV Antigen Test: This test detects HIV antibodies and p24 antigen, a protein produced by the virus shortly after infection. It's more sensitive and can detect HIV infection earlier than antibody-only tests.
  • HIV RNA Test: This test directly detects the virus's genetic material (RNA) in the blood. It is highly sensitive and can detect HIV within days to a couple of weeks after infection.
  • Rapid HIV Test: These are similar to antibody tests but can provide results in as little as 20 minutes. They are often used in clinics, community centers, and outreach programs for quick testing and immediate results.
  • Home HIV Test Kits: These kits allow individuals to collect their blood sample at home and send it to a lab for testing. 

What does the HIV Blood test report Indicate?

Usually, HIV tests are accurate, but no test is 100% perfect. False-positive and false-negative results are possible, though they are relatively rare. If someone tests positive for HIV, further confirmatory testing is usually done to confirm the diagnosis. Here is what your test results indicate:

  • Negative result: Negative results indicate no HIV antibodies were detected in your blood. However, if you believe you may have been exposed to HIV or want to get tested, consult a healthcare professional or visit a testing center to get retested.
  • Positive Result: The positive result indicates the presence of HIV infection in your body. This means that your blood sample reacted to the virus-specific markers being tested for. In addition, a positive result requires confirmation through follow-up testing. A confirmatory test, such as a Western blot or an HIV RNA test to ensure the accuracy of the diagnosis.
  • Indeterminate result: In some cases, HIV antibody test results might be indeterminate or inconclusive. This could be due to factors such as recent infection or technical issues. Follow-up testing or repeating the test might be recommended. HIV testing often comes with counseling to discuss the meaning of the results, preventive measures, and next steps.

Remember that HIV is now a manageable condition with proper medical care. So if you are HIV positive, consult your reports with your doctor for appropriate guidance, information, and support. 

What is HIV Normal Range?

A CD4 cell count should be checked during diagnosis or after initiating ART to determine a person's immunological function. The CD4 cell count is a blood test used to monitor the development of HIV, including the risk of acquiring opportunistic infections, and to advise the use of preventative therapy. 

Normal Range

500 to 1500 cells/mm3 of blood

Advanced HIV disease (AHD)

>200 cells/mm3

What are the Symptoms of HIV?

The symptoms of HIV may vary from person to person and may vary on different phases of infection. Some people may experience mild or no symptoms, while others might have more severe symptoms. Moreover, these symptoms don't necessarily mean you have HIV, as they can also be related to other diseases. Common symptoms of HIV can include:

Symptoms that may call for HIV test

Primary infection (Acute HIV)

This is the initial phase of HIV infection, starting from 2 to 4 weeks after exposure. Symptoms may include:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches or joint pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Weight loss
  • Cough
  • Night sweats
  • Swollen lymph glands
  • Skin Rash

Chronic HIV Symptoms: Some people may not experience noticeable symptoms for several years, especially during the asymptomatic stage. However, the virus is active and can be transmitted to others. During this phase, the virus affects the immune system and damages immune cells.

Symptomatic HIV infection: As HIV progresses to AIDS, the immune system becomes severely weakened. Symptoms might include:

  • Rapid weight loss
  • Night sweats
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Swelling of the lymph nodes in the groin, armpits, or neck
  • Diarrhea
  • Sores on the mouth, genitals, or anus
  • Pneumonia
  • Memory loss, depression, and other neurologic disorders

Some people with HIV may not show symptoms for years, especially if they have antiretroviral therapy (ART), which can help control the virus. Routine HIV testing is crucial for early detection and management.

Who is at high risk for HIV?

Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines, people aged 13 to 64 must undergo HIV testing. Because these individuals are at higher risk of getting and spreading the infection. These high-risk groups include:

  • People who have used infected needle
  • Having unprotected sex with HIV infected person
  • Patients with TB or hepatitis
  • People who inject drugs
  • Sex Workers
  • People who have multiple sexual partners
  • People with other STIs

A high-risk group doesn't mean you will contract HIV. However, awareness of your risk factors can help to take preventive measures, such as having safe sex consistently and getting regular HIV testing. 

Prevention Tips for HIV

Transmission of HIV can be reduced if you follow preventive precautions. Here are essential measures to consider:

  • Use Condoms: Having safe sexual intercourse can significantly reduce the risk of HIV transmission. 
  • Limit Sexual Partners: Reducing the number of sexual partners can lower the risk of exposure to HIV.
  • PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis): PrEP involves taking a daily medication (such as Truvada) that can significantly lower the risk of contracting HIV.
  • PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis): PEP is a medication regimen taken within 72 hours of a potential HIV exposure to prevent infection. 
  • Avoid Sharing Needles: If you inject drugs, use clean needles and equipment each time.
  • Regular Testing: Knowing your HIV status through regular testing is crucial. 
  • Stay Informed: Educate yourself about HIV, transmission risks, and prevention methods. 
  • Safe Tattoo and Piercing Practices: Ensure that tattoo and piercing studios use sterile equipment to prevent exposure to contaminated blood.
  • Treatment for Other STIs: Treating and preventing other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) reduces the risk of HIV transmission.

HIV Test Price only @900 

The HIV test price is INR 900 at Redcliffe Labs. If your doctor has recommended the HIV antigen test, you must choose us. With us, you will get the best diagnostic services at affordable prices. Our expert phlebotomist will come to your place to get you tested without any hassle. We are confident enough to provide you with the best experience and services. So why wait in long lab queues? Book an online lab appointment today!!!

HIV Test price

Other HIV Tests You Can Book With Redcliffe Labs

Name Of The Test Price
HIV Antibody, Rapid Card Test 399
HIV 1&2 Antibodies by CMIA Method Test 480
HIV Antibodies (confirmation) by Western Blot Test 2999
HIV-1 Monitor Test 6900
HIV 1 Viral Load 3000

Get Tested Today for a Healthier Tomorrow!

If you have been diagnosed with HIV, inform your partner about the infection to protect them from transmission. However, if you're uncertain about your risk or need guidance on prevention methods, consult with your doctor, as they can help you through your journey. Redcliffe Labs is your trusted diagnostic partner and will provide you with HIV blood tests right from your home. Early detection and proper medical care are crucial for managing HIV infection and preventing its progression to AIDS. Don't delay HIV testing, as you might face worse medical conditions. Remember, getting tested for HIV is a proactive step toward better health and awareness. So why are you still waiting? Book your HIV test today!!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the HIV test price?
The HIV test price at Redcliffe Labs is only INR 900. We have highly competitive prices so everyone can access the lab tests.
    What to do if I am HIV positive?
    If you find HIV positive, then you must consult your Doctor. Proper guidance, precautions, and treatment planning can help you reduce the risk of transmission of infection.
      When should I take an HIV test?
      As per the medical experts, you must take an HIV test once a year. The HIV antigen test is highly recommended for those who engage in unprotected sex, share needles, and have more than one sexual partner.
        What is the difference between an HIV-1 and an HIV-2 test?
        HIV-1 and HIV-2 are two different types of viruses. Most HIV tests detect HIV-1, which is more common globally. While both cause weak immune systems, HIV-2 develops more slowly and has a lower transmission rate than HIV-1.
          What is the HIV antigen test?
          HIV antigen tests are the commonly used HIV tests. It detects the HIV antibodies and antigens in your blood. An antigen is the part of HIV that triggers your immune system to fight the infection.
            What does the HIV Test measure?
            The test detects the presence of HIV genetic material, antigens, and antibodies. Positive results indicate the presence of the HIV Virus.
              How early can HIV be detected?
              HIV can be detected as early as 18 to 90 days after exposure. Antigen-antibody tests usually take 18 to 45 days to detect HIV after exposure. The nucleic acid test (NAT) takes 10 to 30 days to detect HIV.
                How long for HIV test results to come back?
                Test results may vary as rapid tests provide results in about 20 minutes. Results can take a few hours for other tests, depending on the testing facility.
                  How accurate is the HIV test after two weeks?
                  A rapid antigen test can usually detect HIV after two weeks after exposure. However, 99.9 percent of people detect the virus after 12 weeks.

                    Frequently Asked Questions

                    What is the HIV test price?
                    The HIV test price at Redcliffe Labs is only INR 900. We have highly competitive prices so everyone can access the lab tests.
                      What to do if I am HIV positive?
                      If you find HIV positive, then you must consult your Doctor. Proper guidance, precautions, and treatment planning can help you reduce the risk of transmission of infection.
                        When should I take an HIV test?
                        As per the medical experts, you must take an HIV test once a year. The HIV antigen test is highly recommended for those who engage in unprotected sex, share needles, and have more than one sexual partner.
                          What is the difference between an HIV-1 and an HIV-2 test?
                          HIV-1 and HIV-2 are two different types of viruses. Most HIV tests detect HIV-1, which is more common globally. While both cause weak immune systems, HIV-2 develops more slowly and has a lower transmission rate than HIV-1.
                            What is the HIV antigen test?
                            HIV antigen tests are the commonly used HIV tests. It detects the HIV antibodies and antigens in your blood. An antigen is the part of HIV that triggers your immune system to fight the infection.
                              What does the HIV Test measure?
                              The test detects the presence of HIV genetic material, antigens, and antibodies. Positive results indicate the presence of the HIV Virus.
                                How early can HIV be detected?
                                HIV can be detected as early as 18 to 90 days after exposure. Antigen-antibody tests usually take 18 to 45 days to detect HIV after exposure. The nucleic acid test (NAT) takes 10 to 30 days to detect HIV.
                                  How long for HIV test results to come back?
                                  Test results may vary as rapid tests provide results in about 20 minutes. Results can take a few hours for other tests, depending on the testing facility.
                                    How accurate is the HIV test after two weeks?
                                    A rapid antigen test can usually detect HIV after two weeks after exposure. However, 99.9 percent of people detect the virus after 12 weeks.