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eGFR test - Price, Purpose, Need, Uses, Normal Range, & More

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It is the most reliable test that helps examine how well your kidneys are working.

Includes2 Parameters
Reports in (T&C)10 hrs
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FastingNot Required

  You will Save 220 on this Test

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This test is applicable for patients aged 18 years or more.
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Package includes following parameters

Creatinine (1)

  • Creatinine

eGFR(1 Parameters) (1)

  • eGFR (CKD-EPI)


Helps you know your test better

What do you need eGFR Test?

You might be at elevated risk of getting a kidney disorder in the conditions like Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and a Family History of Kidney Failure.

What is an eGFR Test used for?

An eGFR Test is performed to diagnose complications in the normal functioning of the kidney at an early stage. This test helps to prevent the upcoming damages that might occur to your kidney.

What are the risks associated with the test?

Except for slight pain or bruising at the needle's insertion spot, the test doesn’t include any specific risk.

What do the results indicate?

The eGFR test results are classified into three categories: normal (you have no kidney disease), below normal (you have a slight chance of developing kidney disease), and far below normal (you have kidney failure).

Table of Content

Introduction to Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) Test

Kidneys are important to keep your health in good shape. By filtering blood and removing waste, excess fluid, and electrolytes, they maintain the body’s internal environment. Therefore, it is essential to track whether they are functioning well or not. Several health assessments are used to determine health and diagnose related conditions early. One of the tests is the eGFR test, also called the Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate Test, which estimates how well the kidneys function in filtering waste products from the blood. In simple, it measures the kidney’s ability to GFR based on various factors, including blood creatinine levels, age, and gender. Besides detecting kidney failures or other kidney problems, the test has many potential applications.

Monitoring your kidney health is important to avoid complications and keep your kidneys healthy. Therefore, if your doctor has suggested an eGFR test, delay it no more and schedule it with Healthy India Ki Trusted Lab, Redcliffe Labs today. With years of diagnostic experience and expertise, we promise precision and accuracy in every result. So, book your Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate Test with us today.

Test Details:

Also Known As Glomerular Filtration Rate, GFR, eGFR, Estimated GFR, Calculated Glomerular Filtration Rate, cGFR
Purpose Estimates the rate at which the kidneys filter waste products from the blood to assess kidney functions.
Preparation Do not drink alcohol or smoke before the test
Fasting No Fasting Required
Get Reports Within Same Day
eGfr Test Price INR 180

eGFR Test Details

Who may need an eGFR Test?

Since the eGFR Blood Test is to evaluate kidney health and check the onset of kidney disease, healthcare providers may suggest the Test if you are into the following category:

  • Family History Of Kidney Disease: Individuals with a family history of kidney problems may consider routine kidney function tests, including eGFR, to assess their risk and catch any potential abnormalities early.
  • Elderly Individuals: Age is the major factor that influences kidney health. Therefore, older adults may be advised to undergo periodic Serum eGFR Tests to keep track of their kidney health.
  • With Chronic Conditions: If you have had a chronic medical problem such as diabetes, hypertension, or something else that increases your risk of kidney disease, regular eGFR testing is often recommended to monitor kidney functions to detect the potential threats early (if any).
  • History Of Kidney Disease: People with a history of kidney disease may require ongoing monitoring with eGFR Tests to track the condition better.
  • Frequent UTIs: Individuals who have experienced frequent urinary tract infections may need an eGFR lab test to evaluate kidney health and assess its associated risks.
  • Smoking: Smoking is one such habit that affects not just your lungs but your kidneys, too. Therefore, if you have a habit of the same, you may be asked to go for an Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate Test to check how well your kidney is functioning.

Who may need an eGFR Test

What is The eGFR Test Used For?

The eGFR Test has several uses. These are: 

  • Find the kidney disease, especially in people with no symptoms. 
  • Diagnose kidney disease in people with symptoms. 
  • Determine the seriousness of the kidney disease. 
  • Monitor the health condition of people who have CKD or chronic kidney diseases and those who take medications that can harm kidneys. 
  • To check kidney health before treatment. 

What Does The eGFR Test Measure?

The test measures kidney function. It checks the filtration rate in millimeters per minute (mL/min). The eGFR calculates the GFR, which provides an estimated measurement of creatinine present in the blood. A unique formula is used to measure the eGFR depending on the creatinine level. However, factors such as age, race, gender, sex, and body fitness level can affect the creatinine levels in the blood. 

In some cases, eGFR measures cystatin C (protein) present in the body's cells. Criteria such as muscle mass, physical activity, and diet can affect cystatin C levels. 

How is The GFR Calculated?

A healthcare professional uses a unique formula to confirm the eGFR. It is the CKD-EPI Creatinine Equation, which is

eGFRcr = 142 x min(Scr/κ, 1)α x max(Scr/κ, 1)-1.200 x 0.9938Age x 1.012 (if female)


Scr = standardized serum creatinine in milligrams per deciliter

κ = 0.7 in females or 0.9 in males 

α = -0.241 in females or -0.302 in males

min(Scr/κ, 1) is the minimum of Scr/κ or 1.0 

max(Scr/κ, 1) is the maximum of Scr/κ or 1.0 

Age (years)

You may also need an eGFR Test if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Urinating more often
  • Feeling tired
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Swelling in arms, legs, or feet
  • Muscle cramps

These symptoms could be associated with kidney disease and may prompt the healthcare provider to suggest an eGFR Blood Test. However, doctors often suggest an eGFR Test depending on individualized and various factors. It's always advisable to follow your healthcare provider's instructions and get tested, if recommended, to detect potential problems early and take charge of the condition.

What is the purpose of the eGFR Test?

  • Detect Kidney Problems Early: One major purpose of the eGFR Blood Test is to evaluate kidney functioning and detect potential abnormalities and associated problems early to prompt actions before it is too late.
  • Monitor Kidney Functions In Chronic Problems: If you have had ongoing kidney disease, you may be asked to consider the eGFR Test to check whether the treatment works or requires adjustments.
  • Identify Risk Factors: The eGFR Test and other kidney tests may help healthcare providers assess the risks of developing kidney disease so that one can take appropriate preventive measures to prevent or manage the condition's onset.
  • Preoperative Assessment: The eGFR Test may also assess the patient's kidney functions before certain medical conditions or surgeries to determine the patient's ability to tolerate certain medications and procedures.

Overall, the eGFR Blood Test is a reliable procedure that helps assess and monitor the kidneys, contributing to the early detection and management of kidney diseases. While helping maintain overall health, the Test helps prevent complications associated with impaired kidney functions.

What preparations are required for an eGFR Serum Test?

The Test doesn't require special preparations. However, general guidelines that one may need to follow are:

  • While fasting is not required for the Test, you can eat or drink normally; follow your healthcare provider's instructions if suggested otherwise.
  • Stay hydrated, but avoid overdrinking, as it can influence the hormones, leading to discrepancies in the test results.
  • If you are on some medications, whether prescribed or non-prescribed, inform your healthcare provider and follow their advice. Do not take or stop the medicine without their advice or instructions.
  • If you have any known allergies, medical conditions, or pregnancy, keep your healthcare provider informed of the same before the Test.

Remember, following your healthcare provider's guidelines is essential to ensure that the reports are accurate and you get the best diagnostic experience with minimum hassle.

What is the procedure for an eGFR Test?

If you have concerns about the procedure and are unsure what is included in the examination, scroll down to get the answer. The eGFR test procedure is quick and involves the following steps:

  • A phlebotomist may tie a band around your arm and clean the site using a disinfectant.
  • Once the site is cleaned, they will use a sterile needle to collect the sample.
  • After collecting the sample, the blood will be transferred to a vial and sent to the laboratory for testing the sample.
  • The punctured site will then be covered using a bandage to prevent the bleeding.
  • After everything, the reports will be delivered within a stipulated time frame.

If you have any doubts or queries about the preparations or procedure, it is always advisable to consult a healthcare provider to resolve your queries. Ensure adequate steps are followed to avoid discrepancies in the test results.

Risks Associated With The eGFR Test

The eGFR test is a blood test. It has no or minimum risks. Our DMLT-certified phlebotomists are experts and experienced in conducting a seamless blood test. However, you may experience: 

  • Slight pain 
  • Weakness 
  • Fatigue 
  • Excessive blood loss
  • Hematoma 
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting 
  • Nausea 
  • Bruising 

What does the eGFR Test result mean?

To understand the eGFR Test results, you need to understand the following stages:

  • Stage - 1 - When eGFR is 90 or higher: It is usually considered normal and indicates that your kidneys work normally.
  • Stage - 2 - eGFR of 60 -89 indicates some level or early stage of kidney disease that needs to be diagnosed early for better control and management.
  • Stage 3 - eGFR of 15 -59 indicates kidney disease. However, your doctor may suggest additional tests for a comprehensive assessment.
  • Stage - 4 - eGFR below 15 - This is the last stage and may indicate kidney failure.

It is essential to be proactive about your kidney health and get tested as suggested to avoid the onset of certain conditions and prevent associated complications. Don’t wait for kidney disease to take severe stage or show symptoms; get tested to detect potential problems early and prompt timely action. So, what are you waiting for? Book the eGFR Test with Redcliffe Labs now.

A doctor is the best guide in understanding the eGFR test results. However, here is a general overview of what the eGFR test results mean. 

  1. Normal eGFR- It indicates that there is no sign of kidney disease. 
  2. Below normal or low eGFR- It showcases that there are chances for kidney failure. 
  3. Very low eGFR- It indicates that you have kidney failure. 

Normal Range of eGFR

Age plays an important role in determining the normal range of eGFR. Here is a table showing the normal range based on age. 

Age  Normal Range (ml/min)
20-29 years  116
30-39 years  107
40-49 years  99
50-59 years  93
60-69 years  85
70+ years  75

What does each stage of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) represent?

Stage GFR  In percentage  Showcase 
Stage 1 90 or higher 90-100% Damage to normal kidney functioning
Stage 2  89 to 60 89-60%  Mild loss of kidney functioning
Stage 3a  59 to 45  59-45% Mild to moderate dysfunctioning of the kidney
Stage 3b  44 to 30 44-30% Moderate to severe loss of kidney function
Stage 4  29 to 15 29-15% Severe loss 
Stage 5 Less than 15 Below 15% Kidney failure 

Factors That Can Affect The eGFR Test Results

Redcliffe Labs ensures 100% report correctness as we follow the Six Sigma process. Factors that can affect the test reports if you: 

  • Are under 18
  • Are Pregnant
  • Are Obese
  • Follow a vegetarian diet
  • Have a disease that lowers muscle mass
  • Have serious illness 
  • Have a kidney health condition 

What Other Tests Can A Doctor Recommend Along With the eGFR Test?

The eGFR test is enough to determine and diagnose the kidney disease. In case of no symptoms and a normal range, a doctor may recommend other tests to examine the situation. They might recommend: 

  1. Creatinine clearance 
  2. Creatinine 
  3. Urine albumin & Albumin to creatinine ratio
  4. Cystatin C 
  5. Albumin blood test
  6. Urine protein to creatinine ratio 
  7. Ultrasound scan 
  8. MRI scan 
  9. CT scan 
  10. A kidney biopsy 

Foods That Can Increase GFR Levels 

Diet regulates the GFR levels. If you have high BP or diabetes, avoid excessive salt and sugary foods. Along with these, avoid the following foods to have stable GFR levels. 

  • Hot dogs 
  • Lunch meat 
  • Chicken nuggets 
  • Canned soup 
  • Frozen foods 
  • Fortified-foods 

Tips to Prevent Chronic Kidney Disease 

Regular checkups are among the best ways to prevent chronic kidney disease. Timely checkups help to determine the situation of the kidneys. Reports can assist in identifying any abnormality. You can get yourself tested by Redcliffe Labs. The eGFR test is just for INR 120, making it affordable for everyone. You can implement these strategies with regular testing to prevent chronic kidney disease. 

  1. If you have high BP, avoid salt and try controlling it. 
  2. Avoid smoking and drinking. 
  3. Avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Commonly found in ibuprofen and naproxen. 
  4. Acknowledge the disease to your healthcare professional to prevent any complications. 
  5. Follow a healthy and balanced diet. Add fruits, vegetables, fish (avoid redfish), lean meat, and whole grains. 
  6. Do at least 30-minute to 1-hour workouts daily to maintain a stagnant body weight. 
  7. Take only prescribed medicines. 
  8. People with diabetes avoid sugary foods, high-fat foods, and unsaturated fats. Instead, opt for saturated fats or honey. 

How much does the eGFR Test cost?

eGFR Test cost with Redcliffe Labs is just Rs 180. We are committed to offering the best diagnostic experience to our clients at highly affordable rates. With this in mind, we keep our prices to nominal rates so everyone can access the best diagnostic experience within their budget. So, book your eGFR Test Online with us now.

 eGfr Test Price

eGFR Test Price in Different Cities

City Name Discounted Price
Noida ₹180
Delhi ₹180
Mumbai ₹180
Bangalore ₹199
Kolkata ₹180
Pune ₹180
Lucknow ₹180
Ahmedabad ₹180
Hyderabad ₹180
Chennai ₹180
Gurgaon ₹180
Jaipur ₹180
Faridabad ₹180
Indore ₹180
Patna ₹180

Book your eGFR Test With Redcliffe Labs Now!

Timely testing is essential to get control over the condition and prevent possible complications. Therefore, if your doctor has suggested eGFR Testing to evaluate your kidney health, depending on your symptoms, risk factors, or other clinical evaluations, book a test as soon as possible. The earlier the problem is diagnosed, the better and easier it will be to treat or manage it. So, do not delay the diagnosis and book your eGFR Blood Test with Healthy India ki Trusted Lab, Redcliffe Labs. We offer precision and perfection through our diagnostic tests and accurate reports within a stipulated time frame. So, book your Test with us now.

Other Kidney Function Related Tests/Packages That You Can Book With Redcliffe Labs

Tests/Packages Price in INR
Creatinine Test ₹140
Uric Acid Test ₹160
Vital Screening Package ₹599
Prime Full Body Checkup ₹449
Smart Full Body Checkup ₹799
Fit India Full Body Checkup ₹999
Smart Plus Full Body Checkup With Vitamin Screening ₹1299
Advance Full Body Checkup ₹1499

Frequently Asked Questions

What is eGFR in blood tests?
eGFR stands for estimated glomerular filtration rate, used to assess how well the kidneys filter waste products from the blood. In simple, it evaluates the functioning of the kidney.
    What does the eGFR test mean?
    eGFR is a blood test that provides an estimate of the glomerular filtration rate, which is a key indicator of kidney function. If any abnormalities are detected, it indicates kidney problems that may need prompt action to minimize the chances of developing complications.
      What is the normal range for eGFR in blood tests?
      Usually, an eGFR of 90 or higher is considered the normal range; if the range is in between, it indicates early-stage kidney disease. Furthermore, an eGFR of 15 -59 may mean kidney disease; if the levels are below 15, it indicates kidney failure. In short, the higher the eGFR value, the better kidney health it indicates. However, doctors may consider other factors like age, gender, medical history, present symptoms, and more to interpret the eGFR test results. So, it's always advisable to consult them to discuss the test reports.
        Is fasting required for an eGFR blood test?
        There is no need for fasting, and the test can be done at any time of the day. The food intake usually doesn't affect the test results. While the food is not something you should pay attention to, if you are taking some medications or supplements, inform your doctor before the test, and they may suggest guidelines accordingly.
          How eGFR test is done?
          The procedure is simple and may require blood sample collection. During the procedure, a phlebotomist will use a sterile needle to collect the blood sample from your vein and send it to the laboratory for testing. The process doesn't involve risks but may cause a little sting-like pain or bruise at the punctured site. However, this will be fine shortly.
            Why eGFR test is done?
            This simple test is usually done to assess kidney function. Helping evaluate kidney functions helps diagnose chronic kidney disease, monitor the severity of kidney dysfunction, and guide treatment.
              How accurate is the eGFR test?
              While it is a reliable indicator of kidney disease, it is essential to understand its indication, and for accurate diagnosis, your doctor may suggest additional tests. Discussing the test results with your doctor is necessary to understand them better and get a comprehensive kidney health assessment.
                How much time does it take for an eGFR test?
                The procedure is quick and may hardly require 5-10 minutes, and the reports will be delivered to you within the promised time frame so that you can plan future courses of action to avoid complications.
                  How can I improve my eGFR?
                  While addressing the underlying cause is essential, some lifestyle choices, diet, or routine alterations can make a difference and may contribute to improved kidney function and normal eGFR levels.
                    What is the cost of the eGFR test?
                    The cost of an eGFR test with Redcliffe Labs is just Rs 180. So, delay no more and book a test with Redcliffe Labs today.
                      Can drinking more water improve GFR?
                      Staying hydrated is essential for kidney health, but excessive water intake may not work as it should. Therefore, striking a balance is crucial and a key to healthy kidneys.
                        Can eGFR go back to normal?
                        While addressing the underlying cause may improve eGFR levels, complete restoration to normal levels may not always be possible and depends on individual circumstances. It is crucial to follow medical advice for appropriate management.
                          Is the eGFR test risky?
                          The test has no associated risks and is like any other blood test. However, you may feel pain or redness on the punctured site, which will fade away soon. If the symptoms persist longer than usual, get medical assistance to prevent complications.

                            Frequently Asked Questions

                            What is eGFR in blood tests?
                            eGFR stands for estimated glomerular filtration rate, used to assess how well the kidneys filter waste products from the blood. In simple, it evaluates the functioning of the kidney.
                              What does the eGFR test mean?
                              eGFR is a blood test that provides an estimate of the glomerular filtration rate, which is a key indicator of kidney function. If any abnormalities are detected, it indicates kidney problems that may need prompt action to minimize the chances of developing complications.
                                What is the normal range for eGFR in blood tests?
                                Usually, an eGFR of 90 or higher is considered the normal range; if the range is in between, it indicates early-stage kidney disease. Furthermore, an eGFR of 15 -59 may mean kidney disease; if the levels are below 15, it indicates kidney failure. In short, the higher the eGFR value, the better kidney health it indicates. However, doctors may consider other factors like age, gender, medical history, present symptoms, and more to interpret the eGFR test results. So, it's always advisable to consult them to discuss the test reports.
                                  Is fasting required for an eGFR blood test?
                                  There is no need for fasting, and the test can be done at any time of the day. The food intake usually doesn't affect the test results. While the food is not something you should pay attention to, if you are taking some medications or supplements, inform your doctor before the test, and they may suggest guidelines accordingly.
                                    How eGFR test is done?
                                    The procedure is simple and may require blood sample collection. During the procedure, a phlebotomist will use a sterile needle to collect the blood sample from your vein and send it to the laboratory for testing. The process doesn't involve risks but may cause a little sting-like pain or bruise at the punctured site. However, this will be fine shortly.
                                      Why eGFR test is done?
                                      This simple test is usually done to assess kidney function. Helping evaluate kidney functions helps diagnose chronic kidney disease, monitor the severity of kidney dysfunction, and guide treatment.
                                        How accurate is the eGFR test?
                                        While it is a reliable indicator of kidney disease, it is essential to understand its indication, and for accurate diagnosis, your doctor may suggest additional tests. Discussing the test results with your doctor is necessary to understand them better and get a comprehensive kidney health assessment.
                                          How much time does it take for an eGFR test?
                                          The procedure is quick and may hardly require 5-10 minutes, and the reports will be delivered to you within the promised time frame so that you can plan future courses of action to avoid complications.
                                            How can I improve my eGFR?
                                            While addressing the underlying cause is essential, some lifestyle choices, diet, or routine alterations can make a difference and may contribute to improved kidney function and normal eGFR levels.
                                              What is the cost of the eGFR test?
                                              The cost of an eGFR test with Redcliffe Labs is just Rs 180. So, delay no more and book a test with Redcliffe Labs today.
                                                Can drinking more water improve GFR?
                                                Staying hydrated is essential for kidney health, but excessive water intake may not work as it should. Therefore, striking a balance is crucial and a key to healthy kidneys.
                                                  Can eGFR go back to normal?
                                                  While addressing the underlying cause may improve eGFR levels, complete restoration to normal levels may not always be possible and depends on individual circumstances. It is crucial to follow medical advice for appropriate management.
                                                    Is the eGFR test risky?
                                                    The test has no associated risks and is like any other blood test. However, you may feel pain or redness on the punctured site, which will fade away soon. If the symptoms persist longer than usual, get medical assistance to prevent complications.