Supersaver Diabetic Care Pro Pack for 2 in Delhi


Includes 59 Parameters

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Home Sample Collection in 2 hours*
Fasting8-10 hours
Get reports in15 hrs
Home Sample Collection in 2 hours*

What is it for ?

To detect type 1 and type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, gestational diabetes, and other kidney disorders.

Sample Type

Urine, Blood

package Instructions

  • Age Group: 5+ Years
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On-time Sample Collection
NABL Certified Labs

Included Tests

Package includes following parameters

Blood Urea (1)

  • Urea

Blood Urea Nitrogen (Bun) (1)

  • BUN

BUN/Creatinine Ratio (1)

  • BUN/Creatinine Ratio

Calcium (1)

  • Calcium

Creatinine (1)

  • Creatinine

Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) (2)

  • Creatinine
  • eGFR (CKD-EPI)

Glucose Fasting (BSF) (1)

  • Blood Glucose Fasting

HbA1C (Glycosylated Haemoglobin) (2)

  • Average blood glucose
  • Glycated Hemoglobin

Lipid Profile (9)

  • Cholesterol-Total, Serum
  • HDL Cholesterol Direct
  • HDL / LDL Cholesterol Ratio
  • LDL Cholesterol - Calculated
  • Non - HDL Cholesterol, Serum
  • Triglycerides, Serum
  • VLDL

Liver Function Test (LFT) (12)

  • A/G Ratio
  • Albumin, Serum
  • Alkaline Phosphatase, Serum
  • Bilirubin Direct, Serum
  • Bilirubin- Indirect, serum
  • Bilirubin Total, Serum
  • GGTP (Gamma GT)
  • Globulin
  • Proteins, Serum
  • SGOT/SGPT Ratio

Microalbuminuria (MAU), Spot Urine (3)

  • Creatinine, Urine
  • Microalbumin
  • Microalbumin Creatinine Ratio

Urea/Creatinine Ratio (1)

  • Urea/Creatinine Ratio

Uric Acid (1)

  • Uric Acid

Urine Routine & Microscopic Examination (23)

  • Albumin
  • Amorphous Deposits
  • Bacteria
  • Bilirubin
  • Blood
  • Cast
  • Colour
  • Crystals
  • Deposit
  • Epithelial cells
  • Leucocyte Esterase
  • Nitrate
  • pH Urine
  • Protozoa
  • Pus cells (Leukocytes)
  • Red blood cells
  • Specific gravity
  • Sugar
  • Transparency
  • Urine ketones
  • Urobilinogen
  • Volume
  • Yeast Cells

Test Criteria

Helps you know your test better

Who is eligible for a Supersaver diabetic care Pro package?

  • This test must be scheduled by the person who is at risk of developing diabetes and acute or chronic kidney disorder. It also helps to monitor vital parameters in patients with diabetes and kidney disorders for proper management. However, the test is must for individuals of every age group.

Why take Supersaver diabetic care Pro package in Delhi?

  • It helps to detect type-2 &1 diabetes, prediabetes, and gestational diabetes.
  • Early detection helps to manage diabetes to prevent damage to blood vessels in the kidneys.

What are the benefits of a Supersaver diabetic care Pro package?

  • The Diabetic care package helps to reduce the risk of diabetic nephropathy due to uncontrolled sugar levels.
  • Early detection helps to prevent multi-organ damage failure.
  • The clinician can provide measures for the prevention of serious medical complications later in life.
  • The signs of elevated sugar, uric acid, creatinine, lipids, and urea can be managed with the right treatment.

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