Test Details

HIV Antibodies (confirmation) Test by Western Blot in Bhagalpur

3240 With vip  VIP

Detects HIV infection by diagnosing HIV antibodies for accurate diagnosis and monitoring.

Also known as:  HIV Confirmation Test

Includes1 Parameter
Reports in (T&C)6 days
Sample Required


FastingNot Required

Additional Instructions

  1. HIV Consent Form is to be filled and signed by the patient during sample collection.
  2. Copy of patient self attested Adhaar Card to be provided during sample collection.
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Package includes following parameters

HIV 1 & 2 Antibody By Western Blot (1)

  • HIV Antibodies ( confirmation) by Western Blot

Test Criteria

Helps you know your test better

Who all are eligible for this test?

  • It is a second test that is used to confirm suspected positive HIV cases. A Western blot is a confirmatory test for HIV that is often performed after an ELISA test.
  • All individuals who are suspected of having HIV.

Why take this test?

  • A Western blot is a more specific test for detecting HIV infection. It confirms the test result on the basis of the previous test findings.

What are the benefits of this test?

  • The test determines the antibodies against certain infections of HIV and shows a high success rate as well.
  • The test is very helpful in the case of asymptomatic and acute HIV infections.
  • It determines the treatment plan and disease stages.


Helps you know your test better

Q. What Is The Western Blot Analysis?

A. Also called Protein Immunoblot Test or Immunoblotting, Western Blot Analysis detects antibodies against infection, not the infection itself.

Q. What’s The Procedure Of The Western Blot HIV Test?

A. Like a simple blood test, a medical expert draws a specific amount of blood from your veins to send the sample to a lab for analysis.

Q. Are There Any Risks Associated With This Test?

A. It is as simple as any other blood test. Hence, slight pain or bruising at the blood draw site is normal. However, some patients also feel lightheaded. In case you get nervous during a blood test, it is advisable to bring someone with you. Other than that, there are no side effects or severe effects of the test. However, if you feel discomfort or inconvenience, you can speak with the person doing the test for help.

Q. What Is The Window Period For Western Blot HIV Test?

A. After exposure to the infection, an individual body takes up to 3 months before antibodies to HIV produce. It can also give false results if administrated too soon.

Introduction to HIV Western Blot Test 

The research found that about 2.5 million people in India are living with HIV. Human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, is a sexually transmitted disease that attacks the body’s immune system. There are various taboos around HIV, and because of this, there is less conversation about HIV among people. Early detection and awareness can prevent the spread of HIV. The HIV Western Blot test in Bhagalpur is an antibody test that confirms HIV diagnosis. 

Doctors usually perform the HIV western blot test after a positive ELSA test result. ELISA is another effective blood test used for diagnosing HIV. If a doctor recommends the HIV western blot test, you can book it from Redcliffe Labs. Redcliffe Labs, a leading diagnostic service provider, offers the HIV western blot test in Bhagalpur with the shortest turnaround time. The HIV western blot test price in Bhagalpur is INR 3600. 

Test Details in Brief 

Also known as  HIV Confirmation test, protein immunoblot test, immunoblotting 
Purpose  The test detects HIV antibodies the immune system produces in response to the infection. 
Preparation  Don’t take any over-the-counter medicine before the sample collection procedure. 
Fasting  The test needs no fasting. 
Get Reports  5 Days 
Cost  INR 3600

What is the HIV Western Blot Test? 

The HIV western blot test in Bhagalpur confirms a positive HIV diagnosis. It is an antibody test that detects infection through a blood sample. It detects HIV antibodies in the blood and not the HIV itself. 

The test identifies and separates proteins by molecular weight and length. Later, the protein is detected to identify HIV antibodies. Usually, HIV western blot test reports in Bhagalpur take several weeks. However, after booking it from Redcliffe Labs, you can get the HIV western blot test reports within 5 days. 

Symptoms of HIV 

HIV is a sexually transmitted disease that initially causes no symptoms. However, an infected person may experience symptoms within a week or a month after exposure. 

Initial symptoms of HIV 

  • Flu-like illness 
  • Fever
  • Malaise 
  • Enlarged lymph nodes 
  • Headaches 

Severe Symptoms of HIV 

HIV destroys immune cells, which, after a course of time, may cause severe complications. Severe symptoms of HIV are often linked with AIDS. However, every person experiences symptoms differently. The following are the severe symptoms of HIV. If you experience these, take the HIV western blot test in Bhagalpur. 

  • Frequent fever 
  • Night sweats 
  • Persistent skin rashes or flaky skin
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease that doesn’t respond to treatment
  • Unexplained weight loss 
  • Lack of energy 
  • Lymph nodes that remain enlarged for more than three months 
  • Short-term memory loss 
  • Diminished immune systems, such as pneumonia and tuberculosis, cause infections. 

In some cases, people may experience frequent and severe herpes infections that cause mouth, genitals, or anal sores or shingles. These symptoms clearly require a medical consultation. However, don’t delay the early symptoms; book the HIV western blot test. This test can confirm the HIV antibodies in the blood. 

Who is at Risk of the HIV?

HIV is a sexually transmitted disease, yet there are scenarios where a person can catch HIV infection. The following are the people who are at risk and must take the HIV western blot test to prevent severe complications. 

  • Past Blood Transfusions- A screening is conducted before blood transfusion or organ transplants. However, people who received blood transfusions when screening methods were not as reliable as today are certainly at risk of HIV. They should take the test. 
  • Sex Workers- People who indulge in sex work are at high risk, and they must consider taking the HIV western blot test in Bhagalpur. 
  • Pregnant Women- HIV infection may be transmitted from mother to child. Therefore, it is vital to take the test and limit the transmission. 
  • STIs- If you are diagnosed with any STI, your risk for HIV increases. Undergoing the HIV western blot test can provide reassurance or guide further treatment procedures. 
  • Unprotected Sex- For people who engage in unprotected sex, especially with someone who is HIV positive, it becomes imperative to take the western blot test. 

Causes of HIV 

People have many misconceptions about HIV. These are pure theories, as HIV is a sexually transmitted disease. There are certain ways it can be transmitted and can’t be. 

HIV can’t be transmitted through: 

  • Tears 
  • Saliva 
  • Sweat 
  • Casual contact, such as sharing food utensils, towels, and bedding 
  • Swimming pools 
  • Telephones 
  • Toilet seats 
  • Mosquito biting 

HIV can be transmitted through: 

  • Sexual contact 
  • Needles, syringes, or drug-use equipment 
  • Inherited from mother to infant during breastfeeding 
  • Contaminated (infected) blood

What is the Purpose of the HIV Western Blot Test? 

The HIV western blot test in Bhagalpur is a blood test that detects the presence of HIV antibodies in the blood. It is a diagnostic tool that provides a clear view of your health. The test can be essential for certain other purposes as well. These include: 

  • Detecting Antibodies- The test can identify specific antibodies against HIV infection. This infection indicates your immune system has initiated the process to combat HIV. 
  • Confirm Diagnosis- Doctors usually recommend the HIV western blot test as an additional test to confirm the diagnosis. 
  • Handling Indeterminate Results—Because HIV infection takes time to display, some results might be indeterminate (either positive or negative). The HIV western blot test is important for verifying the results. 
  • Determining the Infection Level—The stage of the infection is important for an effective treatment and management strategy. The HIV western blot test in Bhagalpur can identify and diagnose HIV by locating specific antibodies linked to different stages of the disease.

What Does the HIV Western Blot Test Measure? 

The HIV western blot test in Bhagalpur provides insides of HIV components. The antigens it measures include Envelope antigens and Gag antigens. 

  • Envelope Antigens- gp160, gp120, and gp41 are three important proteins in the envelope antigens. 

1. gp41- This protein facilitates the fusion of the viral envelope with the host cell membrane. It is important for the HIV’s entry and subsequent infection of the host cell. 

2. gp120- It is a vital protein for the virus’s attachment to the CD4 receptors on the host cells. It stimulated entry into the host cells by interacting with co-receptors. 

3. gp160- It is a precursor protein cleaved into gp41 and gp120. This protein is important for binding the structure and host cells. 

  • Gag Antigens- p17, p24, and p55 are three essential proteins in the gag antigens. 

1. p17- This is an important protein that maintains the structure integrity of the viral core. It plays a role in budding and assembling HIV particles. 

2. p24- p24 is an important protein found in the HIV infection. The presence of p24 is used in the early HIV infection test. 

3. p55- It is a precursor protein that produces most Gag proteins. It is vital in the assembly and budding of new virions. 

Furthermore, the HIV western blot test measures the Pol antigen, which comprises the p66, p51, p31, HIV-2, and control bands. Identifying antigens helps measure the presence of HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibodies in the blood. 

What is the HIV Western Blot Test Used For? 

The HIV western blot test in Bhagalpur checks for specific proteins in your blood sample. Besides, a test can also be used for: 

  • Diagnosing HIV- The HIV western blot test can confirm a positive HIV diagnosis. It checks for HIV-specific antibodies. 
  • Detect Protein Isoforms- The test can detect different isoforms of the same protein, even if they have minimal size differences. 
  • Detect Infectious Disease- An HIV western blot test can detect infectious diseases, such as bacteria and viruses. 
  • Distinguish HIV- The test can distinguish between HIV-1 and HIV-2. It is important to distinguish between them because they have different transmission rates, progression patterns, treatment, and management approaches. 

Preparation for the HIV Western Blot Test

The HIV western blot test in Bhagalpur requires no specific preparation. However, a healthcare provider may order fasting before the test, based on your current health. Besides, inform your doctor if you are taking any medications. 

The procedure of the HIV Western Blot Test

Redcliffe Labs offers the HIV western blot test price at INR 3600, which you can easily book through our website or mobile app (available on the Play Store and the App Store). Moreover, you can search on your browser for ‘Redcliffe Labs near me’ and visit and get yourself tested at our labs and collections centers near you. 

After you book the test, a DMLT-certified phlebotomist will visit your home to collect samples. They will execute a seamless procedure. 

The procedure of the HIV western blot test is: 

  • He will tie a band on your upper arm to locate an appropriate vein. 
  • After locating a vein, he will clean the site with an alcoholic substance to prevent infections. 
  • He will insert a sterile syringe to collect blood samples. 
  • He will transfer the collected sample to a test tube. 
  • On the punctured site, he will put a cotton swab to prevent excessive blood flow. 
  • Label the test tube with your information; name, time, date, and address of the sample collection. 
  • He will transport the blood sample for testing. 

After completing the testing procedure, you will receive the HIV western blot test report within 5 days. 

Risks Associated with the HIV Western Blot Test 

The phlebotomist performs a seamless sample collection procedure. Besides, the test is very safe. However, it may cause certain complications: 

  • Slight pain 
  • Excessive bleeding 
  • Bruise 
  • Lightheadedness or dizziness 
  • Skin infection 
  • Hematoma 

What do the HIV Western Blot Test Reports Indicate?

The window period of the HIV western blot test in Bhagalpur is the time between infection and when your body produces antibodies. It takes several weeks to months after exposure to the virus to appear. And too soon, testing may present a false negative. Here is a chart exploring and interpreting the antigens and their normal range. 

HIV Antibody  Normal Range  High Range  Low Range 
Envelope Antigens 
gp41  Not detected  > 5.0 ng/mL  < 1.0 ng/mL
gp160  Not detected  > 5.0 ng/mL  < 1.0 ng/mL
gp120  Not detected  > 5.0 ng/mL  < 1.0 ng/mL
Gag Antigens 
p55  Not detected  > 5.0 ng/mL  < 1.0 ng/mL
p17  Not detected  > 5.0 ng/mL  < 1.0 ng/mL
p24  Not detected  > 2.0 ng/mL  <0.5 ng/mL
Pol Antigens 
p31 Not detected  > 5.0 ng/mL  < 1.0 ng/mL
p66 Not detected  > 5.0 ng/mL  < 1.0 ng/mL
p51  Not detected  > 5.0 ng/mL  < 1.0 ng/mL
HIV-2 band  Not detected  Clear band  Faint band 

What if the HIV Western Blot Test Report is Negative? 

A negative HIV western blot test report in Bhagalpur may happen when the exposure is too soon. If exposure occurred within the last 3 months, there might be some traces of HIV but not yet detectable. Therefore, whether you experience symptoms or not, you must take the HIV western blot test. Additionally, you should take precautions to prevent the transmission of HIV. 


  • Use protection (condoms) during sex
  • Pre-exposure prophylaxis 
  • Post-exposure prophylaxis 
  • Don’t share syringes, needles, or other infected equipment. 
  • Use water-based lubricants with condoms. 
  • Avoid getting high or drunk. 
  • Enroll in a needle exchange program if you inject drugs. 
  • Limit sex with multiple partners. 

What if the HIV Western Blot Test Reports are Positive?

If your HIV western blot test report indicates positive results, consider getting medical help. They may recommend additional testing, treatment, or management methods. 

The treatment of HIV includes antiretroviral medications. However, they may recommend further screenings to confirm the positive result. 

  • Antibody Test
  • Antigen Test 
  • NATs 

Test price at Redcliffe Labs

Redcliffe Labs offers the HIV western blot test in Bhagalpur that can help detect and diagnose the infection early. The HIV western blot test price is INR 3600. However, certain factors such as authentication, lab equipment, and discount offers may vary the price. If your doctor has recommended the HIV western blot test in Bhagalpur, you must book it from a reliable diagnostic service provider like Redcliffe Labs. The procedure to book the test will take approximately a minute. So, don’t let minor symptoms become severe complications, and book the test today! 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Western blot confirmatory test for HIV?
Yes, western blot is used for confirming the positive HIV diagnosis. There is the use of blood sample collection for detecting the HIV antibodies.
    Is Western blot an antibody test?
    Yes, it is an antibody test performed through a blood sample and is used for confirming and disproving the outcomes of an earlier test for HIV and Lyme disease.
      Is it possible to be infected with HIV but have negative Elisa and Western blot test results?
      No, however it is in a very rare case as it only happens when the patients haven’t developed HIV antibodies. ELISA and western blot tests are identified to be 99% accurate.
        Is a western blot quantitative?
        Yes, it is a reliable and dependable quantitative method but it is essential that the sample properties are filled with integrity, and accurate for targeting the protein.

          Frequently Asked Questions

          Is Western blot confirmatory test for HIV?
          Yes, western blot is used for confirming the positive HIV diagnosis. There is the use of blood sample collection for detecting the HIV antibodies.
            Is Western blot an antibody test?
            Yes, it is an antibody test performed through a blood sample and is used for confirming and disproving the outcomes of an earlier test for HIV and Lyme disease.
              Is it possible to be infected with HIV but have negative Elisa and Western blot test results?
              No, however it is in a very rare case as it only happens when the patients haven’t developed HIV antibodies. ELISA and western blot tests are identified to be 99% accurate.
                Is a western blot quantitative?
                Yes, it is a reliable and dependable quantitative method but it is essential that the sample properties are filled with integrity, and accurate for targeting the protein.