Includes 65 Parameters
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What is it for ?
The includes a set of tests to help with early detection and better management of arthritis.
Urine, Blood
package Instructions
Package includes following parameters
Anti Cyclic Citrullinated Peptideantibodies (Anti CCP) (1)
Anti Nuclear Antibody (ANA) By IFA (HEP-2) (1)
Anti Streptolysin O (ASO), Quantitative (1)
C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Quantitative (1)
Haemogram (CBC + ESR) (27)
Kidney Function Test (KFT) (11)
Lipid Profile (9)
Liver Function Test (LFT) (12)
Rheumatoid Factor (RF), Quantitative (1)
Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy (1)
Helps you know your test better
Who all are eligible for the arthritis profile advance test?
Why take the arthritis profile advance test ?
What are the benefits of the arthritis profile advance test?
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