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Why Diagnostic Tests Matter for Women Over 30?

women's health

Why Diagnostic Tests Matter for Women Over 30?


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Sohini Sengupta

Written By Kirti Saxena
on Mar 2, 2024

Last Edit Made By Kirti Saxena
on Jul 2, 2024

Diagnostic Tests for Women

About 52 percent of women have iron deficiency in India, and 1 in 10 Indian women are estimated to develop a thyroid disorder once before 60. Apart from this, nearly 45% of women over 65 may have symptomatic Osteoarthritis.

As a woman, taking care of your health is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. Being aged above 30 brings changes to your body and, with them, potential health concerns. However, health issues like heart health issues, thyroid problems, diabetes, PCOD, and reproductive issues are common. If you feel tired all the time, irregular menstruation, weight changes, mood swings, sudden weight gain or loss, then it's a high alert that you need a full body checkup. Here, regular diagnostic tests are crucial to detect potential health issues before they become serious problems. Tracking these trends over time allows doctors to identify potential risks early and implement preventive measures before they escalate into bigger problems. In this blog, let's explore some of the most important diagnostic tests every woman over 30 should know about. 

Common Health Issues After 30s and Their Warning Signs

After 30, the body undergoes various changes, making us more susceptible to multiple health issues.

Here are some common health problems and their symptoms:

  1. Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
  1. Thyroid Disorders
  • Symptoms- Fatigue, weight changes, anxiety, mood swings, intolerance to cold or heat, irregular menstrual cycles.
  •  Diagnostic Tests- Thyroid function test
  1. Diabetes
  • Symptoms- Excessive thirst, frequent urination, weight loss or gain, fatigue, blurred vision, slow healing wounds, numbness or tingling in hands or feet.
  • Diagnostic Tests- HbA1c Test, Fasting blood sugar test 
  1. Arthritis
  • Symptoms- Joint Pain, back pain, 
  • Diagnostic Tests- Rh Factor
  1. Reproductive Health Concerns
  • Symptoms- Irregular menstrual cycles, pelvic pain, abnormal vaginal bleeding, difficulty getting pregnant.
  • Diagnostic Tests: Pap smear test

Important Diagnostics tests for above 30 women

Stepping into your 30s brings exciting changes and marks a shift in your health needs. As your body undergoes subtle changes, incorporating regular diagnostic tests becomes more important. Here are some tests that can help to identify potential health risks early on, empowering you to take proactive steps towards a healthy future. 

Pap Smear Test

As a woman enters her 30s, regular Pap smears become crucial to her healthcare routine. 

What does the Pap Smear test detect? 

The Pap smear test, or the Pap test, is a preventive test to detect abnormal cells on the cervix. These abnormal cells indicate precancerous changes that, if left undetected, can cause cervical cancer.

What is the importance of the Pap Smear test?

The test helps identify precancerous changes early, even before they develop into full-blown cancer cells. When detected early, cervical cancer is highly treatable with high cure rates. Regular Pap smears allow catching these abnormalities early when treatment options are most effective. 

Thyroid Function Test

What does the thyroid profile test detect? 

A thyroid profile test is a blood test that measures the levels of thyroid hormones and proteins related to your thyroid gland. 

What is the importance of the Thyroid Profile test?

The thyroid gland helps regulate metabolism, heart rate, and body temperature. Thyroid disorders are more common in women than in men and can cause a variety of symptoms, such as fatigue, weight gain, and hair loss. If you notice these symptoms, consult your doctor and take a thyroid function test today. 

Lipid Panel Test 

Check cholesterol and triglyceride levels for heart disease risk assessment. High cholesterol and triglycerides can increase your risk of developing heart disease and stroke. 

What does the lipid profile test detect? 

A lipid profile test, also known as a cholesterol test, measures your blood's Total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and triglycerides

What is the importance of the Lipid Panel test?

The test helps to identify the increased risk of developing CVDs. High levels of LDL and triglycerides, along with low levels of HDL, significantly increase CVD risk. However, early detection of abnormal lipid levels allows for timely intervention through lifestyle modifications or medication, preventing the development of CVDs or slowing their progression.

Complete Blood count

What does the CBC test detect? 

The CBC test measures blood components, including RBC, WBC, and platelets. 

What is the importance of the test?

The CBC test helps diagnose anemia, infections, leukemia, and other blood disorders. It provides a general picture of your overall health and can help identify potential health risks early on.

Rheumatoid Factor (RA) Quantitative Test

What does the RA factor detect? 

The test detects the presence of rheumatoid factors in the blood. These are antibodies that the immune system mistakenly produces, targeting healthy tissues instead of foreign invaders. 

What is the importance of the Factor test?

Tracking RA factor levels over time can help assess the disease activity and monitor the effectiveness of treatment. Decreasing levels may indicate successful treatment while increasing levels suggest worsening disease activity.

High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP ) Test

What does the High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) Test detect? 

The HsCRP test detects inflammation in the body. The liver produces C-reactive protein (CRP), and its levels increase in response to inflammation. 

What is the importance of the test?

High hs-CRP levels increase the risk of developing heart disease, stroke, and peripheral arterial disease, even in people without symptoms. Moreover, the hsCRP test helps monitor inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, as CRP levels often fluctuate with disease activity.

HBA1C Test

What does the HBA1C Test Test detect? 

The HbA1c test measures the average glucose (sugar) level attached to hemoglobin in your red blood cells over 2-3 months. 

What is the importance of the Hb1AC test?

The test detects early diabetic and prediabetic conditions and helps people take proactive steps to manage their blood sugar and prevent future health complications.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Panel 

What does the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Panel Test detect? 

PCOS panel test covers various parameters, including FSH, LH, BSF, HbA1C, PRL, Testosterone, and TSH 3rd generation. It is used to evaluate hormonal imbalance associated with PCOS—the test measures the FSH, LH, PRL, and testosterone hormone body.

What is the importance of the PCOS test?

Identifying hormone imbalance allows early intervention and management of complications like diabetes and heart disease. The test results

Iron Studies Test 

What does the Iron Studies Test detect? 

The Iron Studies Test, also known as an Iron Panel, measures the amount of iron circulating in your blood.

What is the importance of the test?

Iron is crucial for bodily functions like oxygen transport, red blood cell production, and energy metabolism. The test allows for detecting anemia caused by insufficient iron, leading to fatigue, weakness, and other symptoms.

Other Important diagnostic Tests for women above 30 


If you are a woman in your 30s or above, it's time to prioritize your health with regular health checkups to maintain good health and prevent inevitable health issues. If you face any health issues or symptoms that look suspicious or abnormal, consult your doctor as soon as possible and take proper diagnostic tests. These tests, like Pap smears, mammograms, thyroid function tests, lipid panels, and blood pressure tests, offer an opportunity for early detection and intervention.

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