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Food Habits that Can Lower the Risk of Health Issues in Winter


Food Habits that Can Lower the Risk of Health Issues in Winter


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Meenakshi
on Nov 22, 2023

Last Edit Made By Meenakshi
on Mar 21, 2024

Food Habits that Can Lower the Risk of Health Issues in Winter

Winter is the most lovable season of the year. Besides the season of coziness, hot cocoa, and delicious foods, the season also brings an unwelcome companion called sickness. Therefore, besides embracing hot blankets, embracing good health is also pivotal. When it comes to winter wellness, our dietary habits hold a significant role in fortifying our immunity and keeping various health issues at bay.

Don’t be sad! It doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy the cold, chilly season. Yes, you can, but with the right precautions. Confused? Well, don’t be. This blog shares top food habits that can significantly reduce health problems and keep you fit and fine throughout the chills. So, be ready with a hot cup of chai or coffee and be prepared to dive into the winter wellness guide.

Food Habits That Decreases Risk Of Health Hazards In Winters:

  • Embrace Seasonal Produce: With Winter comes winter delights. It brings an abundance of nutrient-packed seasonal produce like carrots, sweet potatoes, kale, spinach, citrus fruits, and more. All these, thanks to being rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, boost immunity and help combat several winter-related illnesses, like seasonal colds, coughs, and flu.
  • Do Not Miss On Your Daily Dose Of Protein: Winter is when you need warmness from the inside out, and there is no better way to meet it than with protein. It helps repair body tissues and supports immune health. Therefore, it has to be on your daily diet to maintain optimal wellness during Winter.
  • Hydrate With Warm Liquids: We understand that winter curbs the thirst, but your body still needs hydration for good health. So, keep yourself hydrated by sipping on warm beverages like herbal teas, soups, and more that keep you hydrated and help combat cold weather and illnesses associated with it.
  • Spice Up Your Food: If you love spicy food, we’ve got another reason to keep loving it. Spices like turmeric, garlic, or cinnamon in meals may enhance the taste of the food, and their antimicrobial properties can aid in fighting infections. Besides making your Winter flavorful, it may also make it free from winter illnesses.
  • Choose Probiotic-Rich Foods: Probiotics are paramount to staying healthy during Winter. Therefore, adding foods like Yogurt, Miso, Kimchi, or Tempeh can balance your good bacteria, ensuring good gut health. A healthy and robust gut provides better immunity and well-being.
  • Limit Your Sugar Intake: With the drop in temperature, the craving for sweets rose, and if you have a sweet tooth, it may be hard for you to resist it, but you should. When the season tempts you with its sugary treats, be aware, as it can weaken the immune system, leading to several health issues. So, limit the intake or opt for natural sweeteners like honey or fruits.
  • Don’t Forget To Soak The Sun: With shorter days and longer nights, you get less time in the natural lights, which dips the vitamin D levels in the body. Therefore, you should take enough sun daily with Vitamin D-rich food to meet your Vitamin D needs, further contributing to your health.
  • Mindful Eating And Balanced Diet: Eating mindfully and in balance is another habit that can help you enjoy the most of the cold season without hurting your health. This cozy season increases binge eating, leading to weight gain and several health problems. Therefore, control portion and embrace mindful eating to support a healthy weight and healthy you.
  • Incorporate Omega-3 Fatty Acids Into Your Diet: In Winter, joint pain is the most common health issue that most people, especially older adults, complain of. The simple solution to the problem is adding foods like walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, and more, rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Thanks to their anti-inflammatory properties, these may aid in reducing joint stiffness and inflammation, often exacerbated in colder weather.

Adopting these simple food habits can significantly bolster your health during Winter. However, it is essential to understand that individual dietary needs vary, and you need to consult a healthcare practitioner before altering your diet. Embracing these nutritional habits can help you revel in the joys of the winter season to keep yourself healthy, energized, and resilient against challenges that colder weather might pose.

Besides eating healthy, being proactive is also essential to prevent winter-related health complications.

Book Winter Care Package With Redcliffe Labs For Winter Wellness

Eating healthy is just one aspect of a winter wellness guide; there is more to it that completes it, and getting yourself tested is the major one. Therefore, book Redcliffe Labs’ Winter Care Package to enjoy winters with wellness. Consisting of 86 parameters, including Blood Glucose Fasting, Haemogram (CBC + ESR), Kidney Function Test (KFT), Lipid Profile, Liver Function Test (LFT), Thyroid Profile Total, Urine Routine, microscopic Examination, and more to assess your health and detect inflammation or infections common in winters. We are your diagnostic partner that you can count on to get tested comfortably from your home.

So, for a delightful winter experience, eat healthy, exercise daily, and don’t miss regular checkups.

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