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Moderate To Heavy Alcohol Increases The Risk Of Stroke In Young Adults - MyHealth


Moderate To Heavy Alcohol Increases The Risk Of Stroke In Young Adults


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Meenakshi
on Jan 24, 2023

Last Edit Made By Meenakshi
on Mar 14, 2024

Stroke In Young Adults

Whenever we talk about a stroke, we often picture someone old. But it’s not true. According to a recent study published in the journal Neurology, the risk and rate of stroke are rising in young adults who are moderate to heavy alcohol drinkers. People drinking moderately or heavily in their early 20s or 30s are more likely to get a stroke than those who drink within limits or do not drink at all.

As the drinking increased among people, so did the risk of a stroke. To reduce the risk of a stroke and other health issues, reducing drinking in moderation should be emphasized in adults.

These days our lifestyle is already sedentary, plus the habit of drinking makes it worse and increases one’s risk of getting a stroke.

What is a stroke?

Strokes are life-threatening, which happen when the blood supply to the brain is restricted and calls for immediate medical attention to prevent severe damage or death. It develops in the case of a blocked artery or bleeding in the brain. Spotting a stroke and seeking timely treatment are essential for healthy outcomes. However, one has to be fast, as its symptoms occur suddenly and may include face drooping, arm weakness, and slurred speech that should be considered seriously and calls for immediate action.

Stroke Is Common Or Not

Strokes are prevalent. And according to recent studies, it is one of the 4th leading causes of death & 5th leading cause of disability in India. There are mainly two types of brain strokes that are too common, i.e., ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke.

  • Ischemic Stroke: It is the most common stroke that occurs when something blocks the blood & oxygen supply to the brain. Its symptoms depend on the part of the brain that is affected. However, some common signs that most people may experience include vision problems, weakness, dizziness, confusion, drooping of the face, loss of coordination, etc. These are very serious and require immediate medical attention.
  • Hemorrhagic Stroke: Another one is a hemorrhagic stroke that occurs when weakened blood vessels are ruptured and cause bleeding into the brain. One-sided weakness or paralysis, loss of muscle control, partial/total loss of senses, coma, memory loss, seizures, passing out, or garbled speaking are a few of many of its symptoms.

Drinking Alcohol & Stroke

According to recent studies or research, it is clear that drinking alcohol moderately or heavily increases one’s risk of stroke. Drinking can contribute to varied health problems, and stroke is no different, and it influences many health issues that increase the hazard for a stroke:

  • Blood Pressure: Untreated & elevated blood pressure increases one’s risk of a stroke. And drinking too much raises blood pressure levels to unhealthy levels.
  • Diabetes: Patients with high blood sugar levels or diabetes are more at risk of developing a stroke, and drinking doubles the risk by altering your body's response to insulin.
  • Obesity: Being overweight attracts varied health troubles, and a stroke is one of them. And maintaining a healthy weight is difficult among people who drink too much, resulting in a high risk of stroke.
  • Atrial Fibrillation: Drinking, whether moderate or heavy, can trigger atrial fibrillation, which increases one’s risk of a stroke five times higher than in a non-drinker individual.

Drinking not just increase the risk of developing a stroke and attracts another stroke in people who have had one in the past. It can interfere with your current medication and can have harmful health effects. People who drink are more vulnerable to getting a stroke or experiencing harmful effects than non-drinkers.

Cut Down Alcohol To Cut Down Your Risks

Alcohol is not a single factor that increases one’s risk of a stroke. But it does have some negative impacts. If you are drinking more often and beyond a limit, quit it or at least limit your intake. Discuss it with your doctors regarding the same.

Stroke is severe, so take it seriously. If you want to live a healthy and happy life, keep your distance from moderate to heavy drinking, and it can decrease your risks.

Besides limiting or quitting alcohol, switching to healthy choices and preventive health checkup is essential to minimize your risks. Periodic Preventive Full Body Checkups can help you detect the potential signs that could become a severe disease, help you take action in time, and drops your risk of getting a stroke or any other health problem.

Redcliffe Labs is your trusted diagnostic partner that you can count on for all your prescription-based & preventive health checkup needs. Whether your doctor has prescribed Neuron Specific Enolase Test or you are looking for regular health tests, we are always a call or click away to serve you.

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