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Reasons why it is Important to Know Body Mass Index (BMI)


Reasons why it is Important to Know Body Mass Index (BMI)


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Sohini Sengupta

Written By Meenakshi
on Apr 18, 2024

Last Edit Made By Meenakshi
on Jul 2, 2024

Reasons why it is Important to Know Body Mass Index (BMI)

We all must have been there when someone may tell us you weigh this much or are a little overweight or underweight.

It's a common conversation starter - isn't it?

But have you ever wondered what it is that defines whether we are underweight or overweight?


Don't worry, you are not alone.

But today, in this blog, let's explore what exactly tells us about body weight and health in general.

We are talking about your BMI your Body Mass Index.

The term is not new; whenever we think about our body weight, it is the first thing that comes to mind.

But what exactly is it?

What does it tell about your health, and why do you need it to know about it?

Let's understand everything one by one.

What is BMI or Body Mass Index?

BMI is a tool used to calculate body fat depending on the height and weight of an individual. It is a convenient way to determine whether you are overweight or underweight.

However, it could be more accurate but estimates how much fat your body carries. It is often the first measurement your doctor looks at to assess your health and well-being.

According to the National Institute Of Health (NIH), BMI is a deciding parameter for determining whether someone is underweight, normal weight, or overweight. 

Understanding BMI:

As per NHS, for most adults:

Normal BMI is: Between 18.5 and 24.9

While it doesn’t indicate good health, it is often associated with a lower risk of developing chronic disease for overall health outcomes.

Overweight BMI is: Between 25 to 29.9

It shows that you may be at higher risk of certain health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension.

Obesity BMI is More than 30

It means that you are obese, which increases your likelihood of developing chronic health conditions like Heart Disease, Type 2 Diabetes, Digestive Problems, Arthritis, Liver Disorders, etc.

Underweight BMI is: Below 18.5

It indicates that your health may be at risk, and you may have a nutrient deficiency, a weak immune system, and decreased energy levels.

But wait, there is a catch.

It doesn’t give an accurate picture of your health.

While useful as a screening tool to assess one's weight status, it is also limited in that it can only count body weight, not muscle mass, bone density, or fat distribution, which can influence its accuracy, especially among athletes or individuals with high mass.

So, do we need to know it?


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly three million people worldwide die of obesity or underweight. Therefore, it might not be accurate, but it will give you an estimate of your body weight and prompt actions for improvement.

Moreover, the study further says that even without a disease, people feel better in body and mind when they know their weight is balanced.

However, BMI might not work for:

  • Pregnant Women
  • Muscular People
  • Kids
  • Or Senior Citizens

The higher the BMI, the higher the chances of health issues. In short, being overweight or underweight both are not good and may put you at risk of developing certain health conditions.

If you still have doubts about why you need to know about your BMI, here are the reasons to learn it.

Know Your Body Mass Index (BMI): Here's Why

Helps Assess Your Health:

It is no news that BMI helps screen for your body weight and helps understand if you are overweight, underweight, or have the right weight. It gives one indication if there is a need for further evaluation. It determines where your health stands and the risks associated with being underweight, overweight, or obese.

Summary: Early indication of health helps you take your stand.

Determines Risk Of Chronic Health Conditions:

Several studies have claimed the link between BMI and a high risk of certain chronic illnesses, including Heart Disease, Diabetes, Hypertension, and even some forms of cancers. Since BMI can tell whether you are underweight or overweight, it helps determine associated risks so one can take action accordingly for better management.

Summary: Check if your health is at risk.

Help You Lose or Gain Weight:

Before you start your weight loss or weight gain journey, it is essential to know how much is necessary and will not impact your health badly, and there comes the role of BMI. It helps you check how much weight you may need to lose or gain to achieve optimal body mass index per your health requirements so that you can plan your course of action accordingly.

Summary: This will help you determine whether you need to change your body weight or whether your BMI is just right.

Encourage Self-Confidence:

Moreover, understanding your body weight encourages you to be your best self and boosts confidence. It is also good for your mental peace, as some studies have shown that not being at one's ideal weight sometimes shatters people's confidence and may lead to depression.

Summary: Help you better understand your weight and health and boost your self-confidence.

Help Personalized Health:

Body Mass Index, or BMI, further guides the healthcare provider in tailoring recommendations based on your health requirements and effectively addressing specific needs.

Summary: Help healthcare providers suggest appropriate measures to lose or gain weight if required.

In short, while it might determine the state of nutrition or disorders, if any, it doesn’t always reflect a clearer picture. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with your healthcare provider, follow their advice, and act accordingly.

So, do you know your BMI?

If the answer is no, it’s high time you learned about it, and for all the good reasons we shared above. Remember, taking charge of your health is in your hands. Understanding it is the first step towards change, so don’t be afraid of it.

Also, if your BMI is not in the right balance or indicates that you might be overweight or underweight, your doctor may suggest a few additional tests to determine the cause so appropriate measures can be taken accordingly.

Depending on your health requirements, your doctor may suggest Weight Management Screening to diagnose obesity and help doctors suggest improvement.

For an Accurate Weight Management Screening Test, Reach Redcliffe Labs!

Being a Healthy India Ki Trusted Lab, Redcliffe Labs is the best diagnostic lab from which you can book weight management screening and overall health assessment tests under one roof at highly affordable rates. From home sample collection to ensuring that you get your reports on time at your fingertips, we take care of everything.

So, do not delay anymore, and book your test to understand your weight and take charge of your health.

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