How to Reduce SGPT Level Quickly?

Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra
Written By Ritish Sharma
on Apr 15, 2023
Last Edit Made By Ritish Sharma
on Jan 11, 2025

Are you worried about your SGPT level being too high? SGPT, or Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase, is an enzyme that is found in high levels in the liver. When the liver is damaged or inflamed, the SGPT level in the blood increases.
High SGPT levels can indicate liver damage or disease, and it's important to take steps to lower it quickly. But don't worry, there are several things you can do to reduce your SGPT level and improve your liver health.
Let’s explore some of these tips and tricks to help you lower your SGPT level quickly and safely. So let's get started! But first, we need to know about SGPT and why it is so important to manage it.
Why High SGPT Levels are a Cause for Concern
Elevated levels of SGPT, also known as ALT, can be a cause for concern as it is an indication of liver damage or disease. The liver is a vital organ that performs various functions, including filtering toxins from the body.
When the liver is damaged, it releases ALT into the bloodstream, resulting in increased levels of SGPT. High SGPT levels can be caused by several factors, including -
- Alcohol consumption
- Viral hepatitis
- Obesity
- Medication-induced liver injury
Therefore, it is essential to monitor SGPT levels regularly and seek medical attention if levels are consistently elevated to avoid further damage and potential liver failure.
A doctor may recommend lifestyle changes, medication, or further tests to identify the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment.
Understanding the Causes of High SGPT Levels
- Liver diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease can cause an increase in SGPT levels.
- Excessive alcohol consumption can also lead to elevated SGPT levels, as alcohol can damage liver cells.
- Obesity and an unhealthy diet, particularly one high in saturated and trans fats, can contribute to the development of liver disease and raise SGPT levels.
- Certain medications, such as statins, antibiotics, and chemotherapy drugs, can also cause SGPT levels to rise.
Here is a list of 10 things to reduce SGPT Levels.
- Drink Coffee: Studies have found that coffee helps reduce the risk of various liver diseases, such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, or liver failure. It can also reduce the body's high SGPT levels.
- Increase your Vitamin D intake: Research has found that people with high vitamin D levels are less likely to develop liver disease than those with low levels. Vitamin D can prevent liver damage and reduce SGPT levels. Studies have also found that it plays an important role in triggering non-alcoholic liver diseases.
- Maintain Good Hygiene: Good hygiene is important for preventing various medical conditions, lowering the risk of infections, and reducing high SGPT levels. To avoid germs, wash your hands regularly with soap and water, especially before eating or returning home.
- Avoid Unnecessary Medications: Certain over-the-counter medications can increase your SGPT levels by reducing the strain on your liver. Therefore, avoid unnecessary medication and consult your doctor for the correct dosage and alternatives. This can help reduce the SGPT levels quickly.
- Manage Stress Levels: Stress directly impacts SGPT levels by reducing blood flow to the liver and causing the body to produce more cortisol. Doctors say chronic stress can also damage liver cells. Lower SGPT levels, incorporate stress management techniques, eat a healthy diet, and increase vitamin D consumption.
- Vaccination Against Hepatitis: Hepatitis is a major cause of liver inflammation, directly affecting SGPT levels. Therefore, it is advisable to get vaccinated against it. India offers Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B vaccinations.
- Avoid Sex with Multiple Partners: Having sex with multiple people increases the risk of high SGPT levels and liver-related diseases. To reduce the SGPT levels, avoid having multiple sexual partners.
- Stay Updated on Your Family History: An existing family history of liver disease increases the risk of getting liver-related disease and liver inflammation. You should know if there is any such case in your family so that you can take precautions and reduce the risk of high SGPT levels.
- Eat Healthy Foods: Food plays an important role in holistic well-being. Ten foods can quickly reduce your SGPT levels. These include oatmeal, green tea, garlic, berries, grapes, grapefruit, coffee, fatty fish, olive oil, and nuts. These foods contain antioxidants, folate, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids, naturally lowering liver enzyme levels and reducing SGPT levels.
Liver-Related Supplements: Studies have found that milk thistle and turmeric are natural herbs that can lower the risk of liver inflammation. Vitamins E and C and N-acetylcysteine can protect the liver from oxidative stress and help reduce SGPT levels.
Tips and Tricks to Reduce SGPT Levels Quickly
1. Lifestyle Changes
If you have been diagnosed with elevated SGPT levels, there are several lifestyle changes that you can make to help reduce them.
Avoid Alcohol: Drinking alcohol can increase SGPT levels. Avoid alcohol completely or limit your consumption to reduce your SGPT levels.
Quit Smoking: Smoking can damage the liver and increase SGPT levels. Quit smoking to help reduce your SGPT levels.
Exercise Regularly: Exercise can help reduce SGPT levels by improving liver function and promoting weight loss. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise per day, five days a week.
Maintain a Healthy Weight: Obesity can increase the risk of liver disease and raise SGPT levels. Maintain a healthy weight by eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly.
Eat a Healthy Diet: A healthy diet can help improve liver function and reduce SGPT levels. Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
Get Enough Rest and Sleep: Lack of sleep can lead to a variety of health problems, including liver damage. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night to help reduce your SGPT levels.
2. Dietary Changes

Dietary changes can also be beneficial in reducing SGPT levels. This includes -
Reduce Consumption of Sugar and Processed Foods: Sugar and processed foods can increase SGPT levels. Avoid sugary drinks and snacks and limit your consumption of processed foods.
Increase Intake of Fiber-Rich Foods: Fiber can help improve liver function and reduce SGPT levels. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes in your diet.
Consume Foods High in Antioxidants: Antioxidants can help protect the liver from damage and reduce SGPT levels. Foods high in antioxidants include berries, dark leafy greens, nuts, and seeds.
Limit Consumption of Fats and Oily Foods: Fats and oily foods can contribute to the development of liver disease and increase SGPT levels. Limit your consumption of fried foods, fatty meats, and high-fat dairy products.
3. Natural Remedies
In addition to lifestyle and dietary changes, natural remedies may also help in reducing SGPT levels.
Drink Plenty of Water: Staying hydrated can help reduce toxins from the liver and reduce SGPT levels. Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day.
Drink Herbal Tea: Herbal teas like dandelion root, chamomile, and green tea can help improve liver function and reduce SGPT levels.
4. Seek Medical Attention
If you have high SGPT levels, it's important to monitor your symptoms and get regular testing to determine if your levels are improving.
If you experience symptoms like fatigue, abdominal pain, or jaundice, it's important to seek medical attention. Also, if you have been diagnosed with high SGPT levels, it's important to get regular SGPT / ALT testing to monitor your levels.
This will help you and your doctor determine if your lifestyle changes and treatments are effective.
By incorporating these tips and tricks into your daily routine and working closely with your doctor, you can help reduce your SGPT levels quickly and improve your liver health.
Maintaining healthy SGPT levels is crucial for optimal liver function and overall health. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and avoiding alcohol and smoking, you can help keep your SGPT levels within a healthy range.
However, it's essential to remember that some medications and medical conditions can also affect SGPT levels, so regular monitoring through routine SGPT tests is essential.
Redcliffe Labs offers a comprehensive SGPT Blood Test that is both reliable and affordable, allowing individuals to easily track their SGPT levels and take proactive steps toward maintaining a healthy liver.
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Jan 30, 2025 at 11:16 AM.
MY SGOT is 30 & SGPT is 60. kindly suggest.
Myhealth Team
Jan 30, 2025 at 11:23 AM.
Hi, Your SGPT levels are slightly elevated and your SGOT levels are within the normal range. Consult with your doctor further for treatment.
Jan 20, 2025 at 9:18 AM.
I got a elevated sgpt 170 what should I do to lower it quickly
Myhealth Team
Jan 20, 2025 at 11:50 AM.
Hi, you can follow the steps that are mentioned in the blogs. For more help you can discuss with your doctor. Thankyou
Tarun kohli
Dec 26, 2024 at 9:09 AM.
Good afternoon ma'am/sir Mera AST 194 ALT 155 ALP 125 Hai mujhe kya karna chahiye please suggest me
Myhealth Team
Dec 26, 2024 at 11:41 AM.
AST, ALT, aur ALP levels badhe huye hain, jo liver ya gallbladder ki problem ka sanket de sakte hain. Turant doctor se sampark karein aur further tests ke liye advice lein. Tab tak alcohol aur oily foods se bachain aur healthy diet follow karein.
Ayush raj
Dec 23, 2024 at 9:51 AM.
Mera total bilirubin 1.85 hai, sgot 85, sgot 47 hai mujhe kya karna chahiye
Myhealth Team
Dec 23, 2024 at 4:15 PM.
आपका total bilirubin 1.85, SGOT 85, और SGPT 47 बढ़ा हुआ है, जो लिवर की गड़बड़ी का संकेत हो सकता है। डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें, डाइट सुधारें, तला-भुना और शराब से बचें, और दोबारा जांच करवाएं।
Sourav Ghosh
Dec 17, 2024 at 3:27 PM.
My SGPT ALT was 70 and My HSV was Positive please suggest me what can I do ?
Myhealth Team
Dec 20, 2024 at 10:15 AM.
An SGPT (ALT) level of 70 suggests mild liver enzyme elevation. Avoid alcohol, processed foods, and stay hydrated. For HSV, follow prescribed antiviral medications and practice good hygiene. Maintain a healthy weight, exercise, and consult your doctor for further tests and treatment to manage both liver health and HSV.
Dec 10, 2024 at 6:36 AM.
My sgpt is 123 and under treatment for last 3 months. But today also it is 116 which is not decreasing to normal level
Myhealth Team
Dec 12, 2024 at 10:41 AM.
An SGPT level of 116, though reduced from 123, indicates that your liver function may still not be completely normalized. Since you're undergoing treatment, it's essential to follow up with your doctor to reassess the treatment plan and investigate further causes. In the meantime, avoid alcohol, fatty foods, and any liver stressors, and ensure you're taking prescribed medications as directed.
Nov 27, 2024 at 3:46 AM.
Mera sgot 32 ul aur sgpt 70 ul Aya hai report me aur ma hepatitis b ka patient hung kya ya dangerous or not ... Please let me know than u
Myhealth Team
Nov 27, 2024 at 6:03 PM.
SGOT of 32 U/L and SGPT of 70 U/L are mildly elevated. Since you're a Hepatitis B patient, it's important to consult your doctor for further monitoring and treatment. Avoid alcohol and maintain a healthy diet to support liver health.
Sherya tiwari
Nov 25, 2024 at 1:48 AM.
मेरा एसजीपीटी376 है हमारा एसजीओटी 1059 है क्या खतरनाक है रिप्लाई दे प्लीज
Myhealth Team
Nov 25, 2024 at 5:48 AM.
आपके SGPT (376) और SGOT (1059) का स्तर काफी ज्यादा है, जो लिवर की गंभीर समस्या का संकेत हो सकता है। तुरंत किसी लिवर विशेषज्ञ से संपर्क करें और जरूरी जांच कराएं। तला-भुना, शराब, और भारी दवाओं से परहेज करें। यह स्थिति गंभीर हो सकती है, इसलिए जल्द से जल्द डॉक्टर की सलाह लें।
Nov 18, 2024 at 6:01 AM.
Sir mera sgpt 45 hai or sgot 28 hai .. now I am 32. Mujhe kya karna chahiye sgpt ko normal karne k liye..
Myhealth Team
Nov 21, 2024 at 12:04 PM.
SGPT (45) थोड़ा बढ़ा हुआ है, इसे सामान्य करने के लिए स्वस्थ आहार, नियमित व्यायाम, वजन नियंत्रित रखना, शराब से बचना और पर्याप्त पानी पीना चाहिए। दवाइयों का सही सेवन करें और यदि समस्या बनी रहे, तो डॉक्टर से संपर्क करें।
अशोक साहेबराव गिरासे
Nov 8, 2024 at 3:36 PM.
Myhealth Team
Nov 16, 2024 at 10:58 AM.
Hi, Your SGPT levels are elevated. Please consult to a doctor for further evaluation of your condition.
আসরাফ আলী মিঞা
Oct 27, 2024 at 2:55 PM.
আমার SGPT/ALT level 51.68 আমার পায়খানা সাদা আমাশয় আছে, বদ হজম হয়, মলে ফেনা আসে, পেট ব্যথা হয়,দিনে 5থেকে 7বার পর্যন্ত পায়খানায় যেতে হয়। আমার কি করা উচিত?
Myhealth Team
Oct 28, 2024 at 8:43 AM.
আপনার SGPT/ALT লেভেল এবং পেটের সমস্যাগুলি উদ্বেগজনক। সাদা পায়খানা, বদ হজম, ফেনাযুক্ত মল এবং পেটের ব্যথা দেখে মনে হচ্ছে আপনার লিভার বা পাচন তন্ত্রের সমস্যা হতে পারে। একজন গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজিস্টের সঙ্গে শীঘ্রই দেখা করা উচিত, কারণ তারা সঠিক পরীক্ষার মাধ্যমে সমস্যার কারণ নির্ণয় করতে পারবেন। তেল ও মসলাযুক্ত খাবার কমিয়ে সুষম খাদ্য গ্রহণ করুন এবং প্রচুর পানি পান করুন।
Mahendra Maurya
Oct 26, 2024 at 7:27 AM.
Sgpt 63.06 Shot 59.02 S globulin 2.4 S typhi 1.160
Myhealth Team
Oct 28, 2024 at 9:03 AM.
Your lab results show elevated SGPT (ALT) at 63.06 and SGOT (AST) at 59.02, indicating possible liver issues, while S Globulin at 2.4 is normal. The S Typhi level of 1.160 may suggest a potential typhoid infection. It's crucial to consult a doctor for further evaluation and treatment.
Kuldip Singh
Oct 22, 2024 at 5:28 AM.
Mera bilirubin 1.8 Sgpt. 155 Sgpt. 111 hai muje kya karna chahiye
Myhealth Team
Nov 5, 2024 at 2:57 PM.
आपका कुल बिलिरुबिन 1.8 है, SGPT 155 और SGOT 111 हैं, जो सामान्य से अधिक हैं। इसके लिए डॉक्टर से परामर्श करें। संतुलित आहार लें, जिसमें फल, सब्जियां और साबुत अनाज शामिल हों। पर्याप्त पानी पिएं, नियमित व्यायाम करें, और शराब तथा धूम्रपान से बचें। ये उपाय आपके लिवर स्वास्थ्य में सुधार करने में मदद कर सकते हैं।
Oct 15, 2024 at 8:18 PM.
My brother's SGPT level is 260, Age: 32. he is non-alcoholic but facing multiple problem like Jaundice, Different urine color, itching, headache etc. Plz give some suggestions
Myhealth Team
Oct 17, 2024 at 4:35 PM.
Your brother's SGPT level of 260, along with symptoms like jaundice, unusual urine color, itching, and headaches, requires immediate medical attention. He should consult a doctor for a thorough evaluation. In the meantime, encourage him to stay hydrated and adopt a liver-friendly diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins while avoiding fatty, fried, and processed foods.
Gerry Avanceña
Oct 1, 2024 at 1:46 PM.
Good day! I have a high SGPT/ALT result the range is between 5.0-50.0 I've got 115.00. I'm 53 years old. What can you suggest. Thank you.
Myhealth Team
Oct 4, 2024 at 5:59 PM.
A high SGPT (ALT) level of 115 suggests possible liver issues. Consult a healthcare professional for evaluation and tests. Follow a liver-friendly diet, avoid alcohol, stay hydrated, and exercise regularly. Review medications with your doctor, and ensure regular monitoring of liver enzymes for proper management.
Sourav Dutta
Sep 28, 2024 at 1:26 PM.
Mera Sgpt 94.01 he or bilirubin 0.79 mg
Myhealth Team
Sep 30, 2024 at 9:01 AM.
Your SGPT level of 94.01 U/L is elevated, indicating possible liver issues, while your bilirubin level of 0.79 mg/dL is normal. Consult a doctor for further evaluation and management.
deepak kumar raikwar
Sep 25, 2024 at 5:18 PM.
अच्छी जानकारी
Myhealth Team
Dec 30, 2024 at 9:59 AM.
Yes aapke SGPT level normal range mai hai.
Neha Saini
Dec 28, 2024 at 5:26 PM.
SGPT 37 u/l hai. Ye sahi hai kya.
Myhealth Team
Sep 26, 2024 at 7:51 AM.
धन्यवाद! अगर आपको किसी और जानकारी की ज़रूरत है, तो बेझिझक रेज़्यूमे। हम आपकी मदद के लिए हमेशा तैयार हैं!
Sunny rohda
Sep 25, 2024 at 10:55 AM.
Mera sgpt 61 aur shot 39 hai to koi problam ya tablet ki jarurat hai kya
Myhealth Team
Sep 25, 2024 at 3:43 PM.
Aapka SGPT (ALT) level 61 elevated hai, jabki SGOT (AST) level 39 normal hai. Yeh liver function ko indicate karta hai, lekin sirf iske aadhar par kisi bhi tablet ya treatment ki zarurat nahi hai. Healthy diet, hydration, aur alcohol se door rehna behtar hai. Agar aapko koi symptoms hain ya specific concerns hain, to doctor se consult karna sahi rahega. Regular follow-up tests bhi zaroori ho sakte hain.
Sep 25, 2024 at 7:20 AM.
Mera SGPT 56 Hai aur SGOT 40 hai Kya hame upchar ki jarurat hai kya
Myhealth Team
Sep 25, 2024 at 7:47 AM.
Aapke SGPT (56) aur SGOT (40) thoda elevated hain, par abhi zyada chinta ki baat nahi hai. Aapko healthy diet, alcohol se doori, aur regular exercise se liver ko support karna chahiye. Agar aapko thakan, pet dard, ya koi aur liver se sambandhit symptoms ho rahe hain, to doctor se salah lena zaroori hai.
Jayanta das
Sep 20, 2024 at 4:25 PM.
Sgot 108/u/l. Sgpt 301u/l
Myhealth Team
Sep 22, 2024 at 6:36 AM.
Elevated SGOT (108 U/L) and SGPT (301 U/L) suggest liver inflammation or damage. Consult a doctor for further evaluation and tests. Meanwhile, reduce alcohol intake, follow a liver-friendly diet, and stay hydrated to support liver health.
अरुण कुमार तिवारी
Sep 20, 2024 at 1:35 PM.
मेरा एसजीपीटी 92 हैओर एसजी ओटी63 है उपचार बताये डेंजर जोन मे है कया
Myhealth Team
Sep 22, 2024 at 6:38 AM.
SGPT 92 और SGOT 63 थोड़े ऊंचे हैं, लेकिन खतरनाक नहीं। ये लिवर में सूजन का संकेत हो सकते हैं। उचित उपचार के लिए डॉक्टर से परामर्श करें, लिवर-फ्रेंडली आहार अपनाएं, पर्याप्त पानी पिएं, और नियमित चेक-अप करवाएं। सही जानकारी और उपचार के लिए अपने डॉक्टर की सलाह लें।
Amar Jeet yadav
Sep 19, 2024 at 4:08 PM.
Sir .Mera sgpt 323 h ur sgot.109 dwa chal rahi h kya sahi ho sakta hai ki nhi
MyHealth Team
Sep 20, 2024 at 1:12 PM.
SGPT 323 और SGOT 109 के स्तर काफी बढ़े हुए हैं, जो लिवर की समस्याओं का संकेत कर सकते हैं। डॉक्टर से संपर्क करें और आगे के परीक्षण करवाएं। स्वस्थ आहार लें, पर्याप्त पानी पिएं, और अपनी दवाओं की समीक्षा करें। नियमित जांचें करवाना महत्वपूर्ण है।
Ramanuj Singh Yadav
Sep 15, 2024 at 10:58 AM.
Sir mera sgpt 103 hai aur sgot 36 hai aur 1st fatty liver hai sir mai kya Karu koi sujhaw dejiye
Myhealth Team
Jan 23, 2025 at 5:43 PM.
SGOT (54) और SGPT (60) थोड़ा बढ़ा हुआ है, जो हल्के लिवर तनाव का संकेत हो सकता है। कारणों में फैटी लिवर, एल्कोहॉल, तली-भुनी चीज़ें, दवाओं का प्रभाव या वायरल संक्रमण शामिल हो सकते हैं। स्वस्थ आहार लें, तैलीय व एल्कोहॉल से बचें, और डॉक्टर से जांच करवाएं।
Jan 23, 2025 at 2:39 PM.
मेरा sgot 54और sgpt 60है मुझे क्या करना चाहिए कृपया मार्गदर्शन करें
MyHealth Team
Sep 16, 2024 at 11:44 AM.
Hi Ramanuj Singh Yadav,
SGPT 103 और SGOT 36 के साथ फैटी लिवर होने पर आपको तला-भुना और फैटी फूड से बचना चाहिए। ताजे फल, सब्जियां और फाइबर युक्त आहार लें। शराब और प्रोसेस्ड फूड से पूरी तरह परहेज करें। नियमित एक्सरसाइज और डॉक्टर से सलाह लेना भी ज़रूरी है।
Sep 13, 2024 at 7:08 AM.
my sgot is 164 and sgpt 294 what to do
MyHealth Team
Sep 13, 2024 at 4:08 PM.
With elevated SGOT (164) and SGPT (294) levels, consult your doctor for a thorough evaluation and treatment. Avoid alcohol, follow a healthy diet, manage your weight, and be cautious with medications. Regular monitoring and professional guidance are essential.
RAJU Chauhan
Sep 12, 2024 at 7:09 PM.
Mera sgpt 69 hai our sgot 57 hai kya yah dangerous hai reply de please
MyHealth Team
Sep 17, 2024 at 6:54 AM.
SGPT (ALT) 69 और SGOT (AST) 57 दोनों ही सामान्य सीमा से अधिक हैं और लिवर की समस्याओं का संकेत हो सकते हैं। यह गंभीर हो सकता है, इसलिए आपको एक डॉक्टर से परामर्श करना चाहिए। डॉक्टर उचित जांच और उपचार की सलाह देंगे।
sreedharan kk
Sep 11, 2024 at 11:20 AM.
My SGPT(ALT) is 94.1 is it dangerous.I take daily 2 pegs whiskey or brandy at night before food.I play shuttle regularly .I take good diet also. Pl.advice.
MyHealth Team
Sep 11, 2024 at 11:50 AM.
Your SGPT (ALT) level of 94.1 is elevated, which can indicate liver stress or damage. Regular alcohol consumption, even in moderate amounts, can contribute to increased liver enzyme levels. While your diet and physical activity are good habits, it's important to reduce or eliminate alcohol to help bring your liver enzymes back to normal. You should also consult a doctor for further evaluation and guidance to prevent long-term liver issues. Regular follow-up tests can help monitor your liver health.
Lakhidhar Boro
Sep 11, 2024 at 5:14 AM.
My S.G.O.T-53 and S.G.P.T-68. Is it dangerous? What will I do for bring it to normal? Please suggest.
MyHealth Team
Sep 11, 2024 at 7:07 AM.
Your SGOT (53) and SGPT (68) levels are slightly elevated but not dangerous. To bring them to normal, focus on a healthy diet, avoid alcohol, exercise regularly, and stay hydrated. It's also important to avoid fatty or fried foods. If you’re on any medication, check with your doctor, as some can raise liver enzyme levels. Regular follow-up tests will help monitor your progress.
Rolito Jun G. Leones III
Sep 7, 2024 at 9:46 PM.
Thanks a lot for the essential tips and guides to take care of our liver.
MyHealth Team
Sep 11, 2024 at 4:15 PM.
You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!
Sep 5, 2024 at 12:43 PM.
Mera sgpt 44 Sgot 194 aya hai
MyHealth Team
Sep 5, 2024 at 3:04 PM.
SGPT (ALT) of 44 U/L is within the normal range, but SGOT (AST) of 194 U/L is significantly elevated. This may suggest liver or muscle damage. It's important to consult your doctor for a detailed evaluation to identify the cause and get proper treatment.
rajeev verma
Sep 5, 2024 at 7:48 AM.
sir mera alt/sgpt level 117 aya hai or sgot 53 aya hai kya ye level dangerous hai ya liver ki medicine se thek ho sakta hai ab bhi mere dr. nai OBETOHEP-10 LENE KO KAHA HAI
MyHealth Team
Sep 5, 2024 at 8:31 AM.
Elevated ALT/SGPT (117) and SGOT (53) levels indicate liver strain. Follow your doctor’s advice to take OBETOHEP-10 and adhere to a healthy diet, avoid alcohol, and maintain a balanced lifestyle. Regular follow-ups are essential to monitor progress and adjust treatment.
Virendra yadav
Sep 5, 2024 at 4:52 AM.
Sgot 50, and sgpt 57 है इसको ठीक करने के लिए हमे क्या करना चाहिए और क्या ये मेरे लिए खतरनाक साबित हो सकता है प्लीज मुझे मार्ग दर्शन दें
MyHealth Team
Sep 5, 2024 at 5:34 AM.
SGOT (50) और SGPT (57) थोड़े बढ़े हुए हैं, लेकिन चिंता की बात नहीं है। इसे नियंत्रित करने के लिए संतुलित आहार लें जिसमें फल, सब्जियां और प्रोटीन शामिल हों। तले हुए और फैटी फूड से बचें, खूब पानी पिएं, और नियमित व्यायाम करें। शराब से परहेज करें और अपने डॉक्टर से नियमित जांच कराएं।
simi biju
Sep 4, 2024 at 9:28 AM.
Sgpt 115 and sgot can reduce it?
MyHealth Team
Sep 4, 2024 at 5:32 PM.
To reduce elevated SGPT and SGOT levels, focus on eating a balanced diet with fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins while avoiding fatty and processed foods. Stay well-hydrated, limit or avoid alcohol, and engage in regular exercise. Review any medications with your healthcare provider and schedule regular check-ups to monitor progress.
preeti kapoor
Sep 4, 2024 at 6:19 AM.
My husband SGOT and sgpt is 65. Is it high plz suggest
MyHealth Team
Sep 5, 2024 at 5:39 AM.
SGOT and SGPT levels of 65 are slightly elevated, indicating mild liver strain. To reduce these levels, focus on a healthy diet with fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, avoid alcohol, stay hydrated, and exercise regularly. Consulting a healthcare provider for further evaluation is recommended.
Sapna mahajan
Sep 1, 2024 at 10:36 AM.
SGOT- 84.61, SGPT- 115.55 mujhe left side pain bhi hai or sugar bhi hai maine homoeopathy dawai Li hai kya isme homoeopathy medicine Lena thik hai
MyHealth Team
Sep 7, 2024 at 6:26 PM.
Elevated SGOT (84.61) and SGPT (115.55), along with left-side pain and diabetes, need medical attention. Consult your doctor and a qualified homeopath to ensure any homeopathy treatment complements your overall care. Regular monitoring of your health is essential.
Alokita kumari
Aug 29, 2024 at 12:21 PM.
Hello , my Sgpt and Sgot levels are 948 and 598 respectively, I feel extreme ache in my stomach. It increases to this extent very often what should I do to bring it back on normal track ?
MyHealth Team
Aug 30, 2024 at 7:28 PM.
Your SGPT (948) and SGOT (598) levels are very high, indicating severe liver stress. The extreme stomach ache could be related. Seek immediate medical attention, avoid alcohol and harmful medications, and follow a liver-friendly diet to help bring your levels back to normal.
Aug 28, 2024 at 4:05 PM.
मेरा एसजीओटी 72 से 49 है और मेरा एसजीपीटी 73 से 52 है कृपया मुझे बताइए कि मैं क्या करूं
MyHealth Team
Aug 30, 2024 at 7:38 PM.
आपके SGOT और SGPT लेवल में सुधार हुआ है, जो अच्छी बात है। इसके बावजूद, लिवर फंक्शन को सामान्य बनाए रखने के लिए संतुलित आहार, स्वस्थ जीवनशैली, और नियमित व्यायाम पर ध्यान दें। शराब और वसा युक्त भोजन से बचें। अगर आपकी समस्या बनी रहती है या और सलाह की आवश्यकता हो, तो डॉक्टर से संपर्क करें।
Aug 26, 2024 at 11:43 AM.
My SGPT is 44 and SGOT is 49. Last year it was 41 and 28 respectively. Age 32. Female. How to reduce the level and come in normal range? Is there any risk ? I feel shortness of breath sometimes.
Myhealth Team
Oct 4, 2024 at 6:06 PM.
A jump in SGOT (AST) levels from 28 to 49 can indicate potential liver stress or damage, but it may not always be a cause for immediate concern. Factors such as recent exercise, medications, or even minor infections can influence liver enzyme levels. It's important to monitor the levels over time and consult with a doctor for further evaluation and guidance based on your overall health and any accompanying symptoms. Regular follow-up tests may be necessary to determine the cause of the increase and whether any action is needed.
Sep 30, 2024 at 12:48 PM.
Is this jump in SGOT from 28 to 49 is a matter of concern ?
MyHealth Team
Aug 27, 2024 at 2:25 PM.
With SGPT at 44 and SGOT at 49, and experiencing shortness of breath, consult your doctor to investigate the cause. In the meantime, follow a liver-friendly diet, exercise regularly, and stay hydrated.
Varun Marwah
Aug 25, 2024 at 3:29 PM.
900 aya hai
MyHealth Team
Aug 27, 2024 at 2:29 PM.
SGPT 900 बहुत उच्च है और यह गंभीर जिगर की समस्याओं का संकेत हो सकता है। तुरंत डॉक्टर से संपर्क करें और तुरंत चिकित्सा सहायता प्राप्त करें।
I m kazmi shah
Aug 21, 2024 at 4:59 PM.
My son have only 14 years old he have sgpt 53-70 ul 0.35 serum can you suggest me please what can I do sir please
MyHealth Team
Aug 22, 2024 at 5:50 AM.
For a 14-year-old, an SGPT (ALT) level between 53-70 U/L is slightly elevated, which may indicate mild liver stress or inflammation. It's important to identify any potential causes, such as recent infections, medications, or dietary factors. I recommend consulting with a pediatrician for further evaluation and guidance. They might suggest lifestyle adjustments, a balanced diet, and possibly further tests to monitor his liver health and address any underlying issues.
Shashi sengar
Aug 14, 2024 at 8:39 AM.
SGOT- 52.91 SGPT-57.33 and Lipase - 94.46 lu/LITRE Plz suggest some tips to reduce levels
MyHealth Team
Aug 17, 2024 at 11:58 AM.
To lower elevated SGOT, SGPT, and lipase levels, adopt a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. Limit alcohol, stay hydrated, and exercise regularly. Avoid medications that stress the liver and consult your doctor for personalized advice and monitoring.
Aug 12, 2024 at 9:38 AM.
MyHealth Team
Aug 12, 2024 at 12:20 PM.
We are glad that you have liked the information!
Suvasini Nayak Nayak
Aug 11, 2024 at 7:29 PM.
My husband's sgpt is 65 is it dangerous...we consult doctor but he didn't prescribed any medecine
MyHealth Team
Aug 13, 2024 at 7:41 PM.
An SGPT (ALT) level of 65 is elevated and suggests some liver inflammation or stress. While it's not extremely high, it indicates that the liver may need attention. Since your doctor hasn't prescribed any medication, focus on a liver-friendly diet, avoid alcohol, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Regular follow-ups with your doctor are important to monitor liver health and determine if any further action is needed.
Aug 10, 2024 at 10:58 AM.
Sgpt 175 hi kiya kare
MyHealth Team
Aug 17, 2024 at 12:06 PM.
SGPT का स्तर 175 होने पर, आपको अपने आहार में सुधार करना चाहिए, तला-भुना और मीठा भोजन कम करना चाहिए, और शराब का सेवन कम करना चाहिए। नियमित व्यायाम भी महत्वपूर्ण है। दवाओं के प्रभाव की समीक्षा के लिए डॉक्टर से परामर्श करें और एक सही उपचार योजना बनवाएं।
Roshan Kumar
Jul 27, 2024 at 2:02 PM.
My sgpt 1430 ho gaya h turant relief ke liye kya kare jaundice v ho gaya hai
MyHealth Team
Jul 31, 2024 at 10:28 AM.
Hi Roashan, With an SGPT level of 1430 and jaundice, seek immediate medical attention. Avoid alcohol and medications that stress the liver, stay hydrated, and rest. Follow your doctor's guidance for proper treatment and management.
Jul 24, 2024 at 9:46 AM.
Written well. What is the level of shot is risky
MyHealth Team
Aug 24, 2024 at 6:31 PM.
Elevated SGPT and SGOT levels suggest liver issues. To help manage them, avoid alcohol, eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, stay hydrated, and review any medications with your doctor. Regular follow-ups with your healthcare provider are essential for personalized guidance and to address any underlying conditions.
aman mishra
Aug 24, 2024 at 12:19 PM.
hiii team sgpt /sgot both are increased 80/81 how to control this right now iam 45 years old
MyHealth Team
Jul 24, 2024 at 12:24 PM.
Normal SGOT (AST) levels range from 8 to 45 units per liter. Levels above this range can indicate liver issues. Mild elevation (45-100 units/L) might result from alcohol consumption or medications. Moderate elevation (100-300 units/L) could indicate significant liver damage or hepatitis. High elevation (300-1000 units/L) is often seen in acute liver diseases, while very high levels (over 1000 units/L) suggest severe liver injury. If your SGOT levels are elevated, consult a healthcare provider for diagnosis and treatment.
Jul 24, 2024 at 6:36 AM.
Mera sgot 93 or sgpt 104 hai kya kru sir
MyHealth Team
Jul 24, 2024 at 12:28 PM.
डॉक्टर से परामर्श करें ताकि वे सही निदान और उपचार शुरू कर सकें। तला हुआ और मसालेदार भोजन से बचें, स्वस्थ आहार लें, और शराब और धूम्रपान से दूर रहें। नियमित व्यायाम करें और अपनी दवाओं की समीक्षा डॉक्टर से कराएं। जल्द से जल्द चिकित्सा सलाह लें और निर्देशों का पालन करें।
Janhvi rao
Jul 15, 2024 at 4:48 AM.
My brother sgpt 100 and sgot 85 and triglycerides 163 ,HB 12.6 How can he reduce fastly ?? Any serious problem??
MyHealth Team
Aug 1, 2024 at 7:51 PM.
Your brother's elevated SGPT and SGOT levels suggest potential liver issues. To help reduce these levels, he should adopt a healthier diet, increase physical activity, limit alcohol intake, and stay hydrated. Triglycerides are slightly high, so reducing fatty foods can also help. Consulting a healthcare provider for a thorough evaluation and personalized treatment is essential.
Jul 11, 2024 at 3:51 PM.
എനിക്ക് sgpt 78 എങ്ങനെ യാണ് കുറേക്കാൻ പറ്റുന്നത്
MyHealth Team
Jul 11, 2024 at 3:56 PM.
SGPT കുറയ്ക്കാൻ, ആരോഗ്യകരമായ ഭക്ഷണക്രമം പിന്തുടരുക, പ്രത്യേകിച്ച് പഴങ്ങൾ, പച്ചക്കറികൾ, മുഴ കുടമ്പിടികൾ, സത്വം കൂടുതലുള്ള ആഹാരം എന്നിവ ഉൾപ്പെടുത്തുക. മദ്യം ഒഴിവാക്കുകയും ധൂമപാനം നിർത്തുകയും ചെയ്യുക. ഡോക്ടറുടെ ഉപദേശത്തോടെ വിരാമം, വ്യായാമം, വൈദ്യസഹായം എന്നിവ ഉൾപ്പെടുത്തുക.
Jul 10, 2024 at 2:56 PM.
SGOT. 33.2 SGPT. 52.5 Please suggest
MyHealth Team
Jul 11, 2024 at 4:49 PM.
Your SGOT (AST) level of 33.2 U/L and SGPT (ALT) level of 52.5 U/L are generally within normal ranges, indicating normal liver function. If you have specific health concerns or symptoms, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.
Manjot 19 year
Jul 8, 2024 at 2:58 PM.
Sgot 123 sgpt 189 alkline159 h pleasehelp
MyHealth Team
Jul 9, 2024 at 7:23 AM.
Hi Manjot, Your liver function tests show elevated levels of SGOT (123), SGPT (189), and Alkaline Phosphatase (159). Elevated SGOT and SGPT typically indicate liver damage or inflammation, possibly due to conditions like hepatitis or fatty liver disease. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider for a thorough evaluation and appropriate management.
Jul 4, 2024 at 5:35 AM.
I have fatty liver (sgpt level 151.7) How can I reduce fatty liver in 7 days
MyHealth Team
Jul 5, 2024 at 9:08 AM.
Hello! Reducing fatty liver significantly in just 7 days is challenging, but you can start making positive changes. Focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid alcohol, sugary foods, and processed foods. Regular exercise, such as brisk walking or light workouts, can help. Staying hydrated and getting enough sleep are also important. It's best to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice and a sustainable long-term plan. Take care!
Mohit Saini
Jun 29, 2024 at 6:00 PM.
Mera sgpt 167or sgot 119 hai please help
MyHealth Team
Jun 30, 2024 at 12:24 PM.
Hello! Your SGPT and SGOT levels are higher than normal, which can indicate liver stress. It's important to see your doctor for a thorough evaluation and to discuss possible causes and treatments. They might recommend dietary changes, avoiding alcohol, and other lifestyle modifications to support your liver health. Thank you for reaching out!
Sukanta Mondal
Jun 26, 2024 at 11:11 AM.
I have grade-I Fatty liver, triglyceride is 194, SGPT and SGOT are 70 and 55 respectively then what is necessary to reduce SGPT level?
MyHealth Team
Jun 26, 2024 at 11:32 AM.
To reduce your SGPT level and manage your grade-I fatty liver, triglycerides, and other liver enzymes, focus on a healthy lifestyle. Adopt a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins while avoiding fatty, fried, and processed foods. Limit or eliminate alcohol consumption, as it can worsen liver damage. Regular physical activity is also needed.
Jun 22, 2024 at 8:24 AM.
SGPT & SGOT result found 78 & 47. kindly advise to take medicine
Jun 22, 2024 at 9:14 AM.
Hi Joby, Elevated SGPT (ALT) and SGOT (AST) levels suggest potential liver inflammation or damage. It's important to consult a healthcare provider for a thorough evaluation. Treatment depends on identifying the underlying cause, which could include lifestyle changes, medications, or further testing. Regular follow-up with your doctor is crucial to monitor liver function and adjust treatment as needed.
Pranab chatterjee
Jun 16, 2024 at 2:21 PM.
Recently SGPT & SGOT test done and found result 61 & 63.Few years back I was diagnosed fatty liver Also I am taking Atrovas medicine regularly to keep cholesterol in control. Could u please suggest how to reduce SGPT
MyHealth Team
Jun 17, 2024 at 10:50 AM.
Hi, To lower SGPT levels, it's crucial to manage your diet and lifestyle effectively. Focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins while avoiding saturated fats, sugars, and processed foods that can contribute to liver inflammation. Limit or avoid alcohol consumption entirely, as alcohol can worsen liver damage. Review your medications with your doctor, including Atorvastatin, to ensure they are not contributing to elevated liver enzymes. Maintain a healthy weight through regular exercise and hydration to support liver function and manage fatty liver disease. Thankyou
Jun 16, 2024 at 10:11 AM.
Sgpt 478,alkaline sirum 325 sgot 314 female 34 years and completed the 8th month of pregnancy Dr has suggested udilive 300mg for three time, give me your valuable advice
MyHealth Team
Sep 7, 2024 at 6:17 PM.
An SGPT level of 345 during pregnancy is elevated and may indicate liver issues, which could be concerning for both you and your baby. It’s important to consult your obstetrician immediately for evaluation and appropriate management to ensure both your and your baby's health.
Pinki Devi 30Yr
Sep 2, 2024 at 4:07 AM.
Pregnant 8½ Month My SGPT is 345 Can you Tell me it's Dangerous For me and my baby Please Response
MyHealth Team
Jun 17, 2024 at 10:55 AM.
With SGPT at 478, alkaline phosphatase at 325, and SGOT at 314 during pregnancy, your doctor has prescribed Udiliv 300mg three times daily. This medication helps manage liver function and may alleviate symptoms. Follow your doctor's advice closely, monitor any symptoms, maintain a balanced diet, rest well, and attend regular prenatal check-ups for optimal care.
Arun gupta
Jun 15, 2024 at 3:24 PM.
ALT (sgpt) 73.5 hai.. Lungs disease hai ,ILD... Defcort 30 mg ,pulmoclear ,or calciquick 500 chal rhi hai ,kya karu
MyHealth Team
Jun 17, 2024 at 11:03 AM.
Your ALT (SGPT) level is 73.5 and you have ILD (Interstitial Lung Disease). Currently, you are taking Defcort 30 mg, Pulmoclear, and Calciquick 500. It's crucial to follow your pulmonologist's advice closely for managing ILD and medication. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, avoid triggers like air pollution and smoking, and attend regular check-ups for optimal care.
Sukhdev Singh
Jun 15, 2024 at 7:18 AM.
Main apna sgpt check karwana chata hu
MyHealth Team
Jun 17, 2024 at 11:20 AM.
Hi, To book a test with us you can call us at 8988988787. Thankyou
Mohan shyam
Jun 14, 2024 at 1:35 PM.
Sir mere. Sgpt 451 hai to kya Kiya Jay unko ghatane ke liye
MyHealth Team
Jun 17, 2024 at 11:29 AM.
Aapke SGPT level ka 451 hona liver ke inflammation ya damage ka sanket hai. Isko ghatane ke liye alcohol se doori banaye rakhein, swasth aahar lein, pani adhik piyein, niyamit vyayam karein, dawaiyon ko doctor ki salah se samiksha karein, aur niyamit chikitsaik salah lekar apne liver ki sthiti ko monitor karein.
प्रमोद कुमार सिंह
Jun 13, 2024 at 2:38 PM.
एस जीपीटी 55 है।कृपया उपचार बताये।
MyHealth Team
Jun 17, 2024 at 11:40 AM.
आपका SGPT स्तर 55 है, जो सामान्य है। इसे बनाए रखने के लिए अल्कोहल का सेवन कम करें, स्वस्थ आहार लें, और नियमित व्यायाम करें। अधिक जानकारी के लिए चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें।
Gaurav Shukla
Jun 13, 2024 at 2:43 AM.
आपके द्वारा जो एसजीपीटी का हमें ज्ञान मिला हमारा मानसिक तौर पर जो अत्यधिक दबाव में हम थे कि हम बहुत गहरी बीमारी में हैं यह है उसे हमें काफी मानसिक तौर पर सहायता मिली और अपने को हम बदलने के लिए जो आपके द्वारा हमें निर्देश जारी किए गए उसे पर हम कार्य करने के लिए समर्थ हो सकते हैं कई बीमारियां जो छोटे से बड़ा रूप ले लेती हैं अगर आदमी स्वयं इसकी जानकारी रखेगा तू बड़ी परेशानियों से दूर रहा जा सकता है आप लोगों की सहायता अत्यधिक सराहनीय धन्यवाद
MyHealth Team
Jun 17, 2024 at 11:50 AM.
आपके संदेश के लिए धन्यवाद। यह जानकर खुशी हुई कि हमारे द्वारा दी गई जानकारी ने आपको मानसिक और शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य को सुधारने में मदद की है। यह सत्य है कि जानकारी और सही मार्गदर्शन से कई बीमारियों को शुरुआती चरण में ही रोका जा सकता है। हम आशा करते हैं कि आप हमारे निर्देशों का पालन कर अपने स्वास्थ्य में और सुधार ला पाएंगे। आपकी सेहत और खुशहाली के लिए हमारी शुभकामनाएं।
analou perater
Jun 8, 2024 at 10:49 PM.
my husband has high sgpt level 4 times higher than normal,my should I do?he was experienced stomach ache and shortness of breath..Please answer,thank you
MyHealth Team
Jun 10, 2024 at 2:12 PM.
If your husband's SGPT (ALT) levels are four times higher than normal and he is experiencing stomach ache and shortness of breath, it's crucial to consult a doctor immediately. High SGPT levels can indicate liver damage or inflammation, which may be caused by conditions such as hepatitis, fatty liver disease, or alcohol consumption. The doctor may recommend further tests and possibly lifestyle changes, such as avoiding alcohol, eating a balanced diet, and staying hydrated. Regular monitoring of liver function will likely be necessary. If symptoms worsen, seek emergency medical attention right away.
PB Varadarajulu
Jun 6, 2024 at 1:53 PM.
My sgpt count is 50. please advise
MyHealth Team
Jun 7, 2024 at 7:29 PM.
An SGPT (serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase) level of 50 IU/L falls within the normal range for adults, which is typically between 7 to 56 IU/L for males and 5 to 36 IU/L for females.
Rahul kaushik
Jun 5, 2024 at 1:12 PM.
Mera S.G.P.T-132 S.G.O.T-110 Haemoglobin-14.4
MyHealth Team
Jun 5, 2024 at 4:50 PM.
आपके S.G.P.T और S.G.O.T स्तर सामान्य से अधिक हैं, जो लिवर में किसी समस्या का संकेत हो सकता है। डॉक्टर से परामर्श करना ज़रूरी है। आपकी हेमोग्लोबिन स्तर सामान्य है। डॉक्टर से मिलें और उनके सुझावों का पालन करें। स्वस्थ रहें!
Mittal Kartik Soni
Jun 3, 2024 at 8:56 AM.
I'm 36 years old working women. History father - liver cirrhosis & diabetic My SGPT-44, SGOT-29, bilirubin direct 0.31 & indirect 0.25, HBA1C 6.2 How can I reverse HBA1C & reduce SGPT?
MyHealth Team
Jun 3, 2024 at 11:23 AM.
Hi Mittal Kartik Soni, To lower your HbA1c (6.2%) and reduce SGPT (44), eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, avoid alcohol, and stay hydrated. Monitor your health regularly and consult your doctor for personalized advice.
Naresh Sahu
May 31, 2024 at 5:48 PM.
बहुत ही सुंदर आर्टिकल है धनायद
MyHealth Team
Jun 3, 2024 at 5:19 PM.
You're Welcome
May 21, 2024 at 12:16 AM.
Very useful quick prevention
Myhealth Team
May 21, 2024 at 6:13 PM.
Yes please you can follow these.
May 20, 2024 at 4:42 PM.
Hi my Sgot was 46 and Sgpt was 67 and TRIGLYCERIDE was 114. Please suggest whether it’s high and if high please suggest for control.
MyHealth Team
May 29, 2024 at 6:33 PM.
Your SGOT and SGPT levels are slightly elevated, and your triglyceride level is also slightly above the normal range. To control these levels:
- Maintain a healthy diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.
- Engage in regular exercise.
- Limit alcohol intake.
- Manage weight if necessary.
- Consider medication as prescribed by your healthcare provider.
- Regularly monitor your levels and follow up with your doctor.
Naman shree
May 17, 2024 at 7:12 PM.
Mera shpt 256 h
Myhealth Team
May 18, 2024 at 1:11 PM.
Hi, Your SGPT levels are very high. You need to seek medical attention. Please consult with your doctor.
Sohan Lal
May 15, 2024 at 2:12 PM.
मेरा एसजीपीटी लेवल 156 हो गया है कम करने के लिए उपाय बताएं
Myhealth Team
May 15, 2024 at 4:26 PM.
आपका SGPT स्तर 156 है, जो उच्च है। इसे कम करने के लिए डॉक्टर से मिलें, स्वस्थ आहार अपनाएं, वसा और जंक फूड से बचें, शराब का सेवन बंद करें, वजन नियंत्रित रखें, पर्याप्त पानी पिएं, और नियमित हल्का व्यायाम करें। इन उपायों का पालन करें और नियमित रूप से डॉक्टर से परामर्श करते रहें।
Rajesh Raman
May 14, 2024 at 4:05 PM.
SGOT 90 SGPT 101 Hai Kiya kare
Myhealth Team
May 15, 2024 at 12:14 PM.
Aapke SGOT (Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase) level 90 aur SGPT (Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase) level 101 hai, jo dono elevated hai. Ye elevated liver enzymes ho sakte hain, jo liver damage ya liver problems ka sign ho sakte hain.
Kya Karein:
Doctor se Consult Karein: Apne healthcare provider se jaldi milen aur complete evaluation ke liye unse salah len.
Liver Function Tests (LFTs): Aur bhi liver function tests karwayein, jaise ki bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, aur total protein levels, taki accurate diagnosis ho sake.
Avoid Alcohol: Alcohol ka sevan band karein, agar karte hain.
Healthy Diet: Sehatmand bhojan aur pratidin paani peene ka pravritti banayein. Avoid fried aur oily foods.
Medication Review: Agar aap kisi aur dawai ka sevan kar rahe hain, to unki dosage ko doctor ke salah se adjust karein.
Follow-Up: Doctor ke instructions ko follow karein aur unke diye gaye treatment plan par amal karein.
Liver enzymes elevated hone ka kai karan ho sakte hain, jaise ki fatty liver, hepatitis, ya anya liver disorders. Isliye, jaldi se doctor se sampark karein aur unki salah ka palan karein.
May 11, 2024 at 10:27 AM.
Mera sgpt 80 or sgot 158 h to kya kre
Myhealth Team
May 15, 2024 at 4:29 PM.
आपका SGPT 80 और SGOT 158 है, जो उच्च है। इसे सुधारने के लिए:
- डॉक्टर से मिलें: सही निदान और उपचार के लिए।
- स्वस्थ आहार अपनाएं: वसा, तला हुआ और जंक फूड से बचें।
- शराब छोड़ें: यकृत को बचाने के लिए।
- वजन नियंत्रित करें: यदि अधिक है तो।
- पानी पिएं: विषैले तत्व निकालने के लिए।
- व्यायाम करें: नियमित हल्का व्यायाम करें।
डॉक्टर के निर्देशों का पालन करें।
Raghul R
May 2, 2024 at 9:31 AM.
Hi my Sgot was 43.6 and Sgpt was 63.29 and globulin was 3.6. TRIGLYCERIDE was 179. Please suggest whether its high and if high please suggest for control.
Manjit kumar
Jun 26, 2024 at 10:06 AM.
My sgot is 70U/l and sgpt is 51 u/l, please tell us what to do
MyHealth Team
Jun 3, 2024 at 5:13 PM.
आपके SGPT (ALT) का स्तर 69.7 और SGOT (AST) का स्तर 104.7 है। इसे सामान्य करने के लिए आपको अपने आहार में सुधार करने की जरूरत है, और तले हुए और वसायुक्त खाद्य पदार्थों से बचना चाहिए। अधिक फल, सब्जियाँ और फाइबर युक्त खाद्य पदार्थों का सेवन करें। शराब और कैफीन का सेवन कम करें, और पर्याप्त पानी पिएं। नियमित शारीरिक गतिविधि भी करें, जैसे कि योग या व्यायाम, जो लिवर के स्वास्थ्य को बेहतर बनाने में मदद कर सकते हैं। धूम्रपान छोड़ें, क्योंकि यह लिवर के लिए हानिकारक हो सकता है। डॉक्टर से परामर्श लें और अपने उपायों को उनकी सलाह के अनुसार संशोधित करें। ये उपाय आपके SGPT और SGOT स्तरों को सामान्य बनाने में मदद कर सकते हैं।
Akhilesh Kumar
Jun 1, 2024 at 12:16 PM.
Mera sgpt 69.7 aur sgot 104.7 hai baki sab thik hai hame level ke liye kya karna chahiye
Myhealth Team
May 5, 2024 at 5:42 PM.
Your SGOT and SGPT levels are within the normal range. However, your triglyceride level is slightly elevated. To control it, focus on a healthy diet, regular exercise, weight management, limiting alcohol intake, quitting smoking, and consulting a healthcare professional if necessary.
May 2, 2024 at 8:59 AM.
My sgpt 1st test is 112.77 and sgot is 73.30 . and the second test when im back in the cLinic the resuLt of my spgt is 90.82 and sgot is 65.71 . how can i reduce more faster ?
Myhealth Team
May 6, 2024 at 1:03 PM.
To reduce SGPT and SGOT levels faster:
- Cut down on alcohol and unhealthy fats.
- Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, veggies, and lean proteins.
- Exercise regularly.
- Stay hydrated.
- Consult doctor for personalized advice.
Apr 23, 2024 at 11:46 AM.
Anak laki-laki kami usia 34 tahun SGPT 125. Usia 17 th pernah kecelakaan dan mengkonsumsi obat dari dokter. Apakah hal ini mempengaruhi tingginya SGPT nya? Makasih
Myhealth Team
Apr 25, 2024 at 9:31 AM.
Hi, Obat yang dikonsumsi anak laki-laki Anda sejak usia 17 tahun setelah kecelakaan bisa memengaruhi tingkat SGPT-nya. Saran terbaik adalah berkonsultasi dengan dokter yang merawatnya untuk penilaian yang lebih tepat. Thankyou
Apr 23, 2024 at 12:58 AM.
Would consecutive days of drinking and then mild gastroenteritis raise SGPT levels? SGPT 75, SGOT 41
Myhealth Team
Apr 23, 2024 at 6:09 AM.
Hi, Yes, consecutive days of drinking followed by mild gastroenteritis can raise SGPT levels. Thankyou
Parul Gautam
Apr 22, 2024 at 10:42 AM.
My SGOT is 56.5 and my SGPT is 89.5. I'm also suffering from abdominal pain, fatigue, lack of appetite, insomnia and digestion issues. The doctors have given some medicines but they aren't helping much. Will i be fine? And what will be the best action in course?
MyHealth Team
Apr 22, 2024 at 12:14 PM.
Hi Parul Gautam, your symptoms and elevated SGOT and SGPT levels may indicate liver issues. It's essential to follow your doctor's advice, adopt a healthy lifestyle, avoid alcohol, and attend regular check-ups. Stay vigilant and communicate any changes in symptoms to your healthcare provider promptly
Betty Sue Deitz
Apr 21, 2024 at 8:36 PM.
My SGPT is 35 and my Hemoglobin A1C is 6.3 both considered high. How can I lower the range?
MyHealth Team
Apr 22, 2024 at 12:38 PM.
To lower your SGPT and Hemoglobin A1C levels, focus on a balanced diet, regular exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice and potential medication adjustments.
Dhanaraj Chenambeth
Apr 17, 2024 at 4:43 PM.
My SGOT is 59.5 and SGPT is 84.3. What i have to do? I used to exercise at least half an hour every day. No ln smoker. Drinking once in a while only. Height -180. Weight -90 Kg.
Myhealth Team
Apr 17, 2024 at 6:30 PM.
Hi, Your SGOT (AST) and SGPT (ALT) levels are slightly elevated, which could indicate liver inflammation or damage. You need to consult with your doctor for this. And continue doing exercise and have a good diet. Consider making dietary modifications to support liver health, such as reducing processed foods, saturated fats, and refined sugars, and increasing your intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Thankyou
Apr 14, 2024 at 6:07 AM.
Good information
Myhealth Team
Apr 15, 2024 at 5:07 PM.
Glad you have liked it.
Sumeet mhaskar
Apr 10, 2024 at 12:35 PM.
My sgpt level is 120. What should be my diet ?
Myhealth Team
Apr 11, 2024 at 5:58 AM.
Hi, Focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Limit alcohol, saturated fats, and added sugars. Stay hydrated and consider incorporating liver-supportive supplements like milk thistle and omega-3 fatty acids. Thankyou
Amardeep Singh
Jan 24, 2024 at 10:49 AM.
My sgot level is 42, and sgot level is 69 , what can I do to maintain this are pls give me advice
Myhealth Team
Jan 30, 2024 at 12:53 PM.
Maintain healthy lifestyle habits: balanced diet, regular exercise, limit alcohol, manage stress. Regular check-ups with healthcare professional.
Mohd Ashraf Sheikh
Jan 12, 2024 at 2:33 PM.
Good information
Myhealth Team
Jan 16, 2024 at 7:35 AM.
I'm glad you found the information helpful! If you have any more questions or if there's anything else we can assist you with, feel free to let me know.
Jan 10, 2024 at 9:09 AM.
My sgpt is 50 and sgot is 30. But my body is too much pain and also weakness. What should i do?
Myhealth Team
Jan 10, 2024 at 10:23 AM.
Elevated SGPT and SGOT levels may indicate liver issues. However, pain and weakness require a medical evaluation. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice and further tests.
Dec 5, 2023 at 2:43 PM.
SGPT Level 58 , SGOT Level 32 , Is that Value Indicates Liver Damage ?
Myhealth Team
Dec 8, 2023 at 9:31 AM.
Your SGPT level of 58 and SGOT level of 32 are slightly elevated, which could suggest potential liver issues. Consult with a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation and personalized advice.
Abhishek Chakraborty
Nov 28, 2023 at 5:33 AM.
Sir I have grade 2 fatty liver..and sgot and sgpt very high more than 5 times in normal range..what can I do? I visit a doctor but no medicine advice ..
Myhealth Team
Apr 5, 2024 at 10:01 AM.
Hi Arvind, SGOT और SGPT स्तर उच्च होने के कारण, आपको अल्कोहोल से परहेज़ करना चाहिए और स्वस्थ आहार लेना चाहिए। अपने डॉक्टर से परामर्श करें। Thankyou
Arvind Kumar Shukla
Apr 4, 2024 at 4:34 PM.
एसजीओटी 97 एसजीपीटी 151 hai भोजन में क्या लें क्या ना ले गाइड करें
Myhealth Team
Nov 29, 2023 at 12:55 PM.
Grade 2 fatty liver, high SGOT, and SGPT: Prioritize lifestyle changes—balanced diet, regular exercise, limit alcohol. Follow up with your doctor for monitoring.
Nov 19, 2023 at 4:24 PM.
Sir I am not alcoholic and taking smoke but my sgpt is 166 is it harmful for me for your information I have a allergy issue so I take a levocetrasion tab daily kindly suggest
Myhealth Team
Nov 20, 2023 at 11:16 AM.
SGPT of 166 is elevated. Non-alcoholic, non-smoker. Consult a doctor for evaluation, considering allergy meds.
Sonam diki
Nov 17, 2023 at 2:32 AM.
Very informative Thank you so much
Myhealth Team
Nov 17, 2023 at 10:56 AM.
You're welcome! We are glad you found the information helpful.
Alok singh
Nov 8, 2023 at 2:56 PM.
My son get touch with fever 2 to 3 days Having Diclo sodium 50 mg with paracetamol 325 mg Twice in a day but not low down of fever after that calpol 500 mg and Repeat it within 4 Hrs after that next 7 hrs again Given Calpol 500mg Total dosages taken diclo sodium 100 mg and Paracetamol 2150 mg within 24 Hrs. Is the reason of increase SGPT level 165. Kindly advice to reduce SGPT level
Myhealth Team
Nov 17, 2023 at 12:09 PM.
Excessive medication, especially paracetamol, may elevate SGPT. Consult a healthcare professional for an evaluation and guidance. Avoid self-medication.
Wabidur Rahman
Oct 14, 2023 at 12:19 PM.
Sgpt,Sgot level can be reduced
Myhealth Team
Oct 18, 2023 at 9:37 AM.
Elevated SGPT and SGOT levels can be reduced by addressing their underlying causes through lifestyle changes, diet, medication, and treating related health conditions. Consult a healthcare professional for guidance.
nipal singh
Oct 11, 2023 at 2:33 PM.
my sgot is 184 and sgpt is 111 and hepatitis too.....plz tell me what to do and about diet to recover quickly... feeling weakness too.
Myhealth Team
Oct 13, 2023 at 12:17 PM.
Elevated SGOT and SGPT with hepatitis requires medical attention. Follow your doctor's guidance, rest, and maintain a balanced, easily digestible diet. Avoid alcohol, and drink plenty of water for recovery.
Rapally srinivas
Sep 28, 2023 at 1:09 PM.
Hi sir my sgpt is 59 it is dangerous zone. And my Gamma Glutamyl Transferase is also 59 please advice me what to do.
Myhealth Team
Oct 7, 2023 at 9:45 AM.
Elevated SGPT and GGT levels may indicate liver issues. Consult a healthcare provider for a thorough evaluation and guidance on appropriate steps to take.
Myhealth Team
Sep 6, 2023 at 12:42 PM.
High SGPT and itching during pregnancy may indicate a condition called intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP). Consult your obstetrician for evaluation and management. It's essential for both your and your baby's well-being.
Myhealth Team
Sep 5, 2023 at 12:36 PM.
Elevated SGPT and itching during pregnancy may indicate a concern. Consult your healthcare provider urgently for evaluation and guidance.
Sep 5, 2023 at 1:55 AM.
Hi. My SGPT level is 54.8 and alkaline phosphate is at 171.9. Will lifestyle changes help or do I need to seek medical attention?
Myhealth Team
Sep 7, 2023 at 10:55 AM.
Elevated SGPT and alkaline phosphatase levels need medical attention for proper evaluation and treatment.
Myhealth Team
Sep 6, 2023 at 12:40 PM.
Elevated SGPT and alkaline phosphatase levels should be evaluated by a healthcare professional for proper guidance. Lifestyle changes can help, but consult your doctor for advice.
Myhealth Team
Sep 5, 2023 at 12:33 PM.
Consult a healthcare provider for guidance on your elevated SGPT and alkaline phosphate levels. They can assess your specific situation and recommend appropriate actions or treatments.
Arun Prakash
Aug 26, 2023 at 2:42 AM.
Helpful information.
Myhealth Team
Aug 29, 2023 at 7:29 AM.
Glad to hear Mr. Arun
Anuj Kumar Sinha
Aug 22, 2023 at 11:34 AM.
My sgpt high 124.65iu/l what i will di
Myhealth Team
Aug 29, 2023 at 9:11 AM.
For an elevated SGPT level of 124.65 IU/L: 1. Consult a doctor. 2. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. 3. Follow medical advice for further evaluation and guidance.
Aug 22, 2023 at 8:26 AM.
My SGPT Level is 59 , and Total Bilrubin is 1.8 , Is it Dangerous ?
Myhealth Team
Aug 29, 2023 at 9:48 AM.
An SGPT level of 59 and total bilirubin of 1.8 are often within normal ranges. Consult a doctor for personalized evaluation and advice.
Aug 20, 2023 at 2:37 PM.
SGPT is very high. Triglycerides is very high
Myhealth Team
Aug 29, 2023 at 10:31 AM.
Elevated SGPT and high triglycerides should be evaluated by a doctor for potential health concerns. Seek medical advice for personalized guidance.
Jul 13, 2023 at 11:08 AM.
I received SGPT Result Today And ITS showing 94. What Is The solution ,Can You Help Me
Myhealth Team
Jul 17, 2023 at 11:03 AM.
Hi Aslam, Your SGPT levels are elevated. We advise you consult with an healthcare professional for the solution. And also you can read our full blog for the solution. Thankyou
Manoj Kumar Singh Sheoran
Jun 28, 2023 at 1:04 AM.
Sir i am having fatty liver grade 2 and slightly high ie around 10 points above the normal range SGPT SGOT . Doctor has not advised me any medication and told me to reduce the weight and avoid alcohol. I have reduced seven Kg and having weekly three drinks. But my Shot and sgot are not coming in normal range. Pl tell what to do.
Myhealth Team
Jun 30, 2023 at 11:08 AM.
Hi Manoj, You can follow the instructions which are provided in the blog. You can also follow the below points: - To improve fatty liver and normalize SGPT and SGOT levels: 1. Lose weight and maintain a healthy body weight. 2. Avoid alcohol completely. 3. Eat a balanced diet and avoid unhealthy fats. 4. Stay hydrated and exercise regularly. 5. Follow up with your doctor for monitoring and guidance. Thankyou
Bhushan Gogawale
Jun 26, 2023 at 2:58 PM.
Hi , My sgpt level is 499 and sgot level is 159 , please suggest me the way out or what need to do . Is this is very risky to stay home with out seeking dr consultation
Aug 20, 2023 at 6:52 AM.
My sgot 55 sgpt 82 how can I reduce naturally
Myhealth Team
Jun 30, 2023 at 11:13 AM.
Hi Bhushan, With an SGPT level of 499 and SGOT level of 159, it is important to seek medical attention and consult a doctor. Such elevated liver enzyme levels can indicate liver damage or other underlying health issues. It is not advisable to stay at home without consulting a doctor, as they can provide a proper diagnosis, evaluate your condition, and recommend appropriate treatment or further tests. Thankyou
Jun 22, 2023 at 11:18 AM.
Thank you Healthteam .It is still fit to work?
Jun 21, 2023 at 2:06 AM.
Hi, My sgpt and sgot is elevated sgpt is 82.17 and my sgot is 58.64 and also wbc count of 17. What should I do ?
Aug 11, 2023 at 9:42 AM.
Hai sir my sgpt level is 52 I don’t have any other symptoms Is it dangerous and last some years same reading
Myhealth Team
Jun 21, 2023 at 5:19 AM.
Hi Debbie, Elevated SGPT, SGOT, and WBC count could indicate liver damage or inflammation, as well as the presence of infection or inflammation in your body. It is important to consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Thankyou
bernardo baluyut
Jun 15, 2023 at 5:04 PM.
my SGPT ALT is 88 and im diabetic do i have liver damage? can my liver recover from it?
Myhealth Team
Jun 19, 2023 at 9:47 AM.
Hi, Having an SGPT (ALT) level of 88 does not necessarily indicate liver damage. It is slightly elevated but can be influenced by various factors, including diabetes. The liver has the ability to regenerate and recover. By managing diabetes effectively and adopting a healthy lifestyle, you can support your liver's recovery. Thankyou
Mohammad shakeel
May 25, 2023 at 6:09 AM.
Mera sgpt and shot 61, 62 hai, seene me dard bhi hai, mujhe kya karna chahiye
Oct 21, 2023 at 9:03 AM.
My ggt level is 180 what does ir mean and how to reduce I drink alcohol twice a week 2 pegs and daily swim for 50 minutes kindly advise
Myhealth Team
May 26, 2023 at 6:52 AM.
Hi, अगर आपके SGPT और SGOT स्तर 61 और 62 होने के साथ, साथ ही सीने में दर्द होने के मामले में, आपको एक स्वास्थ्य सेवा पेशेवर से परामर्श लेना चाहिए जिससे आपको सही निदान और आगे के कदमों पर मार्गदर्शन मिल सके। वे आपके लक्षणों का मूल्यांकन करेंगे, यदि आवश्यक हो, तो और टेस्ट करेंगे और उचित सलाह और उपचार प्रदान करेंगे। धन्यवाद
May 22, 2023 at 10:39 AM.
SGPT level is 97. what are the treatments need?
Myhealth Team
May 24, 2023 at 11:58 AM.
Hi Kevin, If your SGPT (serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase) level is 97, which is above the normal range, it may indicate liver damage or inflammation. The treatment options will depend on the underlying cause of the elevated SGPT level, which can vary from person to person. Your doctor will evaluate your overall health, conduct further tests if necessary, and recommend specific treatments based on your individual situation. We request you to please contact your doctor. Thankyou
Md Delwar Hossain
May 17, 2023 at 12:30 AM.
Sgpt is high , 202 Need treatment
Myhealth Team
May 17, 2023 at 9:31 AM.
Hi, An SGPT level of 202, indicating elevated liver enzymes, suggests the possibility of liver damage or inflammation. Seeking medical attention is crucial for an accurate evaluation and diagnosis. Treatment options will vary depending on the underlying cause of the elevated SGPT levels. These may involve making lifestyle modifications, adjusting medications, or implementing targeted therapies for liver conditions. Consulting a healthcare professional is vital to determine the most suitable treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. Thankyou
Nitin bali
May 9, 2023 at 1:21 PM.
My ESR is also low and kidneys to. I get high inflammation in my legs. I have been exercising from last week and after the exercise it feels fine
Shashan shukla
Jan 7, 2024 at 6:25 PM.
Sir,My shot is 96 .What will we do. Any medicine or other remedy. Thanks
Keshab Bhandar
Sep 2, 2023 at 10:08 AM.
Hi, I am from Nepal and I am about to get visa for foreign employment so I did medical test and found my sgot level is 55 and sgpt level is 110 and it’s been 3days I am following the medication and diet according to the doctor….even I am feeling scared if it is not reduced with in 1 month then there will be problem my visa will get rejected …so can you give me more tips to reduce it as quick as possible
Myhealth Team
May 10, 2023 at 5:16 AM.
Hi Nitin, You should also consult to a good doctor for further evaluation. Thankyou