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Hair Fall In Monsoon: Causes & Prevention Tips - MyHealth


Hair Fall In Monsoon: Causes & Prevention Tips


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Meenakshi
on Jun 28, 2023

Last Edit Made By Meenakshi
on Mar 15, 2024

Hair Fall In Monsoon

The arrival of monsoon & rainy season brings relief from the sweltering heat, but it also comes with several common problems, like hair fall. Hair fall during monsoon is common, yet it can be distressing. Understanding the connection between these two is essential to combat the issue of critical care. We’ve got you covered. Scroll down to find the cause & cure to enjoy the season without worrying about hair fall.

Causes Of Hair Fall During Monsoon:

Rain is not the only reason that contributes to hair fall. Many other factors can cause problems, which one must be aware of. Some common causes responsible for it are:

  • Fungal Infection: The high humidity & moisture in the environment cause fungi on the scalp, leading to dandruff, which weakens hair follicles & leads to excessive hair fall.
  • Too Much Moisture: Another common culprit that can lead to excess hair fall during the monsoon season is moisture which makes the hair weak & prone to breakage.
  • Exposure To Rainwater: Despite all the precautions, one gets drenched in the rain once or twice throughout the season. Exposure to rainwater & pollutant weaken the hair strands and can lead to hair fall.
  • Nutritional Deficiencies: Due to altered eating patterns, your body doesn’t get enough of the nutrients & vitamins required for hair health, which contributes to hair damage & hair fall.
  • Improper Hair Care: The constant use of harsh-chemical-based shampoos also causes hair damage & hair fall.
  • Weak Immune System: Another factor contributing to excessive hair fall is poor immunity or immune health, which makes your hair more prone to damage.

Apart from these reasons, it could also be due to other underlying conditions. Therefore, getting tested in time is critical to determine what is causing you the hair fall and act in time to manage it.

You cannot control the weather, but you can manage your actions. Take all the preventive measures to flaunt your hair in all the seasons. The answer is in the points below.

Tips To Prevent Hair Fall During Monsoon Season:

If hair is what you find everywhere you see, it’s high time you care. And for preventing hair fall during the monsoon season, the tips mentioned below can help. Some common tips you must include in your routine for healthy hair are:

  • Keep The Scalp Clean: Due to the high moisture in the surroundings, the weather can be harsh on your hair. Therefore, it is crucial to wash it regularly to keep the dirt, dust, excess oil & other moisture content away and keep the hair health intact.
  • Dry Your Hair Properly: After every hair wash, it is critical to dry hair thoroughly, as styling wet hair or leaving them wet for an extended period can increase the risk of fungal growth and hair fall.
  • Avoid Excessive Styling: The weather is already harsh on your hair, so you should be gentle. Limit styling products, like hair straighteners, dryers, or more, as it can make it more prone to damage.
  • Use A Wide-Toothed Comb: During the rainy season, it is vital to use a wide-tooth comb or comb with gentle bristles to avoid hair breakage and maintain health.
  • Avoid Tight Hair Style: Tight hairstyles like ponytails or braids can put too much stress on the hair and lead to excessive moisture production on the scalp, itchiness, dandruff, hair damage & hair fall. Therefore, opt for a loose hairstyle that gives them enough breathing space.
  • Stay Hydrated: Hydration is the key to good health & happy hair. It prevents dryness and brittleness in the hair, which leads to excessive hair fall. So, no matter what, keep your hydration levels intact.
  • Manage Stress: Besides being the primary cause of several health conditions, it also contributes to excess hair fall. Therefore, it is good to keep it at bay and indulge yourself in stress-releasing practices, like yoga, meditation, etc.
  • Consider Screening: A normal hair fall during the season of rain is common, but if the problem persists despite taking all the preventive measures, it could be a sign of something unusual. Therefore, getting tested in time is critical to confirm the cause and initiate treatment accordingly.

Remember, the steps might be small, but the rewards will be big and help you in the long run. Therefore, incorporate hair healthy practice in your routine and consider the diagnosis if the problem persists and you think something might be out of the blue. The earlier you get diagnosed, the earlier the treatment can be initiated which helps you manage it better.

Why Does Early Hair Fall Screening Matter?

The early hair fall screening helps you address the underlying factor contributing to hair fall. By identifying the problem, early intervention can be initiated, allowing targeted treatment, lifestyle adjustments, & preventive measures to be implemented promptly. Early Hair Fall Screening increases the success of management of the condition, leading to healthier & more vibrant hair.

Redcliffe Labs – Your Trusted Choice For Hair Fall Screening

If there is one rain outside and the other one inside of your hair all around, it’s time you care and considers getting tested to determine the cause and act accordingly for better care & management. You can book Hair Fall Screening Package to get tested comfortably from home at just Rs 1899. So, what are you waiting for? Get tested and let your hair flow freely not fall, all year round.

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