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Everything You Need To Know About Vitamin D - MyHealth


Everything You Need To Know About Vitamin D


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Ragiinii Sharma

Written By Meenakshi
on Sep 5, 2023

Last Edit Made By Meenakshi
on Mar 12, 2024

Vitamin d

Vitamin D is the most crucial Vitamin responsible for supporting bone health, healthy immune function, and several other bodily functions. It is referred to as the sunshine vitamin, as our body produces it when our skin is exposed to sunlight. Besides being easily accessible through the sun, our body can get it through foods or supplements. Despite being available, it has been estimated that a large number of the population nationwide has Vitamin D deficiency. According to recent data, 3 out of 4 Indians have Vitamin D Deficiency, which, if left unaddressed, can lead to a wide range of health problems.

So, what is the solution? How do you check Vitamin D levels? What are the measures that can help you correct the imbalance? First, take a deep breath; this blog answers all your crucial questions. So, let’s delve into everything you need to know about Vitamin D, aka Sunshine Vitamin.

What is Vitamin D, and why is vitamin D called sunshine vitamin?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that manages varied bodily functions. It is often called a sunshine vitamin, and the question is, why? Well, our skin produces it when exposed to sunlight. The rays from the sun trigger a reaction in the skin that converts a precursor molecule into active Vitamin D, which allows our bodies to synthesize Vitamin D and is, therefore, referred to as sunshine vitamin.

What does vitamin D do?

Being the most unique yet crucial Vitamin, Vitamin D serves various purposes, and some of its primary functions are described below.

  • Support Bone Health: Your bones need Vitamin D to absorb calcium and phosphorous. Hence, it is vital for maintaining strong and healthy bones. Without adequate Vitamin D, your body can’t effectively use the calcium it consumes, leading to conditions like osteoporosis in adults and rickets in children.
  • Promote Immune Health: Not just your bones, but your immune system too loves Vitamin D, and it is paramount to modulate the immune system, reduce inflammation, and help your body defend against infections.
  • Regulate Mood: According to some studies, Vitamin D is also responsible for regulating your mood swings and warding off depression.
  • Keep Heart Healthy: Yes, it is as crucial for your Heart as other body parts. Adequate intake of Vitamin D lowers blood pressure, diminishes the overall risk of cardiovascular diseases, and sustains healthy Heart functioning.
  • Help With Muscle Functioning: The Vitamin is equally responsible for supporting smooth muscle functioning & preventing muscle weakness.

While this Vitamin has plenty of benefits, excessive intake can lead to toxicity. Therefore, it is critical to maintain a healthy balance.

But how do you know whether your Vitamin D levels are balanced? What are the signs that indicate its deficiency? Scroll down to find out.

What are the common signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?

While the symptoms and severity of each symptom may vary for every individual, some of the common warning signs suggesting Vitamin D deficiency that one may need to be watchful of are:

  • Excessive Fatigue: Vitamin D deficiency can influence your overall energy, leading to extreme tiredness. Hence, prolonged lethargy, despite taking full rest, is one of the early signs that your Vitamin D levels are not in balance.
  • Bone Pain: Bone pain could also be due to other reasons, but it is often linked to Vitamin D deficiency. This Vitamin has a significant role in supporting bone health, and not having it in the proper amount leads to deep and achy pain in the back, hips, and legs.
  • Frequent Infections: Vitamin D deficiency can compromise your immune health, increasing your susceptibility to infections. Catching infections too frequently is another sign to get your Vitamin D levels checked.
  • Mood Swings: Mood disorders are often largely associated with Vitamin D Deficiency. People experiencing sadness, mood swings, and irritability may need to be tested to confirm the cause.
  • Delayed Growth In Children: Most children with Vitamin D deficiency may also disrupt growth in children, leading to poor weight gain, and in severe cases, it can even cause rickets.

Apart from this, several other signs, like hair loss, impaired wound healing, joint pain, cognitive impairment, and more, are linked with Vitamin D Deficiency.

Factors That Affect Vitamin D Production

What are the consequences of Vitamin D Deficiency?

  • Bone & Muscle Weakness: Vitamin D deficiency can lead to weakness in bones and muscles, making daily activities challenging and increasing the risk of fractures or other bone-related issues
  • Immune System Impairment: A healthy immune system needs an adequate amount of Vitamin D in the body, and deficiency of it can affect it, making the body more susceptible to infections.
  • Chronic Diseases: Unaddressed Vitamin D Deficiency can also increase the risk of certain health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

All these problems are linked with Vitamin D deficiency. Hence, balancing the levels is crucial to avoid potential health complications. So, what to do if you are Vitamin D deficient? Read on to find out:

How do you increase Vitamin D levels?

Here are some tips that can help you boost your Vitamin D levels:

Sunlight Exposure:

  • You should soak in the sun to balance the levels. Hence, you should spend 15-20 minutes in the sun a few times a week.
  • Be mindful of sun safety and avoid overexposure to prevent sunburn.

Make the Right Dietary Choices:

  • If you are a fish lover, add Fatty Fish, like Salmon, Mackerel, and tuna, into your diet, as these excellently fulfill your body’s need for Vitamin D.
  • Go for fortified foods like oranges, milk, cereals, yogurt, or juice.
  • Moreover, you can also add egg yolks to your diet, as they meet your need for Vitamin D.

Focus On a Balanced Diet:

  • Don’t just eat supplements, as it alone can make no difference.
  • Consume various nutrient-rich foods that help ensure you get enough Vitamin & minerals, including Vitamin D.

Switch To A Healthy Lifestyle:

  • Limit your alcohol intake, which can otherwise interfere with Vitamin D metabolism.
  • Quit smoking as the substance in it can lower your Vitamin D levels, leading to complications.
  • Make physical exercises a part of your lifestyle for good physical health and balanced Vitamin D.
  • Manage your weight so that your body can appropriately use Vitamin D.

Make Regular Testing A Habit:

  • Routinely measure your vitamin D levels to keep track of the fluctuations (if any).
  • It helps diagnose Vitamin D deficiency and toxicity early.
  •  Enable you to be proactive and take correct measures in time.

While balancing the Vitamin D levels is essential, addressing deficiencies or toxicity is crucial to avoid possible complications.

Who is at the high risk of Vitamin D Deficiency?

Although the body can create it, many people nationwide are affected with Vitamin D Deficiency. Some of the common causes of this are:

  • Skin Colour: Skin pigmentation restricts your body’s ability to create Vitamin D, leading to deficiency.
  • Not Getting Enough Sun Exposure: Thanks to today’s lifestyle, people don’t get enough sun exposure, increasing the risk of Vitamin D deficiency in more and more people.
  • Old Age: Aging is another factor contributing to the high risk of Vitamin D deficiency, as it decreases our body’s ability to synthesize Vitamin D.
  • Obesity: Apart from your dietary or lifestyle choices, chronic conditions, like obesity, are also a major contributor to Vitamin D Deficiency. Excess fat in the body limits the body’s ability to absorb it.

Also, breastfeeding or individuals with certain conditions that limit fat absorption quality may be at higher risk of experiencing Vitamin D Deficiency. So, take charge of this imbalance from today only.

Whether you have deficiency, insufficiency, or toxicity, it can only be clarified through a Vitamin D Blood Test that helps measure the levels, detect abnormalities (if any), and help you manage them with proactive steps.

We all have heard or read a lot about Vitamin D Deficiency, but is there anything like too much of it? Yes, too much Vitamin D is called Vitamin D toxicity. Let’s talk more about it:

What is Vitamin D toxicity?

Also called Hypervitaminosis D, Vitamin D toxicity is rare yet a severe health condition that occurs due to excessive intake of Vitamin D. If left unaddressed, it leads to hypercalcemia that causes an imbalance in bone metabolism regulation.

What are the common symptoms of Vitamin D toxicity?

  • Hypercalcemia: Excess calcium levels in the body are one of the major markers that indicate Vitamin D toxicity and can lead to varied symptoms, like loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain, etc.
  • Dehydration: Another symptom of excessive vitamin D in the body is excessive thirst or increased urination.
  • High Blood Pressure: Elevated vitamin D levels increase calcium, which, as a result, contributes to high blood pressure and is a sign that you need to test your Vitamin D levels.

What are the consequences of Vitamin D Toxicity?

  • Hypercalcemia: Too much Vitamin D in the body can increase calcium levels in the blood, leading to vomiting, abdominal pain, and kidney stones.
  • Kidney Damage: Prolonged and unaddressed elevated Vitamin D can also threaten your kidneys, impairing their functions and causing severe damage.
  • Heart Problems: Excessive Vitamin D increases calcium levels in the blood, leading to a high risk of Heart-related complications and issues.

Neither too little nor too much Vitamin D is good for your health, leading to varied severity. Maintaining a balance to prevent deficiency without reaching toxic levels is critical. Although Vitamin D toxicity is rare, what if someone is affected? What should they do? What to do if you have too much Vitamin D in your blood? Read on to know more:

What To Do If Your Vitamin D Levels Are Too High?

  • Consult A Healthcare Practitioner: First, consult your healthcare practitioner, as they may evaluate your Vitamin D status, including the severity of Vitamin D toxicity and symptoms you may have been experiencing. The test results help doctors to suggest appropriate measures to manage them accordingly.
  • Increase Fluid Intake: Individuals with symptoms of hypercalcemia may complain of dehydration, and drinking plenty of fluids is often suggested to keep them balanced.
  • Address Underlying Cause: If there is an underlying medical condition or certain medication contributing to Vitamin D toxicity, address it immediately so the levels can be correctly balanced.
  • Follow Medical Guidance: Take your medicines as prescribed and follow all other preventive measures your healthcare practitioner suggests to balance the imbalance.

Also Read: If you want to know more about Vitamin D Deficiency or Toxicity in detail, you should read this blog quickly.


What is Normal Vitamin D Levels?

Reference RangeInterpretation
<20 ng/mLDeficiency
20 – <30 ng/mLInsufficiency
30 –100 ng/mLNormal
> 100 ng/mLToxicity

How do you check Vitamin D levels?

Vitamin D Test is the most accurate and effective way to measure Vitamin D levels and diagnose deficiency or toxicity. Routinely measuring your Vitamin D levels can be a true game changer that can help you keep track and take steps to manage them well. So, delay no more. Now, measure, monitor, and manage your Vitamin D levels with a Vitamin D Blood Test.

Reach Redcliffe Labs For Reliable Vitamin D Levels Test:

Being the best Omnichannel Pan India diagnostic service provider, we offer a range of health tests and packages under one roof. Each test covers different parameters to evaluate your health thoroughly, determine the cause of symptoms (if any), and give you enough time to manage it while there is still time. So, book a Vitamin D Test with us now.

Vitamin D is vital for your health, so balance it before it gets compromised.

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