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Dengue fever and its symptoms


Dengue fever and its symptoms


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Meenakshi
on May 4, 2022

Last Edit Made By Meenakshi
on Mar 12, 2024

Dengue Fever

What Is Dengue?

Dengue is a viral illness that is transmitted through the dengue mosquito, Aedes aegypti. The disease mostly prevails in subtropical and tropical countries, including South America, Asia, and Africa. And each year, around 400 million cases of dengue infection are found.

What Is The Mode Of Transmission Of The Dengue Virus?

Dengue virus transfers from mosquito bites, but it doesn't spread from close contact. Do you know which virus causes dengue? One of the mosquito species, Aedes aegypti, is responsible for dengue fever. When a mosquito bites an already virus-infected patient, the mosquito gets the virus and becomes a dengue virus carrier or dengue mosquito, and such mosquitoes carry the dengue virus forever.

Dengue is also known as dandy or break-bone fever. It is a mosquito-borne disease that is debilitating but less fatal in nature. Simple dengue fever can progress to severe fever and complications known as dengue hemorrhagic fever, or DHF, leading to a hemorrhagic state. If left unattended, it can result in dengue shock syndrome, leading to coma or death. A severe stage of dengue fever requires hospitalization without any delay.

What Are The Symptoms Of Dengue?

Some typical dengue symptoms are given below, which can resolve within 2 weeks.

  • Severe headache with pain on the sides of eyes
  • High fever, muscle aches, and joint pain
  • Low appetite, nausea, or vomiting
  • Skin rashes and malaise

Here, we are also mentioning severe dengue symptoms:

Severe dengue virus symptoms may be different, and people who were previously infected are at a higher risk of getting an infection from dengue. These are

  • Fatigue and shortness of breath
  • Vomiting and restlessness
  • Bleeding gums and nose bleeding
  • Severe pain near the abdominal area
  • Shock, coma, or death

How To Increase Platelet Count In Dengue?

After a mosquito bite, as the virus enters the bloodstream, it starts to replicate and harm the platelets present in the body, leading to a drop in the platelet count. This condition is known as thrombocytopenia (decreased platelet count)..

A healthy person has 150,000-450,000 platelets per L on average, but during dengue infection, the count can drop as low as 40,000-20,000 platelets, especially during the peak of infection, but this is uncommon. The situation can become severe when internal organs start to bleed. An immediate platelet transfusion is needed to save a life to stop this. Other ways that can improve the platelet count are-

Apart from platelet transfusion and other medical therapies, a diet full of vitamin-C, vitamin-K, fruits, green leafy vegetables, and lots of fluid are crucial ways to stabilize or increase the platelet counts during dengue infection.

Dengue fever has different stages of severity, from mild to severe flu-like symptoms. And, as of now, there is no vaccine or specific treatment available. Protection from mosquito bites is the only way to escape the dengue virus. The risk of more complications during dengue fever can be avoided by seeking immediate medical help.

About Dengue Fever Tests

A test for dengue fever checks blood samples for the dengue infection. The tests detect viruses and antibodies and are used when the doctor suspects dengue fever or whenever the patient shows the above symptoms. Symptoms usually appear 4–7 days after being bitten by a dengue mosquito. The tests are also done on people who have recently visited or lived in a dengue-infected area.

A doctor can recommend some common dengue fever tests according to the patient's condition and symptoms. These tests can also detect current or previous infection of dengue fever. Here the specific dengue fever tests:

Where Is The Dengue Fever Test Available?

The test for dengue fever is available in certain specific pathology labs, including "Redcliffe Labs," and results can be obtained on the same day of the test. If your doctor has recommended a dengue test because of your suspicion of dengue infection, book the test from the well-trusted and certified "Redcliffe Labs" online at www.redcliffelabs.com. All the tests are available at an affordable rate, and a free sample collection facility is also available.


The blog content has been posted as a piece of information and awareness only. The content provided in this blog, or in any linked materials, are not proposed and should not be taken as medical advice. Redcliffe Labs strongly recommends users to consult with their health care providers to make any medical or health-related decision.

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