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Amla: Benefits, Interesting Facts, Nutritional Value, and More


Amla: Benefits, Interesting Facts, Nutritional Value, and More


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Geetanjali Gupta

Written By Sheena Mehta
on Dec 11, 2024

Last Edit Made By Sheena Mehta
on Dec 11, 2024

Amla: Benefits, Interesting Facts, Nutritional Value, and More

Amla has been one of the most revered fruits since 5000 years ago. It is a fruit tree that grows natively in parts of Asia, including India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. 

Amla is a green fruit, maybe small in size, but it is renowned for its high vitamin C content. Besides, the fruit offers immense health benefits that support overall well-being. 

So, have you ever tried Amla (Indian Gooseberry)? And did you like the taste? 

This blog is a sincere effort to familiarize you with the health benefits of amla, especially when winter has arrived. Amla is an excellent addition to your diet to maintain health and vitality. Let’s explore it in detail. 

Indian Gooseberry (Amla) in Detail 

Amla is an Indian gooseberry and is known by two scientific names: Phyllanthus emblica and Emblica officinalis. More than its appearance, which is like a golf ball with a pit and thin peel, it earns the spotlight for its sharp tang. 

To be more precise, the green slices of amla look innocent at first glance but manage to be both sharply sour and bitter in equal proportion. 

In India, people use amla more in powdered form, dried fruit, or fruit extracts. It is because the taste has been described as sour, bitter, and astringent. 

Nevertheless, traditional Indian medicine uses the whole amla plant, including the fruit, leaves, and seeds. 

What is the nutritional value of Amla?

Below is the standard nutritional value of an amla juice (200-250 ml) glass: 

ContentNutritional Value 
Calories30-40 g
Carbohydrates10-15 g
Fibre3-4 g
Sugars0-5 g
Protein 1-2 g
Fat Less than 1 g

Also read: https://redcliffelabs.com/myhealth/food-and-nutrition/amla-juice-benefits-natures-gift-for-health-and-longevity/

10 Health Benefits of Amla

Amla is a medicinal fruit beautifully used in Ayurveda to cure several ailments. 

The fruit is a powerhouse of vitamin C, which can strengthen your immune system during the colder months. Its consumption can also help combat infections and improve overall health. 

Let’s find out why Ayurveda experts emphasize using amla: 

  • Strengthen immunity: The vitamin C is essential to strengthen the immune system. It is common for you to catch colds and flu in winter. Therefore, amla, the rich and natural source of vitamin C, can help boost the body’s defense against infections and illnesses. 
  • Treat respiratory issues: People with asthma or bronchitis should consume amla in winter due to its rich anti-inflammatory properties. These issues can be exacerbated in colder weather, and amla (Indian gooseberry) can help lessen the symptoms. 
  • Best for digestion: Amla is a one-stop solution for all your health problems. The fruit contains vitamin C and fiber, which helps regulate bowel movements and prevent constipation. 
  • Amla benefits hair: Its antioxidants and vitamin C content make it a superfood for hair. Eating amla regularly can help improve hair quality and prevent premature graying. 

Did you know?

People in Thailand use Indian gooseberry extract for hair growth. Amla is also believed to inhibit an enzyme that causes hair loss. 

  • Regulates blood sugar levels: Amla has the potential to help regulate blood sugar levels. Intake of amla is beneficial for people with diabetes, as it can help maintain stable sugar levels. The chromium in Amla helps regulate carbohydrate metabolism and improves insulin sensitivity. Instead of eating something sweet to curb sugar cravings, you can eat amla candies, contributing to better blood sugar control. 
  • Improves eyesight: Amla also helps improve vision due to the presence of carotene and other antioxidants that improve visual clarity and prevent cataracts. Regular consumption of Amla can help improve and prevent cataracts, intraocular tension, and other age-related eye disorders. 
  • Good for bones: Incorporate amla in your diet and calcium-rich foods to strengthen bones. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and alleviate conditions like arthritis. 
  • Amla benefits for skin: Amla has anti-aging properties. It contains antioxidants that make it an anti-aging hero. Its application in the form of juice or amla purifying cleanser keeps your skin protected from free radicals, causing things like wrinkles and sun spots. 

Additionally, amla can help support collagen production, leading to healthier and radiant skin. 

  • Good for heart health: Amla (Indian gooseberry) promotes heart health. Its consumption may decrease your risk of heart disease, including: 
  • Antioxidant properties: Indian gooseberry extracts may protect against oxidative damage, causing heart injury. 
  • Improves endothelial function: A study performed on people with type II diabetes revealed that consuming 1000 mg of amla daily helped improve endothelial function. 
  • Reduce inflammation: Amla significantly improves inflammation, contributing to heart disease development. 
  • Improves blood fat profiles: Consuming amla improves blood fat profiles, including lower triglycerides and total and bad cholesterol. Additionally, it increases good cholesterol.
  • Reduces BP: Amla acts as a vasodilator, which may reduce high blood pressure, a key factor in heart disease. 
  • Anti-platelet effects: Amla doesn’t let blood clots form, which may cause heart attack or stroke if they block an artery. 
  • Helps in detoxification: Experts say that Amla aids in flushing out toxins from the body and supports liver function. The green fruit is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which supports detoxification and liver-kidney function. 

Also read: https://redcliffelabs.com/myhealth/food-and-nutrition/amla-juice-benefits-natures-gift-for-health-and-longevity/

5 Exciting Ways to Include Amla in Your Diet

Replace amla with monotonous foods to reap many health benefits. Below are five exciting ways to consume amla daily. Incorporating the fruit into your diet will pamper your taste buds and promote health and wellness. 

1. Amla juice: Drink amla juice in the morning to provide a healthy start to your day. 

How to make amla juice at home?

5 easy steps to make amla juice at home: 

  • First, you can wash amla and cut it into small pieces
  • Then, add chopped amla, honey, salt, and lemon juice in a blender. 
  • Thirdly, add in some water and grind the mixture well. 
  • Fourth, strain amla juice. 
  • Fifth, add more water to the glass and mix it well. Your amla juice is ready to serve. 

2. Dry Candy: Dry amla candies are a convenient way to boost your body with vitamin C. Chop 5-6 amlas into pieces. Then, sweeten them with sugar and black salt and sun-drying them for a few days. 

3. Amla pickle: Amla pickle is good for health. It helps in weight loss and protects your liver from damage. Nevertheless, a homemade amla pickle is more beneficial than you buy from the market. 

4. Amla tea: Amla tea is a healthier way to boost immunity. 

Simple steps to make amla tea at home: 

  • First, boil grated amla/grated amla powder and grated turmeric/powder in a pan and add water. Let it simmer for 6-7 minutes. 
  • Then, add grated jaggery and mix well. 
  • Switch off the flame. 
  • Strain the mixture into the cup. 
  • Your amla tea is ready to serve. 

5. Amla murabba: Amla murabba helps with digestion, reduces constipation, and strengthens the immune system. Its high vitamin C content also helps reduce arthritis pain. 

What is the recommended dosage for amla?

Ayurvedic experts do not overconsume amla to avoid negative outcomes. The ideal amla dosage per day, depending on its variants, includes: 

  • Amla powder: Take half a teaspoon of amla powder with lukewarm water twice daily. 
  • Amla capsule: After meals, you can take one or two capsules of amla with excess water twice daily. 
  • Amla tablet: After meals, you can take one or two capsules of amla with excess water twice daily.
  • Amla candy: One to three amla candies after meals is sufficient every day. 
  • Amla juice: Take three or four teaspoons of amla juice twice a day before taking food. 

Note: In case of doubt, consult your doctor to determine the right dosage of amla for your health. 

5 Side Effects of Amla

The consumption of amla is very good for your health, especially in the morning. Remember, overconsumption of amla is bad as it can cause serious side effects, including: 

  • Acidity
  • Dehydration 
  • Skin problems
  • Hair fall
  • Hard stool 

The Bottom Line

Amla, or Indian gooseberry, can do wonders for your health. From treating various illnesses to improving skin and hair health, amla is a one-stop shop for promoting health and vitality. 

Avoid overeating amla and amla products to see the magical results.

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  • priya

    Dec 27, 2024 at 12:19 PM.

    Great Blog

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      Dec 30, 2024 at 10:56 AM.

      Thankyou. We are glad you have liked the information.

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