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International Yoga Day 2024: Boost Energy and Improve Heart Health With Yoga


International Yoga Day 2024: Boost Energy and Improve Heart Health With Yoga


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Muskan Taneja
on Jun 20, 2024

Last Edit Made By Muskan Taneja
on Jun 20, 2024

International Yoga Day 2024

21st June is the day the world celebrates International Yoga Day 2024. The day focuses on different themes, giving out an important significance and meaning to the world.

Do you remember when was the last time you practiced yoga? No? This is the situation of many Indians.

So, on this International Yoga Day, roll out your mats, take a deep breath, and plunge into the world of Yoga. Why?

Because in this busy life, we often compromise our health both physically and mentally. Yes, mentally too. More than physical health, yoga helps in easing mental health. 

But how? We will provide you with every minute detail which will give you a clear idea about yoga. 

What’s The Meaning Of Yoga? 

Yoga originated from the Sanskrit word ‘Yog’, which means ‘to unite’. The term presents a series of physical exercises primarily focusing on improving bodily functions. 

Yoga offers more than just physical improvement, it helps in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, making you calm. By performing yoga, one can minimize distractions and suffering, gain control over emotions, and know the purpose of life. 

Don’t know where to begin? We've got you covered! Check out our beginner’s guide for yoga

What’s The Science Behind Yoga?

Modern medicine treats symptoms but the ancient Vedic wisdom shows that the disease is often the symptom of an underlying imbalance within 5 sheaths of our personality. These five sheaths/layers/koshas are the Physical body, Vital energy sheath, Mental sheath, Intellectual sheath, and Bliss sheath

Yoga practices or Asanas help in improving these five sheaths or overall human body focusing on flexibility, anxiety, strength, mental health, and immunity. However, several researches showcase that long-term yoga practices improve blood pressure, eventually reducing hypertension. Let’s understand how.

Physical body 

Annamaya kosha or physical health helps in improving the physical body by keeping organs, muscles, and ligaments active. These asanas are similar to aerobics. By performing these postures you can stimulate internal organs. 

Vital Energy Sheath

Pranmaya Kosha or vital energy sheath is controlling, regulating, and maintaining breathing. By performing this, you can improve your oxygen flow throughout the body. 

Mental Sheath 

Manomaya Kosha or mental sheath helps control and purify the mind. The mind controls everything. Through meditation, one can attain a mental sheath or Manomaya Kosha. By purifying the mind, you can address your mental issues. 

Intellectual Sheath

Wrong knowledge and incorrect beliefs corrupt our minds and by attaining Jnanamaya Kosha, or intellectual sheath, one can attain the root cause of mental imbalance. 

Bliss Sheath 

Anandmaya Kosha or bliss sheath helps us understand our significance. It is crucial to know where your happiness lies. All traditional religious scriptures worldwide aim at removing the cobwebs of the intellect. 

Read More - Yoga For Healthy Heart: 11 Effective Yoga Asanas That Will Help You Manage Cardiac Health

History and Evolution Of Yoga 

Our PM ‘Narendra Modi’ proposed the idea of International Yoga Day in the 69th session of the United Nations General Assembly in 2014.

In his address, he said “Yoga is an invaluable gift from our ancient tradition. Yoga embodies unity of mind and body, thought and action, a holistic approach that is valuable to our health and our well-being. Yoga is not just about exercise; it is a way to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world, and nature.” He also suggested several benefits of practicing yoga. 

After receiving an overwhelming response from 177 nations, the proposal was passed. 

On 21st June 2015, the world celebrated its first International Yoga Day. 

Every year, our PM ‘Narendra Modi’ organizes an event in Delhi, attended by government officials, celebrities, yoga experts, and citizens. Several other small events take place not just in India but also in several countries. 

Since its evolution, people from all over the world have celebrated International Yoga Day through yoga sessions, workshops, and seminars (both online and offline). 

But, why is it the 21st of June? In the UN session, PM Narendra Modi also suggested that the 21st of June marks the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere and the day holds significance in many cultures. 

Why Is It Celebrated?

It is very important to know why it is celebrated. One of the reasons is to raise awareness about yoga, its practices, and its benefits. Everybody is aware of this. But, there are several other reasons too. 

  • International Yoga Day emphasizes ancient Indian practices that purely focus on mental and physical well-being. 
  • It opens a gateway to celebrate and acknowledge the historical significance. 
  • Lately, yoga has gained popularity worldwide and the day is a sign of universal acceptance. 
  • Yoga not only promotes physical exercise but also promotes spiritual and mental aspects. 

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International Yoga Day 2024 Theme 

Every year the theme is different. This year the theme is ‘Yoga for self and society.’ This year International Yoga Day completes 10 years. The core motive of yoga is to bring peace and harmony to life. The theme completely puts a balance between human thoughts, actions, body, mind, spirit, and soul. It follows a holistic approach towards human well-being that brings peace. 

Perform These 10 Asanas on International Yoga Day 2024 

While the world is moving ahead, we are left with no time to focus on our health. To sort it out, we have provided ten asanas that don’t require much time and aren’t too difficult to perform. 


The word ‘Angamardana’ means having full control over limbs, organs, and other parts of the body. It is a series of 31 processes and reaches peak physical fitness and mental health. No equipment is required to perform this asana. 

Why Should You Perform ‘Angamardana’ Asana?

By performing this, you can attain control over your body including muscles, skeletal structure, nervous system, and circulatory system. It helps strengthen the spine and build physical strength and fitness. 

Surya Shakti 

Surya Shakti is an 18-step process that helps to strengthen the ligaments. It’s a hard form of Sun Salutation. The word ‘Surya’ means ‘sun’ and ‘shakti’ means ‘energy’. It is largely physical. 

Why Should You Perform Surya Shakti Asana? 

You don’t need to perform any other asana after performing 108 cycles of Surya Shakti Asana. It helps in making you fit, build your physical body, make sinews and ligaments strong. Also, by doing this, you can keep your body well. 

Surya Kriya 

Surya Kriya is a 21-step yoga practice. It is designed based on a holistic approach to health, wellness, and complete human well-being. The word ‘Surya’ means sun and ‘kriya’ means ‘inner energy process.’ 

Why Should You Perform Surya Kriya Asana? 

Surya Kriya activates the samat prana or solar heat. It balances a human’s energy channel, eventually leading to stability and stillness in the mind. By performing Surya Kriya, one can explore higher dimensions of life. 


Jalaneti by its name indicates an asana performed with water. It is a simple yet effective process of cleaning the nasal passages. It is performed with a copper jala neti pot. 

Why Should You Perform Jalaneti Asana?

Jalaneti can help make breathing easier by helping air enter the lungs. You should perform this asana with delicacy. If performed incorrectly, it can either reduce the benefit or cause irreparable damage. 

Bhuta Shuddhi 

Bhuta Shuddhi asana means the purification of elements. It is a process of purifying the five elements of the human system which are earth, water, wind, fire, and space. 

Why Should You Perform Bhuta Shuddhi?

By performing Bhuta Shuddhi, you can attain the well-being of the body and mind. This asana purifies five elements of the human system and also shapes the body towards its well-being. 

Bhastrika Kriya

Bhastrika Kriya purifies the blood and increases lung capacity. It naturally purifies one's blood which helps in better breathing. This kriya is where the energy process utilizes the breath. It helps in stabilizing the body and mind. 

Why Should You Perform Bhastrika Kriya? 

If you have asthma, allergies, sinusitis, hormonal imbalances, and skin diseases, this kriya is beneficial for you. Even if you have nothing you can perform this kriya. It can help in increasing lung capacity. 

Bhakti Sadhana 

Bhakti Sadhana brings out one’s state of devotion. It helps in growing love and devotion towards God through devotional practices like sevana, atma nivedana, kirtana, archana, sravana, and many more. 

Why Should You Perform Bhakti Sadhana?

If you want to dive into God, then perform Bhakti Sadhana. It establishes a sense of trust and love within you. Through Bhakti Sadhana you can use your emotions to transcend one’s limitations. 


Thoppukarnam is a simple asana. The name ‘Thoppukarnam’ means ‘to hold the ears’. It requires balance on the right and left side of the brain and performing exercise at the same time. 

Why Should You Perform Thoppukarnam?

By performing Thoppukarnam, you can increase memory and concentration. It helps in improving brain function in children with autism, ADHD, and other developmental challenges. 

Shanmukhi Mudra 

Shanmukhi Mudra is also a simple asana. It is also known as Beautify Kriya. It is a yogic practice performed using hand posture and the breath. This asana brings out a state of balance between awareness and meditativeness. 

Why Should You Perform Shanmukhi Mudra?

Shanmukhi Mudra helps in improving vision, brightening the eyes and different parts of the face, bringing mental balance, and helping with nose, ears, and eye ailments. 

Veerabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)

Veerabhadrasna is also called Warrior Pose. The word ‘Veera’ means ‘vigorous’, ‘Bhadra’ means ‘good’, and ‘asana’ means posture. The asana helps in strengthening arms, shoulders, thighs, and back muscles. 

Why Should You Perform Veerabhadrasana? 

Veerabhadrasana can provide benefits of improving body balance, releasing stress, and bringing auspiciousness, courage, and peace. It is extremely beneficial in case of frozen shoulders. 

Read More - Yoga For Healthy Living- Better Habits Make Better Lifestyle

How Can These Asanas Boost Energy and Heart Health?

By now, you must get a gist about these asanas and their benefits. But, let’s have a deep look at how these asanas can boost energy and heart health. 

  • Asanas are important in improving flexibility and strength. 
  • By performing these asanas for at least 30 minutes a day you can enhance physical strength and flexibility. 
  • It helps in reducing stress and anxiety. 
  • You can attain peace and mental clarity which eventually helps in improving mental health. 
  • Asanas help in maintaining blood pressure and improving blood circulation, which eventually benefits cardiovascular health. 
  • Asanas also help in stimulate the digestive system which helps in improving gut health. 

Let’s Start Practicing Yoga Today! 

Yoga has several benefits. From ancient times, people have been performing it. The above-listed asanas are not difficult to perform. You can give it a try not just on International Yoga Day 2024 but in your daily routine. If you are living a busy, inactive, and unhealthy life then commit to giving at least 30 minutes to yoga in a day, and sooner or later, you will see results.

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