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Yoga For Healthy Living- Better Habits Make Better Lifestyle - MyHealth


Yoga For Healthy Living- Better Habits Make Better Lifestyle


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Ragiinii Sharma

Written By Prekshi Garg
on Jun 10, 2022

Last Edit Made By Prekshi Garg
on Jan 27, 2025

Ensure Your Physical and Mental Wellness With Yoga

As per a recent study performed at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, the researchers confirmed the old saying,  'A Healthy Mind Lives In A Healthy Body.' The study reveals that regular exercise can help to enhance the brain power of young adults.  

Yoga Is Both The Prevention and Cure: 

Yoga is the form of exercise that holds a significant place because not only does it help to address existing health issues, but it can also eliminate the diseases that might affect you in the future. Yogic Practices are the best for healthy living as they preserve health, and yoga asanas are medicine for your physical and mental systems. As per the ancient rishis, Yoga is primarily the combination of Yama and Niyama that aims at attaining the higher states of consciousness. Yoga is undoubtedly a source of healthy living as it helps maintain internal and external harmony. 

Maintaining The Internal Harmony Through Yoga- Peaceful Living

When you practice yoga under the guidance of Yoga Rishis, they aim at curing the mind and body of the core. They directly do not jump on to training you for the Yoga Postures, but they first try to introduce calmness and relaxation in your body by detailing the moral and social values for living. Practicing yoga as directed by the Yoga Gurus and following the basic morals like truth, non-violence, cleanliness, minimal expectations, mindfulness, and contentment brings harmony not only in oneself but also in society and surroundings. yoga benefits

Pranayam and Meditation- Yoga That Improves Mental Health

  •  Brings Calmness:
    Practicing pranayam and meditation brings patience and clarity to decision-making.
  • Remove Stress and Anxiety:
    The primary reason a person suffers from stress and anxiety is being indecisive and impatient. Meditation and Pranayam help you with value-based living, subsiding the root cause of stress, anxiety, or depression.
  • Mental Stability:
    A person practicing yoga every day experiences a sense of constant well-being. Meditation pushes calmer alpha waves to your brain, improving physical- mental coordination and inducing deep relaxation.
  • Social Well-Being:
    Pranayam and Meditation are the yogic practices that enhance awareness and open a way to deal effectively with the negativities. It helps you to control your anger and frustration leading to social well-being. People practicing yoga regularly have less fights and improved relationships.

Yoga Asanas- Part of Yoga Ensuring Physical Well Being:

The vital energy that maintains your body's physical wellness or physiology is referred to as prana. It is prana that runs through the entire physical system and ensures the proper functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory, and digestive systems.

Yoga Asana and Pranayama- For Better Physical Health

  • Controlling Blood Pressure:

Yoga helps you improvise your breathing pattern making it deeper and slower. The entire process of inhaling and exhaling during yoga enhances the lungs' capacity to withhold oxygen, and it controls the blood pressure and helps manage optimal levels. 

  • Managing Cholesterol:

According to a study performed in 2014, daily yoga can help manage LDL and HDL cholesterol. Some yoga postures helpful in cholesterol reduction are chakrasana, bhujangasana, Sarvangasana, naukasana, and more. However, you need to control your diet along with practicing yoga exercises to get hold of your cholesterol levels. 

  • Lower Risk of Heart Attack: 

Stress fluctuates the blood pressure levels in the body, which is one of the significant causes of heart attacks. With Yoga, it is possible to control stress and ultimately reduce the risk of a heart attack.

  • Better Renal Health:

Practicing different yoga asanas like shashankasana, vakrasana, mandukasana, bhujangasan, pawanmuktasana, uttan padasana, and naukasana helps to escalate toxins removal and release the necessary fatty acids to maintain the desired renal health.

  • Controlled Sugar Levels In Diabetic Patients:

Though diabetes cannot be entirely cured through yoga, it can be controlled to the extent that you would not require to rely on medications. Some common yoga asanas that help control sugar levels are Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose, Reclining Bound Angle Pose, Seated forward bend, Supported shoulder stand, Plow pose, Upward-Facing Dog, Bow Pose, and more. Yoga asanas, besides curing mental and physical disorders, help add strength, flexibility, and balance to the body. Not only does it tones the outer body, but it firms the internal organs too. Research shows that people who adopt yoga as a part of their daily routine live longer and better. No matter what is the level of physical and mental stress included in your lifestyle, Yoga can lead your way to healthy living.  

Miscellaneous Benefits of Yoga:

  • Yoga helps in improving the body postures can be due to terrible sitting or other lifestyle habits.
  • With the inclusion of yoga, it is possible to alleviate lifestyle disorders like insomnia, poor immune system, and others.
  • In today's lifestyle, wherein dependency on psychiatric drugs is quite common, yoga does the necessary healing to relieve depression and live cheerfully.
  • Yoga is one of the most effective exercises for weight management.
  • Apart from that, if you suffer from any prolonged pain issues like arthritis, fibromyalgia, muscle stiffness, or general muscle issues, then Yoga can help you get over it.

Yoga- The Spiritual Science For Healthy Body and Mind

Yoga is a self-healing exercise and methodology for all age groups that can help with self-healing. Moreover, you can do yoga anytime and anywhere; you only need a yoga mat to roll down. Even if you are traveling, you can continue with the yoga routine and practice it from the comfort of your room, balcony, or any open garden around you. Even if you devote 30 minutes out of your busy schedule, you have a key to healthy living through Yoga. However, you shall ensure that you practice the suitable yoga asanas along with proper breathing techniques to achieve effective results. Also, you shall opt for Full Body Checkup periodically to understand if your body is at any risk or if there is any chance of a health disorder. It is possible to manage the health disorders when you diagnose them at an early stage.  Stay Tuned For More Updates For Preventive Healthcare. 

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