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Nipah Virus Outbreaks: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention - MyHealth


Nipah Virus Outbreaks: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Ragiinii Sharma

Written By Kirti Saxena
on Sep 15, 2023

Last Edit Made By Kirti Saxena
on Mar 18, 2024

Nipah Virus Outbreaks

Kerala Health Department has issued a Nipah virus alert after unnatural deaths. The state has closed schools and offices and declared containment zones in sections of the state, raising the possibility of an epidemic of the virus. In the fourth outbreak of the virus since 2018, more than 130 people have been tested for it. Moreover, as per the statistics of WHO, the Nipah infection has a 40% to 75% fatality rate.

What is the Nipah Virus?

Nipah virus (NiV) is a zoonotic virus that can cause severe respiratory and neurological symptoms in animals and humans. It was first identified in 1999 during an outbreak in Malaysia and Singapore, affecting pigs and humans. The virus is named after the village of Sungai Nipah in Malaysia, where the initial outbreak occurred. The virus can be traced to fruit bats, like the Pteropus genus, commonly known as flying foxes. These bats serve as natural reservoirs for the virus, meaning they can carry and transmit it without displaying symptoms. When infected bats shed the virus through their saliva, urine, or feces, it can contaminate the environment and other animals, initiating potential outbreaks.

What are the Symptoms of Nipah Virus?

Nipah virus (NiV) infection can manifest with symptoms from mild to severe. The incubation period for NiV can vary, but symptoms typically appear within 4 to 14 days after exposure to the virus. The severity of the disease can also vary from person to person. Common symptoms of Nipah virus infection include:

  • High Fever
  • Headache
  • Muscle Pain
  • Drowsiness
  • Confusion
  • Cough, sore throat, and difficulty breathing.
  • Vomiting
  • Sometimes, seizures, stiff neck, and consciousness
  • Difficulty Swallowing

Suppose someone is experiencing symptoms of Nipah virus infection, especially if they have had recent exposure to bats or other animals in regions where NiV is known to circulate. In that case, it is crucial to seek medical attention promptly. Early diagnosis and supportive care are essential for managing NiV infection.

How does it get transmitted?

Nipah virus (NiV) can be transmitted through various routes, like direct contact with infected animals or their bodily fluids and human-to-human transmission in certain circumstances. Here are the main modes of transmission for the Nipah virus:

  • Direct Contact with Infected Animals 
  • Consumption of Contaminated Food or Drink
  • Human-to-Human Transmission
  • Contaminated surfaces 

How to prevent the Nipah Virus?

Here are some key strategies for preventing the Nipah virus:

  • Avoid Close Contact: Steer clear of close contact with individuals who are experiencing symptoms of Nipah virus infection. This can help reduce the risk of human-to-human transmission, especially during outbreaks.
  • Practice Good Hygiene: Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling animals, eating, and using the toilet. Use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are unavailable.
  • Avoid Fruit Bats: Do not handle fruit bats or come into direct contact with them, especially if they appear sick or dead. Avoid consuming fruits or products that bat excretions, such as date palm sap, may have contaminated.
  • Quarantine Measures: Individuals in contact with confirmed Nipah virus cases or who have traveled to affected areas may be subject to quarantine or isolation to prevent spread. 

These preventive measures can help further reduce the risk of Nipah virus infection and contribute to public health safety.


Outbreaks of the Nipah virus have been reported in several countries in South and Southeast Asia, including Malaysia, Singapore, Bangladesh, and India. These outbreaks have led to significant public health concerns. The Nipah virus remains a formidable viral threat, capable of causing deadly outbreaks with significant public health and economic consequences. Understanding its origins, symptoms, transmission, and geographic distribution is essential for devising effective prevention and control strategies. Public health authorities and researchers continue to monitor and study the virus to understand its behavior better and develop strategies for prevention and control.

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