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HS-CRP Test - Price, Causes, Risk Factors, & Treatment

Lab Test

HS-CRP Test - Price, Causes, Risk Factors, & Treatment


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Ragiinii Sharma

Written By Prekshi Garg
on Oct 16, 2022

Last Edit Made By Prekshi Garg
on Jan 9, 2025


C-reactive protein (CRP) is a substance produced by the liver and its level rises whenever there is inflammation. The increase in CRP has also been associated with the presence of heart disease. High levels of CRP in the blood can be caused by a variety of conditions and it also indicates that there's an inflammation in the arteries of the heart, thereby signifying higher chances of a heart attack.

High-sensitivity C-reactive protein test measures the amount of C-reactive protein (CRP) in the blood. Through the test, one can find out acute and chronic conditions leading to inflammation and seek proper medical advice further for treatment.

In the following article, let us discuss about the High-sensitivity C-reactive protein test, what leads to high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, risk factors, and treatment related to High-sensitivity C-reactive protein in one's body.

What is a High-sensitivity C-reactive protein Test?

Through High-sensitivity C-reactive protein Test (hs-CRP), which is more sensitive than the standard CRP test, one can detect a slight increase within the normal range of standard CRP levels. The test also helps you determine one's risk of developing coronary artery disease (CAD). In such conditions, the arteries of your heart get narrowed and coronary artery disease can further lead to a heart attack. The hs-CRP test detects small increases of CRP in the bloodstream. Thus, doctors use this test to find out a healthy person's chance of developing cardiovascular disease or any other heart condition.

hs-CRP is a slightly different blood test and the focus of the test is on cardiac risk and prevention of heart-related disease. 

Causes of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein 

The CRP that is produced in the liver is a response to the activity of the white blood cells that help in fighting infection and inflammation in the body. The rise in activity leads to more CRP production, thereby making it a biomarker for inflammation that can be detected by a blood test. The hs-CRP test is done for various factors including-

  1. Checking the inflammation that might have taken place due to an infection
  2. It further helps in diagnosing chronic inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus
  3. The test also determines if you have a risk of heart disease. A high level of hs-CRP has been linked to an increased link of heart attacks. This test can be more useful for people who have a 10-20% chance of having a heart attack within the next 10 years or who are at immediate risk. Considering your lifestyle, family history, and current health status, your doctor will analyze the risk level. 
  4. The test also helps in evaluating the risk of your second heart attack.

High-level of hs-CRP could also indicate cancer, infection, inflammatory bowel disease, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis, or another disease. Also, if you're in the second half of your pregnancy or you are using birth control pills, it could also be high.

High CRP levels are nearly always a sign of a severe underlying medical condition and one must always consult the doctor as early diagnosis can definitely lead to better results. As per research, people with higher CRP levels are more likely to have a heart attack compared to people with lower CRP levels.

Risk Factors related to High-sensitivity C-reactive protein

A number of risk factors like family history, excess weight, diabetes, etc. have been linked to the development of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), however, people with few or no risk factors can also develop CVD. High-sensitivity CRP is one of the growing numbers of cardiac risk markers. 

As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the following have been considered significant factors in developing heart disease:

  • Diabetes
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Smoking
  • Physical inactivity is another risk factor associated with hs-CRP
  • High alcohol consumption
  • Obesity and overweight
  • Intake of diet low in nutrients and higher in fat and refined carbs

It is advisable to consult the healthcare provider and discuss the risk factors and what steps can be taken to address them as well as your hs-CRP levels.

What does the hs-CRP test measure?

The high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) test measures the levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) in the blood. The hs-CRP test is highly sensitive and can detect even very low levels of CRP in the blood. It assesses the CRP range of 0.3 to 10 mg/L. This test is used to determine the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Moreover, the hsCRP test assesses the degree of inflammation in the body in blood vessels. It provides valuable information about inflammation associated with various health risks, including cardiovascular disease. High hs-CRP levels indicate increased inflammation and a high risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes.

Purpose of Hs C-reactive protein

  • Cardiovascular Risk Assessment: One of the primary purposes of the hsCRP test is to assess the risk of cardiovascular disease. High levels of hs-CRP cause inflammation in blood vessels, lead to atherosclerosis, and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. 
  • Inflammatory Marker: CRP is a protein produced by the liver in response to inflammation in the body. The hs-CRP test is a highly sensitive and specific way to detect low levels of CRP in the blood, making it valuable for assessing inflammation even when no specific symptoms are present.
  • Monitoring Chronic Diseases: Hs-CRP can monitor chronic inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and inflammatory bowel disease. 
  • Risk Stratification: In combination with other cardiovascular risk factors (e.g., cholesterol levels, blood pressure, smoking status), hs-CRP levels can help stratify people into different risk categories, allowing for preventive strategies and treatments.

Preparation for the Hs C-reactive protein test

No such preparation is needed for the Hs C-reactive protein test. Just follow the simple guidelines.

  • Fasting: The test does not require fasting. Unlike other blood tests, you can eat and drink as usual before the test.
  • Medications: If taking any medications, inform your health care professional, as some can affect CRP levels. 
  • Timing: The test can be done any time of the day. 
  • Hydration: Drink enough water to make the blood flow smoother and make it easier for phlebotomists to collect the blood sample. 
  • Clothing:  Wear a short-sleeved or loose-fitting shirt to make it easier to access your arm for the blood draw.

The procedure of Hs C-reactive protein

The hs-CRP is a blood test. The phlebotomist will collect the blood sample from the vein in your arm. They will clean the area with an antiseptic and tie a band around your upper arm to make the veins more visible. A tourniquet may be applied above the intended puncture site to make your veins more visible and easier to access.  A sterile needle is inserted into a vein in the elbow.

A small amount of blood is drawn into a special blood collection tube. You might feel a pinch or a little pain when inserting a needle. 

After collecting the sample, the sample will be labeled with your personal information and sent to a laboratory for analysis. The blood sample is centrifuged in the laboratory to separate the serum or plasma from the blood cells. The hs-CRP level is then measured in the serum or plasma using a highly sensitive assay.

hs-CRP Treatment 

Elevated CRP is linked with a high risk of heart disease, thus one must address them through changes in habit, weight loss efforts, or medication. 

Listed below are several methods which can help in lowering elevated CRP

  • Change in lifestyle

Resorting to adopt a healthier lifestyle can help in lowering your CRP levels. In order to reduce CRP levels without medicine, one must follow these steps

  • Increase aerobic exercise like running, walking in a fast manner, and cycling
  • Quitting smoking is also an essential factor in lowering CRP level
  • Losing one's weight can also work wonders in this case
  • Eating a heart-healthy diet is a plus point in reducing CRP levels

Furthermore, certain heart disease risk factors including obesity and high blood pressure can also be reduced by following the above-mentioned techniques. 


Statins, which are drugs for lowering cholesterol, can reduce CRP levels by 13% to 50%. Even chances of heart attack and stroke can be reduced in healthy-appearing patients having high CRP levels through Statins.

Thus, one must consult the healthcare provider if you have high CRP levels, especially if one has one or more additional risk factors for heart disease and follow their advice deligently.

Role of Aspirin

Aspirin therapy isn't for everyone and one must consult their doctors before going for this therapy. 

As per research, CRP levels are not specifically reduced by aspirin. But daily aspirin therapy can be used as a heart attack and stroke prevention measure. However, the risks of taking aspirin may at times be more than the benefits.

As per the study, eating a balanced and nutritious diet is. which includes lots of fruits, vegetables, and fibers may help in lowering the CRP levels.

Also, Vitamin C has also been seen as a way to lower the CRP levels for people who are more prone to cardiovascular disease.

Thus, adopting a healthy lifestyle and taking a statin, if appropriate, can help in lowering the CRP levels and thereby reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

What does the test result mean?

When talking about what does hs-CRP test means, we must know that even when the cholesterol levels are within an acceptable range, high levels of hs-CRP in healthy people have been found out to be predictive of an increased risk of a heart attack in future, stroke, and sudden cardiac death, among others.  Thus, people having higher hs-CRP values have a high risk of CVD s compared to those with low values. Different labs may have different guidelines and there is no standard set for CRP blood levels.

Mentioned below are the ranges which apply to CRP

Mentioned below are the ranges which may occur due to a variety of factors including sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy, diabetes, common cold, acute inflammation from an infection or chronic inflammation from a serious disease, which applies to CRP. You must consult your doctor to know about the hs-CRP normal range and other ranges.

Low riskLess than 1.0 mg/L
Average risk1.0 to 3.0 mg/L
High riskabove 3.0 mg/L

It must be noted that CRP levels above 10.0 mg/dl typically indicate an underlying inflammatory issue and require immediate medical attention.


Elevated CRP is something which must not be ignored and taken seriously as it not only affects your heart's health but also supply of blood to the rest of your body. 

Elevated CRP indicated that there exists an inflammation in one's body and this can be an indicator of infection or arthritis but also lead to other factors like hardening the arteries.

In case your CRP levels are elevated, you must treat this sign to get serious about reducing all cardiac risk factors by exercising, not resorting to smoking, losing weight and controlling blood pressure. Also, in case of more detailed advice, it is best to reach out to a healthcare provider. to discuss the risk factors and ways to prevent coronary artery disease and heart attack.

Doctors prefer CRP and hs-CRP tests to find the CRP levels in our body as elevated levels may point out hIgher chances of cardiovascular disease or any underlying condition. The doctors, after analysing the cause, may suggest treatment for the same.

At times, mostly in cases of temporary elevation owing to pregnancy, mild infection or physical injury, no such hs-CRP high treatment is required.

People who have a high level of hs-CRP must follow the advice of the doctor and learn about the further steps, risks, treatments and other factors in order to reduce serious health risks.

Price of Hs C-reactive protein test

The Hs C-reactive protein test cost is INR 800 at Redcliffe Labs. The professionals offer highly affordable prices with great discounts. You can book a test online with a hassle-free process. A professional phlebotomist will come to your place to collect the sample. All the professionals are certified, and the labs are NABL-accredited. You will get the accurate lab reports within 24 hours. Book your HsCRP test today!

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

  • Is there any relation between CRP and COVID?
    hs-CRP is a sign of inflammation in our body, and there are various hs-CRP risks. As per research, high CRP in is also linked with coronavirus complications, including acute kidney injury, and critical illness, among others. 
  • Can CRP be lowered naturally?
    Although statins are used for treating elevated CRP levels, making certain modifications in diet and doing regular exercise can also help in lowering the levels. Opting for anti-inflammatory foods like salmon, plant-based protein, etc. may also be of great help. It is advisable to consume omega-3 fatty acids or monounsaturated fatty acids and avoid processed meat. Including fresh fruits and vegetables in our diet can also help in reducing high CRP levels.
  • Why is the hs-CRP Test done?
    The high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) test is done to find out if you have a higher chance of having sudden heart problems, like a heart attack. As per the study, a high level of CRP means that a person has a higher chance of having a heart problem following which the doctor may recommend you bring some changes in your lifestyle or may even recommend you some medicines.
  • How to prepare for the test and how is it done?
    Right before your test, the doctor may ask you to avoid activities like intense weight training or very strenuous exercises as they may shoot up your CRP levels. In case your blood sample is being used for additional tests, you may be asked to avoid eating or drinking for a certain time right before the test. Also, the doctor may also ask you to undergo a cholesterol test if you're having a hs-CRP test to check for heart disease.  It is important to inform your doctor about the medications which you are already taking and even provide them with prescriptions. The test takes a few minutes and you can return to your usual activities minutes after the test. 
  • Risks and testing frequency we must know about
    There are no risks associated with the test. However, one may notice a slight pinch when the needle is inserted and even a slight bruise may appear on the needle insertion site. Also, you may seek the help of the doctor if you are nervous about needles, as he may make you more comfortable and make the test easier for you. Although there are very few chances of having any problems after the hs-CRP test, an elevated hsCRP should be confirmed with an additional measurement one month later. For those having levels >10, the test should be carried out in 2-3 weeks as it is associated with an acute illness like cold, flu or infection, chronic illness like COPD or bronchitis, and autoimmune disorders (RA or SLE).
  • The clinical significance you must know about
    Elevated hs-CRP is linked with the risk of future adverse cardiovascular events (heart attack, stroke and death) in healthy individuals and in people with stable coronary artery disease. Introduction of statin therapy can reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and even death.
  • Is hs-CRP specific for predicting heart disease?
    CRP is a marker of inflammation, which can affect various organ systems. Latest research has shown that although most studies have focused on heart-related disease, CRP in the high normal range may also be associated with other disease lie obesity, and diabetes complications, among others. 
  • What CRP Level Is Dangerously High?
    You will get to know if the CRP level is dangerous;y high through a type of c-reactive protein test used, your medical history as well as the cause of inflammation. You can seek proper advice from your doctor about the same and raise questions in case of any doubts. Generally, anything above 1 mg/dL is elevated and may require the intervention of the doctor as higher levels may indicate you may need a diagnosis as well as treatment.
  • Why is the hs-CRP test done?
    You may undergo a CRP test for a number of factors -
    1. Checking for inflammation which may occur due to any infection
    2. It also helps in diagnosing inflammatory diseases like lupus or  rheumatoid arthritis  (RA)
    3. It also helps in determining the risk of heart disease
    4. The test also helps in evaluating the risk of a second heart attack.
  • Other things one should know about
    In recent times, diet modifications and lifestyle factors like poor sleep, chronic exhaustion, and smoking, among others may increase stress and worsen inflammation thereby raising CRP levels. Furthermore, your diet can play a significant role in raising CRP levels. Hormonal imbalances are another factor causing high CRP. 
  • Conditions Linked With High C Reactive Protein
    Listed below are some conditions associated with high CRP levels
    1. Heart disease
    2. High Blood Pressure
    3. Obesity
    4. Stroke
    5. Obstructive Sleep Apnea
    6. Rheumatoid Arthritis
    7. Gum Disease
    8. inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
    9. Fatigue
    10. Depression
    11. Vision loss
    12. Cancer
    13. Lupus

However, that doesn’t mean that if your CRP is elevated you have any of these conditions. Work with your doctor or another healthcare professional to get an accurate diagnosis.

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