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Dengue Test: How to Read Dengue Report

Lab Test

Dengue Test: How to Read Dengue Report

Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Ragiinii Sharma

Written By Meenakshi
on Apr 22, 2024

Last Edit Made By Meenakshi
on Apr 22, 2024

Dengue Test: How to Read Dengue Report

As soon as the summer season approaches, not just the scorching heat that makes our life challenging but the threat of dengue fever looms again.

Everyone knows that the disease is hazardous and can even be deadly if not addressed in time. Therefore, even the name “Dengue” is enough to fill the heart with fear.

And it’s okay to be scared of the disease. Because:

If we believe the global modeled data, it says that every year, around 33 million clinically apparent dengue cases occur in India. It further says that India contributes to one-third of the global dengue burden.

This is not the case; some other studies also state that around 40% of the world's population lives in a place with a high risk of dengue.

The rising number of Dengue cases and fatalities due to the disease is indeed a cause of concern.

So, do we have to live with the fear?

The answer is no.

Instead of panicking, it is essential to understand the disease, recognize the symptoms, and seek appropriate treatment to take preventive measures before things turn ugly.

So, what are we waiting for? Let’s understand this deadly disease for early diagnosis and effective management.

Understanding Dengue:

Dengue, in simple words, is a mosquito-borne disease that spreads among people through the mosquito bite of a female Aedes aegypti. The virus that causes the disease is Dengue Virus (DENV).

Therefore, early diagnosis of the disease is essential to confirm the cause, and for that, it is crucial to recognize the signs when the infection is in its initial stage.

So, how do you identify Dengue Virus Infection?

What are the early symptoms you should watch out for?

  • A persistent high fever that does not come down is a common indicator of Dengue fever that one should pay attention to and get diagnosed with a healthcare practitioner.
  • Then, some people may also develop rashes or redness in the body, and the cause should be diagnosed as soon as possible.
  • A high fever accompanied by intense body or bone pain is also a sign that you may have a dengue fever. Since it causes pain in the bones, it is considered a bone-breaking fever.
  • Not just the body pain, it also causes intense headaches, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  • Individuals accompanied by the above symptoms may also complain of fatigue and weakness.

While these signs are common in mild dengue cases, as the disease progresses and turns severe, it may cause symptoms like:

  • Severe abdominal pain or discomfort.
  • Some may also experience frequent vomiting and may suspect blood in vomit, urine, or stool.
  • When the situation turns severe, it may also cause internal bleeding in some patients, which may appear as bruises on the skin.
  • It may also cause nose bleeding and bleeding gums.
  • It is often said that people with severe Dengue may also complain of rapid breathing or breathlessness.

While the symptoms could be associated with some other health condition, detecting the cause is essential to initiate prompt action while there is still time.

Now, the question is, how can dengue be diagnosed?

What test would help with accurate diagnosis?

Which one would be ideal for my health requirements?

All these questions must be panicking, but wait, the answer is here.

Common Dengue Tests that doctors may suggest:

Dengue NS1 Antigen:

This blood test identifies dengue virus early in the course of an infection. Doctors usually suggest it within the first 4-5 days of symptoms appearing because, after that period, chances of false positive and negative results may increase.

While the test helps with early diagnosis, it doesn’t differentiate between dengue serotypes. As per the reports, its sensitivity is higher in primary cases than in secondary ones. It is also considered an affordable test compared to other lab tests for dengue.

Immunoglobulin M (IgM):

It is another common test that doctors often recommend. It helps look for IgM antibodies in the blood, which usually appear when the infection is acute, and helps differentiate between primary and secondary infection. It is suggested that an individual has symptoms for more than a week to confirm the presence of antibodies indicating dengue infection.

Immunoglobulin G (IgG):

It looks for infection in the later course of the disease because IgG levels in the blood increase slowly, and the antibodies found stay in the blood for around 90 days or for the rest of your life.

Dengue RNA PCR Test:

Another common test doctors may suggest to diagnose Dengue infection is a Dengue RNA PCR Test, which is 90% sensitive and 95% specific. It is usually indicated within five days after the symptoms appear to detect the viral genome in the blood.

The type of test that may be right for you depends on factors like age, gender, medical history, and symptoms. So, if your doctor advises it, undergo a test to confirm the diagnosis early and take prompt action.

After the test is done, people find reading their dengue test report confusing, which is important for accurate interpretation.

So, how do I do it?

Is it even possible for a layman to understand the Dengue Test report?

For accurate interpretation, it is always advisable to consult a healthcare provider, as they may consider your health history, symptoms at present, and other factors for an accurate picture.

However, here’s how you can generally read/check dengue reports.

Dengue NS1 Antigen:

Positive: Confirms the presence of Dengue infection without providing serotype information.

Negative: It doesn’t rule out the infection, and symptomatic people may be asked to undergo further testing to look for IgM and IgG antibodies in the blood.

IgM & IgG Positive: Indicates current dengue infection.

IgG Positive/IgM Negative: Indicates past infection.

IgG Negative/IgM Positive: Indicates current infection. However, it could also be related to other viruses and require further testing for accurate diagnosis.

IgG & IgM Negative: This indicates symptoms due to other reasons or the test is done too soon. Hence, the doctor may suggest NS1 antigen testing.

Positive RNA PCR: Indicates the presence of Dengue Infection in the blood.

It is always suggested that a healthcare provider be consulted to discuss the test results.

Remember, if diagnosed and addressed early, severe dengue and its complications can be prevented. Therefore, getting tested as soon as possible and taking prompt action as suggested and required should be your topmost priority.

Effective Measures To Prevent Dengue Infection:

While no specific treatment is available for dengue, you can follow effective measures to minimize your risks of catching the infection. Look out for the strategies that can help:

Reduce Mosquito Habitat:

All breeds of mosquitoes that can harm our health thrive in standing water. Therefore, it is essential to eliminate their habitat.

How to reduce mosquito habitat?

  • Ensure there is no standing water in rain gutters, old tires, or other containers.
  • Empty and change the water in bird baths, potted plant trays, and fountains.
  • Reducing their breeding habitat can increase your safety.

Stay in well-screened and well-ventilated houses:

While screening the windows and doors is necessary to prevent uninvited guests from blighting your privacy, it is also essential to ensure that the space is ventilated enough for you to breathe.

How do we ensure it?

  • Keep all your windows and doors closed, especially during peak hours.
  • Use net windows that prevent the entry of a mosquito but ensure the passing of air.

Wear Protective Clothing:

Don’t give mosquitoes a chance to bite you, as preventing the bite is the only way to prevent the disease. So, avoid being bitten by mosquitoes.

How to prevent a mosquito bite?

  • Wear long-sleeved clothes and full pants.
  • Minimize skin exposure.
  • Avoid going out in the peak time.

Eat Healthy:

While no one diet can prevent Dengue infection, eating healthy can ensure stronger immunity and increase your chances of prevention or at least faster recovery. So, eat healthy always.

Get Tested Early:

Everything ends at early diagnosis, as it is the key to helping you minimize the potential complications associated. Therefore, no matter what, it should always be completed on time.

Book Dengue Test With Redcliffe Labs Today!

Being a Healthy India Ki Trusted Lab, Redcliffe Labs is a reliable platform for you to schedule a Dengue Test at home. We provide doorstep sample collection convenience, ensuring that you get tested from home. You can book the test online and get tested comfortably from home. So, say no to delay and book a test today.

Being proactive is the first step to maintaining good health, so take the first step now.

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  • Kathleen Matthews

    Mar 23, 2025 at 2:34 PM.

    If my IgG result is 1.16 did I have Denge? Do I have any risk if I get it again?

    • Myhealth Team

      Mar 23, 2025 at 5:38 PM.

      A Dengue IgG result of 1.16 suggests a past infection, meaning you had dengue at some point. If you get infected again with a different dengue virus strain, you may be at higher risk of severe dengue (Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever or Dengue Shock Syndrome). It's important to take precautions against mosquito bites to avoid reinfection. If you develop symptoms like high fever, severe pain, or bleeding, seek medical attention immediately.

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