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Malaria Prevention: Effective Strategies to Combat the Disease


Malaria Prevention: Effective Strategies to Combat the Disease


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Ragiinii Sharma

Written By Meenakshi
on Jul 5, 2023

Last Edit Made By Meenakshi
on Mar 15, 2024

Malaria Prevention: Effective Strategies to Combat the Disease

Malaria is a disease caused by parasites in humans through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. It is one of the most deadly species of mosquitoes. When an infected female Anopheles bites you, it injects the malaria parasites into your bloodstream, then the parasite travels through the blood and eventually infects the red blood cells. 

Malaria transmits through the bite of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. For an Anopheles mosquito to transmit malaria, it must have previously bitten a person infected with the malaria parasite. The mosquito becomes infected by ingesting the parasite and the person's blood during the initial bite. These parasites get mixed with mosquitos' saliva and then injected into the person. 

Then these parasites enter your body, multiply within the liver cells, and attack the red blood cells. Malaria can also transmit through blood transfusion, organ transplant, and sharing needles or syringes contaminated by blood as these parasites get into your red blood cells. 

Different signs and symptoms of Malaria

Malaria symptoms can begin within 7-10 days after bitting by the infected mosquito. Depending on the parasite type, it can also be late up to a year.

  • Fever & feeling chill
  • Headache & feeling discomfort
  • Muscle ache
  • Tiredness
  • Vomiting, nausea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Cough
  • Rapid breathing & heart rate
  • Diarrhea
  • Chest pain
symptoms of Malaria

If malaria is left untreated, it can lead to severe health issues, which include anemia, organ failure, cerebral malaria (a condition where infection affects your brain ), and even cause death, especially in young children and pregnant women. Pregnant women may transfer Malaria to their unborn child.

Ways to prevent malaria

Malaria is a common but serious health issue that can lead to severe health conditions. You can protect yourself from malaria by taking prescriptive medicines and preventing mosquito bites. If traveling to malaria-endemic areas, you must consult your doctor and take the medicine before, during, and after. Consult with your doctor about what medicine you should take.

  1. Use repellent

You should apply insect repellents that contain DEET (diethyltoluamide) for skin not covered by clothes. These repellents prevent mosquito bites and give protection for several hours. For proper application, you should use the instructions given on the labels.

  1. Proper clothing 

You should keep your body covered as much as possible by wearing a full-sleeved shirt, long pants, socks, and shoes. It can prevent mosquito bites by minimizing the exposed skin. 

  1. Dropping mosquito net over the bed

By acting as a physical barrier between people and mosquitoes while they sleep, bed nets help to reduce the risk of Malaria. Bed nets create a sealed environment when used correctly and tucked in, making it impossible for mosquitoes to enter. 

  1. Antimalarial medicine

If you’re traveling to an area with a high risk of malaria, consult with a healthcare professional to determine appropriate antimalarial medicine for your specific destination. These medicines are commonly prescribed for preventive treatment based on a specific type of malaria in the region.

  1. By putting screens on windows and doors

You can also prevent malaria by controlling the entry of mosquitoes by covering open windows and doors, especially in the evening.

  1. Early diagnosis and treatment

If you’re developing symptoms like fever, headache, muscle ache, cough, abdominal pain, chest pain, etc., you should seek medical attention or consult your doctor. An early diagnosis and treatment can prevent you from any critical medical situation and can prevent complications. 

  1. Prevent water blockage

It is important to eliminate any water blockage site near the house. Empty every container that can collect water, such as flower pots, tires, buckets, and other containers. It is a way to prevent mosquitoes from breeding.

There’re some general home remedies for Malaria. 

To get relief from Malaria symptoms and recover quickly, you can use some home remedies. However, do not use these home remedies as an alternative for the treatment; before trying any remedy, first, consult with your doctor. 


Ginger tea is an effective remedy for many conditions. Some clinical studies show that ginger tea can be an effective remedy for symptoms like nausea and vomiting.


The main ingredient of turmeric is curcumin, and according to animal studies, curcumin has shown antimalarial activity against malaria-causing pathogens. So turmeric may help to recover from Malaria fast.


Tulsi is an Ayurvedic herb that contains properties to deal with many health issues. It may also boost the immune against infected pathogens and has shown antimalarial activity.


Neem has a compelling history in India and has shown effectiveness against malaria parasites. Using neem leaves in diet may reduce the chances of contracting malaria,  helps to lower the fever, and boost the immune system to fasten the recovery.

Before using these home remedies, consult with the doctor. These are not a substitute for medical treatment for malaria.
If you’re facing symptoms of malaria, you should seek medical help as soon as possible, do not wait for it to get critical. It can be life-threatening. And to be sure about if you have malaria or not, get a Malaria parasite test with one of the most trusted and NABL-certified REDCLIFFE LABS, which provides you with timely and accurate results and also provides you with free doorstep sample collection. So with REDCLIFFE LABS, get your test done at a reasonable price and contribute to making the country “free from Malaria.”

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