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How to Increase Sperm Count? A Comprehensive Guide - MyHealth


How to Increase Sperm Count? A Comprehensive Guide


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Kirti Saxena
on Nov 24, 2023

Last Edit Made By Kirti Saxena
on Jan 7, 2025

How to Increase Sperm Count?

Infertility problems affect 8-12 percent of couples worldwide, out of which 40-50% of cases are male infertility, and 2% of all men exhibit abnormal sperm count issues. It might be due to low sperm concentration, poor sperm motility, or abnormal morphology. Sperm count is one of the most critical factors that affect fertility. Whether you are ready to conceive or you have been trying for a long time, the reason for delays might be low sperm count. This can make it harder for your partner to get pregnant. The reason for low sperm count in men might be the sedentary lifestyle, environmental conditions, drug addiction, alcohol, and smoking. Though infertility is not always treatable, it can be managed by following a healthy lifestyle and diet changes. Here are some ways that can help to increase sperm count as well as chances of conception.

Reasons for Low Sperm Count

Here are some factors that affect fertility and healthy sperm. 

  • Smoking, alcohol, and drugs- Smoking can affect sperm count, quality, and motility, which ultimately results in infertility. Moreover, consumption of excessive alcohol also impacts testosterone levels and can lower sexual performance. Stay away from drug consumption, which can cause poor sperm quality. 
  • Excessive exercise- Strenuous and too much exercise can decrease your testosterone levels and impact sperm quality. We don't advise you to stop working out, but it must be under recommendations by professionals or trainers.
  • Heat- Take steam baths, saunas, and long hot baths since they might temporarily boost your body temperature, but they can affect the quantity and quality of sperm. Also, avoid keeping laptops on laps as the laptop's heat negatively impacts the sperm levels.
  • Wear tight Clothes- Many doctors state that wearing tights, briefs, and skinny jeans or pants might increase your testicular temperature, impacting sperm count. 
  • Exposure to environmental and occupational contaminants- Many studies show that pollution and congestion can reduce sperm count and health. People who live in heavily polluted areas might have lower sperm counts.

Other factors that might lower the sperm count are-

  • Use of certain medications
  • Age
  • Cancer or prior cancer treatment
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Undescended testicles
  • Certain diseases like Celiac disease
  • Genetic disorders
  • Anti-sperm antibodies
  • Swelling in the testicular veins
  • Emotional stress or depression
  • Obesity
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Past surgery or infection

Best Ways to Increase Sperm Count

One reason for male infertility is lower sperm count. Like any other organ, the reproductive system also requires healthy habits such as essential nutrients, vitamins, and exercise for proper functioning. These might not directly impact your sperm health but will improve sperm motility and quality. Let's see some of the best ways to increase sperm count-

Avoid Smoking

Quitting smoking and drinking is highly advised by doctors for people who are experiencing issues of low sperm count and decreased libido. Studies have found that in smokers, the DNA carried in the sperm can be damaged, also increasing the risk of miscarriage and lowering the chances of conception. If you smoke, try to quit as soon as possible, as it might affect sperm count, quality, and motility, which ultimately results in infertility.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Being overweight can increase the risk of several health issues, like diabetes and cardiovascular issues, and can result in lower sperm count. Fats stored in the body can reduce your testosterone levels and may decrease your sex drive. Try to manage weight healthily, like exercising and dieting, to improve the sperm count. 

Eat Healthy

Take a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Take more antioxidants, vitamin C, ashwagandha, and nuts. Ensure adequate intake of essential nutrients like zinc, selenium, and vitamin E, which are important for sperm production. Add eggs, spinach, banana, Maca roots, and dark chocolates to your diet to increase sperm counts and fertility.

Preventing STDs

Sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia and gonorrhea might be some reasons for infertility in men. Try to limit your partner, always have safe sex, and get tested for STDs promptly to protect against STIs. You can take an STD Panel Essential test to know your health status.

Active Lifestyle

Engage in moderate, regular exercise to help maintain a healthy sperm count.

Wear Loose Clothes

Wear comfortable clothing and loose, loose-fitting pants, like boxer shorts, to increase the sperm count.

Manage Stress

Anxiety and stress can negatively impact fertility and decrease sexual function. Try to practice stress-reducing techniques such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises to improve sperm count.

Keep your Testicles Cool

The testicles require cooler temperatures than your body for optimal sperm production. Therefore, try to manage the temperature with healthy habits, like avoiding steam baths, keeping away from direct heat, and avoiding long hours of working on a laptop on your lap.

Take Essential Vitamins and Supplements

If you are not taking your diet well due to any circumstances, balance it with supplements. Vitamins like zinc, selenium, Co-enzyme Q10, Siberian Ginseng, B6 & B12, C, and Vitamin D improve male fertility. Consult your doctor and add essential vitamins that can help increase sperm count. 

Adequate Sleep

Getting adequate sleep is good for maintaining your overall and sperm health. Restricted or excessive sleep can cause poor sperm quality and lower sperm count.

Get Vitamin D

Studies show that Vitamin D is vital for male and female fertility. It works as a nutrient to boost testosterone levels. People who have low vitamin D levels have low testosterone levels. Get yourself natural sunlight or consume vitamin D supplements to boost testosterone levels.

Regular Health Checkups

What works for others might not work for you. If you're experiencing fertility issues, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice based on your specific situation. They can analyze semen to assess sperm count, motility, and morphology. You can take the Culture Aerobic Semen Test and Anti Sperm Antibodies Test to know your sperm health status. These tests can help you find the underlying issues. 


There are several ways to manage your sperm health. But it all starts with a commitment and a healthy lifestyle. These methods are inexpensive and require consistency. Adopt a healthy lifestyle to improve your sperm health and chances of conceiving. Consult with your doctor and take a Fertility Panel - Male test to know your reproductive health status.

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    so useful

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