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Gut Check: Simple Ways to Improve Your Digestive Health


Gut Check: Simple Ways to Improve Your Digestive Health


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Meenakshi
on Nov 16, 2023

Last Edit Made By Meenakshi
on Mar 17, 2024

Simple Ways to Improve Your Digestive Health

Guts are important, and we are not just talking about courage but your guts and your digestive system. It's the silent or unsung ally that supports your journey to well-being. Often overlooked, the health of your Guts matters the most. Good gut health or digestive health is the cornerstone of your overall well-being. If your digestive system is giving you a hard time, whether in the form of bloating, indigestion, or constipation, you're not alone. Wondering what to do? Fret not! We've got some of the easiest and most effective ways to help you overcome common digestive challenges and help you navigate the path to a happier, healthier gut and a more vibrant you. So, what are you waiting for? Scroll down to unveil the secret to improve your digestive health.

But Wait! Before you jump on the journey to a healthier gut, understand where your gut health stands.

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Understand Your Digestive Health

Your digestive system, a complex network, is the foundation of a healthy body. A poor digestive health or gut health contributes to a wide range of issues, such as:

Common Health Issues Associated With Poor Digestive Health Are:

Poor digestion can lead to a wide range of problems, and we have jotted down a list of a few common digestive problems.

  1. Bloating: It is a common result of excessive gas production or disturbances in the digestive process due to overeating, gas-producing foods, or underlying digestive issues, which causes:
  • Feeling of fullness
  • Tightness in the abdomen
  • Discomfort
  1. Indigestion: Another common issue that most people with poor digestive health often complain of is indigestion, and overeating, fatty foods, or eating too quickly contributes to it. It causes:
  • Discomfort in the abdomen
  • Burning sensation
  • Difficulty in digesting food
  1. Constipation: Affecting individuals of all ages, constipation occurs when your body lacks enough fiber or is dehydrated. It causes:
  • Infrequent bowel movement
  • Straining during bowel movements and hard stools
  1. Diarrhea: It is very common, and you probably must have experienced it. Involving frequent loose or watery stools, Diarrhea can result from certain foods or underlying conditions. It can lead to:
  • Frequent, loose, or watery stools.
  • Cause discomfort in the stomach.

This is not it. The list is never-ending, and addressing the issues is essential to mitigate these issues and promote overall well-being. Are you looking for tips for a happier, healthier gut? Read on, and you'll get your answer.

Must Read:- Stomach Burning- Causes, Symptoms, Prevention & Treatment

Simple Ways To Improve Digestive Health:

  1. Don't let your body become a desert; stay hydrated. Remember when your parents or grandparents scolded you and said that half of your health problems were due to insufficient water? Well, it turns out they were right. Dehydration is the root cause of most digestive problems. So:
  • Ensure your water intake is adequate.
  • Drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
  • Incorporate herbal teas or healthier beverages for added benefits.

Pro Tip: Don't go for sugary drinks, as it can reverse the effect and lead to other health issues.

  1. Embrace The Fiber-Full Life With Fiber-Rich Foods: Everyone has a best friend, and your gut is no different. Fiber is your gut's best friend. It is needed for regular bowel movements and to prevent constipation.
  • Gradually increase your fiber intake.
  • Add fresh fruits, vegetables & whole grains to your meal.

Pro Tip: While fiber is good, don't rush on it; add it gradually to give your digestive health enough time to adjust.

  1. Let Probiotics Be Your Best Buddies: It is not wrong to say that probiotics are your gut's closest allies that replenish good bacteria and prevent several gastrointestinal issues.
  • Add some Yogurt, curd, or other fermented foods into your diet.
  • You can take probiotic supplements.

Pro Tip: Don't include any supplement before consulting your healthcare practitioner, as it can have adverse effects.

  1. Savor The Flavor, Eat Mindfully: How many of you have heard lectures for not paying attention to your plate? Not watching TV or scrolling through your phone while eating is more important for your health than just good manners. Paying attention to your food and slow eating aids digestion and helps your stomach signals when you're full. Therefore:
  • Slow down and savor your meals.
  • Chew thoroughly.
  • Avoid distractions like TV or Phones.
  • Stay mindful of portion sizes.

Pro Tip: Give your food the attention it deserves. It will help you avoid overeating, and your gut health will thank you!

  1. Exercise, Wherever, Whenever You Can: Exercise is the best medicine; we know all the fitness freaks will agree. It is good for physical health and stimulates the muscles in your digestive tract, ensuring regular bowel movements. Thus:
  • Incorporate 30 minutes of light to moderate physical exercise in your routine.
  • Keep your digestive system moving to stay healthy and happy.

Pro Tip: The intensity of the workout may vary for every individual, depending on their health, so do take expert advice.

  1. Skip The Processed, Embrace The Fresh: Processed foods are literally the villain of your health. It may be easy to grab, but it can be hard on your health. It lacks essential nutrients and can disrupt the bacterial balance in your gut.
  • Limit processed food intake.
  • Opt for whole and fresh foods.
  • Cut back on sodas and sugary drinks.

Pro Tip: Switch to homemade meals; after all, Ghar Ka Khana has no substitute and is good for gut health.

  1. Inhale the calm, exhale the stress: Don't let stress boss you; be your own boss. Chronic stress can not just take a toll on your mental health but can also load up your gut health. So:
  • Practice stress-reducing techniques.
  • Prioritize calmness and self-care to maintain a healthy balance in life.
  • Don't be harsh on yourself to improve your digestive health.

Pro Tip: Inhale calmness, exhale tension. It will promote a healthier balance in your digestive system.

Author Choice:- 7 Signs of an unhealthy gut

Listen To Your Body, And Your Body Will Listen Back To You!

Pay attention to how your body responds to different foods. Identify and avoid triggers if you notice discomfort or digestive issues after eating a certain food. Keep track of your meal and how it responds to pinpoint potential issues. It is small steps that matter in improving your digestive health. Embrace these simple yet significant changes with an open heart, and your gut and overall health will thank you later.

If your symptoms are persistent and you experience something unusual, consult a doctor. Depending on your symptoms, age, gender, and other clinical evaluations, your doctor may suggest a Gut Health Test to get better insight into your gut health. You can book the Gut Health Package with Redcliffe Labs. We provide doorstep sample collection and accurate reports accessible at your fingertips.

Remember, a healthy tummy means a healthy you! So, take care of it.

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