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Chest Pain Due To Gas: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment


Chest Pain Due To Gas: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Muskan Taneja
on Jul 15, 2024

Last Edit Made By Muskan Taneja
on Jul 26, 2024

Chest Pain Due To Gas: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment

Chest pain due to gas is a much more serious issue than it seems.

It can lead to serious conditions, such as gallbladder diseases. People associate it with a heart attack, but it is not. Our bodies trap a lot of gas. You must wonder how to remove trapped gas in the chest. Let’s understand.

Do you know?

Food intolerance and indigestion can lead to gas. It can further lead to chest pain. 

We often connect chest pain with heart attacks. But it is not. Symptoms of breathlessness indicate a serious condition.

Chest pain due to gas is less common, but it could lead to serious situations. If you experience chest pain now or then, seek immediate consultation with your doctor. 

Certain symptoms that affect chest pain due to gas include sweating, nausea, fatigue, upper body pain, trouble breathing, dizziness, weakness, and pain in the neck, arm, or shoulder. Be with us as we move towards understanding chest pain, its symptoms, causes, and treatment. 

7 Telltale Symptoms of Gas and How It Feels

Many examples show how chest pain due to gas feels. These symptoms, indicating gas pain in the chest, include:

  1. Jabbing pains 
  2. General tightness 
  3. Belching 
  4. Indigestion 
  5. Bloating 
  6. Loss of appetite 
  7. Pain in abdomen 

Every human body is different. Some might experience these symptoms, while some may not. If you’re feeling any of these signs, seek medical treatment before it goes to your heart. 

Also Read: https://redcliffelabs.com/myhealth/health/right-side-chest-pain-reasons-prevention-and-more/ 

Difference Between Chest Pain and Heart Pain 

It is difficult to differentiate between chest pain and heart pain. The symptoms are similar, which can confuse people. Getting tested can tell you whether it is chest or heart pain. Here is a table displaying the differences between heart pain and chest pain. 

 Heart Pain Gas Pain 
Location Normally, it falls behind the breastbone or either to the left or center of the chest. The neck, jaw, shoulders, arms, and back may also experience sensations of heart pain. Gas pain occurs in the abdomen or chest area. It can be diffuse or localized to a specific area. 
Nature Some symptoms are heaviness in the chest, pressure, tightness, and squeezing. Dull, achy, or cramp-like sensations are some symptoms of gas pain. 
Symptoms Associated Breathlessness, sweating, nausea, lightheadedness, vomiting, and pulse. Bloating, belching, flatulence, and abdominal discomfort. 
TriggersPhysical exertion, emotional stress, extreme temperature, or heavy meals. Eating gas-producing foods, swallowing air, or change in position. 

6 Causes of Gas Pain In The Chest 

Food and lifestyle are two major causes of chest pain due to gas. An individual with a food allergy or food sensitivities can lead to gas pain in the chest. Here are six causes of gas pain in the chest: 

  • Food Intolerances and sensitivity

Our bodies are allergic to certain foods. This intolerance can affect gas pain in the chest. If you are lactose intolerant, avoid dairy products, as they can build up excess gas, which can cause chest pain. Similarly, if you are allergic to gluten-related foods or have celiac disease, even food with a slight amount of wheat can cause chest pain due to gas. 

  • Food Poisoning 

Food poisoning, caused by harmful bacteria, viruses, or parasites, causes sudden chest pain. Other symptoms of food poisoning are nausea, vomiting, fever, watery or bloody diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

  • Inflammatory Conditions

Crohn's disease is an inflammatory condition that causes intestinal inflammation and affects digestion. Rest symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, constipation, and night sweats. 

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome 

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a non-inflammatory condition that causes chest pain due to gas. IBS may occur because of abdominal pain, cramps, constipation, and diarrhea. Stress or inappropriate meals can trigger these symptoms. 

  • Gallbladder Diseases 

Gallbladder disease or gallstones can cause chest pain, especially if some condition is causing the gallbladder to be empty. Symptoms indicating gallbladder disease include vomiting, nausea, chills, and pale or clay-colored stool. 

  • Pancreatitis 

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disorder that occurs in the upper abdominal area. It is called ‘acute pancreatitis’ because the pain comes and goes. Prevention is necessary, or else it can be chronic. Symptoms of acute pancreatitis are fever, fast heart rate, vomiting, mild or severe pain, nausea, and a swollen abdomen. 

5 Treatments For Gas Pain In The Chest 

Doctors prescribe medical treatment to diagnose trapped gas in the chest for days. Through medical evaluation, they can identify any underlying gastrointestinal issues. Your healthcare professional may conduct any of these tests to diagnose chest pain due to gas. 

  • Medical History- Your doctor conducts a medical history check to know if there is any existing health condition. Moreover, they will monitor your diet and lifestyle. 
  • Physical Examination- They conduct a physical examination to check for wall tenderness, abdominal distention, and signs of gastrointestinal or cardiovascular abnormalities. 
  • Diagnostic Test- The diagnostic test helps to identify the reason for chest pain. They may conduct ECG, CT scans or chest X-rays, HsCRP tests, Esophageal pH monitoring, and Upper endoscopy (EGC). Based on your physical examination, they suggest the right diagnostic test. 
  • Trial of Treatment- If the diagnosis is unclear, patients may begin with a trial of treatment. This involves changes in diet, lifestyle, and medications. 
  • Refer to a specialist- After the test reports, the doctor may refer you to a specialized gastroenterologist or cardiologist to evaluate your chest pain further. 

5 Home Remedies For Chest Pain Due To Gas

Home remedies are the solution for everything. If you are experiencing gas pain in the chest near the heart, drink plenty of noncarbonated fluids, such as water, tea, coffee, fruit juice, and smoothies. Noncarbonated fluids can improve the digestive system, allowing gas to pass through our body. Here are five effective home remedies: 

  1. Ginger Tea- Ginger tea has anti-inflammatory properties, which can ease the movement of our digestive system. Moreover, consuming ginger in any form can reduce future gas or digestive problems. 
  2. Fennel Seeds- Fennel seeds are good for digestion. It can effectively reduce gas and bloating. Usually, Indians consume fennel seeds after a heavy meal to ease digestion. You can brew them in tea or hot water or have them raw. 
  3. Lemon water- Lemon water reduces the chances of excessive gas in the digestive tract. Have it in the morning to manage your digestive system effectively. 
  4. Apple Cider Vinegar- It contains acetic acid, which improves digestion and reduces gas-related problems. Drink one glass of warm water mixed with ACV.
  5. Exercise- Exercising for 30 minutes at least provides immunity to your body. Along with maintaining immunity, it keeps your gut healthy and promotes digestion. 

5 Complications of Gas Pain In The Chest

Early detection and treatment can prevent any major complication of chest pain due to gas. However, having frequent experiences of gas pain may lead to further complications. Food poisoning is one reason for gas pain in the chest. Other complications include: 

  • Self-treatment or diagnosis- Relying on home remedies for a long time can worsen the situation. Also, excessive use of medicines without any doctor’s prescription may lead to adverse effects of an underlying condition. 
  • Improper Sleep- Chest pain often occurs during the night. It can disrupt our sleep schedule, leading to daytime sleepiness. Poor sleep quality can further affect our overall well-being. 
  • Limited nutrition- Nutrition balances our body’s system. Improper nutrition can lead to gastrointestinal conditions such as GERD, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Further, it can affect digestion, leading to malnutrition or weight loss. 
  • Misdiagnosis- Gas pain in the chest can be a sign of many underlying conditions. Misdiagnosis can mimic symptoms of more serious conditions, including heart disease. Seeking the right diagnosis can prevent misdiagnosis. 
  • Psychological distress- Unresolved gas-related chest pain can lead to psychological distress like anxiety, stress, or depression. It can affect our mental health, which can further affect our ability to perform physical activities. 

Also, read: https://redcliffelabs.com/myhealth/lab-test/blood-tests-for-chest-pain-unraveling-the-underlying-causes/ 

Key Takeaways 

Chest pain can last from a few minutes to an hour. Mostly, it occurs after carbonated drinks, heavy meals, or swallowing air. If you experience frequent chest pain due to gas, consulting your doctor can provide accurate treatment. They might suggest a blood test for chest pain–Redcliffe Labs can assist you. Our team of professional doctors ensures accurate and timely results. Understanding the cause can allow the doctor to initiate the right treatment, providing a better recovery. 

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  • Sanju Sarkar

    Aug 24, 2024 at 9:12 PM.

    বুকের মধ্যে শব্দ হয়। বুক টান করলে ব্যাথা অনুভব হয়

    • MyHealth Team

      Aug 27, 2024 at 3:11 PM.

      বুকের মধ্যে শব্দ হওয়া এবং বুক টানলে ব্যথা অনুভব করা বিভিন্ন সমস্যার চিহ্ন হতে পারে, যেমন পেশীর টান, গ্যাস্ট্রোইসোফেজিয়াল রিফ্লাক্স ডিজিজ (GERD), বা হৃদরোগ সম্পর্কিত সমস্যা। দ্রুত চিকিৎসকের পরামর্শ নেওয়া উচিত যাতে সঠিক নির্ণয় ও চিকিৎসা নিশ্চিত করা যায়।

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