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Benefits of Walnuts During Pregnancy - MyHealth


Benefits of Walnuts During Pregnancy

Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Meenakshi
on Jul 6, 2023

Last Edit Made By Meenakshi
on Jan 9, 2025

Benefits of Walnuts During Pregnancy

Being pregnant is great and exciting news in a woman’s life. We all have heard, “Great power comes with great responsibility.” This responsibility does not start after the baby is born but when the baby forms their life inside you. And taking care of your diet is one of the significant responsibilities for you and the sake of your baby’s health.

And you must have thought about altering your diet. You must have received advice to eat nutritious foods from your gynecologist. She might have also advised you to start consuming nuts and dry fruits like almonds, apricots, and walnuts. And in this blog, we are discussing walnuts and their benefits during pregnancy. The nutritional advantages of walnuts are not widely known among expectant mothers. Let’s talk about some walnut benefits in pregnancy.

Benefits of eating walnuts in pregnancy

Walnuts can be a useful complement to a balanced diet. Being rich in protein, and fiber, walnuts contain important vitamins and minerals to support regularity and healthy digestion. Additionally, frequent consumption of walnuts throughout pregnancy offers several benefits, including lowering blood pressure and blood sugar, promoting healthy weight growth, supporting brain and eye development in the fetus, and boosting immunity and gastrointestinal health.

Knowing the benefits of walnuts during pregnancy is vital before including them in your diet.

  1. Rich in omega fatty acids 

The high content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in walnuts makes them excellent pregnancy food. The mother’s heart health and the development of the fetus’s nervous system depend on them. For instance, it improves neural growth by encouraging the fetal brain’s meninges to mature. In the third week of your pregnancy, the fetus’s brain develops. Omega-3 fatty acids help to stimulate the brain cells of your unborn child.

  1. Magnesium, properties

Many minerals present in walnuts, including magnesium have been proven beneficial for pregnant women and the growing fetus. For the appropriate development and strengthening of the bones and cartilage in the baby, Magnesium is helpful.

  1. Zinc 

Infections during pregnancy can be dangerous for the baby and the mother. Consumption of zinc may reduce the severity of maternal infections and also may help to reduce the risk of preterm births.

5. Copper content 

Copper is an essential mineral that helps form red blood cells in your body, your baby’s heart, blood vessels, and skeletal and nervous systems. The copper content in walnuts facilitates proper brain development and growth in the fetus. The requirement for copper increased during pregnancy. During the later stages of fetus development, copper also helps in tissue and nervous system growth.

During pregnancy, copper consumption is essential for your baby’s health and wellness. A deficiency of copper may lead to many after-birth side effects in the baby and the mother’s health.

6. Rich in Arginine

Arginine ( amino acid ) stimulated the flow of the blood in your body and also helps reduce the risk of high blood pressure or hypertension during pregnancy. By easing the flow of the blood, it also helps to keep cholesterol levels under control. Arginine helps to improve the umbilical artery flow for the growth of the fetus.

7. Good source of Fiber and Protein

Fiber-rich foods during pregnancy help promote heart health, decrease the risk of diabetes, and preeclampsia, and prevent constipation. Fiber intake helps to lower blood pressure and traps cholesterol-rich bile acids, as a result, the body does not absorb cholesterol. It also helps to manage your weight during pregnancy as it does not contain too many calories and keeps you fuller for longer.

Protein is required to grow the maternal tissues and the fetus and placenta. It also contributes to the growth and repair of new and damaged tissues, makes antibodies for the baby’s immune system, makes hormones and enzymes, and transports oxygen through the baby’s blood. It helps muscles to function properly.

Consumption of required protein helps to promote a healthy birthweight that reduced the risk of developing diabetes or becoming overweight later.

Read our other blog on best time to eat Dry Fruits: -

8. Rich in phosphorous and Vitamin E

To build strong bones for you and your baby during pregnancy, phosphorous can be helpful. It is also good for muscle contraction, blood clotting, and maintaining a normal heart rhythm.

Preeclampsia, a common complication during pregnancy, can also be reduced with the help of Vitamin E. It helps to improve your immune system, expanding blood vessels, preventing blood clots from occurring, and also contains antioxidant properties that protect the body’s cells from free radical damage. It not only helps to reduce the risk of miscarriage or preterm birth but also provides neuron and brain development benefits to the child. It also strengthens the immunity to protect the body against viruses and bacteria.

Good For Health & Skin Too!

Apart from keeping you healthy, it is also helpful in ensuring your skin is healthy. To embrace the beautiful feeling of being a mother you and your skin face different challenges including skin dryness and stretch marks. Walnuts are rich in nutrients that can help treat scars, patches and also help in lightening spots and dark circles, keeping your skin soft, supple, moist, and glowing. 


Walnuts are rich in fiber and nutrients and can be helpful during pregnancy, but before including them in your diet plan, it's better to consult your doctor. The results of eating walnuts during pregnancy can vary for every individual, and therefore, it is advisable to consult a doctor before adding or eliminating anything from your diet.

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