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Alert! Increasing Risk of Hypertension (BP) in Youngsters


Alert! Increasing Risk of Hypertension (BP) in Youngsters

Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Komal Daryani
on Jun 6, 2023

Last Edit Made By Komal Daryani
on Jan 9, 2025

Brain in Reflex Action

Hypertension is like a ticking time bomb of health risks and is progressively increasing in India. A health disorder that was once prevailing only in adults is now a growing concern in youngsters and children.

Almost 1 in 4 youngsters have high blood pressure today, which is around 7% higher than the prevalence 5 years ago, and it is growing unstoppable. 

What Percentage of Indians Suffer From Hypertension?

As per the Indian National Health Portal Reports, 2022; 30% of adults in India have high blood pressure. Compared to rural India, the ratio of this degrading health condition is higher in urban areas compared to rural India. 

Now, what do national studies and research reveal about hypertension in youngsters?

Did you know?

  • Over 35% of children between the ages of 10 to 12 years have blood pressure issues.
  • Also, the stats are concerning for teenagers. Almost 25% of those between the age group of 13 to 19 years have BP.

It can be either in the form of stage 1 blood pressure or stage 2 hypertension.

Now, the question arises:

What Is The Cause of Hypertension in Youngsters? 

There are two types of hypertension, the one for which the cause is not known is called primary hypertension. When the cause of hypertension is known it's called secondary hypertension. 

Now, what are the common causes that are leading to hypertension in young adults?

Well, there is not one but multiple reasons leading to blood pressure or hypertension in youngsters. 

  • Existing cardiovascular and kidney disorders.
  • Not taking care of mental health that leads to anxiety or stress
  • As a secondary risk of primary medical conditions like thyroid or diabetes.
  • Consumption of illicit drugs.
  • Depending too much on higher salt-containing packaged foods and junk diet.

These are the most commonly known causes leading to hypertension. 

But that's not enough to prevent the risk of hypertension in youngsters. It's very important to understand  1 in 4 children or youngsters are more likely at risk of developing hypertension. 

Youngsters With the Below Conditions are More Likely to Develop Hypertension:

  • Overweight or Obesity
  • Someone whose mother smoked during pregnancy
  • Boys are more likely to develop hypertension compared to girls
  • Have a family history of hypertension.
  • Spend more screen time and practice no physical activities regularly
  • Keep munching on unhealthy snacks and have no relationship with a balanced diet. 

What are the possible symptoms of high blood pressure or hypertension in young adults?

With the increasing cases of hypertension in young ones, it becomes essential to monitor them to prevent hypertension before it even affects them. Also, it is the best practice to get time-to-time routine checkups for youngsters like adults, as with the existing lifestyle conditions, young ones are at equal health risks. 

So, if you feel the children in your family are exposed to the above risks or have the below-mentioned visible traits, the diagnosis is a must for them. 

Some possible symptoms of high blood pressure in young adults may include:

  • Headaches: Frequent or persistent headaches, especially at the back of the head, could be a symptom of high blood pressure.
  • Fatigue or Lethargy: Feeling unusually tired or lacking energy despite adequate rest and sleep.
  • Vision Problems: Blurred vision or experiencing sudden vision changes.
  • Chest Pain: Chest pain or discomfort, which may be mild or severe, can be a symptom of high blood pressure-related heart problems.
  • Shortness of Breath: Difficulty in breathing or feeling breathless even during light physical activity or at rest.
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness: Feeling dizzy or lightheaded, especially when standing up from a sitting or lying position.
  • Irregular Heartbeat: Palpitations or awareness of abnormal or irregular heartbeats.
Symptoms of high blood pressure

It's important to note that high blood pressure may not always come with noticeable symptoms, and many young adults with hypertension may be asymptomatic.

Herein, regular blood pressure screenings are crucial to detect and manage high blood pressure effectively. If you experience any of the mentioned symptoms or have concerns about your blood pressure, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional. 

Ignoring hypertension may result in more severe risks to health and secondary risk conditions associated with it. So, pay attention to your health and the health of your loved ones to make informed decisions.

Diagnosis is the first step to getting rid of any unpleasant health condition. Book a test today. 

Necessary steps to avoid hypertension in youngsters:

Cure shall always be secondary and prevention the primary step. To avoid the risk of hypertension in a young person, some of the essential tips are as mentioned below. 

  1. Maintain a Healthy Body Weight:

Strive to achieve and maintain a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular physical activity. Avoid excessive weight gain and adopt sustainable lifestyle habits.

  1. Follow a Balanced Diet:

Emphasize the consumption of a nutrient-rich diet comprising fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products. Limit the intake of saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, sodium, and added sugars. Incorporate foods that are high in potassium, magnesium, and fiber.

  1. Limit Sodium Intake:

Reduce the consumption of processed foods, fast food, and foods high in sodium. Opt for low-sodium alternatives and season meals with herbs instead of excessive salt.

  1. Engage in Regular Physical Activity:

Engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise per week. This can vary based on individual physique and bodily requirements. Including activities such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or dancing can help reduce the risk of hypertension in youngsters. 

  1. Limit Alcohol Consumption:

If alcohol is a habit, do so in moderation. Limit intake to no more than one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men. However, avoiding it completely is recommended for a health-filled living.

  1. Avoid Tobacco and Substance Use:

Steer clear of tobacco use in any form, including smoking and chewing tobacco. Additionally, refrain from recreational drug use, as these substances can contribute to high blood pressure and other severe health complications.

  1. Manage Stress:

Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, engage in hobbies, participate in regular exercise, and seek support from a network of friends, family, or mental health professionals for stress management.

  1. Regular Health Check-ups:

Schedule regular check-ups with healthcare professionals for comprehensive evaluations. Routine blood pressure screenings aid in the early detection of hypertension, allowing for timely interventions and management.

  1. Moderate Caffeine Intake:

Monitor and moderate caffeine consumption as excessive intake may temporarily raise blood pressure levels. Individual tolerance for caffeine intake may vary significantly.

  1. Prioritize Sufficient Sleep:

Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Establish a consistent sleep routine and create an environment to support optimal rest.

  1. Maintain Adequate Hydration:

Ensure proper hydration by consuming an appropriate amount of water daily.

  1. Consult with the Medical Professional: 

Self-management is necessary to ensure good health but without medical help complete wellness might not be possible. So, stay in touch with your family doctor or get a free doctor consultation after getting tested at Redcliffe Labs.

Take charge of your health today! Stay away from hypertension 

Only you can take charge of your health. Your body is your first home, keep it away from diseases for a better living. Hypertension or any other health disorder if not managed effectively at a young age can be a lifelong condition leading to other unwanted health conditions.

So, say no to illness and yes to wellness. 

As a first step, book routine health checks for your complete family today. 

Stay tuned for more wellness tips and best ways to address illness.

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