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7 Warning Signs of Dengue Fever: Recognize the Symptoms Early


7 Warning Signs of Dengue Fever: Recognize the Symptoms Early


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Meenakshi
on Sep 6, 2023

Last Edit Made By Meenakshi
on Mar 18, 2024

Warning signs of Dengue fever

Everyone must have heard about Dengue Fever, and there is no wrong to say that even the mere mention of “Dengue,” the bone-chilling fever, sends shivers down our spines. This mosquito-borne viral illness affects millions and strikes fear into their hearts. If not managed appropriately, this bone-breaking fever can turn lives upside down, leading to potentially severe complications. Therefore, we must protect ourselves and our loved ones against this menacing intruder. However, recognizing its early warning signs is the first step to fighting against it.

Recognizing warning signs is essential to seek prompt medical attention & prevent complications. So, what those signs are? What you should know about this fever? Let’s delve into the information of this spine-chilling fever to uncover the ominous signs you should be aware of. But before that, let’s start with some basics.

What is Dengue Fever?

Also known as break-bone fever, Dengue Fever is the most deadly mosquito-borne disease that spreads after being bitten by the infected Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. The fever is common and most prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 100-400 million infections occur yearly, and about half of the world’s population is at risk of dengue fever. Therefore, early diagnosis is essential to prevent complications.

So, what are the common signs indicating Dengue Fever? Let’s find out:

7 Warning Signs of Dengue Fever:

  1. High Fever: Dengue Fever often announces its presence with a sudden and soaring fever, reaching temperatures as high as 104°F. This fever comes suddenly, may last several days, and leaves the infected individual feeling utterly drained. It is the most common sign that one should pay attention to.
  2. Severe Headache: Intense and prolonged headache is another common sign indicating Dengue Fever. The headache differs from others, as it is mostly located behind the eyes and can become intense.
  3. Pain Behind The Eyes: As mentioned above, the fever causes extreme pain and discomfort behind the eyes, ranging from mild to severe, and may worsen when you move your eyes. It is another trademark sign that one should pay attention and address the issue immediately.
  4. Joint & Muscle Pain: Dengue Fever is known as bone-breaking fever because it causes intense joint and muscle pain. The pain is often deep and can be excruciating. If you have a fever and are also experiencing joint and muscle pain, you should get yourself tested.
  5. Easy Bruising and Bleeding: Dengue Fever can even cause easy bruising or bleeding in severe cases. Most people often complain of nosebleeds, gum bleeding, or small red spots under the skin. It is a sign that Dengue has reached its advanced stage and needs to be addressed immediately.
  6. Rashes: Many people with Dengue fever may develop sudden or unusual skin rashes often characterized by red or purple spots that can appear a few days after the onset of the fever.
  7. Abdominal Pain & Vomiting: Most people with Dengue Fever may also experience abdominal pain or persistent vomiting. The severity of it indicates severe Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever.
Severe Dengue Symptoms

Remember, Dengue Fever is a potentially dangerous fever that needs to be managed before things turn ugly. So, delay no more, recognize the problem early, and act quickly. Book the Dengue Test for accurate diagnosis and better management of the condition.

Getting tested is not just enough. One may need to follow several other precautions or preventive measures. Scroll down to learn about those preventive measures to help you prevent Dengue Fever.

Tips To Prevent Dengue Fever:

Prevent Mosquito Bite: Preventing mosquito bites is the foremost way to protect yourself against this bone-chilling disease.

How to prevent mosquito bites?

  • Wear long-sleeved shirts or long pants to keep yourself protected.
  • Use mosquito repellent, especially if you are outdoors for an extended period.
  • Keep the surroundings clean to prevent mosquito breeding.

Eliminate Mosquito Breeding Site: Dengue spreads through the bite of an infected mosquito. Therefore, you should eliminate sites where they breed.

How to eliminate mosquito breeding sites?

  • Remove standing water in or around your home or office.
  • Keep empty containers or buckets clean and covered.
  • Keep rain gutters clear of debris.
  • Dispose of trash properly.

Stay Indoor: If Dengue Fever is most prevalent in your area and if possible, it is advisable to stay indoors to prevent mosquito bites and infection.

How to stay protected?

  • Don’t go outside during dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active.
  • Use mosquito nets in areas where the risk is high.
  • Use window & door screens to keep mosquitoes out of your space.

Stay Informed: Besides taking the necessary steps, staying updated and being aware is equally essential to protecting yourself.

What should you do?

  • Follow the instructions of your healthcare provider.
  • Take a timely Dengue Fever Test to confirm the diagnosis.
  • Follow appropriate measures and take medicines as suggested to prevent complications.

These are general guidelines that can minimize your risk of getting infected. However, if you have symptoms or risk factors, get yourself tested for early diagnosis and to protect against this mosquito-borne disease.

Myth vs facts

Get Timely Tested With Redcliffe Labs!

Getting tested in time and appropriately is critical to confirm the diagnosis and prevent complications to a possible extent. Redcliffe Labs is the best Omnichannel Pan India diagnostic service provider from where you can book a Dengue NS1 Antigen Test for accurate diagnosis and to ensure that treatment can be initiated in time.

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  • Halifele Mokhali

    May 25, 2024 at 4:17 PM.

    What is dengue and how different is it from Malaria

    • MyHealth Team

      May 27, 2024 at 11:21 AM.

      Hi Halifele, Dengue is caused by a virus from Aedes mosquitoes, presenting with high fever, severe pain, and rash. It requires supportive care. Malaria is caused by Plasmodium parasites from Anopheles mosquitoes, causing cyclic fevers and chills, treated with antimalarial drugs. Both need mosquito control and preventive measures.

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