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Water Apple Benefits, Uses, Side Effects & More


Water Apple Benefits, Uses, Side Effects & More


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Sheena Mehta
on Jun 10, 2024

Last Edit Made By Sheena Mehta
on Jun 10, 2024

Water Apple

Have you ever heard of a water apple?

Did you ever know that a bell-shaped apple existed? 

No right. It is because a typical apple appears roundish, oblate, or oblong. However, this fruity water apple is small and juicy, and its shape resembles a bell.

Water apple is also popular as watery rose apple or simply rose apple, which matches the scientific name Syzygium aqueum. Native to Southeast Asian countries and certain tropical regions of India, this water apple is a delicious, succulent fruit. 

Water apple has different names, from being commonly referred to as “Chambakka” or “Pani Seb” in Hindi to “Jambu” or “Panneer Naval” in Tamil, “Gulaabijamichettu” or “Gulaabijamikaayalu” in Telugu, and “Jambakka” in Malayalam. 

This blog includes detailed information to help inform you of the best uses and benefits of the water apple fruit. 

What is a water apple?

A balanced diet with healthy food consumption and physical exercise is the key to happiness and long life. The water apple is a tropical pear. This round fruit has a mildly sweet taste with a light rose scent. It is high in nutrients, making it a perfect addition to your daily diet. 

This fruit is also known as Malabar Plum, rose apple, watery rose apple, plum rose, and wax apple, but it is less popular. It is a top choice for people residing in different tropical regions and has been used traditionally in the Indian practice of medicine. 

Nutritional Value of Water Apple

In a 100-gram water apple, you find: 




0.7 g


0.2 g


8.5 g 


1.2 g

Vitamin C

8.4 mg 


5 mg 


8 mg 

Other than this, water apples include copper, zinc, magnesium, and manganese. They are low in calories, and about 90% of their formation includes water content, making them a perfect source of nutrients without consuming too many calories.

How Can You Include Water Apple In Your Diet?

The water apple is known to contain many bioactive compounds with numerous organic properties, which will positively affect your health. 

It is a wonderful fruit that offers a range of nutrients and is low in calories and fats. Additionally, it provides dietary fiber, which may support your digestive system. 

Listed below are ways in which you can include a water apple in your diet: 

  • You can consume it raw. 
  • Water apples are easier to consume in jams, jellies, beverages, and squash, especially for kids.
  • These fruits protect against diabetes by keeping your blood sugar stable. 
  • The abundant water makes them a perfect edible fruit to satisfy your thirst. 
  • You can use a water apple in fruit salads. 

Also read: https://redcliffelabs.com/myhealth/lifestyle/5-juicy-fruits-to-keep-you-cool-hydrated-during-summer-season/ 

7 Astonishing Health Benefits of Water Apples. 

The water apple is a tropical fruit containing essential nutrients such as vitamins C, A, and E, potassium and calcium, and natural antioxidants, including phenolic compounds, to promote overall well-being. Some of their significant health benefits include: 

1. It improves your skin: 

Eating a water apple means you are getting naturally glowing and youthful skin. This fruit contains vitamin C and polyphenols called flavonoids that protect your skin from external pollutants and particles. A water fruit is a natural moisturizer for your skin, keeping it soft and supple throughout the day.

2. Boost good cholesterol: 

Do you know that niacin in water apples monitors and manages your body's cholesterol? Consumption of this fruit is valuable, as it contains bioactive antioxidants such as vitamin C that prevent cell damage due to free radicals, toxic chemicals, and pollutants, thus boosting good and healthy cholesterol.

Also read https://redcliffelabs.com/myhealth/food-and-nutrition/10-foods-that-improve-your-cardiac-health/. 

3. Treats liver disease: 

As we know, people who suffer from malnutrition, keep drinking, or are anemic indulge in fasting, leading to various illnesses that can result in liver damage. However, the watery rose apple's hepatoprotective agents effectively treat liver ailments. 

4. Deals with sunstroke: 

Water apples contain abundant water content that keeps your body hydrated and provides coolness during peak summer. Consuming juice, squash, or any beverage containing water juice during peak summer is beneficial to ensure adequate water supply and electrolyte restoration in the body cells. 

5. Helpful in Pregnancy:

Water apples are rich in vitamins, irons, and minerals that aid in the nutritional requirements of an expectant mother. Besides, eating leaves is equally beneficial during pregnancy, as they have analgesic properties that lessen postpartum discomfort.

6. Maintains healthy bones: 

Do you know that 100 grams of raw rose apples contain 29 milligrams of calcium, which can benefit bone formation and overall health? Besides, rose apples also contain potassium and magnesium, aiding overall health and well-being. 

7. Beneficial for the Immune System: 

Since water apples contain vitamin C, other vitamins promote the production of white blood cells in the body, significantly increasing immunity levels. 

In addition to treating many diseases like diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, and liver disease, a water apple fruit has incredible therapeutic properties and benefits in Ayurveda, including: 

  • The bioactive constituents called terpenoids in water apples help improve nerve function, making them a remedy for people suffering from epilepsy and seizures. 
  • The leaf of a water apple contains anti-acne and anti-inflammatory properties that effectively combat inflammation. 
  • It has a cooling effect on the body and helps balance pitta dosha. 

Side Effects of Water and Apple Fruit

No major study has revealed the side effects of water apples. For a safe experience, a moderate dose is recommended.

Before eating a water apple in any likable form, consult your doctor, especially when you are on some medications. However, you must seek medical attention immediately if you observe any harmful effects or discomfort, like digestive and gastrointestinal problems. 

Final Views: 

Also known as rose apples or watery rose apples, water apples are a treasure trove of essential micronutrients, potent antioxidants, and trace minerals. They are a refreshing and delicious option that you can relish raw, as a snack, or incorporate in your salad to enhance your physical and mental health. 

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  • Christiana Annim

    Aug 16, 2024 at 11:02 PM.

    Thanks for this in depth education. I have this plant in my compound but never knew it name nor it health benefits.

    • MyHealth Team

      Aug 17, 2024 at 11:09 AM.

      We are very glad you have liked the information!

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