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How Much Protein Is In 100g Tofu?

Food And Nutrition

How Much Protein Is In 100g Tofu?


Medically Reviewed By
Prof. Ashok Rattan

Written By Muskan Taneja
on Sep 5, 2024

Last Edit Made By Muskan Taneja
on Sep 5, 2024


The tofu market in India will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 13.60% from 2023 to 2029. It is a soft cheese-like structure similar to paneer. People often confuse tofu and paneer. But what is tofu made of? Tofu is formed from curdling fresh soy milk with a coagulant. It has nutrients that provide immense health benefits. Tofu is a healthy alternative to paneer and meat. 

100g of tofu is enough for people to fulfill nutritional compounds. This gluten and dairy-free food is popular among vegans and people following diets. It is high in protein and low in carbs. Today, let’s understand ‌about tofu and protein in 100g tofu. 

What is Tofu?

Tofu originated in China, formed when soymilk transforms into a liquid when cooked. It is a popular and preferred food among vegans. This food is high in protein and low in fats and carbohydrates. It has its flavor; however, it takes the flavor of whatever food is cooked. Tofu has several health benefits, including nutrients. It is available in firm, medium, extra firm, and soft textures. Studies show that tofu may cure certain cancers and reduce cholesterol and the risk of diabetes. 

Protein in Tofu 

Tofu has 8g of protein, making it an excellent source of protein and a crucial ingredient in a vegan or vegetarian diet. It retains its flavor and essence, but it develops other flavors when mixed with different dishes. It also contains other nutrients. 

Also, read https://redcliffelabs.com/myhealth/food-and-nutrition/paneer-protein-per-100g-evaluating-protein-content-for-health/ 

Nutrition in Tofu

Tofu contains protein, carbs, fats, and other nutrients. Along with protein in 100g of tofu, let's understand the nutritional composition of 100g of tofu. 

g=grams & DV=daily value

Nutrients (100g tofu)

Nutrient Composition (g/ DV)





Total fat


Saturated fat 



0 mg


7 mg


121 mg

Dietary fiber 


Total carbohydrate


Vitamin C 




Vitamin B6 






Vitamin D 




Also, read https://redcliffelabs.com/myhealth/food-and-nutrition/how-much-protein-in-100-gm-soya-chunks/ 

Health Benefits of Tofu

Tofu is a soy food that contains isoflavone, the same as the hormone estrogen. It has several health benefits. 

Tofu Provides Relief From Menopause Symptoms 

Research suggests that tofu or soy food may help relieve menopause symptoms. Tofu has isoflavone, which makes it beneficial for women. A study reveals that isoflavone may help improve physical and psychological symptoms during the perimenopausal period. Protein in tofu provides relief to women from menopause. 

Tofu May Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

Research shows that consuming tofu may reduce the risks of heart disease. Another study shows that dietary fiber and protein in tofu limit the risks of heart disease in men and women. 

Studies show that people who consume tofu at least once a week have a lower risk than those who consume it once a month. Tofu is beneficial, yet not all soy foods are. So, you better be mindful before consuming soy foods. 

Tofu May Prevent Osteoporosis 

Research shows that tofu may prevent the risk of osteoporosis. The calcium and protein in 100g of tofu benefit bone health. Soy food or tofu has isoflavone, which is the best supplement for strengthening bone health. 

Another study provides evidence that stimulating bone formation helps to reduce menopause. However, further research is required for 100% certainty. 

Tofu May Prevent Certain Cancers 

Studies found that tofu can cure certain cancers at an early stage, such as breast and prostate cancer. A study in China showed that women with more intake of tofu were at higher risk of breast cancer as compared to those whose intake is less. 

Another study found a significant relationship between tofu and prostate cancer. Tofu can reduce the chances of prostate cancer. However, further studies are necessary to establish a clear understanding of this relationship.

Health Risks of Eating Tofu

Tofu contains nutrients and anti-nutrients, which are also present in plants. Anti-nutrients may lower the chances of absorbing nutrients from food, which can be alarming if you follow a nutrient-rich diet. Tofu contains two types of anti-nutrients: phytate and trypsin inhibitors. 

  • Phytate: This antinutrient limits the power of absorbing nutrients such as calcium, iron, and zinc. 
  • Trypsin inhibitors: This antinutrient blocks trypsin (an enzyme required for proper digestion). This may lead to indigestion, unnecessary abdominal pain, and reduced absorption power. 
  • Soaking or cooking soybeans before making tofu can lower the presence of these anti-nutrients. Another way is sprouting soybeans before making tofu. 

A study shows that consuming tofu daily is safe. However, people with breast tumors and thyroid issues should have moderate consumption. 

Another study examined that baby girls given soy formula in their first 9 months of life may experience changes in vaginal cells. 

Shelf Life 

Tofu’s shelf life depends on how it is stored. When stored in the refrigerator, it can last for days; in a freezer, it may last for several months. 

  • An unopened pack of tofu may last three to five days in the refrigerator. 
  • An opened pack of tofu may last 5-7 days when stored in a container with water. Remember to change the water daily. 
  • When stored in the freezer, an opened pack of tofu may last for several months. 

When Is Tofu Bad?

Some signs that show that tofu has gone bad are: 

  • Slimy 
  • Sour or rotten odor 
  • Appearance of mold on the surface of tofu
  • Dark tan or brown color. 
  • If the water is the same from the last 5 days

Tofu Recipes

You can prepare tofu in several ways. Here are certain tofu recipes you may opt for.

  1. Vegetarian pad Thai with marinated tofu 
  2. Vegan tofu tacos with peanut sauce
  3. Vegetable lettuce wraps with crispy tofu 
  4. Vegetable masala tofu scramble 
  5. Maggi with vegetables and tofu 
  6. Tofu sandwich
  7. Tofu vegetarian creamy corn and black bean soup
  8. Tofu in spaghetti
  9. Stir-fry tofu 
  10. Crispy baked tofu 

The best way to consume tofu is in its raw form. Protein in tofu provides strength and immunity and enhances overall health. 

Variety of Tofu

Tofu is available in four varieties in the market: firm, extra firm, silken, and soft. Firm tofu has less water and more nutrients. You can use these varieties of tofu in different ways. 

  • Dry tofu or extra-firm tofu lends itself well to frying, grilling, or stir-frying. It can also be used as a meat substitute. Extra-firm tofu can also be marinated for extra flavor.
  • Soft Tofu: You may use soft tofu in foods such as salad dressing, dips, and soups. 
  • Silken Tofu: Silken is an undrained Japanese-style tofu with a high water content. It can be used in liquid items like smoothies and puddings. 
  • Firm Tofu: Firm tofu is packaged in water and can be crumbled, mashed, and barbecued. It can also be used in salads. 

How To Store and Prepare Tofu?

Tofu is commonly found in vegetarian households and stored in refrigerators. However, you can keep a silken variety of tofu in the pantry until it opens. Once you open it, you should use it within 2 to 3 days. You can freeze tofu for a thicker, meat-like texture. Manufacturers recommend avoiding consuming tofu stored for more than 60 days. 

Tofu is as delicious as paneer or chicken. Its flavor enhances every dish it is included in. You can add it to vegetable curry, salad, smoothie, or stir-fry it. 

Key Takeaways 

Tofu is a nutritious food. Consuming 100g of tofu daily may provide protein, calcium, and other nutrients. It is high in protein and low in fats and carbs. Protein in 100g tofu is 8g while calcium is 35g—both help stabilize and strengthen your body. So, add 100g of tofu to your diet for a healthy body. 

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  • narendra panjwani

    Sep 10, 2024 at 2:45 PM.

    I liked your pages on Roti & on Tofu. Very informative, credible and clear. Thank you.

    • MyHealth Team

      Sep 11, 2024 at 3:05 PM.

      We are glad you found the information helpful. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

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