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Foods To Increase Blood - Check The List Of Super Foods - MyHealth

Food And Nutrition

Foods To Increase Blood - Check The List Of Super Foods


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Ragiinii Sharma

Written By Meenakshi
on Sep 14, 2023

Last Edit Made By Meenakshi
on Mar 18, 2024

Foods To Increase Blood

Blood is the lifeline of our bodies. While flowing through our veins, it delivers oxygen and nutrients to every cell, carrying away waste products. Ensuring that our body has sufficient blood or proper blood supply is essential for preventing common health issues, like Anemia or Clotting Disorders. However, factors like poor dietary choices, chronic diseases, certain medications, genetic factors, and age can cause a decline in blood levels, necessitating immediate attention. So, what do you do when your blood levels are not balanced? Dig into the blog to discuss and discover more.

What happens if your body doesn't have enough blood?

If your body doesn't have enough blood for normal functioning, it leads to blood volume depletion or hypovolemia. It could occur due to a range of reasons and lead to several symptoms and potentially serious consequences, such as:

  • Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension): Low blood often leads to low blood pressure, causing dizziness and fainting.
  • Decreased Urine Output: When your body doesn’t have sufficient blood, your body conserves fluids, leading to less urine production. If left unaddressed, the condition can have severe complications.
  • Decreased Oxygen Delivery: Low blood means that your body doesn't have enough blood to adequately deliver oxygen to vital organs and tissues, leading to fatigue, weakness, and confusion.
  • Rapid Heart Rate: Moreover, when the blood count in the body gets disrupted, it may cause the heart to beat faster, resulting in a rapid or irregular heartbeat.
Causes of Low Blood in the Body

Low blood can lead to a wide range of health problems. Therefore, having them in the right quantity ensures your health remains in check. So, what do you do to improve blood in the body? Scroll down to find out:

Foods to increase blood in the body:

Fortunately, Mother Nature offers us a wide range of nutrient-rich foods that can help increase blood in the body and help maintain blood health. Let's explore the top superfoods that have a significant role in enhancing blood production & health. So, let's get started.

  • Folate-Rich Fruits - Your body’s best friend forever: Folate is your forever friend who will never disappoint you. Vegetables high in folate, including Broccoli, Asparagus, and Brussels Sprouts, are high in Vitamin, which is necessary for red blood cell formation.
  • Lentils - Love that your body needs: Lentils are another super food that your body will love. It increases blood and is a perfect addition to your blood-boosting diet. Adequate intake can effectively meet the need for iron and other nutrients and promote healthy blood production.
  • Green Leafy Vegetables - Goodness of Green: For boosting blood count or blood health, nothing can beat the efficiency of green vegetables, like Spinach, Kale, Swiss chard, etc. Being packed with iron and other essential minerals required for Hemoglobin production, green leafy vegetables can significantly improve blood production, ensuring overall well-being.
  • Beets - The heart-healthy root of your well-being: Another superfood on our list to ensure healthy blood production in the body is Beetroot. Besides being delectable and vibrant, Beetroot is packed with iron and folate, contributing significantly to healthy blood production.
  • Pomegranates - Powerpacked Fruit: Bursting with iron, calcium, and Vitamin C, Pomegranates enhance iron absorption, making them an exceptional choice for improving blood count. Indulging them into your routine ensures that your body makes healthy blood.
  • Eggs - Egg-cellent Choice for healthy blood production: While being packed with essential nutrients, eggs also contain iron and vitamin B12, and both are significant for promoting healthy blood production in the body, ensuring good health.
  • Apricots - Amazing Superfood to raise blood levels: Another food that should be in your diet to increase blood in the body is dried apricot. This iron-rich snack is a great source of dietary fiber and can effectively raise blood levels.
  • Sunflower Seeds - Nature’s Nutrient-Rich Powerhouse: Abundant in iron, Vitamin E, and folate, Sunflower Seeds is the best food on the list that supports healthy blood production and is critical for blood health.

A healthy blood count is the key to vitality and wellness. Therefore, ensuring that your diet has all the vital nutrients and vitamins required to boost blood production and reduce the risk of conditions associated with low blood counts is essential. Remember that a balanced diet is significant and supports a flourishing blood supply. However, it is always good to take recommendations from healthcare practitioners to obtain optimal results.

Signs that your body doesn't have enough blood

Also Read: Learn the best blood test that you may need to determine blood health through this blog:


For Accurate And Affordable Complete Blood Count Test

Redcliffe Labs is the best diagnostic service provider that you can count on for Complete Blood Count Test to measure blood levels in the body and determine diseases associated with abnormal blood count. To provide a swift diagnostic experience, we provide express slots, enabling you to get the sample picked within 45 minutes. So, why late and what for? Book your CBC Test now.

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