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Pyrexia: Causes, Symptoms, Types and Treatment Options


Pyrexia: Causes, Symptoms, Types and Treatment Options


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Komal Daryani
on Jun 6, 2024

Last Edit Made By Komal Daryani
on Jun 6, 2024


Introduction to Pyrexia

Pyrexia is when your body temperature exceeds the normal range of 98.6°F (37°C). Pyrexia, or fever, signals that your body is fighting off infections. Normal fever can make you uncomfortable; however, it is a crucial part of your body’s immune system. 

Some common symptoms of pyrexia are headaches, chills, sweating, shivering, and loss of appetite. 

Different stages of pyrexia

 There are five stages of pyrexia or fever, and they are classified as: 

  • Intermittent pyrexia: In this stage, the body temperature is elevated for several hours, followed by a return to normal each day. 
  • Remittent pyrexia: In this fever pattern, the body temperature does not return to normal and varies throughout the day. 
  • Continuous pyrexia: In this type of fever, the temperature does not touch the baseline and remains beyond normal throughout the day. 
  • Pel-Ebstein Fever: It is a rarely seen condition with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in which the fevers increase or decrease every one or two weeks. 
  • Undulant or Brucellosis Fever: This fever is spread from animals to people. 

Note: Identifying the specific type of fever is critical to determining appropriate treatment strategies.

What are the main causes of pyrexia?

Pyrexia, commonly addressed as fever, may be infectious or noninfectious.

Infectious causes

Infections caused by bacteria, viruses, or other pathogens are among the most common causes of pyrexia. The body raises its temperature, creating an unfavorable environment for these invaders to help the immune system fight infections. 

Inflammatory Conditions

Inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease can cause pyrexia. 

Autoimmune Diseases

Conditions such as lupus or certain types of vasculitis, in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the tissues, can cause pyrexia. 

Malignancies: Cancer can cause fever either as a result of the body's reaction to the malignancy or as a side effect of treatment such as chemotherapy. 

Medications: Antibiotics and certain cancer medications can cause pyrexia. 

Signs and symptoms associated with pyrexia

Below are the signs and symptoms associated with pyrexia, commonly known as fever. Together, they indicate the body’s response to an underlying infection or inflammatory disease. 

  • Shivering or chills
  • Headache
  • Reduces desire to eat
  • Heightened sensitivity or irritability
  • A feeling of overall tiredness
  • Dehydration
  • Pain in the muscles
  • Throbbing headaches. 

How do doctors diagnose pyrexia?

The medical professional performs a thorough clinical assessment and diagnostic tests to diagnose fever. He may also ask for a detailed history from the patient about the duration of the fever and associated symptoms like chills, headaches, and body pains. 

The doctor will check the body temperature, redness or paleness in the eyes, pulse for heart rate, and blood pressure.

What are the treatment options available for pyrexia?

An accurate diagnosis of pyrexia will help the doctor determine the treatment for a specific type of pyrexia. However, general treatment options include: 

Antipyretic Medications: The doctor's primary approach is to treat fever with antipyretic medications. The patient should consume the prescribed dosage as the physician recommends to avoid harmful recurrences. 

Antiviral Drugs: Antiviral drugs are prescribed if bacterial infections in the bladder or bowel cause a fever. 

Fluid Replacement: Adequate fluid intake, along with prescription medication, is a must in pyrexia to compensate for the increased fluid loss through sweating and evaporation. 

Hospitalization: In some conditions, the fever is associated with a serious illness or complication, and you may require hospitalization. 

What are the first-aid measures for pyrexia?

Here are the first-aid measures that help treat pyrexia: 

  • Drink plenty of fluids. 
  • Give the recommended dose of paracetamol after discussing it with your doctor. 
  • Rub the patient's palms and soles. 
  • Do not give aspirin without the doctor’s recommendation. 

Information Alert: Doctors must properly examine infants less than six months of age for associated symptoms such as stiff neck, difficulty breathing, rashes, and continued crying. 

Foods that are supportive of recovery

Several nutrient-rich foods play a big role in recovering from pyrexia. Some helpful options include: 

  • Yogurt: It contains prebiotics and supports gut health. 
  • Green Leafy Vegetables: Leafy greens like spinach are rich in vitamins and minerals. Eating green vegetables provides essential nutrients during recovery from fever and thus promotes overall health.
  • Juicy Fruits: Hydrating fruits such as watermelon, oranges, berries, and grapes aid in hydration and are rich sources of vitamins and minerals. 
  • Ginger tea contains anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial for providing comfort during pyrexia. 
  • Nutrient-rich soups: They are easily digestible and calm the sore throat. 
  • Oatmeal and rice: These are easily digestible foods that give the patient energy. 

Hence, prescription medicine and a healthy diet will help recover from pyrexia. 

Key Measures to Prevent Pyrexia 

Here are some key measures to prevent pyrexia: 

  • Wash your hands properly. 
  • Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. 
  • Use hand sanitizers when there is no access to water. 
  • Wear a mask when traveling by public transport. 
  • Avoid sharing plates, glasses, or cups with others.

Takeaway: Understanding pyrexia is important for maintaining good health. In this blog, we have explored the causes, symptoms, and preventive measures of this common condition. Remember, some fevers can be resolved on their own, and some cases require the utmost medical attention. 

Redcliffe Labs is India's digitally leading diagnostic network, providing reliable blood testing and health check-up services. Your health is their priority, and they take charge of your well-being completely. 

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