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6 Foods To Avoid In Dengue For a Speedy Recovery


6 Foods To Avoid In Dengue For a Speedy Recovery


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Sheena Mehta
on Jun 14, 2024

Last Edit Made By Sheena Mehta
on Jun 17, 2024

6 Foods To Avoid In Dengue For a Speedy Recovery

The arrival of the monsoons also underlines the massive global health challenge of dengue fever. It is a mosquito-borne viral infection caused by the virus (DENV). It is injected into the human body through the bite of infected mosquitoes.

Let’s Ask! 

  • Have you ever diagnosed yourself with dengue fever and worried about what not to eat?
  • Did you know that people who have been infected with the dengue virus twice are at a higher risk of developing a severe disease? 
  • Are you aware that the symptoms of these mosquito-borne diseases are unknown to many? 

Dengue is hard to treat. Once bitten by the fatal Aedes mosquito, you will likely suffer from high fever, rashes, joint and muscle pain, and headaches. Regretfully, if the symptoms continue for three or more days, the patient's condition worsens. 

As such, there is no specific treatment for dengue fever, but eating nutritious food loaded with essential vitamins and minerals ensures a speedy recovery. Your body needs time and patience to regain its strength. Some foodstuffs or eatables aid the process of recovery, and some need to be avoided as they may worsen the situation. 

Rest your worries, as today’s blog will shed light on foods to avoid during dengue fever and diet tips to influence your recovery process from dengue. Let’s know about them in detail: 

Also read: https://redcliffelabs.com/myhealth/health/dengue-fever-and-its-symptoms/

Foods to Avoid in Dengue

The path to recovery after a dengue attack won’t be easy. As such, there are no specific dietary instructions; you can adhere to certain foods that are less oily, spicy, and easy to digest. 

Here is a list of food items that you should avoid if you are suffering from dengue: 

  • Non-Vegetarian Food

Consuming non-vegetarian food is a no-no during dengue fever. This is because these foods contain unhealthy oils, fats, and non-essential nutrients. Besides, dengue patients’ bodies become weaker, and their digestive systems slow down, making it difficult for them to digest non-vegetarian foods. Dieticians also say that many of them will suffer from hepatitis or indigestion. So, it is better to avoid them. 

  • Spicy Food 

The dengue patient’s resistance is reduced. Eating hot, spicy foods prepared from jalapeno, red chili flakes, or tabasco will completely drain their energy and make them tired. It will also aggravate the disease and significantly impact the dengue recovery process. 

  • Caffeinated Drinks

Do you know caffeinated beverages such as coffee can cause rapid heart rate, fatigue, and muscle breakdown? Your body requires a lot of water when suffering from dengue. Energy drinks, such as coffee, tea, etc. that contain coffee should be avoided as they can cause dehydration. 

Coffee is a diuretic, and it can increase stomach acidity by triggering the production of more gastric acid. 

  • Fried Foods

Staying hydrated is vital to prevent dehydration, mainly if you have diarrhea or vomiting. Electrolyte drinks, such as water, coconut water, and herbal tea, are very helpful in correcting fluid imbalances. Also, it is highly recommended to eat iron-rich foods instead of fried foods, which may lead to high blood pressure. Thus, a stronger immune system leads to better recovery. 

Also read: https://redcliffelabs.com/myhealth/health/guarding-your-health-exploring-the-need-for-an-immunity-test/ 

  • Some Fruits

One must know that dengue can be debilitating if not taken seriously. Hence, keeping a mindful diet and consuming fruits is critical to help a dengue patient recover faster from the ailment and support overall health. Some fruits, like raspberries, guavas, raisins, dried cranberries, strawberries, blueberries, plums, etc., must be excluded from the diet. 

  • Red and brown-colored foods

It is better if a dengue patient avoids dark-colored foods, especially red, brown, or black foods. He is prone to bleeding and must prevent it. If a dengue patient vomits, the doctor can identify if the patient’s stomach is bleeding. The intake of these foods can confuse the blood with the color of the food. 

Dietary Guidelines

  • No specific diet can cure dengue fever, as low platelet counts, severe weakness, and dehydration are all possible outcomes of this mosquito-borne disease. A dengue patient must follow a diet regimen and a healthy lifestyle to avert that and enjoy a fast recovery. 
  • A dengue patient must not include foods that contain high amounts of salicylates when recovering from a dengue fever infection. Salicylates are natural chemicals plants produce that protect them against disease and insects. 
  • Avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin, as they can increase the risk of bleeding.
  • Hospital admission is only needed if a dengue patient develops warning signs of more severe dengue. 

Take Away! 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), dengue fever is the most prevalent viral infection caused by the bites of infected female Aedes species mosquitoes. Once injected, the droplets will come down and damage blood vessels. A well-planned diet is highly recommended. Good hydration, eating small meals, and nutrient-dense foods to supplement vitamin C-enriched fruits are all digestible and great immunity boosters, resulting in quick recovery.

Also Read - Blood Test For Dengue - Everything You Need To Know


  • The information mentioned above is for informational purposes only. 
  • We do not intend to substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment by providing this information blog. 
  • If you have any questions or concerns, you should consult with a qualified and experienced healthcare professional and get a befitting reply. 

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