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12 Common Types of Fevers- Symptoms & Precautions


12 Common Types of Fevers- Symptoms & Precautions


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Ragiinii Sharma

Written By Muskan Taneja
on Jul 3, 2024

Last Edit Made By Muskan Taneja
on Jul 3, 2024

12 Common Types of Fever

The weather is changing. A couple of weeks ago, we were experiencing heat waves, and now comes monsoon. This changing season has several infections, diseases, and fevers. Fever is the most common problem that prevails right now. We must keep ourselves fit and healthy through a healthy diet and exercise. In this way, we can prevent fever, infection, and flu. Join us as we learn about twelve common types of fevers, their symptoms, and precautions. 

What Is Fever?

Fever is a physiological problem. When the body temperature rises above the normal range, accompanied by the underlying condition, we experience fever. However, the simplest way to detect fever is when our body’s normal range rises from 98 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Our immune system is trying to fight the illness by making a fever. It gets cured within a week on its own. But, if symptoms of fever appear for over 10 days, then you should consult a doctor. 

Also read: https://redcliffelabs.com/myhealth/fever/viral-fever-symptoms-causes-prevention-everything-you-need-to-know/ 

12 Common Types of Fevers 

We often consider fever as one. But, it is not. Twelve fevers prevail in the society. Each fever has different symptoms, characteristics, and causes. Here are the twelve types of fever: 

Acute Fever

Acute fever is a sudden rise in body temperature for a short-term period. Usually, the temperature is greater than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit. It is often a response to an underlying medical condition or infection. Acute fever can last from three days to a week. This fever is a sign that body our body is fighting an infection. Our body can experience acute fever as flu, pneumonia, or a cold. If the symptoms prevail longer, get yourself a viral markers rapid test

Subacute Fever 

Subacute fever lasts longer than an acute fever. The common symptom of subacute fever is that the temperature increases gradually in the body. The fever can last for a month. People often refer to it as low-grade fever because it persists and causes a slight elevation in body temperature. We can also find subacute fever in autoimmune diseases and some types of cancer. Don’t let the symptoms grow to a severe case. Seek medical attention to get yourself cured. 

Recurrent Fever 

Recurrent fever occurs at a regular interval or follows a specific pattern. It follows a repeated episode, as this fever comes and goes. The fever can last to several weeks. Some of the major symptoms of recurrent fever are infection, autoimmune diseases, and certain cancers that can also cause recurrent cancer. Other examples of recurrent fever are tuberculosis, Lyme disease, periodic fever, PFAPA syndrome, and aphthous stomatitis. It is essential to consult a doctor and get yourself tested before the fever grows severely. A laboratory test may be necessary to determine the cause of recurrent fever. Redcliffe Labs can assist you in getting tested. 

Chronic Fever

Chronic fever lasts for more than three weeks. It is a persistent elevation in body temperature. Maybe it can be a sign of tuberculosis, AIDS, autoimmune diseases, or cancer. Through a medical evolution, you can determine the condition. To prevent further spread of chronic fever, it is important to address the symptoms. 

Intermittent Fever 

Intermitted fever is determined by periods of normal body temperature alternating with episodes of fever lasting for several days or weeks. Common symptoms of intermitted fever are rickettsia infections, malaria, cancer, and autoimmune diseases. Seek professional healthcare guidance to cure it. 

Remittent Fever 

Remittent fever occurs when fluctuations in body temperature happen on alternate periods of elevation and normal levels. The temperature can change in a day or a few days. It takes time for the temperature to return to its normal level. The pattern in remittent fever changes from different types of fevers. Remittent fever is visible in infections, including bacteria, parasitic infections, and autoimmune diseases, and some cancers. Proper treatment and diagnosis can help prevent the treatment of underlying problems and complications. 


It is a medical term used to describe high fever. When the body temperature is higher than 106 degrees Fahrenheit, the body experiences hyperpyrexia. It is dangerous, as it can lead to dehydration and organ damage. Hyperpyrexia signifies a serious underlying medical condition, such as infection or heat stroke.

Low-Grade Fever

Low-grade fever often refers to an increase in body temperature. The temperature in this fever is 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit to 102 degrees Fahrenheit. The common symptom of low-grade fever is flu or cold. Other symptoms of low-grade fever include headache, muscle aches, weakness, and fatigue. Low-grade fever lasts for a few days to a week. This fever indicates a serious underlying health condition that makes it crucial to seek medical attention. 

Relapsing Fever 

Relapsing fever lasts for several days. This condition earns the term "relapsing fever" because it reappears at intervals. The fever spreads through the bite of infected ticks or lice a certain type of species–borrelia bacteria. Relapsing fever symptoms are headache, muscle aches, and a rash. Having an early diagnosis and antibody treatment can help prevent potential complications. 

Septic Fever 

Sepsis is the other name of septic fever. It is a bacterial infection that can cause high fever. Also, a widespread inflammatory response in the body. The common symptoms of septic fever are high fever, chills, low blood pressure, confusion, rapid heartbeat, panic attacks, and tension. Septic fever can be life-threatening. To keep yourself safe, take precautions through supportive care and antibody treatment with our fever package essential. 

Drug-Induced Fever 

Drug-induced fever appears because of the side effects of some medicines, including antibiotics, pain medicines, and cancer treatment medicines. The symptoms of drug-induced fever are headaches, chills, an increase in body temperature, muscle aches, stomachaches, and chills. To cure it, ask your doctor about the medicines that are causing drug-induced fever and stop taking them. Also, look for supportive care to manage symptoms. 

Idiopathic Fever 

The term idiopathic refers to a fever of unknown origin. Fever with no accurate medical condition to explain the cause. After a thorough evaluation, certain lab tests and studies coined the term idiopathic. Experts are still researching about the idiopathic fever. The fever revolves and cures on its own. It lasts for a few days to a week. Although, the fever requires a thorough study to rule out any health issues. The best way to cure it is to consult a medical professional. The treatment may vary depending on the cause and treatment. Consult a medical professional to seek early treatment. 

Common Symptoms of Fever 

Fever is not a disease. In simple words, it is a sign of an illness or infection in our body. The following are the common symptoms or signs of fever: 

  • One of the common symptoms of fever is ‘chills’. If you experience sweat or feel cold while shivering, you may be experiencing a fever. 
  • Headaches often lead to fever. 
  • If you are experiencing sporadic pain or body aches, maybe it is a sign of fever. 
  • Weakness or fatigue is one of the common symptoms that occur in every disease. It is a common sign of fever too.
  • Loss of appetite is another common factor of fever. If you are experiencing one, then consult your doctor and take the necessary precautions. 
  • Feeling restlessness or struggling to rest and relax, may maybe a sign of fever. 
  • The rash is simply a sign of red bumps on the skin. If you have a rash, then maybe you have a fever. 

Precautions Of Fever 

Some of the common yet easy-to-follow precautions are: 

  • Wash your hands properly. 
  • Avoid contact with a sick person. 
  • Cover your nose and mouth in a dust or mosquito-prone area. 
  • Have a healthy diet. 
  • Get an appropriate vaccine, to have early precautions. 
  • Prevent mosquito bites. 
  • Dress in light clothing. 
  • Keep yourself hydrated. 

The Bottom Line 

Fever depicts that something is wrong in our body. Every fever reflects a different sign of infection. Knowing which type of fever it is helps in early detection and cure. If you are experiencing any of the above-listed symptoms, then consult the doctor to receive proper treatment. Moreover, to prevent fever, follow the precautions listed above. 

If you have signs, and symptoms of fever, then get yourself tested by Redcliffe Labs. Our fever package test provides your health reports that too in 15 hours. We will provide you the accurate reports that too in an estimated timeframe. 

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