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Walnuts or Almonds: Which is Healthier of the Two?

Dry Fruit

Walnuts or Almonds: Which is Healthier of the Two?


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Ragiinii Sharma

Written By Kirti Saxena
on Aug 18, 2024

Last Edit Made By Kirti Saxena
on Aug 18, 2024

Walnuts and Almonds

Both walnuts and almonds are healthier choices and contain important nutrients. One option might be good for weight loss and blood sugar control, while the other can boost brain functioning.

But which one is more healthier? Confused?

Let's find out! Here in this blog, let's find out which option is healthier, their nutritional profiles, health benefits, and probable drawbacks so that you can make a mindful choice next time.

Nutritional Value: Walnuts vs. Almonds

First, let's compare the nutritional content of walnuts and almonds. The nutritional value of walnuts and almonds in 1 ounce is- 

NutrientWalnuts Almonds 
Vitamin E0.9mg7.7mg
Omega-3 fatty acids2.5g0.2g

Amazing Health Benefits of Walnuts You Should Know.

Let's find out which is a healthier option for you-

Good for your Heart Health

What do you do to take care of your heart health? Exercise, healthy eating and so on. 

But did you know that walnuts and almonds have significant heart health benefits if consumed in the right portion and regularly?


Walnuts are rich in polyunsaturated fats, like omega-3 fatty acids, which are known for their heart-protective properties. Omega-3 fatty acids help to reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, and improve cholesterol levels by increasing HDL (good) cholesterol and lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is an omega-3 fatty acid found in plants, making walnuts a unique nut essential in maintaining cardiovascular health.


Almonds, however, are abundant in monounsaturated fats, which are also beneficial for heart health. These fats help lower your risk of heart disease by lowering LDL cholesterol levels. In addition, almonds are a good source of vitamin E, an antioxidant that further protects the heart by preventing oxidative damage to cells.

Who wins? Both nuts are excellent for heart health, but walnuts contain high omega-3 content.

Also read: Benefits Of Eating Soaked Almonds

Weight Management: Which Nut Helps You Stay Slim?

Love snacking? Why not try walnuts and almonds in your snacks? You can roast or soak them. 

Experts recommend nuts as a healthy snack, but which is better for weight management?


Almonds are low in calories as compared to walnuts and have fibre content. The almond fibre keeps you full longer and helps manage weight by reducing overall calorie intake. Additionally, the protein content in almonds is higher, which is also good for satiety and supports muscle maintenance during weight loss.


Walnuts have a slightly higher calorie and fat content, but their fat type is healthy. Consuming walnuts in moderation can support weight loss. In addition, the omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts can support reducing fat accumulation, especially in the abdominal area. 

Who wins? Almonds are good for weight management due to their lower calorie and higher fibre content, but both nuts can be part of a healthy weight-loss diet.

Brain Health: The Power of Nutrients

People often say to eat almonds to sharpen and boost your brain functioning. But is it true that almonds are good for brain health?


Of course, Yes! Almonds are rich in vitamin E content. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that helps to 

protect brain cells from damage caused by free radicals. Many studies suggest that vitamin E can help improve cognitive function and lower your risk of cognitive decline as you age.


Walnuts are also known as "brain food" because of their high concentration of DHA, a type of omega-3 fatty acid good for brain health. DHA supports cognitive function, improves memory, and may decrease the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's. The antioxidants in walnuts, including vitamin E, melatonin, and polyphenols, also help protect the brain from oxidative stress.

Who wins? Walnuts are beneficial for brain health due to their DHA content, but almonds are also a valuable addition to a brain-healthy diet.

Bone Health: Strengthening Your Skeletal System

Do you often feel pain in your joints? Why not try healthy nuts in your diet? 

People often overlook their bone health, but consuming these nuts can provide essential nutrients that support strong bones.


Almonds are rich in vital minerals such as calcium and magnesium, which help maintain bone density and strength. Calcium is the primary mineral in bones, and magnesium helps control calcium levels in the body. This makes almonds an excellent choice for those looking to support their bone health.


Walnuts contain a moderate amount of magnesium and small amounts of calcium. They also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help improve bone health, reduce inflammation, and promote calcium absorption.

Who wins? Almonds are better for bone health due to their higher calcium and magnesium content.

Also read: 10 Amazing Benefits of Almonds, Their Nutrition Value, And Health Benefits.

Potential Drawbacks: Allergies and Digestive Issues

There is no doubt that nuts are healthy, but some people might be allergic to these nuts. Therefore, before adding it to your diet, consult your healthcare professional. Here are some potential drawbacks of eating 

almonds and walnuts- 

  • Allergies- Nut allergies are common, and both walnuts and almonds can trigger allergic reactions in some people. Symptoms can range from mild (itching, hives) to severe (anaphylaxis), so it's important to consult your healthcare professional before adding them to your diet.
  • Digestive Issues—Some people might benefit from eating nuts, while others might experience discomfort like bloating and gas if they consume large quantities.

Walnuts and Almonds: How much should you eat

According to experts, you should consume about 1 ounce (28 grams) of nuts daily. This is equivalent to a small handful. 

  • Walnuts: One ounce (28 grams) of walnuts is approx—1/4 cup.
  • Almonds: One ounce (28 grams) of almonds is about 23 whole almonds.

How to eat Walnuts and Almonds?

Both walnuts and almonds are good options you can enjoy in various ways. Here are some ideas:

  • Enjoy raw or roasted nuts as healthy snack options
  • You can mix multiple nuts or Trail Mix and enjoy it anytime.
  • Nut butter is best enjoyed at breakfast. 
  • Add a handful of nuts to your oats, smoothies, or shakes, or eat soaked almonds and walnuts.

Note: While nuts are undeniably nutritious, moderation is key. They are high in calories, so enjoy them in moderate portions as part of your balanced diet.

Conclusion: Which Nut Should You Choose?

Now, you know which is healthier for you. Both nuts have unique qualities. So, it depends on what you want to eat and what benefits you want to reap from consuming these nuts. 

You can choose if you want to boost your omega-3 intake, support brain health, or improve heart health through polyunsaturated fats. On the other hand, you can choose almonds if you're focused on weight management, improving bone health, or increasing your intake of vitamin E and fibre.

So, the next time you're reaching for a healthy snack, remember that both walnuts and almonds have their place in a nutritious diet. 

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