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Transform Your Health: Control Blood Sugar Levels Naturally in 30 Days


Transform Your Health: Control Blood Sugar Levels Naturally in 30 Days


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Geetanjali Gupta

Written By Muskan Taneja
on Sep 4, 2024

Last Edit Made By Muskan Taneja
on Sep 4, 2024

Transform Your Health: Control Blood Sugar Levels Naturally in 30 Days

India ranks second globally in diabetes. Diabetes occurs when the pancreas loses the ability to produce enough insulin, leading to high blood glucose levels. It can damage the kidneys and heart. The two main types of diabetes are type 1 and type 2. Nowadays, it affects people under 25. Nevertheless, you can naturally reverse diabetes in 30 days. 

Studies show that reversing diabetes isn’t possible in some people. However, a healthy diet, weight loss, exercise, and proper sleep may reduce blood sugar levels without medication. Diabetes remission is an effective way to control blood sugar levels and reverse diabetes. 

What is Reverse Diabetes?

Diabetes occurs because of high blood sugar levels. The HbA1C test helps diagnose diabetes. Sugar affects hemoglobin directly. The normal range of HbA1C is below 5.7%. A number between 5.7 and 6.4% is prediabetic and ranges above 6.4% indicate diabetes

What is reverse diabetes? When HbA1C levels drop to a normal level by following a healthy-plant-based diet. 

What is diabetes remission? When diabetes levels drop to a normal range without any medication. 


Also, read: https://redcliffelabs.com/myhealth/news/136-million-indians-are-at-high-risk-of-diabetes-heres-how-you-can-prevent-it/ 

Can You Reverse Diabetes Naturally?

The HbA1C range higher or lower than 5.7% represents signs of diabetes prediabetes. Doctors suggest that diabetes can be reversed when HbA1C levels are below 6.5% and continue to be the same for more than three or six months without any medications. Yes, you can naturally reverse diabetes.

Drug therapy and bariatric surgery are some ways people lose weight to cure diabetes. Nonetheless, a healthy diabetes reversal diet is enough. Some people don’t believe in the theory of ‘curing diabetes naturally.’ In that case, doctors must take the necessary measures to treat diabetes. 

5 Tips To Reverse Diabetes Naturally in 30 Days

Research shows a plant-based diet lowers weight, cholesterol, and sugar levels. Certain questions might revolve in your head, like ‘Can I reverse diabetes naturally in 30 days?’, ‘Can diabetes be cured?’ or ‘How to cure diabetes naturally?’ Don’t worry; here are 5 tips to reverse diabetes naturally in 30 days. 

Low-Calorie Diet 

A low-calorie diet helps reduce weight. Many studies highlight that it can aid people with diabetes. People following a diabetes reversal diet for six months have seen results. They lost weight and reduced calorie count and sugar levels. Diet can aid in type 2 diabetes reversal. 

Type 2 diabetes people showed that there are no or fewer chances of diabetes after following a low-calorie diet. So, consult a nutritionist for an effective weight loss plan. 

Also, read: https://redcliffelabs.com/myhealth/food-and-nutrition/how-can-eating-raw-food-reverse-diabetes/ 

Regular Exercise

Exercise is beneficial in itself. Healthcare professionals suggest exercising for at least 30 minutes a day to maintain a stable body weight, reduce weight, and control blood sugar levels. Although it may be tough to lose weight during the reverse diabetes process, regular exercise and a plant-based diet can help. 

One study shows that people who walk 10,000 steps a day and exercise for at least 2 hours a week cut down 500-750 calories a day. Without medication, they reach the normal range of HbA1C. Remember to update and consult your nutritionist in a timely manner during the reverse diabetes process. Exercise is one of the effective ways to reverse diabetes naturally in 30 days. 


Intermittent fasting (IF), a popular fasting method, may reverse diabetes naturally. The diet follows a pattern of 8 hours of eating and 16 hours of fasting. However, it is not a mainstream cure for diabetes. 

A study was conducted among people with diabetes who followed intermittent fasting (IF) for several months. The results showed that they stopped taking any medications and lost weight. 

Mindfulness Activities 

Mindfulness activities such as meditation, yoga, and certain deep breathing exercises provide peace of mind. Diabetes may have a negative effect on the brain. You can add the following activities to reduce stress, motivation, and relaxation. 

  1. Practice yoga to calm your mind. 
  2. Practice exercises to initiate relaxation. 
  3. Practice deep-breathing exercises to reduce heart disease. 
  4. Meditate for a minimum of 10 minutes to reduce stress. 

Also, read: https://redcliffelabs.com/myhealth/diabetes/sugar-consumption-and-diabetes-unraveling-the-sweet-connection/ 

Get Enough Sleep 

Studies show that lack of sleep affects weight, blood pressure, glucose levels, and mental health. Proper sleep of 8 hours helps in the proper functioning of the mind and reduces heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Sleep helps in the effective natural functioning of reverse diabetes in 30 days. You need to get proper sleep to have the energy to exercise or follow a diet the next day. 

Key Takeaways 

You can reverse diabetes naturally in 30 days by following these tips. However, reverse diabetes may not be possible in some people. To get better results, consult a dietician. Remember, while following a natural reverse diabetes, avoid supplements, drugs, homeopathic products, and certain prescribed drugs (medications). To detect your sugar level, take the HbA1C test from Redcliffe Labs. 


Ques1 Can you reverse diabetes in 30 days?

Ans1 No study claims to reverse diabetes. However, by following a plant-based diet, regular exercise, and a healthy lifestyle, you can reduce the stage, suppose from ‘diabetic’ to ‘prediabetic’. 

Ques2 Is Diabetes Reversible in Early Stages?

Ans2 Yes, diabetes is reversible in the early stages, however, there is no cure to it. People can manage diabetes with a healthy diet, exercise, and weight loss. 

Ques3 Can type-2 diabetes be reversed permanently?

Ans3 No, type-2 diabetes can not be reversed permanently. Nonetheless, people can manage it through reversal, remission, early diagnosis, and proper maintenance of glucose levels. 

Ques4 What food can reverse diabetes?

Ans4 Food such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and legumes are some plant-based foods that may help with diabetes. However, diabetes can only be reversed at the early stages but can’t be cured permanently. 

Ques5 Can You Reverse Diabetes in One Month?

Ans5 No, you can’t reverse diabetes in one month. Yet, you can go into remission. 

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