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Is Banana Good for Diabetes? Check the Facts


Is Banana Good for Diabetes? Check the Facts


Medically Reviewed By
Dr Divya Rohra

Written By Sheena Mehta
on Jul 3, 2024

Last Edit Made By Sheena Mehta
on Jul 3, 2024


Bananas, a delicious and nutritious fruit available year-long in India, are cherished by children and adults alike. But when it comes to diabetic people, bananas are a no-go for them, as they believe it causes high blood sugar.

But is it so? Are bananas unsuitable for people with diabetes?

Well, it's more complicated than that. While excessive banana consumption may lead to high blood sugar, this fruit is proven to have several health benefits for diabetics.

So, is a banana good for diabetes?

Yes, it is. Today, we’re going to explore the nutritional value and benefits of bananas for diabetic people in depth. So sit, and read until the end to learn about this topic in detail!

Understanding Diabetes’ Effect on Dietary Choices

Diabetes is an endocrine disorder that occurs when the body either develops insulin resistance (i.e. the body does not react effectively to the insulin hormone) or the pancreas does not produce enough insulin. Insulin is a hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels, and an imbalance or resistance in insulin causes high blood sugar levels. Chronic high blood sugar leads to many health disorders, including heart problems, nerve damage, obesity, vision problems, etc.

Diabetic people need to change their dietary choices and make other lifestyle changes to minimize the risks of this condition. The nutritional changes may include:

Eating less carbs and fats

Diabetic people must be conscious of their carbohydrate and fat intake, as these nutrients must be consumed in restricted amounts and can deteriorate health if consumed in excess. Carbohydrates are broken down into blood glucose, and diabetic people must control their blood glucose levels. Similarly, fats can increase HDL cholesterol, cause heart problems, and cause obesity.

Sticking to low-GI foods

A glycemic index refers to a food’s potential to spike blood sugar levels. Diabetic people need to consume foods with a low GI index to help maintain normal blood sugar levels, which is hard due to insulin resistance and other conditions.

Avoiding simple carbs

Simple carbs like sugar, processed sweets, and carbonated soft drinks are responsible for instant blood sugar spikes and, hence, need to be avoided by diabetic people. They must consume more complex carbs like fruits and vegetables to complete their daily carbs requirements.

Smaller meal portions

Diabetic people need to eat smaller, multiple meals throughout the day instead of large meals three times a day to prevent instant blood sugar spikes and make digestion easier.

ALSO READ: Fruits for Diabetes Patients in India: 10 best low sugar fruits

Nutritional Value of Bananas

Bananas a super nutritious fruits and contain lots of nutrients necessary for daily consumption by the human body. Here are some nutrients that bananas are rich in:

Healthy carbs

Bananas are largely composed of carbohydrates. A medium-sized ripened banana contains around 25 g of carbohydrates in glucose, fructose, sucrose, and starch. Unripened bananas contain up to 80% of starch of their total weight, some resistant starch. This type of carbohydrate is healthy for people with diabetes as it does not spike blood sugar levels.


Bananas contain several dietary fibers and resistant starch, which is not digested and is fermented by microbes in the intestines, promoting good bacteria in the gut. Dietary fibers like pectin also help with easier digestion and improve metabolism.


Bananas are rich in various vitamins, including Vitamin C and B6, which are crucial for the body.

Studies show that taking optimum Vitamin C can help reduce blood sugar levels and enhance insulin sensitivity. 

Vitamin B6 regulates hormone production and release, and research shows a link between low vitamin B6 levels and an increased risk of diabetes.


Bananas contain good amounts of minerals like potassium, iron, magnesium, and manganese, which are essential for various body processes and functions.

Potassium, for instance, helps regulate high blood pressure and helps in better blood circulation.

Magnesium helps in muscle function and controlling blood sugar levels.

Plant compounds

Bananas also contain certain other plant compounds that are beneficial for humans. These compounds include dopamine and catechin. Dopamine is plant-based and not the same as the mood-boosting hormone that the brain produces. Instead, both dopamine and catechin act as antioxidants in the body.

Now, let’s take a closer look at the nutritional value of bananas from the table below:


Nutritional Value(Per 100g)




22.6 g


3.2 g


0.3 g


1.4 g


358 mg

Vitamin C

8.7 mg

Vitamin B6

0.4 mg


27 mg


0.34 mg

ALSO READ: How Can Eating Raw Food Reverse Diabetes?

Health Benefits of Bananas for Diabetic People

Bananas were traditionally thought to be unsuitable for people with diabetes and believed to cause a spike in blood sugar levels. However, it has been proved that moderate consumption of bananas is safe and can have several health benefits for diabetic people. These are some of the health benefits of bananas for diabetic people:

Improves insulin sensitivity

Bananas contain healthy carbohydrates and dietary fibers. Partially or fully unripe bananas contain resistant starch, which does not digest and is fermented by gut bacteria. This starch promotes better gut health, metabolism, and immunity. It is also known to improve insulin sensitivity in people with diabetes.

Regulates blood sugar

The fibers present in bananas, along with the resistant starch, slow down the digestion of carbohydrates, promoting the gradual release of glucose into the blood effectively controlling blood sugar levels. Improved gut health and insulin sensitivity due to resistant starch also help regulate blood glucose.

Enhances heart health

Diabetes is linked with a higher threat of heart-related diseases, and diabetic people are also prone to high blood pressure and cholesterol. Minerals found in bananas, like potassium and magnesium, may lead to better heart health and reduced risks of heart disease. Both these nutrients promote healthy heart function and regulate blood pressure.

Better gut health

Bananas improve digestion and promote better gut health. The fibers in bananas improve digestion, while the resistant starch is non-digestible and gets fermented in the intestines by gut bacteria, promoting their formation and enhancing gut health.

Portion control

This carbohydrate-packed food is a good option if you want to stay full for longer hours. It provides enough energy and is low in calories, making it perfect for diabetics who need to control their meal portions.

EXPLORE: Blood Sugar Tests: List of Blood tests that help identify diabetes

How Do Bananas Affect Your Blood Sugar?

Diabetic people need to stay aware of their diet and sugar consumption. Eating or drinking things high in simple carbs can instantly spike blood sugar levels, raising health complications.

Bananas are also largely carbohydrates. A medium-sized banana may contain around 26 g of carbohydrates, 15 g of which are sugar in the form of sucrose, fructose, and glucose.

They also contain fibers that may help regulate the digestion and release of these sugars into the bloodstream.

However, an excess consumption of bananas can lead to spiked blood sugar levels and other health problems. 

Tips for Including Bananas in Diabetic Diet

Here are a few tips for including bananas in your diabetic diet:

Choose unripe bananas

Diabetic people can opt for slightly unripe bananas as they contain less sugar and more resistant starch, which is beneficial for their digestive health, helps regulate blood sugar, and enhances insulin sensitivity.

Eat in moderation

Although bananas benefit diabetes, excessive consumption can lead to high blood sugar levels. Therefore, you should eat 1-2 bananas daily and keep your carbohydrate intake balanced.

Pair it with protein. 

Pair a banana with some proteins to slow digestion, allowing blood sugar to increase gradually. Make a protein shake using almond milk, berries, and bananas to make it protein-rich and healthier.

Who Should Avoid Eating Bananas?

Although bananas are deemed completely safe for consumption by people with diabetes, moderation is the key. Some people with other health conditions may also find this fruit unsuitable for consumption. Here are some reasons to avoid eating bananas:

  • Suppose you are taking medication for high blood pressure. Bananas are rich in potassium, which is also known to regulate blood pressure, and may interfere with medicines.
  • People with chronic kidney disease must also avoid bananas and other potassium-rich foods.

If you have any of the above-listed conditions and diabetes, you should consult a doctor before including bananas in your diet.

The Bottom Line

Diabetes is a condition characterized by insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels. Hence, it requires many dietary and lifestyle changes to minimize health complications. Eating complex carbohydrates with optimum protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals can help improve the condition. 

Bananas are also a good choice for diabetics as they have several benefits, such as regulating blood sugar levels, improving insulin sensitivity, and promoting better gut health.

Along with diet, health checkups are also crucial to keeping your blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity updated. 

If you haven’t had your blood sugar tests in a while, you should Book a Diabetes Profile- Comprehensive with Free HsCRP test at Redcliffe Labs-” Healthy India ki Trusted Lab” today! We provide an on-time guarantee and 100% report correctness and are trusted by millions of Indians.


Q- Do bananas raise blood sugar?

Yes. Bananas do raise blood sugar as they contain carbohydrates. However, moderate consumption does not cause a high spike in blood sugar levels, owing to its low GI index.

Q- How many bananas can a diabetic person eat in a day?

Diabetic people can safely consume 1-2 bananas daily without worrying about high blood sugar. However, if they have already eaten any simple carbs, they should avoid bananas for some time.

Q- Are bananas safe for people with diabetes?

Yes. Moderate consumption of bananas is safe and beneficial for diabetic people and can improve digestion, too.

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