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How to Control Increasing Blood Sugar Levels in Winters?


How to Control Increasing Blood Sugar Levels in Winters?


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Ragiinii Sharma

Written By Kirti Saxena
on Nov 21, 2023

Last Edit Made By Kirti Saxena
on Mar 17, 2024


We all are excited for winter as it brings many festivals, and the festive season is all about sweets and good food. With a lot of fun, the cold month also brings health issues, like colds, coughs, flu, digestive problems, heart diseases, and more. Studies have shown that as compared to summers, more diabetic patients are found in winter. But do you know the reason why? As the temperature decreases, blood sugar levels increase. Winter can impact blood sugar levels, but you must be extra attentive during the season to maintain your sugar levels. Taking the Hb1Ac test regularly can help you know your blood sugar levels. You can easily manage your spiked blood sugar levels with the right advice, regular health checkups, and precautions. Here in this blog, we will understand how cold weather affects blood sugar levels and how to prevent it. 

Reasons for High Blood Sugar Levels in  Winters

Various factors can affect your blood sugar levels, including.

  • Reduced Physical Activity- Cold weather limits outdoor activities, reducing physical exercise. Lack of movement can cause insulin resistance and raise blood sugar levels.
  • Eating Habits- The season brings many festivities and holiday gatherings indirectly related to unhealthy eating habits. Eating outside foods and sugar snacks can impact your blood sugar levels.
  • Weight changes-  During winter, the body requires more fat to stay warm. Still, due to a sedentary lifestyle, people often gain weight quickly, contributing to insulin resistance and higher blood sugar levels.
  • Vitamin D Deficiency- Studies show that vitamin D is essential for insulin sensitivity, and its deficiency may contribute to high blood sugar levels. However, due to limited exposure to sunlight during winter, the vitamin levels decrease er vitamin D levels. 
  • Risk of Disease- The risk of cold and flu increases in winter. Influenza (flu) rises from October and peaks between December and February. The illness and infections may cause stress, in response to which the body releases the cortisol hormone to boost energy levels. This hormone can impact the production of insulin and raise blood sugar levels.
  • Dehydration- During the cold weather, the thirst sensation decreases, so we often forget and drink less water. This may cause dehydration, which can result in higher blood sugar levels.

To mitigate these risk factors, follow a healthy lifestyle and habits. Stay consistent with an active lifestyle, be mindful of what you eat, stay hydrated, and take regular Hb1Ac and blood sugar level tests.

Signs of High Blood Sugar Levels in Winter

Here are some common signs that indicate abnormal blood sugar levels.

  • Cold sweats or shivering
  • Frequent Urination
  • Slow healing of wounds
  • Weight changes
  • Increased Hunger
  • Frequent infections
  • Fatigue and Weakness
  • Trembling or Shaking
  • Increased Heart Rate
  • Blurred vision

If you are experiencing these symptoms, it's time to check your blood sugar levels. Take an hb1Ac blood test to know your status and consult with your doctor to manage these symptoms. 

How to Control Your Sugar Levels in Cold Weather?

Here are some tips adding to your daily routine during winter can help you manage your blood glucose levels. Let's see in detail- 

Stay Hydrated

The high temperature often leads to dehydration. It is a common issue for everyone in winter, but it has a negative effect on diabetic patients. Try to set a goal of drinking enough water, 7-8 glasses daily (you can drink lukewarm water). Fenugreek is a famous Indian cuisine which has significant advantages in diabetes. In the early morning, on an empty stomach, consume Fenugreek water (use overnight soaked 2 tablespoons of the seeds). Avoid drinking excessive tea and coffee. Alternatively, herbal tea and kadhas can stabilize the body's electrolyte needs. 

Check your skin and feet.

Dryness in the winter is common and may cause your skin to lose moisture and crack, especially your feet. Cracked feet and skin may cause infections and wounds. This is why keeping your feet moisturized is necessary.  Wear the appropriate footwear to protect your feet from cuts, sores, and dryness. If you notice any injuries, immediately contact your doctor and get the necessary treatment. 

Choose healthy foods

The winter brings lots of tasty food options. People often start uncontrollable eating and avoid healthy eating.  What you eat directly impacts your blood glucose levels; therefore, be mindful of what you eat by avoiding junk, processed, and sugary foods. If you crave anything, prepare it at home in a healthy style. Eat green vegetables, fruits, vegetables and nuts. One popular diabetic-friendly food is amla, which is rich in vitamin C and helps to control blood sugar levels. 

Boost Immunity

Boost your immunity to prevent yourself from flu, cold, cough, joint pain, etc. These common health issues can complicate diabetic problems in winter. Therefore keeping your body's defense system strong. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and take essential vitamins and minerals to boost immunity.  

Add outdoor and indoor activities.

Keep yourself warm by exercising. An active lifestyle helps to manage blood sugar levels. While outdoor activities might be challenging, you can have short daily work, indoor workouts like yoga, and simple stretching exercises. Aim to exercise daily for at least 30-40 minutes.

Take Vitamin D

Winter reduces the exposure to sunlight, which may affect your blood sugar levels. Try to spend some time in the sunlight by planning some outdoor activities. You can also take some vitamin D supplements to improve your health. 

Don't Skip your Medicines

Medicines play an important role in managing diabetes. Therefore, you must take your medications and insulin doses. 

Regular health checkups

Take your health checkups during the winter season. Take blood sugar level tests more frequently to adjust your insulin and diet if necessary. You can book your Hb1Ac health checkup right from your home. Choose Redcliffe Labs as your diagnostic partner. If you observe any blood glucose readings fluctuations, consult your doctor for the proper guidance. 


 By adopting a proactive approach, individuals with diabetes can enjoy the winter season while safeguarding their health and maintaining optimal blood sugar control. To enjoy winter, it is essential to manage your blood sugar levels. By following the above tips, you can easily manage your diabetes. Take extra precautions regarding temperature variations or seasonal changes. Don't forget to take necessary blood sugar level tests like Hb1Ac. Your health is a priority every season, and with diligence and support, you can conquer the winter challenges and maintain your blood sugar levels.

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  • Kishan

    Nov 23, 2023 at 7:42 AM.

    my mother has hba1c levels of 11 for the last 5 years. She is on insulin. Is there possibility of remission?

    • Myhealth Team

      Nov 23, 2023 at 12:57 PM.

      HbA1c of 11 for 5 years signals poorly controlled diabetes. Consult her doctor for personalized advice on treatment and lifestyle changes.

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