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How To Increase Hair Density?


How To Increase Hair Density?


Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Ragiinii Sharma

Written By Muskan Taneja
on Jul 16, 2024

Last Edit Made By Muskan Taneja
on Aug 28, 2024

Man checking his hair

Seasonal changes can affect our hair! 

We are all aware that the monsoon brings many diseases and infections, which can deteriorate our health and our hair. 

Everybody’s hair differs in color, texture, density, and volume. Moreover, factors such as hormones, genes, diet, and hair care manage hair growth and density. 

However, there are ways to increase hair density. Learn what to do and how to do it. 

What is Hair Density?

Hair density is the number of hair strands per square inch on the scalp. 

Hair density can be low, medium, or high, depending on various factors. Low density means a few hair strands and high density means more strands. Density classifies hair thickness. 

Losing 50-100 strands of hair daily is considered normal, but experiencing more hair loss may indicate the need for treatment. Delaying hair loss treatment can lead to low hair density.

*Do you know you can increase hair density naturally at home? How? Continue reading to learn.

Understanding your hair density at home is easy. Learn how to determine hair density. 

How To Know Hair Density At Home?

Hair density completely differs from one person to another. As we labeled, there are various factors; age is an important factor. Our hair grows as we grow. A study (20-70 age group) observed that hair density varied by age. Here is a hair density chart. 

Age Factor 

Hair Density 











Typically, the correct way to determine hair density is trichoscopy (a lab technique), but not everyone can perform this. The easiest way to assess hair density at home is a ponytail test. We measure hair density by calculating the circumference of the hair. Know the hair density- 

Circumference in ponytail

Hair density 

Less than 2 inches 


2-3 inches


4 inches 


*If the results indicate low or medium hair density, consult a dermatologist and get yourself treated.*

10 Causes of Low Hair Density

It’s not just diet and hair care routine that affects our hair. Maybe you are experiencing these symptoms but ignoring them. Here are ten causes of low hair density. 

  1. Genes or hormonal fluctuations
  2. Irregular diet
  3. Stress and anxiety 
  4. Sleep Cycle 
  5. Applying excess heat-styling products
  6. Pregnancy or menopause
  7. Seasonal change
  8. Coloring 
  9. Severe long-term illness
  10. Hot shower. 

Causes of low hair density

10 Tips To Increase Hair Density

A dermatologist can help you identify the actual cause of low hair density. See medical consultation if the reports indicate medical reasons such as hereditary or genes. But, if not, then it is possible to restore hair density. Follow these ten tips to learn how to increase your hair density: 

  • Healthy Diet

Diet regulates our body. Wrong food can lead to disease, weight gain & hair loss. Our hair needs nutrition. Add vitamins, minerals, and supplements to your diet. A good, well-balanced diet (vitamins, minerals, protein, carbs, fats, and fiber) makes up for any deficiency in the body. Avocado is rich in vitamin E and contains healthy fats. It can boost hair growth. Add avocado to your diet to increase hair density. 

  • Right Hair Supplements

Diet does provide nutrients, but the right supplements can complete our hair nutrition needs. Supplements such as vitamin E capsules, omega-3 fatty acids, grape seed, biotin, and vitamins A, B, and C can boost our hair density and volume. 

  • Right Shampoo and Conditioner

Not every shampoo or conditioner suits our hair. Hair reacts differently to different products. Don’t trust every brand. Consult a dermatologist to find the best shampoo and conditioner. 

  • Nutrition 

Nutrition through food and supplements helps increase hair density. Incorporate nutrients such as zinc, vitamin A, egg, whole grain, sweet potatoes, spinach, avocado, oily or fatty fish, nuts, berries, and more into your diet. 

  • Be stressfree

Stress results in severe hair loss and is a major cause of low hair density. Our lifestyle is full of tension and stress. Work on managing it through yoga, meditation, deep breathing, and exercise. These practices can rectify your lifestyle pattern and maintain your hair density. 

  • Scalp massage

Scalp massage increases blood circulation on the scalp, improves hair thickness, and removes toxic substances. It also relaxes the scalp, resulting in less stress and hair loss. Scalp massage keeps hair roots strong and hair density high. 

  • Oiling 

Oil is a well-known product. People have applied oil for generations to eliminate dryness or frizz. Oil massage strengthens hair. Oils like peppermint oil, castor oil, coconut oil, almond oil, onion oil, and rosemary oil are beneficial for hair. Oil reduces hair loss and increases hair density.

  • Follow the Hair Care Routine. 

Hair care includes oiling, shampooing, and conditioning. Several hair care products are available in the market. Consult a dermatologist to find the right product. Moreover, excess heat (hair-styling products), smoothing, Botox, hair spa, coloring, and straightening should be avoided to prevent hair damage. 

  • Modify your lifestyle 

Bring changes in your lifestyle by following a healthy diet, exercising (at least 30 mins a day), sleeping for 7-8 hours, having a relaxed and stress-free mind, and avoiding harmful substances (alcohol & smoking) to improve overall body health. Also, it improves hair density and reduces hair fall.

  • Seek Professional Advice 

If you see more than 50-100 hair strands falling, seek medical help. A dermatologist can provide the right hair treatment. They can also provide the root cause of low hair density. Moreover, they can also give the right advice, medication, and treatment for your hair. 

Ways to increase hair density

Also, read https://redcliffelabs.com/myhealth/vitamin/which-vitamin-is-good-for-hair/ 

12 Home Remedies To Increase Hair Density 

Along with professional treatment (medical treatment), home treatments can help thicken hair and maintain hair density. Every home remedy is rich in nutrients, but these twelve provide immense strength and immunity to hair. 

  1. Eggs 
  2. Olive oil 
  3. Salmon 
  4. Greek yogurt 
  5. Beans 
  6. Orange puree
  7. Avocado 
  8. Alovera gel 
  9. Castor Oil 
  10. Coconut oil 
  11. Rosemary oil
  12. Nuts & seeds

Key Takeaways 

Our lifestyle controls our health, whether body or hair. 

Several aspects of our lives contribute to low hair density. To maintain it, reduce excess fat and add nutrients to your hair through food or supplements. Also, a better and healthier lifestyle can promote better and healthier hair. 

Even after following the steps mentioned above, if you see low hair density and huge hair loss, consulting a dermatologist can help. So, it's better to take precautions than see repercussions.

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